Local Government TV

Friday, July 24, 2020

Can I Do a 70-Mile Bike Ride?

That's my goal today. I'll be getting up early and starting at the Delaware and Lehigh Trail in Cementon (MM 83). From there, it's north to Slatington, Lehighton, Jim Thorpe and MM 118 in the Lehigh Gorge State Park. I know the grade becomes noticeable past Jim Thorpe so I will try to minimize stops until I'm on the return trip. I will check in on the blog from time to time and try to update you in comments, but cell reception past Jim Thorpe is spotty. Barring a flat or getting eaten by a bear or another blogger, my goal is to get 70 miles in today.

I'm doing this ride on what I call my main bike, a Jamis Tangier, for which I just got a new wheel. It's heavier than my Bianchi, with fenders, kevlar tires, lights, two water bottle mounts and room in the back to store even more. But for some strange reason, it's faster, probably because I souped up the derailleurs and crankset.

If you never hear from me again, you'll know I failed. If I make it, I'll be bragging on Monday.


  1. I accidentally deleted a few overnight comments that I intended to publish. The best was from some bastard rooting for the Bears.

  2. Good luck Bernie go get em!

    You're right ,the slope north of Jim Thorpe sucks, but the good news it's downhill on the return.

    The Banker

  3. First nine miles in. Picked up egg and cheese sandwich at Diggity Dogs. Will eat when I have 20 in.

  4. you are never going to make it at this rate, unless you are camping at the 35 mile marker

  5. Would make us are happy if you can complete the trip with many of us even happier if you don't make it. Another win-win for the Bern!

  6. U got this Bern!

  7. Your ass is going to hurt badly!!! Good luck.

  8. When I read this at 5:30 a.m., I meant to post -- OF COURSE YOU CAN DO 70 -- but I fell back to sleep. Know you're being smart and staying hydrated!

  9. 51.58 miles back in Lehighton. Ride is great!

  10. Good for you Bernie! You selected a great day for this ride. Was PPL working on the power lines in the Lehigh Water Gap? Last week I wanted to bike from Cementon to either Penn Haven or Rockport but the trail was closed at the Nature Center.

  11. You got this made! Tomorrow will be a well deserved day of recuperation.

  12. ” Know you're being smart and staying hydrated!”

    Not smart at all, but am hydrated. 124 oz of water along with 32 oz hot coffee. Need the caffeine.

  13. You'll be walking like an 18 year old young buck tomorrow... congratulations!

  14. Damm Bernie you keep this shit up and when you stand sideways we won't be able to see you, watch out in a rainy wind storm because you could be blown away and hit your head and winnd up floating in the ocean somewhere. Long winded I know, how much weight have you lost since covid shut downs set in?

  15. Finished. 70.7 miles total. Ave speed was pretty slow. 10 mph. Will have more to say in separate story with pics!

  16. 156 oz water. 1284 calories consumed. 32 oz coffee lol

  17. Damn those bears! Paid them all that honey and they didn't follow through on the ambush.

  18. Good for you!! Impressive!!!

  19. Congratulations Bernie on the ride!! The time & average speed are just numbers. What is important is that you did that distance. You will sleep well tonight.

  20. Very impressive, Bernie. Congrats. You have to have respect for anyone who biked 71 miles. Even low life bloggers.

  21. Glad to hear you were able to finish the race. Can't wait to hear about it. Thank goodness for friends with cars having bike racks. Love you Bernie!

  22. That's one awesome feather for your bike helmet! Finally did some ourselves, just this past Tuesday, thanks to your advocacy. Rockport to White Haven and back again. At a far slower pace than 10 mph. Took us 3 hours.

  23. Congrats Bernie! Makes me even more sad that I (we) missed an opportunity to get together before the move. I wonder though, if I have the stamina to even attempt something like this. I think the longest I've done was Rockport to White Haven (with Joan, who is NOT a biker). Lots of memories there. Even though the biking opportunites are probably better out here, I don't enjoy the scenery as much...so far. The constant view of the Rocky Mountain range is inspiring, yes, but there's something missing in the "average" scenery. There's lot's of history to encounter back East, not so much out here IMHO.


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