Local Government TV

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Are We Still a Shining City on a Hill?

Republican Voters Against Trump have released a devastating ad using Ronald Reagan's words to drive home Trumps's disastrous term as President. I hope my Republican friends are paying attention.


  1. What? The 5% of Republicans who don't support Trump? A tiny band of wealthy whiners. Truth be told no other Republican could have won against Hillary. Trump out campaigned her and energized a loyal base. There would have been NO Republican agenda without Trump. Tax cuts. Deregulation. Build-up of the military. Support of law enforcement and Right to Life. 200 conservative federal district judges appointed and 2 Supreme Court judges. Trump has carried Republican water for four years. The RINO's who ran this ad have been around for decades.

  2. You have friends? Who knew.

  3. I'm a moderate Republican. I don't agree with everything Trump does or says. But what is the alternative? Joe Biden? You have to admit, He does not appear to have it all together. Bernie, please watch the below and allow your viewers to watch. Be warned, their is some foul language in it. Below is how I feel this year will turn out. Just replace Hillary Clinton with Joe Biden.


  4. They can go take a long walk off a short pier. Trump/Pence 2020!

  5. I ran into an acquaintance Wednesday evening, whom I know to be a die-hard Republican voter. I resisted asking her if she is voting for our monstrosity of a president in November - because I am sure she is. She is blinded by something, and I have no idea what it is. These ads are truly devastating - all I can hope is that they sway some number of voters to doing the right thing.

    1. Perhaps she, like I, can never vote for a baby-killing Democrat!

  6. you have no republican friends

  7. This looks much more damning to the democrats and their politics of destruction. They offer nothing positive. Likewise this PAC that has certainly painted themselves as being against something. I am much more interested in people who are for something or someone.

  8. What next? An ad from moderate Democrats complaining that Biden's not JFK? Oh wait, there are no moderate Democrats.

  9. I voted for Reagan and have to admit my party no longer resembles the one during the Reagan years.

  10. All I saw was that all the shit holes on that video were from democratic districts. But im sure its all Trump's fault.

  11. This ad is devastating I tell you, just devastating. Until I got to the very, very end; where in teensy tiny letters it proclaims it is a project of "Defending Democracy Together". And who is this patriotic group? Why, Bill Kristol, Linda Chavez, Andy Zwick, and a few other Anti-Trumpers who got together way way back in November 2019 to uproot, uhh, uplift, this nation.
    Are you a member, Ohare?

  12. Ask the millions and millions of people across the World suffering under regimes, poverty and hopeless circumstances, who strive for a better life, where they would most like to be a citizen if they could get out of their country? You got it: United States of America.

  13. Bernie, I don't think either party can take the high road because both parties have proven themselves nothing more than bratty schoolchildren who pout if they don't get their way. Trump is a boob, no doubt about it, but Biden makes me shudder, as well. The sensible, moderate people don't want any part of Washington, therefore we are plagued with either panderers or petulant babies.

  14. Voters blame everyone but themselves. We've got 35-40% of the electorate that's willing to stand behind a lying and idiotic narcissist and his allies. And that's before we even start to talk about Democrats.

    And if you're too stupid to wear a mask...

  15. "Ask the millions and millions of people across the World suffering under regimes, poverty and hopeless circumstances, who strive for a better life, where they would most like to be a citizen if they could get out of their country? You got it: United States of America."

    I doubt very much this is any longer true. Trump might have made America such an ugly place that he has accidentally solved our illegal immigration.

    "Trump is a boob, no doubt about it, but Biden makes me shudder, as well."

    That's two of your problems. Trump definitely is a "boob," as you say. That's problem number one. Biden does not make people "shudder" the way Hillary did. That's problem number two. Trump has been unable to define him.

  16. "But what is the alternative? Joe Biden? You have to admit, He does not appear to have it all together. "

    Biden does look like a septuagenerian. But guess what? So does Trump. Trump is the one who had to be helped down a ramp. Trump is the one who had to hold a glass of water with both hands. You have to admit, Trump does not appear to have it all together.

  17. I've been looking at it this way. It's like I woke up one day on the opposite side of a mirror. Everything that was just three and one half years ago is in complete opposite to the way things had been. This country's in a heap of trouble. I'm not sure (the way people are acting) humpty dumpty can be put back together again no matter who gets elected

  18. Trump still has more energy in one finger than Biden has in his entire body. You bring up the stupid ramp and two handed glass. I'm 70 and have trouble with ramps that do not have handrails. I creep down them even without a suit and dress shoes. And if a water glass is in the heat and sweating, I would pick it up with two hands also. But mental acuity is far more important than some minor physical restrictions. And Biden doesn't have it. He has advanced dementia. He won't function a full term. His VP will be de facto President.

  19. I see that you hit on a touchy subject with the number of posts so far. If Ronald Reagan was running today, I would vote for him in a heartbeat. But guess what? He is not running so that option is off the table. Who is running then and what are my choices? We have Trump versus Bided to choose from.
    What do we get if we vote for Joe? Lets start with a person who doesn't know what office he is running for , he never knows what state he is in. He cannot string a full sentence together. He is nothing more than a puppet for the far left.
    Funny thing is though that the left side of the left in now the right side of the left and the new left scares me to death. But the middle left scares me as well. If Biden is elected what should we expect? That he was in politics for over 40 years to me means he was in politics about 25 years too long. He supports far leftist thinking especially putting AOC in a position of prominence. If Biden is in the country will go to hell. Obama's presidency was a disaster for this country and Biden's vision will be much worse. Because of Biden's position on China, he basically sold out to China and it would take a book to tell the story. He is corrupt, plain and simple and that will come out.
    I would like all our cities to be like the shining examples Chicago, Detroit, San Fran, LA, Seattle and other are that are controlled by Democrats. These places are hell holes to say the least. Even sports has gone crazy. I will not watch the NFL, NBA. MLB, womens soccer, all because they all have to make some political point. I say shut up I do not want to hear it just throw the ball.
    It amazes me that for a long time I would not consider seeing or watching Hamilton. Especially after the reception Pence was given. Now Hamilton is not considered WOKE enough for the far left. When Bi Racial couples are considered the biggest racist around by the left is crazy. I can go on and on and on and on. Biden is a joke and not capable of being president short and simple.

  20. "Biden does look like a septuagenerian. But guess what? So does Trump. Trump is the one who had to be helped down a ramp. Trump is the one who had to hold a glass of water with both hands.":

    Both hands--- more FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!! What was going on at the time. He attended and spoke at an academy graduation and stood and saluted over 1000 graduates. Probably in a suit with a bullet proof vest underneath. His hands were a bit tired. More fake news by the press and no nothings like you.

    I only hope I have half his stamina. He is a workaholic that I know is working hard for me and this country. MAGA

  21. "Trump has made America such an ugly place" I simply can't agree with this statement, if anything I think those striving to get to the World's greatest country might view Trump as an icon of everything that is great about this country. I can't imagine some guy in Somalia, Iran, or Sudan thinking "Trump is a bad guy, I don't want to get to the USA now". I simply and respectfully disagree.

  22. "I would like all our cities to be like the shining examples Chicago, Detroit, San Fran, LA, Seattle and other are that are controlled by Democrats. These places are hell holes to say the least."

    Hey don't forget Allentown!!

  23. When will the discussion turn away from the people running for president and turn to what you will get with each one. Afraid to acknowledge the truth? It's simple. With Biden you get socialism and a change to what our country has stood for...a country we won't recognize. A country without the freedoms we have. No police. Violence more racism. No jobs. With Trump you get to keep all we have fought for. All that our parents fought for. Freedom. Opportunity. Liberty. It's a simple choice for me. It's not about the person. It's about what the country will be with them as the president. So stop the bashing and start honesty looking at America's future.

  24. The only good option is for Biden and Trump to both lose.

    What both sides have done and are still doing to this country cannot be rewarded with a win.

    What we need is the Dark Horse Dio of General William McRaven and Andrew Yang, to join the race and provide and alternative to this chaos, you can sign the petition here.


    It doesn't matter what the Media or some group of Bush Family operatives say about what Trump does or doesn't do, I will not vote for Joe Biden.

  25. "No wise man ever thought that a traitor should be trusted."

    Marcus Tullius Cicero

  26. This discussion needs to focus on the issues at stake not the people running. The decision should be very clear. Do you want a socialist society with no police, violence, loss of freedoms and opportunity or do you want to maintain the freedoms we take for granted every day and all that our parents and grandparents fought for for us and our country. It's a simple choice. You either want to see our country change into one that is unrecognizable or you wish for the freedoms democracy that we as Americans have been blessed to have? It's not about the person running. It's about the future for our children and preserving our freedoms

  27. "More fake news by the press and no nothings like you."

    I know it's "know nothing," not "no nothing." Fake news is the term used for news that fails to fit your narrative. Too bad.

  28. Biden's biggest appeal is that he is not Donald Trump. Cast all the doubts you want about his diminished mental capacity, being a Marxist in Moderate clothing or any other boogeyman yarns dreamed up by FOX News and Right Wing Media, but it simply won't matter or stick. Biden will keep a low profile outside of the convention and debates and let Trump dig a deeper hole for himself.

    Biden will be elected in November - everyone just needs to start getting their minds wrapped around that fact. There is a very small chance it might be close/competitive, but in all likelihood, its probably going to be an electoral curb stomping.

    Fair or not, COVID-19 will be around his neck in November. Fair or not, "the economy" will still at best, be struggling in November - even though Presidents get far too much credit and blame over something they have little control or impact on. He has absolutely serviced his base the past 3.5 years and they love the 200 judges, tax cuts, etc., but pleasing 4 out of 10 voters, no matter how passionately they feel about him and those causes, don't do enough to get reelected without bringing over 2 more voters which doesn't appear to be close to happening for him.

    1. So you are okay with this country changing drastically? I agree who is in the president seat is almost a mute point but you want to erase history and start a new Venezuela?

  29. 11:43AM

    Publicly funded police is socialism.

    Police protection should be provided through your employer like healthcare.

  30. Recent postings allude to the fact that O'hare is sipping the demon juice on the sly again, apparently.

  31. The Dems are destroying this country--Trump is trying to sloe them down any way he can,

  32. @1:26 - first off its moot, not mute.

    Secondly by changing drastically, I think the last 3.5 years has been a pretty drastic change from where we were in 2016. Not that 2016 was any picnic either, but I am willing to bet that the "new Venezuela" is highly unlikely to happen and am OK with steering the ship slightly away from the right shoulder of the road - and by slightly I mean lets at least get all 4 tires on the driving surface. We can worry about the Socialist Utopia problem in 2028 once the Republican party fully implodes and a potential 3rd party emerges that ignores the idiot extremes that have taken root.

    1. My apologies on the spelling. Thank you for correcting it. Sorry to say the socialist party is just waiting for your vote and eager to tell you how to drive.

  33. I had to stop reading the comments Bernie. You're an idiot if you think millions or even billions, wouldn't want to come to the United States of America because of Trump. Seriously! I have never criticized you in print before out of respect for your blog.
    Oh well.

  34. Well the ad missed that Reagan and trump have one thing in common.
    They both used foreign governments to help their political aims

  35. Problem with this pool? Not enough chlorine. The nice folks that cannot form a rational argument for trump, should stick to sniffing your own farts.

  36. Shinning city on a hill, shitholes are shitholes wether there on a hill or in a valley we all would like to think that we could shin shit. There is only one thing to do with shit, flush it and pray it goes away with out a thought of its poisonist effect on the population.

  37. Whatever your politics, Venezuela was destroyed with shocking speed. From robust oil exports, top hospitals and universities to bread lines and an average weight loss of 17lbs per citizen in about a decade. I've also heard both parties pronounced dead about 12,567 times. Dream on tribes. It's so sad that so few have so little knowledge of history prior to this morning's tribe posts on social media.

  38. Chicken Little clearly is a Republican.

  39. This touchy about "mute" or "mute" buttons.

    I better self correct. It's not General, but Admiral William McRaven and Andrew Yang take a look.


  40. I am no longer posting ignorant comments with divisive words like "libtard." Go post that divisive filth somewhere else.

  41. I said this before, and i will say it again and again, get ready for 4 more years! It will be a LANDSLIDE! Don't EVER under estimate TRUMP!

  42. @10:19PM - Does typing that out make you feel better? I mean its not even remotely close to reality, so are you one of those "Speak it into existence" new age types with your power crystals, meditation pyramids next to your MAGA hat and Trump flag?

  43. A vote for a democrat is a vote to:

    Continue to gut manufacturing and hand middle class prosperity to China.
    Continue to GIVE China our technology and intellectual property.
    Continue to race-bait.
    Continue to hate-monger.
    Continue to divide America with fetid ID politics.
    Continue control over the mass-media, democrat propaganda outlets.
    Continue the war on cops.
    Continue lawlessness at our own border.
    Continue endless wars.
    Continue lawlessness with "sanctuary" cities and states.
    In short, continue to defecate on working Americans....they have been for the last 40 years.....why stop now?
    GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. This post is about Donald Trump, not the tribe to which he supposedly belongs or the tribe opposing him. Read my comments policy. Unless I post specifically about Democrats or Republicans, I will no loner host comments that make sweeping generalizations about either. Comments like the one above are off topic.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.