Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

AOC's Attack on Military Recruiting Misguided

Congressperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to attach riders to military appropriations that would ban funding for recruitment at high schools or digital streaming platforms. Her reason is that the armed forces tends to target low-income students.  I hope they do.

What AOC completely misses is that the military is one of the most respected professions in this country, right up there with nurses.

Even a brief tour with the military opens up doors for college funding a veteran preferences.

For many low-income students, this is a way to climb out of poverty.

Not everyone can be a Lebron James. 

I find AOC to be intelligent, passionate and eloquent.  And often, she is way off the hook.


  1. Sandy Ocasio grew up in Yorktown Heights, a tony suburb in Westchester County. Her father was an architect.

    She is little more than a verbal bomb thrower who is completely self-absorbed. She craves attention like a hungry infant.

  2. Recruiters probably don’t go looking for “low income “ kids. The schools provide accessibility to recruiting and testing for adaptive abilities. This AOC is ... on another planet. Test scores are the first means to categorize a possible match to a MOS . The background checks of various levels depending on MOS . Then NSA will do them again at other points . It’s a complete maze today. If your smart., you could do anything, if you have a felony , have physical issues ,or no high school diploma- your not a prospect. Armed service is not for everyone. Military service is like like working for civilians.

  3. There was a time that I remember, when young people who had some trouble with the law were given the option of joining the military. It provided an environment of discipline and stability that saved many from a worse fate. It is just another example of the anti-police and anti-military mentality of the left.

  4. She's a blithering idiot upon whom 13 years of public schooling was entirely wasted. She was educated in the leafy suburbs of Yorktown and doesn't have a clue about a difficult upbringing. She's made statements that make Trump seem intelligent. Just Google AOC's greatest rhetorical hits. She's dumber than Biden and GW and Bob Casey. In the final analysis, she doesn't believe the country is worth defending - and certainly not with minority blood. I suspect her view is widely held among Democrats or she wouldn't have risen to prominence so quickly. You're scared shitless to call her the mentally challenged moron she is, because she's a minority female and you're the type of old white progressive who isn't radical enough for today's purity test. "Misguided." lol.

  5. Bring back the draft.

  6. AOC is an authentic American genius.

  7. Although I had intended to join the service when I graduated from high school to earn a way thru college but was deterred by a physical injury, I would never want my children to go into the service. After seeing the abuse of power by chicken hawks and draft dodgers to benefit themselves and their cronies by putting the lives and limbs of men and woman who joined either because of a sense of patriotism or more likely for a need of employment or college assistance I would view seeing my child going into the service akin to seeing them on a stripper pole. A complete failure on my part.
    Point being, AOC knows there are problems and the "job core" military service industry is a poor fix.

  8. at 6:52AM No one is dumber than Bob Casey.

  9. Republicans are bad-the democrats are worse.

  10. I find AOC to be ill-informed, ignorant of reality, and bellicose to anyone who disagrees with her ideas. And, as always, she is way off the mark. I look forward to her defeat on November 3rd by John Cummings(R).

  11. AOC belongs on the Supreme Court.

  12. I haven't cared for this young woman since the media decided to make her its next darling. I have found her to be rather vapid and many of her statements and positions off-the-mark. With that said, the verbal abuse she received from a colleague shows just how far we have sunk in this country regarding respect and civility.

  13. My son was top of his class from our middle class home....and received numerous recruiting calls. I don't know that the recruiter knows the economic/academic/racial situation of the person they are calling, ahead of time. I think like everyone else (colleges) they get a list and they start calling. We passed on the opportunity, but we may regret it, as the military would have paid for ALL schooling, including medical school (where my son is headed hopefully)......

    There is opportunity there.... for ALL!

    AOC is a ranting widget IMHO....

  14. When I was young, I was urged to apply to West Point and passed. That was a mistake. I urged my son and grandson to do so. They passed. In my opinion, that was a mistake.

    I disagree with those who are lambasting AOC. Her politics are far left of mine, but she is articulate and intelligent.

  15. She'll probably be president.

  16. AOC wants to demolish our democracy. As a fellow Americans who is black recently told her. Leave if you don't like this country. Her ideas are absurd and an attack to our constitution

  17. I know she claims a degree in economics and doesn't know Milton Friedman from John Maynard Keynes. That's ECON 101 stuff. I have questions re: her intellect.

  18. At the end of my freshman year in college, I earned an ROTC scholarship. It paid my tuition, books and gave me a little spending money each month.

    I spent four years on active duty after which I went to grad school. The GI Bill paid my expenses.

    My active duty years were great. I have never worked with a more diverse group of people - ethnically, racially, economically and geographically. It opened my eyes to the lives of people very different from me. But, we were a team with a common purpose. Differences in our backgrounds did not matter. We all worked together. Quite well, I might add.

  19. BOH 10:52
    "I disagree with those who are lambasting AOC. Her politics are far left of mine, but she is articulate and intelligent."

    Are you serious? She is articulate, I'll give you that. Many politicians are articulate. But it doesn't take much to recognize her knowledge of US Law and Economics is severely lacking. It doesn't take too long to come to that conclusion reading just a handful of her statements. I would not call her intelligent, and with you making that declaration, I now challenge your intellect, as well.

  20. DocRock, I know an M.D. that was financed by Navy funds. Same deal. Yesterday at my gun club, Retired Lt.Col . Direct commission from enlisted Vietnam Veteran. Went to 1st Gulf war and worked his was up . Then Iraq later. Anything is possible. My life is better because I served also. Later I had the task like General “ Black Jack “Pursing . I was a white Lieutenant of a platoon of minorities, in mechanized Infantry. I learned so much coming from Bethlehem Twp. We got along great too.

  21. "I would not call her intelligent, and with you making that declaration, I now challenge your intellect, as well."

    Since you are an anonymous coward, I couldn't care less. She is a cum laude grad of Boston University and I have seen her tear people apart at congressional hearings. She has a formidable intellect.

  22. So that means you must love our local AOC, Tara Zirinski. She has compared herself to AOC.

  23. She might compare herself to AOC, but I don't. Not at all. First, she is not young. Second, I do not consider her particularly bright. Third, she is dishonest. Fourth, she lacks the work ethic of AOC. Fifth, I consider her an opportunist who never voted in county races, including the referendum on Gracedale. But they are both female.

  24. Bernie at 7:45 PM. A flawless and succinct summary. You shut my mouth wide open.

  25. Listen up, We need to all to adhere to principals . The big picture is this country and it’s citizens survival against an eval world power . After that we need to figure out how we we maintain our world domination, meaning other countries don’t attack us because they know well fuck them up. So , domesticity we have problems that China enjoys to so degree. I have many Democratic friends - some are showing up at my range I supervise and they never had a firearm in their home before. Well I help them with safety first than marksmanship. We picked up about 10 new regulations a day during these riots in 5 major cities. So I’m bizarre busy. .

  26. AOC is a puppet chosen by a group called Justice Democrats that selected her based upon her audition to be able to eloquently spewing their agenda.

    This agenda is so far in Left field that it leaves every reasonable person speechless. Only Marxist socialists can relate to this agenda.

  27. In a 292-126 vote Thursday night, the U.S. House rejected an amendment by U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., that would have placed limits on U.S. military recruitment ads, according to a report.

    The more than 2-to-1 defeat of the Democrat’s plan means the military may continue posting recruitment ads on Twitch, a streaming platform popular with online gamers.

    FOX News 7-31-2020



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