Local Government TV

Monday, July 27, 2020

And How Are All the Little Commissioners?

Northampton County is currently struggling with the Covid-19 pandemic. Approximately 3.3 million Pennsylvanians are still unemployed, and this is the last week they will receive a $600 weekly stimulus. How our public schools re-open is very much an open question. A growing public awareness of social injustice has led to protests throughout the nation, not all of them peaceful. Employees have been stuck by Covid-19. Gracedale residents have died. In the face of all these serious problems, Northampton County Council is about to embark on one of its most feckless maneuvers yet.
Get this, it wants us to change the Home Rule Charter to give themselves a more exalted name. Instead of being called Council members, they now want to be called Commissioners.

The sponsors of this idiocy are Democrat Lori Vargo Heffner and Republican Peg Ferraro, proving that both parties are idiots.

Believe it or not, this issue came up five years ago, but was tabled at the request of then Council member Lamont McClure. Then Council member Scott Parsons called the proposal "frivolous." Given what's going on now, I'd say it's the ultimate proof these supposed legislators are completely out of touch with the people they are supposed to represent.

Come back to earth already!

Remember Inspector Jacques Clouseau in the Pink Panther series? He has just been interrupted in one of his duels with his little "yellow" friend Kato by the ringing of the telephone. It's the Police Commissioner.

"Good evening, Commissioner. How are you, how is madame and all the little Commissioners?"

Maybe we should start calling themselves Commissioners, but on one condition. They should always be referred to as little commissioners.

Little commissioners with immense egos.

Five years ago, 0 Council members need to be called Commissioners because - get this - "confusion sets in when members of County Council encounter the public." I agree completely. I know confusion sets in whenever i encounter them, but it has nothing to do with their titles.

The real reason why some County Council members want to piss away public money is because some of them feel like ugly step sisters when they go to conferences with real county commissioners who exercise both executive and legislative power.

They want to pretend they are more important than they really are.

If they want to improve their self esteem, I'm sure the courts have a list of psychiatrists they can consult. This is a complete waste of public resources. Any Council member who wants to be called Commissioner should resign, move to Lehigh County, and run for Commissioner there.


  1. I personally don't see a problem with this. The title does vary from county to county. They do in fact play a very important role.

  2. They belong to the CCAP and at this level of government they are Commissioners, not council, who cares if they change their name to what it should have been from day 1? You, that is about it, you

  3. Had a client who was top 2% of management for a Fortune 100 company. He supervised 13,800 people. Said he knew every name, except those who started in the last week. His title was "manager" and he didn't seem bothered by that at all. Politicians are such insecure losers, most of whom have accomplished very little of consequence while under-performing their entire miserable lives. That's why titles are important to them. The change to the title commissioner should come with a requirement to also name a public toilet after each of them. I'd love to back splatter diarrhea on the "Commissioner Peg Ferraro Toilet," or whiz all over the "Commissioner Lori Vargo Urinal" at the government center.

  4. There is the old story about the dishwasher at Easton’s Trembler restaurant on center square who being angry with his salary went to his bosses and demanded a raise.
    The bosses responded and said that they had forgotten this employee and from now on he would be referred to as junior assistant chef. No raise, no change in duties or power, just a title..
    The council is missing the point. They should choose something more prestigious than commissioner. They should all be presidents. See, they don’t understand. No matter how you label it, a pile of crap is still a pile of crap.

  5. "They belong to the CCAP and at this level of government they are Commissioners, not council, who cares if they change their name to what it should have been from day 1? You, that is about it, you"

    It's absurd. Most counties are run by three commissioners who wield both executive and legislative power. A Council member is one of nine legislators and has no executive power. These council members want to pretend they are bug shots at CCAP meetings. It is all ego.

    It us probably also illegal. You cannot change the form of government without a home rule charter study commission. They won't do that bc they are scared to death the citizens will actually make some needed changes.

  6. The little lord fontaroy syndrome should be evaluated by PA's health advisor Levine along with a self evaluation.

  7. Let's start here and see how they do. An effective county commissioner can
    leave a legacy of good works and make an impact on people’s lives. It is the closest level of government to the people and one thatprovides the greatest challenge and creates leaders for the future. Todate they have failed

  8. "These council members want to pretend they are bug shots...."

    They already have.

  9. "An effective county commissioner can leave a legacy of good works and make an impact on people’s lives"

    So can an effective council member. This is all ego. NorCo's first ever county council enacted a major tax cut. It has been downhill since then.

  10. It's absurd. Most counties are run by three commissioners who wield both executive and legislative power. A Council member is one of nine legislators and has no executive power. These council members want to pretend they are bug shots at CCAP meetings. It is all ego.

    OK then, lets put it to the voters to get rid of this stupid home rule charter experiment and go back to 3 commissioners

  11. I’m all for that, but that requires a home rule charter study Comm’n and they are scared to death the county voters will want to return to three real commissioners. They would rather play pretend

  12. I like the idea of three commissioners. Let’s go back.

    In the meantime, this renaming can be easily killed off. Changing to commissioner will permit limitless salary increases. The issue just died!

  13. In the meantime, this renaming can be easily killed off. Changing to commissioner will permit limitless salary increases. The issue just died!


  14. "does your dog bite?"

  15. The whole idea of changing names is utterly ridiculous. I voted to have Councilmen not commissioners. It's a good thing Ferarro is leaving and Vargo Heffner will never again get my vote. Where are the past County Council people. Why aren't they speaking out against this issue?

  16. Ferraro is out the door. She can take some of the rest of the over inflated egos with her.

  17. NorCo's never had a council member of any note or staure - ever. This bunch isn't going to make history, regardless of what they are called. They should be called bey their proper name: cowards, for their tacit approval of the Wolf/McClure elderly cleansing that cleaned out our loved ones from Gracedale. Not a word from these shameless cowards while they supported the murders.

  18. There were a number of really good councilmen, maybe not in your time. They served as the first County Council. I don't remember all of them, but they were elected and laid the ground work for a very efficient County Government. They were a no bullshit kind of council and didn't forget who it was that elected them to do a good job and they were proud to be called County Council.

  19. There are still good people serving on the county council. You won't get that from this blog since it is now just a puff piece for the McClure administration. People should run for office if they feel they can do better. Ultimately, the best county government is one where there is no longer a county council or Executive branch. It no longer works. I believe a majority of the county council agrees with that.

  20. It should be presented to the county voters at the polls with 3 choices;

    #1 = County Commissioner

    #2 = County Council Member

    #3 = Assistants to the County Executive

  21. #4= Dump county executive and all the patronage jobs and hire a professional manager like the townships do.

    Saev money and have better coordinated services.


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