Local Government TV

Friday, June 26, 2020

What Can Local Gov't Do To Promote Racial Awareness?

Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure will meet today with Chiefs of Police, District Attorney Terry Houck, businessman Richard Masters, educators, NAACP officials, community activists and religious leaders. They will discuss recent police violence against persons of color. The recent death of George Floyd has provoked outrage among nearly all of us, no matter our ethnicity. What can local government do to prevent similar incidents and erase 400 years of ingrained prejudice? Here's what McClure says:

Racial Awareness Forum Invi... by BernieOHare on Scribd

The guest list has omitted Council members to prevent a possible Sunshine Act violation and so that social distancing can be observed.

Attendance List For Racial... by BernieOHare on Scribd


  1. I see Mayor Panto is attending. Somebody can ask Panto, the "historian," if he plans on putting up a new plaque on his Columbus statue. One that provides the true history of his hero. That would be a great addition to the teaching tool he claims the statue currently is. The plaque on it now says, "A man of faith, hope, and vision." I think those he natives he enslaved and killed would disagree.

  2. Apparently a white democrat contributor businessman should be invited but not the only African-American elected county official?

    Good one!

  3. What is a race?

    Explain the theory of subcategorization of human beings and it's originator Carleton S. Coon, who's book asserted that the human species divided into five races before it had evolved into Homo sapiens. Further, he suggested that the races evolved into Homo sapiens at different times.

    Why would any governmental body or institution want to promote such a theory?

  4. A step in the right direction and I hope it is a productive discussion and action follows. We've heard enough talk for decades. Now is time to act and send a message to our communities that things are gonna change. Police misconduct is not acceptable! They are public servants.. not judges,juries or executioners.

  5. Please consider writing about the Santiago/Schweyer post-election situation. You're the best writer we have. Doesn't this situation speak of race relations? A newcomer vs. old

  6. "Apparently a white democrat contributor businessman should be invited but not the only African-American elected county official?"

    I wondered myself why Masters was invited. It could be that Kerry Myers was invited but unavailable. He is very outspoken in racial issues.

  7. "Please consider writing about the Santiago/Schweyer post-election situation. You're the best writer we have. Doesn't this situation speak of race relations? A newcomer vs. old"

    It is an error on my part that I failed to pay closer attention. I believe the coverage of this race has been pretty good. Unfortunately, there is little my writing can do at this point. Santiago should run again.

  8. He needs to learn now to treat the County employees, ex-employees, and retirees. KARMA

  9. "Racial awareness." LOL. You can't watch, listen or breathe air without race being brought up. Malcolm X was correct re: white liberals. White Democrats have abused blacks from slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow, KKK, the fight against two civil rights bills .... and on and on. But here we are, ready to sing the next verse - same as the first. And Woodrow Wilson is still a party icon.

  10. How many municipalities are in Norco and how many are not attending? Shouldn't at least one representative from each municipality be represented?

    1. 38 municipalities are in Northampton County.

  11. WOW!!!!!

    I was wondering, when the "ELEPHANTS", in the room!!!

    Would discuss their very own "KINGDOM"???

    Applauding the fact, that is it being recognized in this county!!

    Kudos, to you guys!!!

    Because many of the officers/ government officials, I have spoken to, or overheard speaking, act as if, the #blacklivesmatter movement, is just a bunch of whiny, already compensated underachievers...

    I hope that more individuals are enlightened to the real facts of our " AMERICA!!" I pray that opportunities,

    (ei. GENERATIONAL DEBT - paying back student loan debts, when it shouldn't cost that much to be educated, when you were already in the arrears, because your parent/parents were not yet, in the stages of generational wealth)

    are developed to level, the playing fields, FOR EVERYONE, despite a skin tone!!!

  12. 9:30, Due to social distancing guidelines, it would be impossible to have a rep from every municipality. But I'd agree that the regional police departments as well as Beth Tp and Palmer Tp should be there.

  13. Bethlehem Twp should be Annexed by Bethlehem City, they use Bethlehem Water, Bethlehem Sewer, Bethlehem firefighters when in trouble, Bethlehem area schools and library among many other things, stop the redundant governments in PA and let these little town halls be all disbanded and absorbed by larger entities save taxpayers a ton of money also

  14. We don't need to promote "racial awareness". Everyone is aware of race. What we need is institutions and policies that ensure race does not serve as an impediment to receiving equal protection under the law.

  15. NASCAR is a race, but even there it's just a garage door pull rope.

    If something happens in an election year it's about the election. Don't get roped.

  16. We need FED ED back to guide us NOW!

  17. 11:36 Duh, Bethlehem Township page 7.74 mills in municipality taxes. The city of Bethlehem taxes their residence 18.22 mills In municipality taxes. Explain how they’re going to save taxpayers tons of money.

  18. 11:36 Duh, Bethlehem Township page 7.74 mills in municipality taxes. The city of Bethlehem taxes their residence 18.22 mills In municipality taxes. Explain how they’re going to save taxpayers tons of money,

  19. @June 26, 2020 at 11:36 AM

    Bethlehem Township has 23,000+ Residents. Does not use Firefighters from Bethlehem (no inter municipality agreement). Bethlehem Area School district by state mandate. Your library should be happy to have the 500K they give them.

  20. ""Apparently a white democrat contributor businessman should be invited but not the only African-American elected county official?"

    I wondered myself why Masters was invited. It could be that Kerry Myers was invited but unavailable. He is very outspoken in racial issues."

    1) Masters has never contributed to McClure.

    2) He was there at the request of Marvin Boyer bc the two worked together on Color of Justice.

    3) Kerry Myers was invited but unavailable.

  21. At 4:41, come on Bernie. You are regurgitating the McClure PR stunt talking points. Just as an aside you may want to speak to Mr. Meyers on your own. You may get a very different response. Of course only if you are ready for that.

    No need to post. This is mainly for you.

  22. Oh no, everyone should see how you smear McClure. You just called him a liar. Anonymously, of course, bc you lack the courage to ID yourself and choose to be deceptive. In all the years I have known McClure, even when we did not along, he never lied to me. I doubt he is starting now. If he said Kerry was unavailable, chances are he was. But I will ask. Boy you really hate him, don't you? It's beyond rational.

  23. I have checked, have the email exchange, and you definitely lied.

  24. Mr.. O'Hare, it is said a mam sees what he wants. You see what you want. I doubt you spoke with Mr. Meyers but rather once again relied on information fed to you by Mr. McClure or one of his top lieutenants you communicate with regularly. Sadly, the truth was the first casualty and not your main concern. People wish reporters from the papers would report. Facebook pictures from the event went up within minutes. They look good. Sal Columbus looked particularly handsome at the racial equality meeting.

  25. I see two emails. One is an invitation. The other is a declination. You are a liar.

  26. Talk is cheap and this get together is just another in a long line of discussions that go nowhere. Action is required and the only way that happens is at the polling sites within the county. Vote or else! Most of these invitees are more interested in remaining in power than they are about life on the streets for you and me.

  27. "What can local Gov't do to promote racial awareness?"

    With as tone deaf as some of these fools are, it wouldn't surprise me to see folks like Panto promote the wearing of Black face and holding or proposing a "Bigots are people too" celebration.

  28. 11:18 AM - It's progress. Our reps and other "powers that be" should be coming together to come up with a unified defense against one of our society's strongest legacies and greatest ills.

  29. With Mayor Panto recently claiming that the opponents to his proposed zoning changes are racist I can only conclude that Mayor Panto thinks that the residents of College Hill wont let black people in their homes unless theyre mopping the floor or serving drinks.

  30. Today and up in Pen Argyl, after seeing some pics of the marchers and the Trump buffoons screaming along the road, I say that the authorities reach out to them as they are in need of immediate mental counseling.

  31. A county council member said they were glad you posted the invitation as they were completely unaware of the event before they saw your post.

  32. Tara Z working the march and making fun of the counter protestors that support police. She s a pandering nut.

  33. How can a county council member be a "they"?

  34. Who invites a rep from a police dept that has not yet taken a call (West Easton)?!

  35. Ever notice how McClure press releases resemble those from the White House.

  36. No, I haven't. But unlike you, I don't get Trump news releases.

    What really bothers you is that McClure is transparent and accountable. That is both good government and, in the long run, good politics. Must annoy the hell out of you and your bizarre obsession with a county exec.

  37. How about local government worry a little more about governing and a little less about telling me what and how to think. I don't mind a discussion on race, what I don't like is the bullies and mobs who will ruin your life if your not on the BLM train. There is no freedom of speech today, it's under assault. BLM, THE ORGANIZATION, is an anti police group masquerading as a racial harmony group. It refuses to discuss facts and statistics, and its arguments are based on emotion. Their number one demand is to defund the police, and in some chapters abolish the police. Now what half brain wants to defund the police when cities are being destroyed and murder rates are skyrocketing? It also now seems to have been hijacked by the socialist/ marxist/anarchist crowd just like another group that started out with good intentions and valid points, Occupy Wall Street. The new word now is "reimagine" the police LOL. It seems "defunding" isn't polling well. Just like a parolee in PA is now a "reentrant" even though the parole Act of 1941 specifically uses the word parolee, and a terrorist is an "extremist" and the war on terror is "over seas contingency operation" and an illegal alien is a "migrant" and on and on it goes. What a joke!

  38. I posted before about my dislike for McClure based on a brief encounter in a local establishment. I am still not a huge fan, but he's done a decent job with all this craziness so far. I am coming around Bernie we will see. I was so happy to see him step to Zrinski the lady is nuts!


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