Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

(Updated) Trump: Worst President This Country Has Ever Had (Part Two)

Last week, I angered some of you and pleased others when I said Donald Trump is the worst President we've ever had. After this weekend's revelations, let me say it again. Donald Trump is the worst President we've ever had.

On Sunday, he tweeted a video of a golf-cart parader by supporters in a Florida community. Moments into the video, which you can see above, a golf cart festooned with pro-Trump props shouted "white power" at an angry protester. "Thank you to the great people of The Villages,” he tweeted, along with the video. He later deleted it, and the White House now claims he simply never heard the racist taunt.

Trump's tweet comes in the middle of a national outcry by people of all colors at the systemic racism made clear by the senseless murder of George Floyd.

To believe Trump, you'd have to believe he tweeted a video he did not actually see.

Interestingly, he has made no apology.

Unfortunately, there is more.

Back in January, Russians offered bounty payments to Taliban militants for US and UK troops. Trump denies knowledge of this, too, but some of Trump's usual supporters are dubious. Congress member Liz Cheney asks, "1. Why weren’t the president or vice president briefed? Was the info in the [President’s Daily Briefing]?” 2. Who did know and when? 3. What has been done in response to protect our forces and hold Putin accountable?"

UPDATE: Trump Was Aware of Russian Bounties in 2019

Donald Trump denies he knew Russians had placed bounties on American and British heads. According to the AP, however, this intelligence was included in at least two of the daily briefs provided to the President. Moreover, former national security adviser John Bolton is alleged to have personally briefed Trump in March 2019, at a time when the assessment was still in doubt.

(Originally published 6/29/20 at 12:00 am)


  1. Oh please! Just more left wing conspiracy bs. Cheney has an ax to grind with Trump, so her support of a whacko NYT smear piece is no surprise. Get over your hatred of Trump.

  2. The current occupant in the White House has no honor. He will sell out our country or any of his supporters if it doesn't benefit him personally. The military and their families should be incensed by the latest revelation of his ass kissing and permissiveness towards Putin. Putin is more powerful than ever and he owes a large part of that to Trump's anti-European and pro-autocratic policies and statements. VOTE THE MF OUT!

  3. Friends of mine voted for Trump because "we can't vote for Hillary." A few months later, they said "he's a f**king a****ole."

    Yup, he is that, but he is so much more (or less). He has no leadership skills whatsoever, no political skills, no discernible policies except to get re-elected, he is a proud racist, he takes no responsibility for anything, unless it is complimentary towards him. He watches tv and tweets for a significant portion of the day. He is the whole package - an imbecile and idiot, as Bolton said. My apologies in advance to any supporters, but he is a serious threat to our democracy and acting to destroy the government.

  4. Interesting war crimes daughter is the one to call this out.

  5. It looks terrible. Although you've managed to conflate a variety of verifiable and false info, rather sloppily. But you're in a tribe and those are the rules. Still better than increasingly more vacant Uncle Touchy who compromised national security to get his cokehead disaster of a kid rich with Burisma. And you're just jealous because you are a lifelong underperformer who can't afford to live in a nice retirement community, instead opting to be a ward of the state eventually. Old guys who leave their business for the next generation are disgraceful.

  6. TRUMP 2020! If people can say BLACK LIVES MATTER and they do ...if You can say KILL WHITY'S Why the Double Standard? It's ok to WHITE and Proud OF IT! IF A Black person can raise a fist in the air and say Black Power That's ok and it is ! i don't take issue with it! This is still AMERICA and we still have FREEDOM OF SPEECH ! Trump doesn't need to lie about anything ,why do YOU always assume the same thing when it comes to TRUMP! Lets take a look at your buddy BIDENS words like put them back in chains ...one could point to plenty about Biden...maybe that's your problem!

  7. Oh Please! President Trump he has been terrific and you hate to admit it because Biden's your guy!

  8. if rioters/looters can go around screaming black lives matter and that isn't racist than others can say white power without being racist. It's a 2 way street

  9. Trump is a businessman. There wasn't any profit in confronting Putin about bounty placed on our troops.

  10. Yeah. I'll vote for riots, free money to everyone. needles and shit on the street, take my guns, white man bad,......

  11. Vote this creep out already!

  12. These things are disgusting!
    Trump has no interest in this Health Care Crisis, and tries to wish it away!
    He often says it’s gonna go away soon, it’s not that bad! These statements are not true!
    Jeez, almost 130.000 Americans have died in past 4 months!
    He only has an interest in the Economy! Everything else is inconvenient!
    No real ability to quell the racial unrest! He only stokes it up!
    I think he’s bored with this Reality Show!
    Time to move on!
    And to not address that Russian threat on our Soldiers is outrageous! If he wasn’t briefed, which I doubt, he should then want to address with the Intelligence Community and this would mean there’s a significant problem in his administration !!
    He is worse than Herbert a Hoover!

  13. If you think this is true: "white power" = "black lives matter" you are too stupid to breathe.

  14. 7:53

    Hate to break it to you. . . you already did. We arrived at this point under the trump administration. Some of us Republicans aren't fooled that easily.
    How you enjoying that trump socialist money? Be a real Republican and throw that fish back.

  15. @2:00AM: try POW, yunno, prisoner of war you fool! Chief bone spurs in his failed mental state, is leading you down the road of destruction!

  16. YAWN! At it again with the "I'm BlAmInG tRuMp" If you think that article with Putin and the Taliban is real I have bridge to sell you. But you're probably the kind who still think those pictures of the kids in cages was because of Trump too.

    Most of you continue to prove you shouldn't be allowed to vote. You think the media and these politicians both Dem and Rep are being truthful to you. You all are so gullible.

    You think Trump is the problem. That's rich, it's 2020 and there are another 435 reasons that are a much bigger problem and that have been a problem long before Trump even thought about running for President.

    Again, stop being sheep. You're being lied to and manipulated everyday. You want to instill and see legit change in the government and your community. Maybe take a look at your School Board Budget or the County Council's doing. Maybe start there before you try and step up to the plate.

  17. Trump is really disgusting!
    He doesn’t have an interest in doing anything about the Pandemic!
    His only interest is the economy!
    If he ignored the intelligence that is appalling!
    If intelligence didn’t inform him, he should be focused on getting to the bottom of it, if he cares
    Racial tensions, we know where he stands!
    Enough is enough, let this Reality Dhow end in November!

  18. Blacks representing 13% of the US population account for over 40% of abortions. Thank you Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, the democrat party and black lives matter. Your plan to destroy the Black Family have been largely successful. Now if catholic leaders, Pelosi and Biden can further direct their efforts toward the closing of more churches, the populous would become more manageable.

  19. And precisely what does the black abortion rate have to do with Trump's white power tweet or his apparent refusal to do anything over Russian bounties on the heads of US and UK soldiers?

  20. Anyone who votes D this election cycle have no clue about life, typically do not contribute to the well being of the world around them. They live in their parents basement, or are a renter living from week to week. Typically no brains. I know some of the people who post here. And I know what the typically contribute to society. I make sure there are no D s in my life. If there were my head would explode.

  21. @10:51 - Clearly you take party politics way too seriously and of all people should not be talking about who has clues about life. You bend over and accept whatever FOX News and right wing media tell you to be aggravated and annoyed about. You are far to easily swayed by their over simplified talking points and broad brushed smears. Not saying Dems aren't without sins, but you are absolutely no smarter, but probably more gullible than the average non-contributing Democrat who you despise. Also by making sure there are no Dems in your life, makes you a gigantic, yet ever so delicate snowflake who doesn't like to hear mean things.

  22. As long as Biden hides, nobody gets to find out how crazy left he's tacked to pass his party's purity tests. The longer he hides, the better his chances. A direct fight would be very bad for him, as he's clearly losing his marbles and doesn't appear to know where he is most of the time. Most Ds understand that Biden is a means to an end, that gets rid of Trump and installs the usual suspects to run things as Biden fades further into dementia. It's the Ginsberg seat, people.

  23. Was time when we rightfully believed that Putin lies much of the time and wan't to be trusted. That Russia was working against U.S. interests. We also used to believe what we could see with our own eyes. Apparently, we will now trust Russia more than our own intelliegence agencies and we will not believe that actual written policies backed by pictures and statements to the fact by this administration are true. Ah, America, feelin' great again yet?

    "YAWN! At it again with the "I'm BlAmInG tRuMp" If you think that article with Putin and the Taliban is real I have bridge to sell you. But you're probably the kind who still think those pictures of the kids in cages was because of Trump too."

  24. A mentally diminished Biden is still magnitudes better than Trump, so the nicknames "Sleepy" and "Touchy" aren't really going to move the needle for most voters.

    MAGA's need to come to grips with reality and start accepting their new Overlord come November.

    On the plus side, it will give them and FOX News something new to focus on instead of constantly ignoring blatant missteps, and/or putting up thin, deflecting arguments.

  25. tRUMP doesn't have a word to say about intel with the UK last week about Russia putting bounties on U.S. soldiers as he continues to be used as a Putin sock puppet. Worst unemployment in U.S. history. Over 125K dead and rising from a pandemic that was derided as fake by Cadet Bone Spurs and continues to devastate our country. "Good people on both sides". Personally, I'm tired of winning.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Anyone who votes D this election cycle have no clue about life, typically do not contribute to the well being of the world around them. They live in their parents basement, or are a renter living from week to week. Typically no brains. I know some of the people who post here. And I know what the typically contribute to society. I make sure there are no D s in my life. If there were my head would explode.
    June 29, 2020 at 10:51 AM

    We sure do miss having you in our lives, though.

  27. @10:51 - out of curiosity without any Dems in your life, how exactly do you intend/expect your particular voice/opinion/worldview to be taken and accepted by other people who happen to live in this country?

    Unfortunately, not everyone lives on multiple acres in the country surrounded by woods and farmland. Not everyone lives in suburban housing developments in good school districts. Not everyone lives in big city high rises or row homes, yet we all live in the same country.

    You realize what works for you and your lifestyle/choice, may not be the best solution for someone else right?

  28. I know that the Democrats sure must have brainwashed me at an early age. Otherwise, how could I believe this incredible crap about Trump--not the least of which is that he ever got elected.

    It's downright stupefyin'.

  29. I'm a fiscal conservative and social liberal who voted for every Republican presidential candidate until Trump, because Trump's character and civility are so much worse than what I consider the minimum. When Democrats I voted against won, I often disagreed with with them on policy, but I appreciated their efforts to unite people in times of crisis, and to encourage everyone to be nice to each other.

    Trump, in contrast to all his Republican and Democratic predecessors, seeks to divide and encourage conflict. According to multiple reports it's something he personally enjoys and it has been his practice all his life. In response to this, lately every time Trump says or does something beyond the pale, I donate some money to Joe Biden. At the current rate, I'm going to have to reduce the size of each donation, or I'll hit the donation limit!

    Regarding this particular incident, I think the most telling part of the story is the White House's weak follow-up statement. Trump didn't see the "white power" chant when he tweeted the video, they claim. OK. Let's say we accept that as the truth. Where's their condemnation of those sentiments? A reporter explicitly asked if Trump condemns the "white power" chant and received no comment in return.

    Last, Bernie, thank you for the video you posted which lets us see for ourselves what happened. The video shows counterprotestors swearing and hurling epithets at Trump supporters. That's disgraceful and merits condemnation too. Also, the "white power" person is just past 1:20 into the video, and it's been well-reported that Trump has severe ADD. So in my opinion it is plausible that he didn't stick with the video long enough to see the chant. Nevertheless it's an odd coincidence that these kinds of "accidents" have happened repeatedly with Trump on Twitter, and he does not follow said "accidents" with forceful rejections of the white nationalist sentiments involved. It's especially shameful in light of the fact that his daughter and son-in-law are both Orthodox Jews.

  30. Canary, I am glad I located the original video and posted in its entirety. It shows ugly behavior on both sides. In fact, I think the white power chant was made to provoke a protester who was already pretty disgusting. That's no excuse, however, for posting it and commending these people. I really think Trump owes an apology to the nation.

  31. It's hard to imagine how a president could be worse.

  32. @12:36 "I know that the Democrats sure must have brainwashed me at an early age. Otherwise, how could I believe this incredible crap about Trump--not the least of which is that he ever got elected."

    Don't worry, even folks who haven't been thru the Liberal Indoctrination Camps or slavishly follow those wacky main stream network news operations can see that Trump was a horrible choice and now have deep remorse for putting such an incompetent nit wit in office. There is a lot of crap out there about Trump, unfortunately for him - he's created most of it all by himself (because he is a massive dumbass) which just creates the noise for the Democrat echo chamber to amplify.

    You have one job in November. Just be a good Democrat and vote for Biden. Then we can finally turn the page as a nation and watch the true "Witchhunt" begin once Trump is out of office. It'll be fun.

  33. I am no Trump supporter. But this NYT article is the perfect setup. Accuse Trump of ignoring Russian bounties on US troops. He denies being briefed... He's not a leader. He doesn't respond with aggression... He's a Putin lackey. His own intelligence agency admits the information is sketchy and unverified... He's covering up and protecting Putin.

    Does anyone else remember all the bogus "anonymous" leaks that came out over the Russian collusion and Gen. Flynn cases. They are anonymous for a reason. Use the 48 hour rule before looking like an idiot and putting your integrity at risk by making stupid statements based on "anonymous" reports. You should have learned your lesson long ago.

  34. Left and right have lost their collective effing minds. As a centrist republican, I feel like a stranger in my own country.

  35. Hey, at least Trump's defending Democratic Party icon, Woodrow Wilson's legacy. Princeton must be wrong about Wilson. If WW was going to name a school after himself, he'd definitely give it a really politically incorrect Native American warrior mascot.

  36. I do believe that it is very unlikely that Trump heard or noticed the "White Power" comment. Going thru Twitter even without a million followers and mentions per day is time consuming. Knowing what we know about Trump at this point, he is not a "details" kind of guy. He spent time golfing this weekend (not a knock, we all need to blow off some steam/get some exercise)so that took up a few hours, then squeezing in a couple hours to surf Twitter, post a couple thoughts and retweet things that he felt flattered him or supported him is kind of what he likes to do.

    He just saw a bunch of guys that looked like him driving around on golf carts with his name all over the place and it immediately gratified him to know that despite everything he knows and sees happening on a day to day basis, there are in fact some people who still like and support him. That video was liked and retweeted within 15 seconds.

    To be honest, I could probably see some trolls eventually producing some Trojan Horse video bit that appears to be supportive at first then veers into an attack or parody to make him look foolish when he retweets it.

  37. Trump is still right on the issues, the Dems are in left field with no issues other than hate Trump.

  38. "MAGA's"

    Plurals Without Apostrophes Matter. As we were each guaranteed 13 years of public education, can we all agree on this, at least?

  39. BIDEN 2020. Comrades , Welcome to East China by 2024. Democratic National Socialist have sold out this country. Wake Up America! Trump far from great, the alterative is worse. Where are the old true Democrats?

  40. https://nypost.com/2020/06/29/intel-officials-cast-doubt-on-times-russia-taliban-bounty-scheme/

    @11:07am. Thanks let's play again sometime. Some "Journalist" got their hands on some juicy material. Unverified and uncorroborated intelligence....this sounds familiar do I smell the Steele Dossier. Typical, more fake news....YAWN!

  41. 1236
    They didn't need much soap in your case.

  42. "the Dems are in left field with no issues other than hate Trump."

    I don't hate Trump. I hate the fact that my president is an ignorant moron, and he and the GOP have no policies (issues) whatsoever. I have a right for far better.

    Think about it. What was the policy of the GOP on DACA reform? The senate refused to address it, instead hoping for Trump to develop a policy. He did not. Remember Trump's promise to produce a better health insurance plan than the ACA? Total WHIFF. Trump never came up with squat, unless you consider his useless short term plans a plan. The GOP senate had two far deficient plans to the ACA that failed, then they gave up and simply tried to get rid of the ACA. Here we are 3 years later, there still is no GOP plan and Trump is going back to the well to destroy the ACA and has no plan in sight.

    When asked last Thursday by Hannity what his top policy objectives are if re-elected, Trump's answer was total fu**ing nonsense - not one could he name. Or maybe he didn't understand the question, which a 5th grader would know the meaning of. Bolton called him an imbecile and an idiot - which I had come to believe 2 years ago. It just reinforced what a lot of people already knew. I don't "hate" Trump - I hate the fact he is incompetent and he and Barr are destroying the rule of law under the guise that Trump is all about law and order. Bull s***. He is destroying the GOP brand, and is a real threat to our democracy. I didn't even get started on the coronavirus - good God - how about adopt a "policy" of wearing a mask if you are re-elected?

    1. How about a policy against the murder of innocent babies? Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  43. And Trump golfed this past weekend, twice!

  44. So we can give Bernie a pass for jumping on Trump for the Russia-Taliban bounty story. He obviously jumped the gun and salivated at the chance to bash Trump on a fake story. But even still tonight at the ABC World News, almost a full day after the news came out that the anonymous report was unconfirmed and not credible, ABC News, such a respected source, still only reports the Sunday news on Monday night. They go as far as putting Nancy Pelosi's Sunday interview on the air which bashes Trump as a Putin operative, but never mention the credibility of the original report. I'm sure they'll get to that eventually.

    Anyone else see the pattern here?

  45. Biden has a sketchy past that equals Trump's sketchy past. Biden however, in my opinion, is a face. He's clearly not mentally 100%. My problem is that the Biden they want us to vote for, isn't going to be President. He'll be replaced. His VP will take the lead and the puppet-master of the DNC, the one pulling the strings, is likely to take us so far towards the radical left that we won't recognize our nation when we are done.

    Trumps communication may not be perfect (although he's often misquoted by our respected media), but at least we know he'll get the economy back quickly. He'll stand for Americans first.

    The problem I have is, if he wins, we haven't seen anything even close to the mayhem the left radicals will unleash on the country yet. And that scares me.

  46. I stand by what I wrote. Trump first claimed he wasn't briefed. Then he claimed the info was not credible. Then the WH claimed that there was no consensus. He's a liar, just like you. At this very moment, the WH is briefing Senate Republicans. It is NOT briefing Democrats. Sounds to me like everyone in Trump swamp is trying to get their stories straight.

  47. BOH 7:13
    First he said he wasn't briefed. The media went crazy. He spoke to his staff and funneled down the Intelligence chain to find out real information, not some anonymous fact-less report in the NYT. Then, when he understood the intelligence, he confirmed the info wasn't credible. Is that so difficult to understand? Part of the problem is we have a faction that is as bad or worse than Trump, lying and telling half the story which has further divided our country. Exactly what they accuse our President of. Hypocrisy much?

  48. We are all pawns in this political mess and everyone believes everything they read. What has happened to us. The facts are what we see with our eyes. I see the American people as the issue and the politicians playing them all. There is no excuse for the actions we are seeing. It shows our ignorance and hatred. The worst is coming out in everyone. Stop blaming and start fixing with grace not violence.

  49. One old guy (older than you) yells "White Power". After the foul disgusting language by the white snowflake who herself appears to be a typical Democrat.
    Next the not credible story regarding the bounty. You best start fact checking, OH, thats fake news doesn't fact check.

  50. CNN now is reporting intelligence about the bounties was included in the President's Daily Brief this spring, a daily document he is reputed not to read. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/29/politics/russia-bounties-presidential-daily-briefing/index.html

    I find it interesting that the British were briefed last week about a threat Trump claims was never brought to his attention.

    Somebody's nose keeps getting longer and longer.

    1. Who gives a fig about what CNN reports? Just noise for your trip through the airport.

  51. Trump is McClure on a grand scale!

  52. OH BERNIE THANK GOODNESS YOU'VE SAVED THE DAY BY PROVIDING THE ALWAYS ACCURATE REPORTING OF CNN......Let's just take a deeper look into this article. Just some quotes I think important to highlight.

    "The source said there was some other information that did not corroborate this view"

    "While there was a stream of reporting on this alleged bounty issue, intelligence from one agency, there was another agency with a very strong dissenting view on this intelligence,"


    So here we go, you ANTI-TRUMPS want to flip out! BUT HOW CAN TRUMP IGNORE SUCH INTEL! Well A. It's highly unverified and B. I must of missed your same concern with Bush and his reliance on the same Intel community telling him that there was WMDs in Iraq. Oh, wait you lambasted Bush for using that intel to invade Iraq.......Guess only when it fits the narrative.


  53. In Trumps defense, it's hard to find a video without his supporters yelling racist stuff.

  54. Also, save me your outrage. We literally took out a known terrorist who had confirmed ties to killing and injuring hundred if not thousands of American military lives and Pelosi and company was so upset that Trump would act on such a thing. I guess again you forgot Qasem Soleimani.

    So again Democrats, save me your crocodile tears your hypocrisy is showing heavily.


  55. The Villages. Stupid old white people yelling at each other. Hate to tell the anti-Trump folks but they are outnumbered down there. The place is as red as Alabama. Ship down more vodka and ambian and they will be fine. Old Whit people misbehaving.lol

  56. 12:01

    "So here we go, you ANTI-TRUMPS want to flip out! BUT HOW CAN TRUMP IGNORE SUCH INTEL! Well A. It's highly unverified"

    You know what else was highly unverified? the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine. Everything that falls from his lips is rubbish.

    I just want to know how many calories you burn while rage typing?

  57. What difference at this point does it make? Move on.

  58. Bernie, was that village a retirement community most should have been yelling at each other from there jazzy wheelchairs. Some along the street seemed to me to have been released from the local insane asylums by antics and blm.

  59. @4:03
    Trump platform = Hate. Division. Racism. Ignorance. Lies. Much like you, who claims your entire Democrat family is voting for Trump.

  60. Oh please. You’re updating the post just to push it back to the top and further stoke the flames and get clicks to your blog. Just because Trump was briefed On the Russian situation doesn’t mean he was aware. Nobody listens to and absorbs everything they are told. Especially the president who gets information thrown at him 24/7. And the video that he retweeted... There would be no way for him to know it’s full content without watching the whole thing. And that video is almost 4 minutes long And poorly recorded! Plus from all reports, he tweets on an iPhone which has average speaker quality at best. So he probably didn’t hear it.

  61. Has often been cited for not reading PDB info and refusing to differ with his idol (Comrade Putin) . What is it that you Trumpsters don’t understand ? He makes Nixon look like Nathen Hale. And, why is it that the Exec Branch turnover is escalating. Soon he will be left playing cArds with Jervanka and Miller at the table.

  62. Trump's first instinct on cash-for-corpses was to lie about having been told. Now that his first lie is unraveling, he says that the accuracy of the reports wasn't clear. That also will unravel soon enough.

    What a loser.

  63. I am sure our dear prez gave the briefing of the Russian Bounties the same careful consideration he gave the retweet of the racist rants...as in: "When's my tee off time?"

  64. Barring some epic turnaround or other world changing event(s), sometime within the next 6 weeks, Trump will likely resign citing health concerns.

    Trump, his family and allies within the Republican party will be looking at the prospect of wholesale electoral slaughter come November, likely loss of the Senate and a deeper hole in the house. A bargain will be struck with Trump, to step down, receive a blanket pardon from President Pence in December and allow Nikki Haley to be the Republican nominee in November.

    Job preservation for Republican Senators McConnell (KY), McSalley (AZ), Gardner (CO), Loeffler/Perdue (GA), Ernst (IA), Collins (ME), Graham (SC), Cornyn (TX), & Tillis (NC) will eventually come into play and their ability to stick with Trump will become too much of a negative to their own reelection efforts.

  65. "No, I don't take any responsibility at all" D.J.T.'s campaign slogan for 2020.

  66. "Oh please. You’re updating the post just to push it back to the top and further stoke the flames and get clicks to your blog."

    Since my blog is not monetized, I really don't give a shit about clicks. The story was updated and pushed to the top bc reports that Trump received a briefing from Bolton and that it appeared twice in his PDF is proof that he is being dishonest about what he knew and when.

    Intelligence briefed the British last week. Why would they brief an importANT ALLY AND NOT THE President?

    It is increasingly clear that Trump is lying, as he does about so many things. But this time, his inaction has cost the lives of American soldiers. He disgraces his office and this country.


  68. Drop the capslock or I delete. John Bolton is selling a book but has no reputation for dishonesty. Trump does. Moreover, reports that Trump was briefed, both in person and in two written daily briefings, are now appearing in multiple sources.

  69. Everything is backwards.

  70. The fact you are defending Bolton now is laughable when in your own words you said...."I have no admiration for Donald Trump, but I have even less regard for his former National Security Advisor, John Bolton."

    In typical Democrat fashion "When the Narrative fits......"

    As per usual it's unnamed sources.......such Patriots.....if this was such a big deal why didn't these patriots come out in 2019.....Oh Wait John Bolton is peddling his book and needs people to think he's relevant. Once again a big nothing burger published by the Fake MSM.

  71. His reality show is at the end of the season!
    No renewal!

  72. Fake news has now consumed the once hallowed grounds of the formerly upstanding blogger free posting site.

  73. My prediction is that once again the Democrats are going to give us another term of Trump. Having the Democrats embrace the notion that everything from Mt. Rushmore to Jesus Christ to Disney Rides to John Wayne are symbols of racism is going to backfire. They already have a weak candidate and now they are associating themselves with far left radical ideas. Hillary Clinton and the Dems gave us Trump once and I'm telling you that Biden and the Dems are going to give us Trump again.

  74. Honestly I'm lost, what isn't fake news these days?

    We're throwing out CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, Breitbart, what else? Should I just rely on my Facebook and Twitter feeds?

  75. Theory: Trump has always been a Democrat and with Putin's help has rotted away and will ultimately destroy the Republican party from within, allowing the Dems to fully implement their socialist/Marxist agenda next year. He will take credit for exposing white supremacists and anti-government groups and be celebrated as an American hero, perhaps even having statues created in his honor.

  76. 114. Socialist/Marxist Agenda ? C’mon man. Your Joe McCarthy allies were discredited long ago. Compassion for the disenfranchised is a moral obligation of all citizens. Whatever your religious beliefs are (or were) need a tuneup,

  77. You can't make this shot up! What will it take for people to see Trump is a Buffon with arrested development. How much hate is out there to continue to fuel this guys popularity.
    He is ignorant of American history as well as world history. He was born on third base but claims to have hit a triple. The guy is a con. Please people. Time to end this American psychotic break with reality and get back to reality.

    1. What is that reality to you? Defunding police. Rioting and looting supported. Illegal immigration? No freedom of speech? Getting rid of our history the good and the bad?

  78. Still not voting for an alzheimer's sufferer whose team will put radical on SCOTUS. It's not about the people. They are detestable and have been forever. It's about the courts and the team that decides who gets on. Fantasizing about either side coming to their senses is fantasizing. It's difficult to hear haughty criticism of an idiot like Trump from supporters of an idiot like Biden. His own internals show that 2/3 of his party can't stand him - but are voting against Trump. Everyone's in their corners and fishing for a few undecideds who will decide everything. And save the history lectures. One side supports a traitors' flag and the other tears down statues of abolitionists because history just began a few months ago for them.

  79. Get ready you LIBERAL IDIOTS, 4 more years coming! lol

  80. Another Four Year's and the Dems will be rolling on the floors frothing from there mouths doing nothing for America. Yet they will be getting a paycheck, pension, and healthcare that they should all use for a mental asylums across America.

  81. I get the biggest laugh when Trumpsters try to paint Biden as the one with diminished faculties.
    Trump has no faculties at all. He has no comprehension skills, memory problems, can't read worth a damn, doesn't remember or can't learn simple geography, and has ensured his school grades are never released to the public.
    Is it, "The first lie wins" strategy?
    Say it about Biden, before it's said about Trump.
    If it's going to be judged on intelligence, Trump is a flyweight in a heavyweight match.

  82. 5:10, IDIOT here. I see. I must say he's running an outstanding campaign. Enjoy your hydroxychloroquine cocktails.

  83. "Another Four Year's and the Dems will be rolling on the floors frothing from there mouths doing nothing for America."

    Given this sentence, it's pretty clear you nether read nor write much. It is "years," not "year's." It is "their," not "there." It's little wonder you support Trump.

  84. I have seen it all. Apolosts for Trump explaining that the written daily briefings are 50 to 60 pages and too voluminous for him to read. In summary format they are distilled to one, or two pages, but they don't include information that might upset him. I am just wondering if Kennedy wouldn't have read them, or Nixon. Maybe they too were capable of questiinable moral behavior,but at least they had brilliance and diligence. They also surrounded themselves with brillant advisors This loser has neither.

  85. Trump, in effect was hired by the American pubic to fix the ongoing issues after Obama. Some people making up rules have been there 40 years . This should stop. I warned you here about a gas company in a foreign land and Joe’s Son who liked narcotics. No I’m projecting The Obama administration contracting (possibly) a virus with Chinese Government lab. You cut me out over the gas company last time. But remember I said that. Trump is an intermediary until a Harry S Truman can step up ,- is how I look at him. Harry was a real man,WW1 veteran. He didn’t take money or bribes ,he had integrity.. . S no period. The Buck Stops Here. .

  86. Trump made things worse. He is a liar, not a man. He is a draft dodger, not a vet. Your claim about Biden's son is complete horseshit and you make that while hypocritically ignoring the very real personal conflicts involving the personal interests of Trump and his family. Now you are blaming the virus on Obama. What the fuck is wrong with you? You have just proven to me again why you have no credibility.

  87. And- Bernie,your service to this county is valuable beyond council’s meetings. The day may come ,that some character will threaten you personally over your blog and I would stay up to protect you as I would do for Judge Murray. So - having been a Governor’s 20 combate team for 8 years has It’s advantages in a bad day. Good night.

  88. BOH 645
    You have to be kidding me. A drug addict with no experience in any business function is appointed to a international gas company board of directors making 'earning' more in a month than most Americans do in two years, and you call it complete horse sh!t?
    C'mon man. Trump Derangement Syndrome or not. Call it was it is. He was appointed to get to Biden, who ran the American response to the Ukraine-Russian Crimea power grab over natural gas. It was nepotism at best, bribery at worst.
    Don't make yourself look worse denying it or trying to call it legitimate, please. Be better than that.

  89. Of course his son played on his father's name top his advantage. I have said that is wrong and I would not support Hunter Biden for any office. But what Hunter did is no different than any of the things Trump's family has done. Moreover, the sad conspiracy theories that Joe Biden himself engaged in illegal activity never panned out, just as was said from the onset. Instead, it is Giuliani and his henchmen who are in trouble.

  90. illegal versus immoral. Same as Trump. We have two poor candidates to choose from because our political system is broken. You either hate Trump, or you hate Biden. very few are voting FOR either candidate. I would venture more people are voting against Trump, than are voting for Biden. And more are voting for Trump, than against Biden.
    I've yet to hear anyone come up with anything Biden will do for the country in the next 4 years, besides having a kumbaya moment.

  91. 11:32, Biden would do plenty but the problem is that you'll sneer at whatever he plans to do.

    Because, you know, who the hell needs health care? Or better police? Or a commander-in-chief who'll do something about Russian bounties on our troops? Or a sane approach to covid-19? Or someone who will denounce white supremacy? Or a president who restores respect among our allies? Or federal judges who aren't conservative ideologues? Or other federal appointees who actually know something about their job? Or environmental protection? Or securing everyone's right to vote? Or opposing gerrymandering? Or negotiating comprehensive reform of our immigration system? Or attempting to atop the spread of nuclear weapons?

    So no, nothing to mention.

  92. Oh, I'm both voting against Trump and for Biden. Maybe twice! I admit I wish Biden was 10 or 20 years younger, but then I also wish that Trump had launched himself to the moon for an extensive exploratory mission.

  93. 35% are voting for Biden, 20% are voting against Trump. 40% will vote for Trump. 5% are still somehow undecided. Math is math. Trump is doomed and continues to gift wrap things for Biden/Dems. Supposedly "safe" red states like GA & TX are going to need ad buys, which means less cash for TV ads in PA, FL, MI, WI...

  94. I dislike the way the media works. Unidentified sources, sources high in White House, Intelligence Operative reported. Let's start naming names, then maybe we can find the truth. How aoout rumor has it that XXX is ????? and yyy failed to report it. Nonsense

  95. 1:27 Biden would do plenty? He’s had 40 years to do that. He put the black community in jail with HIS crime bill. His only “plan” for CoVID-19 mimicked Trumps and actually laughed at Trump blocking traffic from China. He is so tied to our allies he has no backbone. China? His administration laughed at the thought of bringing jobs back to the USA. And Ukraine? Really? And I’m all for everyone voting. Everyone who is a citizen and taxpayer of the United States, which I think is what Trump endorses too. No Illegals should be voting in our elections. None. And what good is a Nuclear Arms treaty if Russia isn’t following it, and we are? Even CNN pundits agreed with pulling out of the damn treaty.
    None of your arguments hold merit. Not even the bogus leak from an anonymous source of unverified and conflicting information about Russian bounties. Such a hit job piece that anyone with a sane mind would see through.

    Biden is a puppet for the far left at this point. The Progressives are hell-bent on pushing a radical agenda, tying themselves to destructive groups that are fine with eliminating history. Seriously. Mt. Rushmore promotes white supremacist ideology? That insane and that is what the Democratic Party is pushing.
    Its my opinion neither is worthy of leading our country the next four years, but I'd pick Trump over Biden every day of the week and twice on Thurdays!

  96. Know what's really scary?

    After Trump is gone, his maniacal followers will be among us.


  97. What the hell are you stupid liberals going to do when Trump wins again! Get ready!


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