Local Government TV

Thursday, June 18, 2020

NorCo Council Again Demonstrates Its Disdain For the Public

Below is an email sent to all nine members of Northampton County Council last night. Instead of conducting public meetings that can actually be heard by the public they supposedly serve, they have fallen into a nasty habit of refusing to use their mikes. I could understand an occasional lapse, but this is insulting to the public.  It is also a basic lack of transparency.

Last night, Northampton County Council's Economic Development Committee met concerning a $27.6 million grant it will soon receive under the CARES Act. This money will be spent on small business grants; tourism; municipal and community assistance; mental health and addiction projects; nonprofit assistance; and broadband development. It was an important meeting because a lot of money is going out the door. But you once again demonstrated your disdain for the public you ostensibly serve by refusing top use your mikes. No one can hear you unless in the room with you, but that is really inappropriate during a pandemic.

Council member Tara Zrinski is the biggest offender. She has been reminded several times, and then starts shouting. She is by no means alone. Last night, it was impossible to hear Bill McGee. Depending on the meeting, you have all fallen short.

I do not see this issue in any other local government. Just you.

You also fail to insist that speakers who make presentations to you are also using the mike.

You have been told about this on numerous occasions. My only conclusion is you really have no regard for the public you supposedly serve.

Do not blame IT. This is on you.


  1. Why is there even a county council? The last bunch were just a rubber stamp for Brown and his misadventures and got the boot. This group is the same for McClure. Loaded with union bosses all in his pocket.. It doesn't seem to matter. The county Executive runs everything. The County Council has no real purpose. If it is just there to listen to the Executive and agree with everything, get rid of it and save some money.
    There may have been a time when it was thought to be needed and there ware knowable people on it but it appears to now be a useless arm of government.

  2. It is absolutely true. I have listened in on other government entities, and none is like this. None. We elected them. This is ludicrous.

  3. I have spoken to them, individually and at meetings I have attended. I am forced to conclude they just don't give a shit about the public. Last night's meeting was particularly important. I did not hear a word McGee or Zrinski said. I did not hear most of what Jessica O'Donnell at the Chamber said. I do not fault her, but do fault Council for not insisting she use the mike. In the other committee hearings, you could not hear Heffner thru her face mask of Lott thru his.

    County Council is supposed to be at least a co-equal branch. It is vested with the residual powers, but is a disgraceful embarrassment. Are they now going to give away their powers to decide how money is doled out to small business? Is the Chamber of Commerce going to be making the government's decisions? Is a business with 99 employees small? McClure sez the $ must go out quickly, so where the hell are the applications? Why are they under wraps? Do they already know who is getting these grants? O'Donnell said she gets 20 calls a day. Do those people have a leg up? Why is there a preference for minorities? Shouldn't they be treated just like everyone else?

  4. I am not at these meetings bc of the pandemic. Council has specifically asked people not to come, and then refuses to use their mikes.

  5. "Why is there a preference for minorities? Shouldn't they be treated just like everyone else?"

    I actually consider this an insult to minorities. This preference assumes our lessers need more assistance than the rest of us. In fact, Vargo-Heffner wanted to know if special help would be given in filling out applications. This question assumes minorities are too stupid to do it. This is amazingly condescending, and is evidence of the systemic prejudice we have. I have been very guilty of this myself.

  6. Wow, Bernie. Good for you. Low expectations are insidious. It's a shame we've arrived at Year Zero in American history. Vargo-Heffner should read up, and understand her remarks and those of Al Campanis on African-American buoyancy are quite similar.

  7. This is true of me as well. We tend to think minorities are incapable of doing anything unless we are there to lend our noble assistance. It is well-intentioned, but incredibly condescending. Having said that, I do believe in minority preferences at schools and jobs that were historically denied to minorities simply bc of their ethnicity.

  8. Northampton County Socialist Democrats have taken over. Closed meetings? Un American. No excuse with the tech. that is out there today. Pitiful

  9. Bernie O'Hare said...

    "Why is there a preference for minorities? Shouldn't they be treated just like everyone else?"

    "I actually consider this an insult to minorities."

    The best way I ever heard it said was calling it "the soft bigotry of low expectations".

    It's pervades liberal thinking, and does more to perpetuate the failure of minorities than the existence of men dressing in sheets.

  10. Bernie O'Hare said...

    "I am not at these meetings bc of the pandemic. Council has specifically asked people not to come, and then refuses to use their mikes."

    Isn't it time they actually allow people in the chamber again?

    The game they're playing is EXACTLY why we have real public meetings to begin with, and the reason why people should be allowed back in NOW.

    It's a little more difficult to ignore someone who's actually in the room with you when they tell you they can't hear you.

    Of course, when you can be heard then you can't just adjust the official minutes to what you want them to say.

    These sham meetings have to end.

  11. They do. The public is still allowed to attend, but was discouraged from doing so during the pandemic.

  12. While I understand there WAS a need for virtual meetings, I think the time has come to open them back up to the voting and taxpaying public. But hey, I'm crazy that way because I think the courts should also be open to the public. Will NEVER understand PJ's decision to keep the courts closed through August.


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