Local Government TV

Friday, June 12, 2020

Joe Biden and Lasagna

I won't mention her name, but I know a beautiful lady from Easton who is an amazing Italian cook. I've had her spaghetti and meatballs a few times when I was several tons heavier than I am now. It's the best I ever had. If I ate her cooking on a regular basis, I'd be several tons heavier now than I was back then. It would be worth it. I'd die with a smile on my face. I was unaware until yesterday that there's another person who shares my opinion of this woman's cooking. His name, believe it or not, is Joe Biden. Let me tell you the story.

Back in the '90s, somebody was running for something, and Joe Biden was invited to come up to Easton from Delaware and speak on her behalf. As the third Senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, he readily agreed. But he had one condition. Was it an outrageous speaking fee? No, he was coming to help a fellow Democrat. His one condition was that he wanted a nice Italian meal.

My friend was asked to book a reservation at some good Italian restaurant. There's no shortage of those in the Easton area, but she refused. "If he wants good Italian food, he's coming to my house," she said, and so he did.

Joe was treated to a nice lasagna meal, after which he went on to give his speech.

Fast forward a few years, and Joe was in the Easton area again for some other Democratic event. This time, an intern who grew up in the Lehigh Valley came with him. This intern, a college student at Weidner at that time, was considering a career in public service. His name is Steve Barron, Northampton County's Director of Fiscal Affairs, aka the NorCo Money Man.

Biden came out to meet the crowd and spotted my friend. He looked at her a moment, smiled, and shouted out, "Great lasagna!"

Barron would go on to tell me that Biden is himself a great foodie, and loves this area because of the different foods available. He loves Syrian and Lebanese food, and has spoken fondly of Damascus in Allentown. He also likes Hungarian, Slovak and Polish food.

"You're Slovak, what's the difference between halushki and halupki?" he once asked Barron.

I wonder if he's ever had garachki.

That's what you use to unlock a garage.

I can explain Biden's fascination with ethnic food because I share it. You see, we're Irish, and our food sucks. Who the hell eats mutton? Seriously. And haggis? That's sheep shit boiled in a bag, for Christ's sake. I swear all British cuisine was invented on a dare.

If Biden returns to the Lehigh Valley during this Presidential race, it will be because of our wide variety of great food.

By the way, I gained 10 pounds just writing this story.


  1. Barron Vonn Footinmouth is a Slovak? I always thought so. Another fake Anglicized name change. Real name was probably Borowski.

  2. Really Bernie, It would be easier if you told us who in the McClure adminntration is not a mancrsuh> You are now censoring Barron VonFootinmouth posts? Amazing but predictable.

  3. You’re wasting time writing about food & sleepy creepy Biden...... But you have yet to write a single thing about the fact Easton’s wrestling coach was fired a 2nd time for nothing. Hmm

  4. Complaints about my comment policy, like the one you see below, will be deleted. I have
    no idea what this person is moaning about and posted a comment critical of Barron and me.
    Really Bernie, It would be easier if you told us who in the McClure adminntration is not a mancrsuh> You are now censoring Barron VonFootinmouth posts? Amazing but predictable.

  5. I did accidentally delete a comment claiming Biden is not really a Pennsylvanian. Sorry

  6. I have sat and watched you slander countless local and national elected officials. I have watched you hound people to the point of tears and therapy.

    and I was silent.

    But I will not, I can not, sit idly while you talk shit about Haggis. It is truly the food of the gods. It's what I imagine angels would taste like, if we could kill and eat them.

    (which I'd totally be down for, BTW. Never did trust any of those Johnny-come-lately Abrahamic faiths anyway)

  7. Damascus, was there today making delivery. Very slowly I am learning Arabic since the guy knows no little english. Damn nice guy though.

  8. Biden didn't want a meal. He wanted the guy's daughter. Don't try to normalize Uncle Touchy. He should be on Megan's List.

  9. "Barron Vonn Footinmouth is a Slovak? I always thought so. Another fake Anglicized name change. Real name was probably Borowski."

    Wow! What a bigot you must be. No wonder you support Trump.

  10. Since when is noting a Slovak is a Slovak bigoted? His own boss said he was.

    You are virtue signaling for one of your mancrushes O'Hare. Give it arrest.

  11. Easton Italian food? Obviously, you are referencing the Flecks and their infamous "meatballs".

  12. "Since when is noting a Slovak is a Slovak bigoted?"

    When you do it like this: "I always thought so. Another fake Anglicized name change. Real name was probably Borowski."

    You are a very ugly person and bigoted. I find it telling that you feel some need to bash McClure or Barron in every one of your comments. And people should know the person doing it is a bigot. The Lehigh Valley is home to very many people of Slovak, Windish, Hungarian, Polish, Lithuanian and Ukranian descent. In case you did not realize it, those people vote and know Barron is Slovak bc he talks about it all the time. He is proud of his heritage and should be.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.