Local Government TV

Friday, June 19, 2020

How Would You Spend $27.6 M in CARES Act Money?

Northampton County will soon be the recipient of $27.6 million in CARES Act money. Under the Act, the money must be spent on small business grants; tourism; municipal and community assistance; mental health and addiction projects; nonprofit assistance; and broadband development. NorCo Council will have final say in all money appropriated. Below is the general framework.


  1. Each general category area should have an adhoc group peopled with representatives from that category. They should have a very short timeline to tweak the application forms needed and create a bullet-pointed list of possible types of applicants for each area showing greatest need. Council should get a copy of the bullet pointed list for each area to help inform their final approvals. Applications could come in to the Economic Dev. Office of the County (who was also represented at each of the adhoc meetings) and applications hopefully will be chosen based upon a tweaked scoring system showing need. Not sure if current personnel in the Economic Dev. Office has enough staff to handle this is the only glitch.

  2. Scratch off lottery tickets are always a solid investment, Bern.

    I'd probably spend half on wine, women, and song - and waste the rest.

  3. Forward it all to me and I'll distribute it.😉

  4. "How Would You Spend $27.6 M in CARES money?"

    Follow the timeless tradition with federal funds and give it to friends in the "awareness" business, campaign donors, and political allies... within a general framework of course.

  5. I would go with ELECT Biden ads

  6. I need an entrepreneurship loan of $ 300,000 to purchase land and start a worm farm. I also have friends in high places.

  7. Wait, isn't the Chamber of Commerce still giving out the money? Who's brilliant idea was that? It sounds like a real insider sweetheart deal that was made. The county should be ashamed of itself.

  8. Just give it away and don't tell us who got it. You know like Trumps gang.

  9. First by having accountable elected officials run it and not a bunch of unaccountable corporate types giving it out to their friends. Dumb idea of the year award.

  10. I would give myself a grant/scholarship to get an MS in Restorative Justice from the IIRP in Bethlehem. ($17,610 if anyone is feeling generous...venmo, cash app, pay pal lmk).

  11. Sorry, off topic but do any fellow county employees know if the county provides tuition assistance for non-union? I couldn't find anything on the benefits website.

  12. 1. Non-chamber small businesses that choose not to give their hard earned dollars to a corrupt organization that secretly takes care of big business.
    2. Not to Discover Lehigh Valley, another shaddy organization sucking the dollars for what is basically another chamber of commerce for their own survival.
    3. Not to any municipality that hasn't shown self control in spending tax payer dollars with full transparency and proper vetting of all expenditures.
    4. Not to mental health or addiction programs that are for profit.
    5. Not to non-profits who have high overhead staffers wining and dining on dollars that don't reach those in need.
    5. Not to any local cable company that increases their fees year over year and provides less and less for shareholder profits.

    Where does that leave us? In the hands of elected officials which is scary to say the least!

  13. Not to any organization that a member of Council is on the board of directors.

  14. Agree somewhat with 8:38. Give to non-Greater Chamber of C9mmerce members first. The big Chamber has huge Banks as members and Ianelli and top staff get big six figure pay. If they are concerned they should first help their onw. The scheme to fund the, was shameful.

    Help non-affiliated businesses especially small ones that closed or are barely hanging on. 10-20emoployees or less first. A few boilerplate questions will do. It is not science. If the county economic development people can't so it, what good are They. Elected county officials must look over their shoulders of the Economic Development crowd, as they are all connected. All apps must bee reviewed and then select those that get loans.

    Municipal loans are dangerous. It could end up being a political public relations game giving out heavy voting areas money. Need to see actual verified local costs and what they have in their treasury. Many of these municipalities love to brag that they never raise taxes. So why should all taxpayers be forced to subsidize these wealthy suburbs? We already subsidize their police

    A few thoughts. Main thi8ng is this needs heavy duty oversight as the ability for abuse is huge and we already saw it attempted with backdoor deals. Why do you think they kept plans hiden from their own legislature until the last minute.

  15. By giving 200 K to the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce and an undisclosed amount to CACLV. 8

  16. The heck with tourism. To me that seems like tossing money at hopes of people coming into spend.

  17. We don't need any money allocated for tourism. The COVID-19 effect in NYC is bringing
    new residents to the region.

  18. Happy Fathers Day, give a split to all fathers in the area.

  19. Regarding the Chamber, considering for the past three months few businesses have been
    allowed to host public events, why hasn't the Chamber pro-rated monthly membership; refunds?

  20. Buy Yocco’s and change menu

  21. Some anonymous idiot submitted a comment that is the "word supposedly from the inside," and then goes on to claim there were threats. The comment does not say what these threats are, to whom they were directed or even who made them. I refuse to post that kind of nonsense.

  22. Seems like investing in preparedness for future health crises would make sense, no? Clearly, the federal response can be kneecapped by the President, and while cases are now going down in PA, the state gov clearly doesn't have the capacity to deal with a large-scale statewide issue.

  23. To anon at 6:68 am - Northampton Community College is offering tuition assistance. Seehttps://www.mcall.com/coronavirus/mc-nws-coronavirus-workfoce-community-colleges-20200621-dy356zgxkzavldte4azfvdaiby-story.html

  24. Bernie, I have got to hand it to your boy McClure. He understands hardball politics better than I thought. After a night to County Council telling him they don't want the LV Chamber to give out county money, what does he do? He sends Council a new updated Chamber of Commerce application for county grants the very next day.

    He listened toc politely and said that's nice but I will do as I want.

    The guy has a set. You have to give him that.

  25. Council made clear that they will approve all grants, but Council still wants the Chamber, together with DCED and some Council members, to vet them. It is extremely important to get an application form out there. Given that small businesses are hurting, there should be no delay.

    As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about and are just trying to smear McClure.

  26. As usual you are protecting your boy. He is a dem. Where is this multi-million dollar contract with the clamber. The applications are not on the county site. Neither is the contract. There are business people that do not want to deal with the Chamber to get thee funds. What about us?


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