Local Government TV

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Dr. Ira Breite Discusses Covid-19 on C-Span

I enjoy listening to C-Span radio because you get to listen to events as they happen, before they are colored by talking heads from the right and left. I particularly like Washington Journal because it allows callers of all persuasions to discuss all sides of an issue. On Wednesday, NYU Langone Health's Dr. Ira Breite discussed the coronavirus pandemic and was quite informative. Let me share some of his insights as a practicing physician in NYC.

Medical health professionals have become better at decided who needs to be admitted, which removes the danger of hospitals being overwhelmed.

Though Covid-19 is primarily a respiratory disease, it is also a vascular disease for some of those infected. People get blood clots in their lings.

Though hydroxychloroquine is unhelpful in either preventing or treating the disease, two drugs - remdesivir and dexamethasone - are helpful in treatment. To a caller who insists hydroxychloroquine works, Dr Breite said, "It's been investigated. It doesn't work. It's over."

Covid is a "weird" disease. A person may only have flu-like symptoms for ten days, and then suddenly, is unable to breathe. This can overwhelm a hospital.

"We're not quite there yet," when asked whether technology exists for self-tests.

Should we wear masks? "I like and support the use of masks, and I don't understand why you wouldn't want to wear a mask." Masks stops droplets from travelling through the air. It is appropriate when we are within 6' of each other, but they are not needed if you are in the woods alone and no one is around. This is a common courtesy that we should be doing for each other. Refusal to wear a mask "makes no sense to me." Masks really mean keeping the economy open.

Visiting grandparents? There is no real good answer. What he tells people is that you should isolate yourself a week before visiting. If you can get a test, do so.

The disease is highly infectious. If one person in a family gets it, they will all most likely be infected. It can spread quickly among asymptomatic young people.

What about "herd immunity?" You need about 60% of the population to be immune before herd immunity kicks in. "It would just be awful." Also, it's still unclear whether the body will "remember" it is immune. Herd immunity will happen once there is a decent vaccine.

Convalescent plasma is the treatment of infected people with plasma that contains antibodies. It is still being researched and a "hopeful" area.

Ultraviolet light does kill viruses, including Covid-19, but there is no evidence that Vitamin D is helpful.

Viruses mutate. The dominant Covid came to NY thru Italy. It might be more infectious than the strain on the west coast, but neither strain is more deadly.

Would you feel comfortable opening schools? It doesn't work. A very small percentage get organ inflammation, but respond well to steroids. Unless it's a boarding school, kids can infect older people.


  1. If one views Vitamin D as a vaccine then that assessment is correct. But Bernie, it is incorrect to state that Vitamin D is not helpful. Vitamin D is vital for a healthy immune system. If there is one takeaway from this whole mess it is that leading a healthy lifestyle increases one's immune system and lessens susceptibility to illnesses in general. Take your vitamins, eat healthy and exercise. That means banish refined sugar: SUGAR IS POISON. Read food labels. Stay away from refined wheat and corn products.

  2. I had it. My symptoms were somewhat different. Keep an open mind. Medical professionals don’t really know everything that there is to know about this disease. As time goes on knowledge improves. Beware of anyone who makes a claim that is absolute. Not enough is known about this disease yet to accept or reject any conclusion absolutely. I know this. Everyone has a different immune system. In result your body’s reaction to the virus will be different than the next. I know. My experience was different than my wife. As far as treatment each person will react differently to the same treatment. Avoid crowds and definitely wear that mask.

  3. "If one views Vitamin D as a vaccine then that assessment is correct. But Bernie, it is incorrect to state that Vitamin D is not helpful. Vitamin D is vital for a healthy immune system. "

    This is correct, and Dr. Breite said so. It does help the immune system. However, there is no evidence it destroys the virus. There is evidence that UV light does.

  4. 5:43, Congrats on defeating the virus. Dr Breite would agree with you that this virus has been very unpredictable. His word is weird. I thought it would be helpful to introduce remarks from a physician on the front lines now that much more is known than was at the onset.

  5. A friend and his wife had the virus in April. 50s. Both were very ill. Him for a week; her for 10 days. She was markedly worse. Neither were hospitalized, as they were told to monitor oxygen and not go to a hospital unless either dropped below 90%. Lowest they got to was 92%.

    An employee's wife (LTCF employee) tested positive and became mildly ill for 4-5 days. The employee was sent home immediately for 14 days. The couple live with older parents (50s) in a very small house and quarantining was impossible - which concerned me even after a 14-day furlough (I paid him). He showed a negative test result to return to work. They didn't have the money to separate, but stayed in separate rooms and did their best. She's recovered and neither he, not the parents were infected, thankfully. I've heard of households where it runs right through everybody. Theirs was the perfect set up, but didn't happen. There's so much we don't know.

  6. POTUS exploring voodoo options. Kushner heading taskforce. Flynn to be first candidate for testing though he may be immune.

  7. Nice to read nothing but thoughtful comments here so far. Very refreshing to hear there are folks out there who still think science is valuable and understand that the only way we keep this virus to manageable numbers are the 3 rules: social distance, masking, and frequent handwashing. Also, avoiding large crowds. Until there is a vaccine, that is life here on earth.


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