Local Government TV

Thursday, June 11, 2020

BLM March in Hanover Tp on Saturday, 5 PM

From Hanover Tp: The Township has been notified that there will be a Black Lives Matter Protest March at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 13, 2020, starting at the Hanover Township Community Center.

The march will then proceed to the following route:

Stafore Drive
Helen Street
Bonnie Avenue
Kim Street
Cherry Avenue
Sydna Street
Stark Road
Quail Creek
Autumn Ridge
Place Road
Greenfield Road

We fully expect it to be peaceful. We would however suggest that vehicles be removed from the road to assist with the flow of the walk. Also there will some disruption of traffic flow.


  1. More disruption by guilty white millennials. No longer a serious cause. Just a mob party.

  2. Anonymous said...
    More disruption by guilty white millennials. No longer a serious cause. Just a mob party.
    June 11, 2020 at 10:10 AM

    It is just this sort of belligerence that we see in all too many police officers.

  3. It's just this sort of belligerence that we see in too many people on all sides of the issue.

    Call out all hypocrisy, not just 1/2 of it.

  4. How is it "hypocritical" to ask that police officers treat all citizens with respect?

  5. We are all hypocrites. The anger at a peaceful protest tells me that perhaps guilt is gnawing at you.

  6. @10:10 - But if it were a bunch of white boomer tea party types playing GI Joe dress up time with their guns proudly on display because their right to wave a Confederate flag was being trampled on, you'd be shaking your pom poms for them - Amirite?

  7. They should possibly focus their attention on Chicago were it is obvious that black lives are truly worth next to nothing.

  8. Parade route is along a great white way. Photo Op for guilty white millenials to show they care. Should have been held in downtown Allentown led by the white mayor along with majority white city council members where they would have received much wider attention and support. Would have been a preview of coming attractions to Western Lehigh County while bringing warm memories to many of those former city folks reminding them of why they moved to the Valley. Perhaps another parade later this summer and certainly before the November election. Hey! No Guts-No Glory!

  9. Every single life matters, therefore, the purpose of society should be to respect all, which really isn't a new phenomena. As a white person, I'm painted with a broad brush and seen as a problem, yet, aren't we just exacerbating the issue when we blame one race over another? I am not ready to jump on the all whites are racists or the all police are bad cops bandwagon. Once again, we are REACTING to an issue with Facebook decorations, taking down statues, marches, changing names, etc. We talk around the issues, rather than address the problem. Racists come in every color, gender, and socio-economic level.

    Everyone has skeletons in his/her closet and if we dig deeply enough into the pasts of people, we will find that there are things said and regretted.

  10. There will no doubt be more than 25 people in attendance, and there will be no gnashing of teeth by our "shutdown government."

    I guess that means that by default, we are now "green."

  11. No one is suggesting all whites are overt racists or that all cops are bad. That's absurd. What bothers you, as a white person, is your inability to see that you have advantages denied to minorities simply bc of the color of your skin. You are also blissfully ignorant of your own subtle racism. If you see a black guy walking down the street, do you walk to the other side? When you read about a crime, do you instantly think the perpetrator must be black?

    Just look at the comments. You will see numerous examples of both subtle and overt racism.

    " former city folks reminding them of why they moved to the Valley."

    "They should possibly focus their attention on Chicago "

  12. Absolute bullshit Bernie. What about the "yellow skin" Chinese-Americans? They are people of color too and do not whine about "advantages denied to minorities." They prize education. They work hard. They pursue valuable careers. They have intact family units. How have Indian-Americans been denied opportunities? They fled India because of the caste system there. They are people of color. Yet they study, work hard, and make something of themselves. Many are doctors. Others just hard-workers in entry jobs. How have they been discriminated against? Except Joe Biden's snide comment about every 7-11 having Indian workers. Hispanics are hard-working people who value family and and our great land of opportunity. They take jobs most whites, as well as other ethnic groups won't take. But for some reason, blacks get a pass. Nothing is their responsibility. It is "systemic racism" that keeps them down. Ignore the explosion of kids being raised without fathers. About gang violence and liberal politicians who baby them. You love to call everyone who doesn't buy your BS racist. Go right ahead with me. But believe it or not, I have black friends and do not walk to the other side of the street to avoid a black man.

  13. Do we know who is organizing this? There has been a lot of transparency with the marches around the valley, but an email from the township was all that is available for this one. Thank you. All lives cannot matter until Black Lives Matter.

  14. Um, you obviously know neither history nor current events. Asian Americans have been subjected to significant prejudice. In fact, the Chinese were specifically excluded from this country at one time. The racism is rampant and I see it. Talk to a “yellow skin” friend , if you have any. And Asian Americans have been active participants in BLM.

  15. No one is suggesting all whites are overt racists or that all cops are bad. That's absurd. What bothers you, as a white person, is your inability to see that you have advantages denied to minorities simply bc of the color of your skin. You are also blissfully ignorant of your own subtle racism. If you see a black guy walking down the street, do you walk to the other side? When you read about a crime, do you instantly think the perpetrator must be black?

    It's your blog and you can certainly call me racist if you like, but that just goes to show that it is you who is ignorant. I have never gained or lost a job on the basis of my skin color and to make such a remark shows that you are part of the problem because you assume people are racist. I am in a merit-driven field and am actually supervised by minorities. (Yes, I know, gasp...how can I, a "subtle racist," cope with that?) I will greet and socialize with people of any color and I also dislike a good many people, despite their color, gender, orientation.

    You write about "advantages denied to minorities" yet you fail to mention Affirmative Action. If anything, in the last 50 years, society has worked really hard to level the playing field and bring about equality in all fields.

  16. I support black people, however I cannot support an organization that has as its number one goal to defund the police! Check out their website. BLM is an anti police organization that is masquerading as a pro black people group. Defunding the police will hurt inner city black people the most. All the money given to this organization is going to support far left politicians and not directly to black people.

  17. We now have anarchists controlling a 7 block area of Seattle. Armed anarchists! Yes this is happening in America. They are demanding that the Seattle police department be eliminated. Free health care and school. BLM, much like Occupy Wall Street, started out as a noble cause that was quickly hijacked by anarchists and socialists. Freedom of speech is dead in this country, if you say something that goes against their narrative and you work in public life, you are to be destroyed! Drew Brees was bullied into apologizing just because he expressed the reasons he stands for the flag!

  18. The hypocrisy of liberal politicians knows no bounds! We have liberal democrat governors wanting to lock up old men who just wanted to be able to give haircuts, yet they are allowing protesters, both peaceful and not peaceful, to go unchecked. Not only that, they march with them breaking their own shutdown rules! Once this fades the media will be screaming second wave second wave we have to lock down again! When right wing people protested at the state house they were labeled morons that were going to spread the virus, which is true IMO. But when people rioted and looted the media had a totally different tune. I don't think Corona virus was uttered on CNN for the last two weeks, yet today it's already started with the second wave nonsense! The double standard today in our media, heck, they don't even try to hide it anymore.

  19. Oh please Bernie. I am college educated and am very aware of the history of oppression of Chinese and Japanese Americans. You completely missed the point. They are not in the streets protesting their treatment decades ago. They do not have a giant chip on their shoulders. They moved on and bettered their lives. I have Asian American friends. They respect the police and live our country. I see few of them sympathizing with BLM. They have more ambition in one finger than you do in your entire body.

  20. Wonder why there is a push to defund the police? Could it be any more clear?
    FOP, largest police union endorses Trump in 2016 election.

    And this, from left-wing publisher VOX n Nov 2019.

    Divide and conquer. Educate yourself.

  21. I’ll reserve judgment on this March until after it’s over. Remember, there a 2 examples of the words ‘Black Lives Matter.’ One version is a worthy statement to make. The other version is a worldwide organization. Hard to tell if both versions are on the same page when it comes to goals and objectives.

  22. 1:03 pm: Native Americans continue to face discrimination, but no marches for them, no statues removed. Instead, many remain on the less-than-desired land to which they were banished.

  23. No one is against peaceful protests! Peaceful gatherings, demonstrations, exhibitions, etc. are all an Important part of our nation’s history.

    The burning, looting, vandalism, and physical acts in harm to others are NEVER acceptable. The anarchy taking place in California, New York, Minnesota, Washington, Illinois, D.C., and even nearby Philadelphia, Pennsylvania must not be ignored, tolerated, or excused after the fact. But, here we are.

    What should have been peaceful and legal protests have been co-opted by factions of ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, Marxists and others. Their focus is to damage America . . . no matter what it takes.

    A civilized nation requires Law and Order to exist. Our nation is under attack. This must be ended.

  24. 2:58, the evidence indicates that white supremacists are much ore of a problem when it comes to violence.

    And why should the government interfere with peaceful protest? Of what are you afraid, exactly, ideas?

  25. Why?
    is there some sort of policing problem in Hanover Tp I'm not aware of?

  26. BLM is a hate group, look it up. Why are people promoting this. Bet if the KKK was coming around, uproar would ensue. AND RIGHTLY SO! No more double standards, ALL LIVES MATTER !

  27. The fact is the liberal elite believe that blacks are inferior and only can succeed by special privileges from other races enforced by the government, maybe blacks believe the same thing. why have we had 50 years of affirmative action, special preferences for government jobs, black business etc and still cant seem to be equal. There is no conspiracy by whites, Hispanics, indians and Asians to keep blacks down. They themselves and their democratic friends are keeping them down, just by telling them that they are doing poorly because of white people. White people and other races do not get up every morning thinking about what they need to do to help black people, they have enough to take care of their own families. they need to get their shit together, take care of their families and save and struggle like everyone else. It is that simple.

  28. "No one is against peaceful protests!"

    A lot of Blue State Governors were about three weeks ago.

  29. The anger these peaceful protests inspire prove two things:

    1) There are numerous "asymptomatic" bigots.

    2) They are necessary.

  30. these protest are now just a tool or weapon to extort more accommodations and privilege for the black community and the socialists. Obviously most of them dont have a job and likely are not really interested in getting one. Maybe they should march for more jobs, maybe they would get a positive response.

  31. It's hard to imagine you giving them a positive response of any sort.

  32. The ignorance and racism displayed in these comments is so very deeply disturbing. Are you really not aware that hate crimes against Asians, especially the Chinese, are way up since Trump started framing this as the "Chinese" virus? That the police kill UNARMED black men at an alarming rate?

    George Floyd was murdered because a teenager suspected his $20 was fake. His murderers weren't arrested (and may not have been) until we protested. Brock Turner RAPED a young co-ed behind a dumpster and served 3 months because of "good behavior". Explain that before you tell me that our society isn't racist.

  33. The protests don't bother me Bernie. The hypocrisy does. Small business can't open, old guy cited for giving a haircut, social distance blah blah blah yet there is Wolf marching next to some idiot with a blue lives murder sign in violation of his own rules. It's sick.

  34. Cannot believe 6:41 is so ignorant and/or naive. Blaming Trump for an increase in crime against Chinese? Absurd. How many of those crimes were by blacks? But we don't see that reported. Blacks are as racist against Asians as they claim whites are racist against blacks. But they get a pass because they are an "oppressed" minority. Police kill unarmed black men at an "alarming rate?" Bullshit. Look at the FBI statistics. Those encounters in relation to thousands of arrests of black men by police are miniscule. Not one should be condoned. But stop exaggerating to prop up a weak argument.

  35. We’ll find out tomorrow, but I think the Hanover Township March will be about 150 local young people who feel a need to show their support publicly. No damages or abuses. That’s an urban ‘thing’ with big crowds to make everyone think they are anonymous, and held after dark. Naturally, local politicians will feel a need to be there for the all important, virtue signaling, photo opportunities.

  36. Hope it's peaceful. I plan to shoot arsonists and looters, should protesters express themselves that way. Be warned. My family's lives matter. Thanks.

  37. 10:10 - Everything is Trump’s fault, don’t you know? No need to investigate further. Why waste your time with learning? It’s ALWAYS Trump’s fault!

  38. White millennials, who have crawled out their parent's basements, will be in full force, I-Phone cameras in the air, ready to post their brave march on Instagram and other social media accounts. This will reward them among their radical peers. Do NOT let a job or other more constructive, self-sustaining activities get in the way of your Mickey Mouse Club parade.


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