Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Lehigh Valley DAs Outline Prosecution Policy for Wolf Shutdown Violations

Yesterday, after first making sure I had no outstanding warrants, I asked Lehigh County DA Jim Martin and NorCo DA Terry Houck to provide me with their policy concerning any criminal prosecutions for any violations of Governor Tom Wolf's lockdown. Both gave me very thoughtful and well-informed answers. Let me share them both. Though they have not spoken to each other about this topic and belong to different parties, their positions appear to be pretty much the same. This is likely because both are professional prosecutors, not politicians.

Lehigh County DA Jim Martin: There have been no criminal prosecutions in Lehigh County of which I am aware. The sections cited by the Governor as “…the most directly applicable provisions for enforcement of the (his) Orders.” are found at 71 P.S. Sec. 1409 and 35 P.S. Sec. 521.20. These are both summary offenses. The District Attorney, by statute, prosecutes only misdemeanor and felony offenses. The police would issue Summary Citations and prosecute the case. The DA would only get involved if there was an appeal to court from the MDJ’s [Magisterial District Judge's] finding of guilt.

There is a suggestion that non-compliance could give rise to a prosecution under 18 Pa.C.S. Sec. 5101 Obstruction,a misdemeanor. That has not occurred. And, I think that is a stretch.

My suggestion to the police in Lehigh County is that the issuance of Citations is discretionary with the officer; that a warning should be issued first; and, that before issuing a misdemeanor complaint, they should consult with the duty ADA. I am not aware that any such consultation has taken place.

Northampton County DA Terry Houck: "There have been no criminal prosecutions (yet) that I am aware of in NORCO.

I am treating this pandemic like the crisis it is. I recognize the need for people to get back to work. Many people are suffering and I get it. I have friends and family that are out of work; I also have friends and family that have contracted this virus. With that said, I believe some people are attempting to make this a political opportunity, and I will not be part of that.

In mid-March, Governor Wolf ordered all non-life sustaining businesses to close in response to COVID-19 and public safety concerns. To enforce this order, law enforcement can issues citations to business owners under 35 P.S. § 521.20(a) (Disease Prevent and Control Law of 1955) and/or 71 P.S. § 1409 (Administrative Code of 1929). Both of these provisions are summary offenses, punishable by a fine and/or incarceration. As you know, these offenses are handled by Magisterial District Judges, as they are courts of final authority in these matters. Summary matters do not need District Attorney approval.

PSP was given guidance, which was then shared with local law enforcement agencies, which recommends that when law enforcement receives a complaint, it obtains pertinent information relating to the business and then verifies whether the business qualifies as “life sustaining.” If the business does not qualify, law enforcement is to verify whether the business is open to the public. If the business is open in violation of Governor Wolf’s order, the business is to be contacted and advised of the requirements of the order. At that time, the business should also be warned that future violations may result in a citation. If the business again fails to comply, the business should be warned that continued violations of Governor Wolf’s order will result in enforcement action. Subsequent violations will result in the issuance of citation(s). In sum, businesses who are in violation of Governor Wolf’s order should receive two warnings prior to a citation being issued.

Today [May 11], Governor Wolf held a press conference addressing the issue of reopening business and counties. Governor Wolf stated that he has no plans to sue counties who defy his orders or to ask the Attorney General’s Office to step in and prosecute violations where local District Attorney’s Offices refuse to do so. However, he made several threats during his press conference to both local counties and businesses. First, he said that discretionary funding may be withheld from counties who operate “illegally” during the pandemic. He also threatened that businesses who reopen early are jeopardizing their insurance, certificates of occupancy, liquor licenses, and health department certificates. He also stated that local DAs who are instructing police not to enforce his orders are hurting everyone in Pennsylvania and noted again that even if those businesses avoid prosecution by local police, they are risking their occupancy and health certificates.

Approximately a month after this order was issued, Governor Wolf issued another order that outlines the protocol that life-sustaining businesses that remain open are required to follow. This includes requiring employees and customers to wear masks, setting forth cleaning procedures, staggering work schedules, limiting the number of employees in common areas, holding meetings virtually if possible, and limiting occupancy, among other requirements. These requirements are also enforceable under the statutes discussed above.

It is worth noting that, as of Sunday, May 10, 2020, PSP had issued 312 warnings related to Governor Wolf’s business-related COVID-19 orders and only one citation had been issued.

Given the lack of citations across the state, prosecuting businesses who re-open does not seem like a particularly pressing issue at this time. While I believe that the guidance provided by the Governor seems to be frequently changing and not entirely clear, I am not sure that a blanket prohibition on citations is wise. I think that multiple warnings should be the first approach. Further, I think our Office is within its purview if we chose not to prosecute businesses simply for reopening. However, I do not think it would be smart to prohibit local police from issuing citations entirely. While I am less concerned about businesses simply being open, I do have concerns about them not following the proper protocols, such as properly cleaning and requiring masks to be worn. If a business is truly operating in a way to jeopardize public safety, law enforcement should have some authority to take action (if warnings do not remedy the problem).

Another important issue of note given today’s press conference by Governor Wolf is that, if our Office decides not to issue any citations, it should be made clear we (Office of the District Attorney) do not have control over the Liquor Control Board, the Department of Health, or other state agencies. Given Governor Wolf’s threats about pulling health and occupancy certificates as well as liquor licenses, I think we should be careful about businesses thinking we are guaranteeing that there will be no repercussions should they reopen. While our office can decline to prosecute citations issued by the police, we have no authority in the other areas mentioned by Governor Wolf.


  1. The problem in finding someone guilty of merely being ‘Open’ is that Wolf’s Top Secret List of which businesses are considered ‘eligible’ is suspicious and probably not enforceable. Wolf is being forced to provide all information about how that list was designed. So far, he has only been willing to provide a listing of those businesses he deemed worthy. Why is he hiding everything else?

  2. Seems the only possible harm Wolf can do is instruct his people to pull the operating license of certain violators. As for any other nonsense citations, the local, neighborhood Magistrate will decide. Good luck remaining in office, local Magistrate, if you penalize your neighbors who feel a greater need to save their business or feed their families than to support that out of control Wolf.

    Citizens will vote their way out of this oppression from ever happening again. Every incumbent in office is in jeopardy, not just the Ds. All of politics is being tarred by this Governor. It will not matter what letter is after a candidate’s name. It will be a thorough cleaning effort.

  3. Sounds to Me that they should take a ride over to Dolche Mamas restaurat on route 512 in Hanover twps.Good old Ralph has been open since the start...I wonder who he knows?????

  4. Coward that is what Wolf calls people who wants to feed their family--But Wolf is the true cowarg in 1971 after 4 years of college (dodging the draft) he would now dodge the draft for 2 more years by getting into the peace corps with his family influence by time he got out the draft was over, HE was the coward.

  5. That restaurant on 512 never has cars in the lot as the food is less than desirable. Look at the reviews.

  6. The latest excuse for not opening sooner is complete bullshit. Defenders of Wolf, and those who parrot him, like to say without much greater testing it is not possible to open this soon. Weak argument!

    Anyone who gets a test today and it comes back Negative, can still get a Positive the very next day! This was confirmed by the Admiral in charge during yesterday’s press conference. The test is only a 1 day snapshot. Hardly a definite indicator.

    Yes, everyone who deserves a test can get a test, meaning those who present with symptoms. Not enough tests, though, if everyone gets in line for just ‘something to do.’

  7. Lehigh and northampton counties have gutless leaders

  8. I think all you people against Gov.wolf should sign a paper stating if you get the virus the Dr.and nurses don't have to help you ...my GOD GO ADK THE DR. AND NURSES THAT ARE SO DAMN Exhausted if we should open so soon ..the people that want it open the most are rich bastards that their riches are running out who care NOTHING ABOUT LIFE ...ASSHOLES


  10. Wolf just insulted half the state LOL. His operation waiver operation went like this, if you donated heavily to him then you get to operate and feed your kids, if not, you starve. Give it up Wolf, the state house should have to use subpoenas to get stuff from the so called "most transparent governor" which is a joke of course.


    They were. Last week, two infectious disease specialists from the LV were asked, and they responded it's time to re-open. One of them, Dr. Luther Rhodes, said "fear is dictating" the state response. And you are a fear-monger. A pretty ignorant one, too. Covid-19 should certainly warrants serious precautions. I agree with many of the measures. But if a business can operate within CDC guidelines,. it should be allowed to operate.

  12. It's clear that there will be some degree of economic reopening. Apparently this will be followed by an increase in infection rates, including lots more fatalities. Then we'll see how our society reacts.

    I think we'll being seen as having set the economy back by moving prematurely. However, the die now is cast.

  13. Bernie O'Hare said...
    "But if a business can operate within CDC guidelines,. it should be allowed to operate."
    May 12, 2020 at 9:45 AM

    Are you referring to the CDC guidelines that the White House is suppressing? How would we know if a business is meeting these censored requirements? The guidelines of the White House Task Force had requirements for infection rates, testing, and contact tracing that states don't meet.

    Are people like you just pretending that these guidelines are being met? (And no, it's not enough that there are a couple of local doctors who say otherwise. Unanimity is not likely to occur. I'm much more interested in what Dr. Fauci says.)

  14. Unknown said...
    I think all you people against Gov.wolf should sign a paper stating if you get the virus the Dr.and nurses don't have to help you ...my GOD GO ADK THE DR. AND NURSES THAT ARE SO DAMN Exhausted if we should open so soon ..the people that want it open the most are rich bastards that their riches are running out who care NOTHING ABOUT LIFE ...ASSHOLES
    May 12, 2020 at 9:18 AM

    Certainly these are the people who will howl the loudest when they or their family become infected. They apparently need more proof that the virus is dangerous. I think they're going to get it, good and hard.

  15. What you mean to say is that is what you hope.

  16. The great irony of what's happening now is that, as Dr. Fauci warns, the hasty reopening may well set the economy back than it would've been with more patience.

    1. Fauci is a hack, in the fall the flu will be back , are we supposed to hide from that too, the flu kills and killed more people than this, and there is a vaccine, no one takes it and it is no guarantee you won't get the flu.

  17. People will die if we reopen and people will die as collateral damage from the shutdown. Life is not fair and the sooner we accept that the better of we will be.

  18. Bernie O'Hare said...
    What you mean to say is that is what you hope.
    May 12, 2020 at 10:08 AM

    No, I said exactly what I meant. It's most unbecoming of you to impute motives to someone who is making an honest argument. Do you want me to do that to you?.

  19. "Are you referring to the CDC guidelines that the White House is suppressing? "

    The AP has a link to these supposedly "censored" guidelines. That's pretty strange for guidelines you claim are "censored." The existing CDC guidelines are sufficient, and according to Dr. Birx, the a newer version is in edit. There are existing guidelines and they are on my left sidebar. They are pretty easy to follow. I have no idea whether there

    From what I understand, some people on the coronavirus task force are unhappy with CDC. They should be bc CDC botched this at the onset. If new guidance is being deliberately suppressed, that's outrageous. I've seen partisan accounts making this claim, but the facts are not there. They do support the suggestion that Trump's acolytes are attempting to control what comes out. This is reprehensible, too.


  20. "No, I said exactly what I meant. It's most unbecoming of you to impute motives to someone who is making an honest argument. Do you want me to do that to you?."

    I'm not here to be a charmer. I am being honest. It is clear to me that you wished those who need more proof that Covid-19 is virulent should get it, "good and hard." It is clear to anyone who speaks English. You're disgusting. In my book, the worst kind of people are those who wish harm on others.

  21. 10:24, I believe you're referring to older guidelines issued by the CDC, not the ones that recently were reported as "suppressed" and then, following criticism, are "drafts under revision." Your post did not make clear whether you were referring to these. So, on what date were the guidelines to which you refer adopted by the White House?

    That aside, you fail to respond to the concern than the guidelines of the White House Task Force for reopening still aren't being met.

  22. Mez thought you were a charmer on your first date with her ?.

  23. And you can say whatever you want about my motives. If I gave a rat's ass what some cowardly anonymous commenter brays, I'd never blog.

  24. Bernie O'Hare said...
    "No, I said exactly what I meant. It's most unbecoming of you to impute motives to someone who is making an honest argument. Do you want me to do that to you?."

    I'm not here to be a charmer. I am being honest. It is clear to me that you wished those who need more proof that Covid-19 is virulent should get it, "good and hard." It is clear to anyone who speaks English. You're disgusting. In my book, the worst kind of people are those who wish harm
    May 12, 2020 at 10:29 AM

    You're certainly succeeding at not being a charmer. You're also succeeding at being rude Absolutely, I believe that additional infestation with COVID-19 will be most hard to experience. But if you insist on saying that I want people to die, then you'd better be prepared for posters to impute motives to you. Is that really where you want to go?

  25. Bernie O'Hare said...
    And you can say whatever you want about my motives. If I gave a rat's ass what some cowardly anonymous commenter brays, I'd never blog.
    May 12, 2020 at 10:33 AM

    Well, let's see. I believe that people like you are happily prepared to let others sicken and perhaps die because it suits your ego to be "anti-establishment". If and when those people die, I don't believe that you'll ever be willing to acknowledge your role in that.

  26. Anonymous said...
    People will die if we reopen and people will die as collateral damage from the shutdown. Life is not fair and the sooner we accept that the better of we will be.
    May 12, 2020 at 10:11 AM

    Spoken like someone who does not expect to die.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    People will die if we reopen and people will die as collateral damage from the shutdown. Life is not fair and the sooner we accept that the better of we will be.
    May 12, 2020 at 10:11 AM

    So why don't you just say "life is not fair" to the people who want to reopen sooner than the consensus of health experts suggest?

  28. I think we've learned a lot about the virus over the last few months, and need to follow the science and what the numbers show us:

    1) If you live in a nursing home or care home, you're more likely to get and die from the virus.

    2) If you have other conditions (hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, etc.) you're more likely to die from the virus.

    3) If you're a male, you're more likely to be hit hard and possibly die from the virus.

    4) If you're in a state that is run by a democrat governor, you're more likely to catch and/or die from the virus.

    5) If you're in a county in PA that is under democrat leadership, you're screwed, and you're also more likely to catch and/or die from the virus.

  29. Anon 10:50 said:

    "So why don't you just say "life is not fair" to the people who want to reopen sooner than the consensus of health experts suggest?"

    Because the reason we shut down was to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That hasn't happened.

    The hospitals have the capacity. It's time to reopen.

  30. 10:40/10:50

    Only a fool would argue with an idiot. Life's not fair, it's pretty simple.

  31. So what are you're saying, that we have to reopen prematurely and kills tens of thousands of people because you have a conveniently narrow view of why we shut down?

    We shut down to suppress the virus and save lives. And it's not yet suppressed enough to reopen as we are.

    You don't sound like someone who expects to land in the hospital.

  32. Anonymous said...

    Only a fool would argue with an idiot. Life's not fair, it's pretty simple.
    May 12, 2020 at 11:00 AM

    Again: you sound like someone who expects others to get sick while you're OK.

    The virus isn't going to care what you expect. Be prepared for disappointment.

  33. From USA TODAY:
    Sen. Lamar Alexander opened a Senate hearing on reopening the economy during coronavirus by calling U.S. testing of 9 million people “impressive, but not nearly enough.”

  34. From USA TODAY:
    DENVER — A Colorado restaurant that opened for full service on Mother’s Day in defiance of state rules banning sit-down dining was ordered to close Monday and had its license suspended indefinitely by health officials.

    Good! I hope that Gov. Wolf yanks the license of every business that opens in defiance of the law.

  35. Anon 11:02 said:

    "We shut down to suppress the virus and save lives."


    The reason we shut down was to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That hasn't happened.

    The hospitals have the capacity. It's time to reopen.

  36. 10:37, In case you haven't noticed, and you don't seem to notice much, I have already been accused of all those things. But one thing I have never done is wish an illness or any kind of harm to another person. That's for ugly people like you.

  37. "I hope that Gov. Wolf yanks the license of every business that opens in defiance of the law."

    11:11, Aren't you a good little Nazi!

  38. Bernie O'Hare said...
    10:37, In case you haven't noticed, and you don't seem to notice much, I have already been accused of all those things. But one thing I have never done is wish an illness or any kind of harm to another person. That's for ugly people like you.
    May 12, 2020 at 11:13 AM

    My, there you are again with the personal insults. It seems that your ego is way too big to allow for even a bit of humility. That others have raised the same concerns with you would be taken by a reasonable person as cause for pause, but that's not you.
    Your ad hominem arguments only purportedly cover for your apparent deep deficiencies in your emotional and intellectual IQ.

    If people die, you get part of the blame. That's the point that you can't even acknowledge. Instead, you claim that I'm the one who's hoping for death, when you're the one who's openly and repeatedly advocating for it.

    And hidden behind your blog, you'll never so much as need to justify your treachery to the relatives of the survivors.

  39. Bernie O'Hare said...
    "I hope that Gov. Wolf yanks the license of every business that opens in defiance of the law."

    11:11, Aren't you a good little Nazi!
    May 12, 2020 at 11:15 AM

    I am a law-abiding citizen and expect the same of others. Call that what you will. (And, clearly, you will.)

  40. magamamma said...
    Fauci is a hack, in the fall the flu will be back , are we supposed to hide from that too, the flu kills and killed more people than this, and there is a vaccine, no one takes it and it is no guarantee you won't get the flu.
    May 12, 2020 at 11:19 AM

    Why would any sensible person want to avoid something that can kill you or your family?

    Your use of "hide" suggests that you see this as some sort of macho contest. Do you really think that a microscopic virus will be impressed?

  41. 11:11 you belong in communist dictatorship

  42. Wolf is not basing his decisions on "science." 24 counties have gone "Yellow" and 13 more will go "Yellow" on Friday. But, "Yellow" is hardly anything approaching normal. Face masks, social distancing, severe group-size restrictions and many categories of businesses still not allowed to operate are not normal.

    And, our dear governor has not said one word about what it takes for a "Yellow" county to go "Green." No criteria whatsoever. He's afraid to say what going "Green" means. To him, it means a vaccine must be tested, approved, and widely-available. Oh, in about a year or 18 months.

    If he were a leader, he'd be honest about that.

  43. "I am a law-abiding citizen and expect the same of others."

    Interesting to see how this plays out in CA. I wonder if the guv out there will have the cojones to shut down Tesla.

    Or do bullies only go after the little guy?

  44. I saw a quick glimpse of the "waiver list". Didn't have enough time to go into detail, but one name stuck out. Since when are CRAYONS an essential business???? lol Keep pressing for how these waivers came about.....

  45. Anonymous said...
    11:11 you belong in communist dictatorship
    May 12, 2020 at 11:47 AM

    So you don't believe in enforcing the law?

  46. Doc Rock said...
    Wolf is not basing his decisions on "science." 24 counties have gone "Yellow" and 13 more will go "Yellow" on Friday. But, "Yellow" is hardly anything approaching normal. Face masks, social distancing, severe group-size restrictions and many categories of businesses still not allowed to operate are not normal.

    And, our dear governor has not said one word about what it takes for a "Yellow" county to go "Green." No criteria whatsoever. He's afraid to say what going "Green" means. To him, it means a vaccine must be tested, approved, and widely-available. Oh, in about a year or 18 months.

    If he were a leader, he'd be honest about that.
    May 12, 2020 at 11:52 AM

    If he hasn't said anything, then clearly you're just making this up.

  47. Anonymous said...
    "I am a law-abiding citizen and expect the same of others."

    Interesting to see how this plays out in CA. I wonder if the guv out there will have the cojones to shut down Tesla.

    Or do bullies only go after the little guy?
    May 12, 2020 at 12:09 PM

    I think that Tesla should be personally punished and his factory closed until it's legal to reopen. I don't care what's the size of the business.

  48. Sounds like some commenters here are the type that sit in the passing lane doing the speed limit.

  49. May 12, 2020 at 10:56 AM

    Practicing your stand up routine for when the bars open again?

  50. 11:29, good little Nazis were very law abiding citizens.

  51. 12:38 PM

    In the mean time, YOU get back to us when the cops start strictly enforcing speed limits to "save lives."

    Of course, law enforcement professionals generally recognize strict enforcement generally causes problems.

    I'm glad you admit my comment can't be dis-proven. On the other hand, I happen to know your insinuation about red-necks is completely false.

  52. House arrest is an election strategy. It will continue until November in key battleground states. This stopped being about health and safety a long time ago. The tribes have spoken.

  53. As Terry let SBRPD off the hook for giving preferential treatment to a dangerous drunk, it's hard to believe he's going to arrest me for the gathering of 20 or so I plan for Friday night in Moore Township. Our DA has bigger fish to ignore.

  54. Anonymous said...
    12:38 PM

    In the mean time, YOU get back to us when the cops start strictly enforcing speed limits to "save lives."

    Of course, law enforcement professionals generally recognize strict enforcement generally causes problems.

    I'm glad you admit my comment can't be dis-proven. On the other hand, I happen to know your insinuation about red-necks is completely false.
    May 12, 2020 at 12:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    12:38 PM

    In the mean time, YOU get back to us when the cops start strictly enforcing speed limits to "save lives."

    Of course, law enforcement professionals generally recognize strict enforcement generally causes problems.

    I'm glad you admit my comment can't be dis-proven. On the other hand, I happen to know your insinuation about red-necks is completely false.
    May 12, 2020 at 12:58 PM

    Please tell me your philosophy about which laws should be obeyed and which should not. If I get a speeding ticket, which is rare, at least I take what's coming.

  55. Anonymous said...
    As Terry let SBRPD off the hook for giving preferential treatment to a dangerous drunk, it's hard to believe he's going to arrest me for the gathering of 20 or so I plan for Friday night in Moore Township. Our DA has bigger fish to ignore.
    May 12, 2020 at 1:11 PM

    I understand that you're flaunting your lawlessness. Believe me, we all get it. You're so manly!

    And all of you will be endangering not just yourselves but also whoever else with whom you come into contact.

  56. This is no longer about health and safety. Overdose deaths in the tri-state area of OH, PA, WV are outpacing CoViD-19 deaths ...

    "(Alcoholics Anonymous) and (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings are not being held, outpatient substance-abuse treatment is not taking place," Tim Czaja, director of the Berkeley County Day Report Center said. "I would argue that this particular population is at far greater risk of overdose and death than the risk of COVID-19 when these community-based face-to-face meetings are not available to them."

  57. Bernie O'Hare said...
    11:29, good little Nazis were very law abiding citizens.
    May 12, 2020 at 12:56 PM

    And so are many fine Americans. Why do you suggest that it's necessarily a moral failing? Again: you totally lack humility.

    If you believe in selectively defying the law, own up to that as well. And please let us know which laws we should feel free to break.

  58. 1:16 PM

    People responsible for enforcement in a free society tend to figure out what can be enforced and what can't be.


  59. "Please tell me your philosophy about which laws should be obeyed and which should not."

    Here's mine:

    "One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty. I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law."

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  60. Just a lot of bitching going on in here with not one personal story of tragedy again.

    A real pandemic would be self evident, everyone would have family members dying, it's a fake political narrative.

    Most of the radical freedom resistance comes from those knowing the virus scam will be exposed the sooner we open, and that the Media is exactly what the Village Idiot said it was, "your worst enemy". To suggest Covid-19 supporters care about Trump supporters getting sick working, while they collect checks and stay home safe is a farce.

    It would be interesting to know if these two cops believe Jeffery Epstein killed himself.


  61. Selective Law Breakers:

    Susan B Anthony
    Henry David Thoreau
    William Parker
    Dr Martin Luther King Jr
    James Bevel
    Rosa Parks
    Daniel Berrigan

  62. I just read that George Washington broke the law by organizing an army to fight the British. And we put this law breaker on our money!

  63. 1:30 PM

    A great man indeed. But imprisonment is such an old-fashioned idea...


  64. 1:28 you need to calm down, Spanky.

    My point about life not being fair was just made by 1:26. You cannot just have people shelter in place and not expect any consequences of that action. Sure you will slow the spread of covid but if you think other maladies will not catch up to people you are just plain stupid.

    I believe Bernie is trying to make a point that you unconditional rule followers are easy to control, hence would make good little Nazis.

  65. Check the response to Gov. Wolf from PA State Representative Ryan Warner. Now, THIS is leadership acting firmly on behalf of his western Pennsylvania citizens ! To control a guy like Wolf you must have the courage to speak out and challenge his errors.

    Bernie, I don’t like to list web links because clicking on some links is dangerous to your computer security. I’ll just say, I read this Representative’s statement on Breitbart. Anyone can find it at that website, if interested. I think you’ll like his response, and might want to list it here. If it’s not appropriate to mention this here, just delete this entry.

  66. Anonymous said...
    "Please tell me your philosophy about which laws should be obeyed and which should not."

    Here's mine:

    "One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty. I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law."

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    May 12, 2020 at 1:33 PM

    I'm also a fan of King, who himself was much influenced by Gandhi, who held the same opinion. Those two never endangered anyone's lives but their own, by the way, and they both paid the ultimate penalty for their views.

    So let's see those who openly and defiantly break the laws about virus containment, like Elon Musk, take their punishment.

  67. Anonymous said...
    Just a lot of bitching going on in here with not one personal story of tragedy again.

    A real pandemic would be self evident, everyone would have family members dying, it's a fake political narrative.

    Most of the radical freedom resistance comes from those knowing the virus scam will be exposed the sooner we open, and that the Media is exactly what the Village Idiot said it was, "your worst enemy". To suggest Covid-19 supporters care about Trump supporters getting sick working, while they collect checks and stay home safe is a farce.

    It would be interesting to know if these two cops believe Jeffery Epstein killed himself.

    May 12, 2020 at 1:35 PM

    You just keep ,making up stories about those who disagree with you. Do you really think you're fooling anyone?

  68. Anonymous said...
    Selective Law Breakers:

    Susan B Anthony
    Henry David Thoreau
    William Parker
    Dr Martin Luther King Jr
    James Bevel
    Rosa Parks
    Daniel Berrigan
    May 12, 2020 at 1:39 PM

    Never heard of Parker or Bevel, but I'll look them up. The others I know to be mostly lifelong activists whose sincerity and devotion to their cause was well documented.
    Of course there's a proud tradition of civil disobedience in America (and elsewhere).

    But today's lawbreakers are not heroes or heroines. They are fighting only for the "cause" of being able to unnecessarily increase the risk of infecting others with a deadly virus.
    Let them be charged with violating the laws and we'll see if they eventually become recognized by history. I believe they'll be seen as nothing more than misguided and selfish lawbreakers.

  69. Anonymous said...
    I just read that George Washington broke the law by organizing an army to fight the British. And we put this law breaker on our money!
    May 12, 2020 at 1:41 PM

    Revolutionaries always are breaking the law, but the history is written by the winners. Washington had his faults, to be sure, but he also had many fine qualities.

    You, sir, are no George Washington.

  70. "But today's lawbreakers are not heroes or heroines. "

    Sez some anonymous coward of whom yesterday's civil rights heroes would be ashamed. Some of us have a much higher regard for the Bill of Rights and resent any government infringement, especially when the deprivation is extended and has no rational basis. Thank God some people still understand this. I am a proud Democrat, but am an American first and believe strongly in our constitutional rights. Your kind of thinking is extremely dangerous because it is fascist.

  71. More of your insults. Quite a problem you've got there. Don't pretend that you know me or, for that matter, what genuine heroes or heroines of the past would say about me.

    Just climb off your pedestal. Wrap yourself in the flag all you want, but you're just someone who wants to unnecessarily put others at risk and get a medal for it. I certainly don't expect you to admit that, but I do want to help people see it for what it is.

    Let's never lose sight of the fact that you blog about defecating. That's as symbolic as anything gets.

  72. So you don't believe in enforcing the law?

    May 12, 2020 at 12:29 PM

    I'm curious as to your take on enforcing the law prohibiting illegal entry into the US, as well as the law against harboring the criminal illegal entrants.


  73. 2:12 - 'They are fighting only for the "cause" of being able to unnecessarily increase the risk of infecting others with a deadly virus.'

    Oh, the drama!

    As of today, the virus has killed 1 of every 10,650 Pennsylvanians who do not live in a nursing home (if you believe the state's official, but subject to constant manipulation, numbers). That's 0.009%. Why not let those willing to take that risk take it.

    Tell us, oh, enlightened one, when you would permit the Lehigh Valley to go "Yellow?" Looks like you don't want your fellow Pennsylvanians to get out of jail until the virus risk is ZERO. If you disagree, tell us your criteria.

  74. Both DA's are taking very sensible approach. Thanks Bernie for posting them.

  75. 12:43 PM

    "Don't pretend that you know me"

    I'll have to remember that the next time someone accuses the rest of us of "wanting to kill people."

  76. It’s really quite simple. Anyone afraid of moving to Yellow now, due to some threat to being personally infected, just needs to do what is best for themself! That probably means you and yours should just stay home for a few more weeks. You will not be dragged out of your home, so just take control of ‘you.’

  77. There's always this solution.


    I think it would keep people from speeding too.

  78. 3:01 pm -

    They surrendered "control" of self long ago. Some never had it in the first place. Proudly and fiercely dependent, womb to the tomb.


  79. 2:12, I'd say go to yellow when the state government tells you to go to yellow. Simple enough.

    You presumably don't like that because you believe you know better than the government. I'm going with the government on this one, as I believe they understand the issues much better.

  80. Anonymous said...
    12:43 PM

    "Don't pretend that you know me"

    I'll have to remember that the next time someone accuses the rest of us of "wanting to kill people."

    May 12, 2020 at 2:59 PM

    I accuse you of advocating an ill-advised increased risk of spreading the virus, with the result that people will die. Unlike BO, I will not accuse you of being of malevolent intent. Rather, I just think that you're very, very wrong.

    And if unnecessary illness and death result, you're going to need to answer for that to yourself. It looks like most of you won't give it a second thought.

  81. Anonymous said...
    It’s really quite simple. Anyone afraid of moving to Yellow now, due to some threat to being personally infected, just needs to do what is best for themself! That probably means you and yours should just stay home for a few more weeks. You will not be dragged out of your home, so just take control of ‘you.’
    May 12, 2020 at 3:01 PM

    I am doing what I believe to be best for not only myself, but also everyone else: I want to keep people from unnecessarily spreading the virus. So I think that YOU also should stay home for a few more weeks. What part of this don't you get?

  82. Anonymous said...
    3:01 pm -

    They surrendered "control" of self long ago. Some never had it in the first place. Proudly and fiercely dependent, womb to the tomb.


    May 12, 2020 at 3:08 PM

    Your smugness is showing. Actually, what I want is for the government to control the virus, which means controlling YOU so that you don't unnecessarily expose others.

  83. "More of your insults. Quite a problem you've got there. Don't pretend that you know me or, for that matter, what genuine heroes or heroines of the past would say about me.

    Just climb off your pedestal. Wrap yourself in the flag all you want, but you're just someone who wants to unnecessarily put others at risk and get a medal for it. I certainly don't expect you to admit that, but I do want to help people see it for what it is.

    Let's never lose sight of the fact that you blog about defecating. That's as symbolic as anything gets."

    Um, I've never wrapped myself in the flag and have defended the right to do all kinds of terrible things to it, including shitting on it. I also have no desire to "unnecessarily" put others at risk. I support many of the measures imposed because they are only a slight infringement on my rights with a rational basis and a public benefit. I support a ban on large gatherings bc that is precisely how the virus is transmitted. But unlike Governor Wolf, Rachel Levine and fear-mongers like you, I refuse to allow fear to dictate my response to the virus. I oppose the complete lockdown of the state bc it has no rational basis, had no beneficial effect and is in fact nor supported by the science. If anyone should be arrested it is Governor Wolf or Sec'y Levine for their borderline criminal disregard for nursing homes.

    You say I don't know who you are. I know too many people just like you. Instead of being champions of the 2 million unemployed working poor and blue collars who have been cast aside like the weekly garbage, you threaten to have them arrested for trying to put food on the table for their families.

    Instead of helping people who have been waiting in some cases since February, Wolf let them languish. The UC website was down again yesterday. It is impossible to call. Live chat is useless. It takes 32 business days to get an email response. This is disgraceful and what is even more appalling that it is happening under a smug Democrat.

    Yes, I know your kind all too well. You are a politically correct and condescending elitist who thinks you know best what people should do, and support arresting them, if they stray. "Listen to the science!" you bray, until it is clear you are no longer supported by science.

    I support a Democratic party that looks out for the working poor, blue collars and small business.

    You no doubt support plastic straw bans, too.

    Yeah, I know you.

    But I do blog about shit. It's probably what attracted you.

  84. "Part 1 of 2"

    Oh spare us Tolstoy.

  85. I deleted Tolstoy, I have no obligation to post the sophism of that Nazi. He had his shot and does not run this blog.

  86. No one here can state any number of deaths being quoted, are deaths solely due to this Coronavirus. Most of the deaths were among those with more than one underlying serious medical condition that could have (due to their own severity) led to dying. Many who died were also 0ver the age of 84, well past the expected life expectancy tables for this time in history.

    The numbers being thrown around for cases/deaths are all over the map. I believe, given to support whatever impression the claimant wants to make. Unfortunately, for some, purely as political strategy.

  87. 3:50, 3:56

    "2:12, I'd say go to yellow when the state government tells you to go to yellow. Simple enough.

    You presumably don't like that because you believe you know better than the government. I'm going with the government on this one, as I believe they understand the issues much better."

    Don, I'm glad you lost every office you ever ran for.

  88. 3:50 - "I'm going with the government on this one, as I believe they understand the issues much better."

    First of all, it's not "the government." It's one person - the governor. The legislature is not involved in making the decision; the state courts are not involved in making the decision. Only the governor.

    Second, the governor has never disclosed what "science" or "data" he invented to come with his arbitrary criteria. Because there is none.

    Third, the governor has never disclosed what "experts" he consulted with in order to set his arbitrary criteria. And, he won't because he doesn't want to acknowledge the lack of intelligence among those minds he values.

    Wait for "the government" to tell you what to do in every aspect of your life. There's a place that's doing that right now. It's called Venezuela. How's that working out?

  89. "Your smugness is showing. Actually, what I want is for the government to control the virus, which means controlling YOU so that you don't unnecessarily expose others."

    May 12, 2020 at 3:59 PM

    Shorter dependent:

    "I'm gonna get my Big Brudder after you."

    They took your lunch money, didn't they?


  90. Anonymous said...
    "You presumably don't like that because you believe you know better than the government. I'm going with the government on this one, as I believe they understand the issues much better."

    They can't balance a budget, care for veterans and the mentally ill, have no concern for the expected increase in suicides nor the deaths resulting from failure to get early detection screenings. Before this started, they ran the state broke while running up taxes and maintaining the worst roads in the country. You obviously work for some retarded arm of our demonstrably retarded government. Enjoy yer vacation Karen the goldbrick.
    May 12, 2020 at 6:02 PM

    Well, maybe the rickety old state government can pull it together to, say, arrest you for flagrantly violating the governor's order. And I bet your tax returns could stand a once-over. Or maybe you should run for office and show us how much better than everyone else you can govern!

  91. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/11/michigan-judge-sides-with-barber-rejects-gretchen-whitmer-demand-to-close-shop/

    Ain't it cool?!


  92. Anonymous said...

    Ain't it cool?!

    May 12, 2020 at 6:29 PM

    So the judge wants to hold a hearing before ruling. If a restraining order is entered and the barber refuses to comply, he's in contempt of court and subject to arrest.

    Works for me.

  93. Anon 1:33 pm. People often ask about 'Irony', what is irony.

    Well an example could be one of the confederate flag waving gun toting "patriots" quoting Martin Luther King jr. One could plausibly point to that as irony.

  94. Well you happy now Don? Looks like Bernie pulled your card.
    Will you still mention yourself in the third person on your blog? Time to come out just like Rusty.

  95. Lol. He's apparently gone batshit cRaZy.

  96. For a while I thought he was just trolling everyone. The man is retired, has no employer social media policy to run afoul of, and still writes about himself in the third person. The best part is he thinks no one realizes he is the Connolly Victim. Its a shame as he is a smart fellow but writes like a potty mouthed teenager.

  97. He’s not a smart fellow at all lol


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