Local Government TV

Monday, May 11, 2020

Update - Counties Tire of Wolf's Nanny Government, He Responds With Threats

Increasingly, Governor Tom Wolf's draconian lockdown is being questioned and defied. Opponents of Wolf's sledgehammer approach to the Covid-19 pandemic have been derided as right-wing lunatics unwilling to listen to science, but as it happens, infectious disease experts like Dr. Luther Rhodes have concluded both that "fear is driving" the state response. In addition, at least Dr. Rhodes asserts that the data upon which the state Department of Health relies is biased because it includes nursing and personal care homes.

The map above is a pretty clear indication that 11 counties, most in the southcentral part of the Keystone State, will either open themselves or refuse to enforce the business shutdown.

Dauphin County Board Chair Jeff Haste made his feelings known in a letter to the people of Pennsylvania:
Let’s open up our businesses and our communities. For centuries, our people and businesses have shown they can adapt to changes to survive and prosper. They cannot, however, do a thing when a dictator and an unelected secretary place them in lockdown.

Updated Noon: - The "Dictator" Strikes Back! - Governor Tom Wolf has threatened to stop sending federal money (the state has none) to counties that defy him and revoke business licenses to the small businesses who dare try to eke out a living while his own Pandemic Unemployment System is a disgraceful failure. He accuses counties and businesses of "choosing to desert in the face of the enemy" in a news conference in which questions must be screened.

(Originally posted at midnight).


  1. Gov. Wolf is listening to the wrong people and as a result is making bad decisions. He should be listening to infectious disease experts, such as Dr. Rhodes. Instead he relies on advise of his handpicked Director of Health who is a pediatrician. When the infectious disease experts of both LVHN & St. Luke's are both saying that his shutdown in the Lehigh Valley is overreaching and should be relaxed, the governor should listen.

    It appears that county executives in several counties are and defying the governor's orders. HOORAY for them. Let's see if Tom Mueller listen to the local experts and has the guts to defy him also. I doubt it. Mueller and McClure are nothing more than inept placeholders

  2. Tom Muller is no longer the LC Executive. It's Phillips Armstrong.

  3. 4:38 AM The state estimated it lost 360 million in sales tax revenue in April because of the shutdown. Our tax is 6%, so the state's non-essential businesses lost over 5.5 Billion in sales. That number is likely the same for May. So 11 Billion in total sales lost so far. That money provided income for millions of us non essentials. The state has likely(if you didn't qualify or didn't recieve UI) cost the average person in our state 20% of their yearly income. The average personal savings rate in this country is 7.5% so the average non essential PA resident is experiencing finanicial hardship.But the real hard part for the non essental businesses will be operating under the new normal the lockdown created. Consumers with less money, less desire to part with it, and social distancing mandates that will drive down capacity will make their survival difficult, let alone make any money. That means higher unemployment. This scenario worsens every day and yet you continue to root for it.

  4. Philip Armstrong is a left liberal he will not go against Wolf

  5. Pathfinder -

    Lehigh County government is full of party hacks that won't question the Governor.

    Phil Armstrong is county executive since 2018, and is even more partisan than Muller was. Shortly after taking office, Armstrong even appointed the Dem Party Chair to be Director of Administration - the #2 position in county government.

    The lemmings that have been installed on the board of commissioners will follow lockstep with their party chair, who helps raise the funds for their re-election.

    So don't expect any help from Lehigh County Government. They're working for the party, not for you.

    Over in NorCo, I believe Council just extended the handing over their responsibilities to the NorCo Executive to June 8th, so don't expect the party hacks there to help you out either.

  6. Phil Armstrong will never go against Wolf-aS a matter of fact the board of commissioners will not help the businesses of the county. They will put up your taxes as soon as possible.They will not run the county in a way that is good for the taxpayer. they will spend your money ant way they want. Led by Armstrong.

  7. The counties that are breaking the law had better be prepared to explain to their own citizens why they can't also pick and choose which laws to obey. Of course, in their defiance they only copy Pres. I Don't Have To.

  8. 11:10 the law you are talking about --it was set up by Wolf and one man does not make law in this country.

  9. "The counties that are breaking the law ..."

    What law? The governor has issued vague, unenforceable guidance. He's not allowed to make laws or levy fines. That job is for the legislature and they haven't shut down anything. Any charges brought during this mess will be dismissed and the civil suits that follow will be too numerous to count.

  10. Wolf is threatening to withhold funding for the counties defying his orders. He seems to be taking a page out of the president's playbook -- you don't do things my way, I'm not sending aid. I get the need for precautions, heck, I even understood a quarantine, but shutting down the state and isolating people will not solve the problem, rather it will create much bigger issues. Nothing will spread if everyone is isolated, but humans are social creatures and rebellion is imminent.

  11. Just what our depleted State funds needs. More lawsuits and legal bills. Gov. Wolf is out of control at this point. Maybe just arrogant, possibly ignorant. I hope the Counties ignore him. One State Senator, a most impressive Doug Mastriano of South Central PA will ‘mop the floor’ with Wolf. Check out his website and Facebook for far more information than what we are getting from our local reps.

  12. Wasn't PA one of the states that took the federal government to court over the federal government withholding funds to cities that declared themselves sanctuary cities?

    If so, it would appear that Wolf is trying to have it both ways.

    What a loser! I can't wait to make those politicians that continue to support him pay this November.

  13. PA has an enemy and it isn't a virus called Covid 19!!

  14. Thank you, Bernie. It is always refreshing to get your take on the political ramblings in the Lehigh Valley. You didn't disappoint.

  15. The life of an outlaw isn't supposed to be comfortable.

  16. Anonymous said...
    11:10 the law you are talking about --it was set up by Wolf and one man does not make law in this country.
    May 11, 2020 at 11:28 AM

    He's the governor acting properly under statutory authority. The PA Supreme Court agrees with me.

    Law certainly doesn't come from bloggers.

  17. Our "wartime president" has surrendered to the virus.

  18. Your so call "wartime president" followed the powers of the law to the state just like the law allows. It's the dictator leadership of your state and several others that is the problem. Play on the fears of the people thru the media. SHAMEFUL

    God Bless a "Free" America!

  19. But Trump said that he had absolute power. Of course, then he did nothing, but no one ever said that consistency is his strong point.

    And the actions of your "dictator" have been affirmed by the PA Supreme Court. I guess they're "draconian" as well.

    Finally, why hasn't the Rep. majority in the state legislature revoked the guv's action? Let me guess: :draconian", right?

  20. "This is why many of you Hurry-Uppers are not trusted. You have no interest in protecting public health."

    Stop it, Karen. How many in attendance were in nursing homes or over 70? Cower in your corner and change your mask every ten minutes. The rest of us must work to pay for those of you who won't. A bill is coming due and you should be happy for those who are covering it for you, Karen.

  21. Anonymous said...
    "This is why many of you Hurry-Uppers are not trusted. You have no interest in protecting public health."

    Stop it, Karen. How many in attendance were in nursing homes or over 70? Cower in your corner and change your mask every ten minutes. The rest of us must work to pay for those of you who won't. A bill is coming due and you should be happy for those who are covering it for you, Karen.
    May 11, 2020 at 2:52 PM

    I believe it's safe to say that the rep. did not hold his party in a nursing home, as I would've expected the story to have mentioned it. As to the representation of septuagenarians, I also can't say.

    Of course, you fail to mention that this was done in flagrant violation of the law. I guarantee you that other law-breakers will be pointing this out when they are arrested. And what would you have the cops or judge tell them then?

  22. The ‘Cower in Mom’s Basement’ crowd will pay the same higher taxes over the coming years as the ‘Hurry-Uppers. Boy, are you basement dwellers in for a big surprise! Have enough savings put away?

  23. Oh, I'm expecting the Open-Uppers to pay. Or you have to let me live in your basement. Make a choice.

  24. Darth Wolf essentially called officials in those counties cowards. Hardly. They are brave to try opening up their economies before small businesses go bankrupt. There is more than enough hospital capacity to handle a surge in cases. Since 70% of cases are in nursing homes, keep them under strict quarantine. Only 5% of the general population has tested positive. With social distancing, masks and generous use of disinfectants there is no reason why small businesses cannot resume serving customers. Those customers know the risks. Their participation is voluntary. Freedom isn't free.

  25. "Hospital bed availability" is the PRIMARY statistic that should be being viewed, but apparently we don't have that in Pennsylvania because of ineptitude, laziness or stupidity.

    Let me know if one of you finds THAT stat, then everyone can weigh in, because the rest of the comments are mostly political and FAR from science.

    1. Here is your stat-


  26. My son works at a Hospital in Western NJ. Laid off staff and numerous open beds at a large facility. ???? What's the excuse here? POWER ! The same in Pennsylvania. What is the constant..... "D" = Fear mongering.

  27. 3.38
    "Only 5% of the general population has tested positive."
    So all citizens of PA have been tested?
    You have no idea how many future cases or how many have been exposed.
    Without more testing you are whistling past the graveyard.

  28. First, I want to be clear that most of the charges brought against me are totally bogus, man. and then they pile on just because you put up a little fight or have some meth in your pocket. The best thing I've ever heard is that it's now OK to break the law in PA.

    It's a whole new ballgame now!

  29. Anonymous said...
    My son works at a Hospital in Western NJ. Laid off staff and numerous open beds at a large facility. ???? What's the excuse here? POWER ! The same in Pennsylvania. What is the constant..... "D" = Fear mongering.
    May 11, 2020 at 3:53 PM

    We need to have some excess capacity for when the shit hits the fan. And it's important to separate non-COVID 19 from COVID-19 patients.

  30. From The Hill:
    White House officials working in the West Wing are being asked to wear masks to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, according to a memo distributed to staffers on Monday.
    Officials in the building are being asked to wear face coverings when they're not at their desks or able to maintain social distancing from others, a White House official confirmed to The Hill.

    Man, these White House people are SO ahead of the curve. Who could've suggested wearing masks w hen you're near people at work?

  31. ".... flagrant violation of the law."

    Like public protest in this state, currently? Back to civics class with you. A governor can't make law and he can't suspend the US Constitution by edict. Not my rules, Karen.

  32. "The best thing I've ever heard is that it's now OK to break the law in PA."

    We're letting prisoners out of jail anyway. This simply streamlines the process of putting criminals back into society while avoiding the lengthy and expensive justice process. Instead of catch and release. We simply refuse to catch. Look up reluctance to prosecute the Volstead Act and fining violators a penny.

  33. But I have been led to believe that the people who want to lift the lockdown will be faithfully observing such practices as social distancing. You know, taking all reasonable precautions and all that. Where, or where. do they find their role models?

  34. Anonymous said...
    ".... flagrant violation of the law."

    Like public protest in this state, currently? Back to civics class with you. A governor can't make law and he can't suspend the US Constitution by edict. Not my rules, Karen.
    May 11, 2020 at 4:18 PM

    The guv has statutory powers. The state Supreme Curt says he did it right.

    You're on the wrong side of history, bubba.

  35. 4.18
    Wolf has the power under laws passed quite some time ago.
    PA supremes have affirmed his actions.
    They have stated and the people filing suit have stated that Wolf has the legal power(the force of law) to do what he has done.
    Until a Federal court rules against Wolf the rules are his to make.
    Feel free to protest you can make sure investors hiding on their yachts get their dividends even if the little people get to die

  36. Wolf will punish the whole county for an action of a few business people--This is type of person Wolf is. He was a rich kid who always got his way -right or wrong. Now I know why his home county would not vote for him in both elections.

  37. Deletion policies:

    1. Any post can be deleted on a whim. No explanation is necessary.

    2. If you get an explanation, it won't doesn't have to be true.

    3. Blog administrator will call you names even though he's just making up shit.

    4. After calling you names and deleting your posts, blog administrator still will "argue" his side of the issue.

    5. Blog administrator refuses any discussion of the deletion policy.

    6. However, it's a public forum and so the members of the public don't have to eat this particular pile of shit.

    7. After all, "rules" are merely advisory in this society, right?

  38. From USA TODAY:
    YORK, Pa. – A Pennsylvania state representative appears to have defied Gov. Tom Wolf’s order prohibiting large gatherings of people Saturday evening when he organized a meeting to talk about reopening businesses in York County.
    More than 150 people attended the meeting. The vast majority were not wearing masks, and many were shaking hands, hugging and sitting close together in violation of social distancing guidelines.

    This is why many of you Hurry-Uppers are not trusted. You have no interest in protecting public health.

  39. Oppressive government at its finest.

  40. When the infection rates rise, he's one of those who owns the situation.

    Never try to fool Mother nature.

  41. Guess a republican being pro opening deserves the memory hole.
    does not fit the narrative?

  42. 9:04 PM

    Useful information no doubt.

    Would be more useful if one could track the data over time.

  43. Bernie,
    In very small classified ad print Sunday's notices included: Dry Cleaner closing. Clothes must be picked up …."

    How many more?

    Open Businesses Now.

    Let us use common sense and protective gear.

  44. Wolf needs to get tougher and teach these juveniles a good lesson showing them who is in charge.

  45. All the law breakers that open with out Wolfs permission,should be told they will not recieve a 2nd round of stimulus help if it is given.


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