Local Government TV

Monday, April 13, 2020

Philly Police Stop Making Arrests for "Minor" Offenses, But Yank Unmasked Man Off Bus

In an effort to keep jail populations at low levels during the coronavirus crisis, Philadelphia police have stopped making arrests for what they consider minor offenses. This includes burglary and car theft, which are hardly minor matters to the victims. With all this extra time on their hands, at least ten of them dragged some rider off a SEPTA bus because he had no face mask. He had refused to get off when instructed to get off by the bus driver, who himself was wearing no face mask.

Looks like they have their priorities straight.


  1. So arresting jaywalkers and throwing them in the holding tank is a good idea?
    Clearly increasing the chance of someone getting a deadly virus is ok as long as it is someone else.

  2. Meanwhile in Mississippi people are getting $500 tickets for attending drive-in Church Services.


  3. A good debate is going on to examine if the passenger on the Philly bus incident was eventually dragged-out NOT for lack of a face mask, but for FAILING to obey police instructions to leave, and then fighting with the police.

    I see NOTHING wrong with the way the officers conducted themselves. Thank you, Philadelphia Police officers, and policemen in every other community. These brave men and women deserve our admiration and respect.

  4. Dennis P - or like the Governor of Michigan ruling it is illegal to MOW YOUR OWN LAWN ! No kidding. A massive rally planned for Michigan to object. Crazy times.

  5. So your letting low level offenders go back to some cities that have so much illness to "protect" them? As if many of our prisoners came from good supportive living situations and they will have immediate housing, income and access to needed services. They will be a windfall for local drug dealers. Monitoring is a joke as our system for monitoring can't handle current cases loads. This is an example what powers government officials can assume. Governors and local officials have done more to cripple our nation than any virus.

  6. Will a first offense of rape get me ARD?

  7. Wolf is going to leave a thousand prisoners out from a jail in the north central part of the state- the majority of those prisoners will head TO PHILLY boy tell me those left wing people are not smart.

  8. I see nothing that says or shows the bus driver was not wearing a mask. What is the basis for that claim?

  9. 10:24- the video I watched showed a man standing at the front of the bus, in the aisle, shouting that everyone must wear a face mask in order to ride the bus.

    First of all, you can’t shout instructions throughout a bus while wearing a face mask. My though was, the man shouting at the riders was a Philadelphia Transit cop. When he got some ‘grief’ and refusal, he ran out the front of the bus to re-enter at the back door. The uniformed officers also entered to assist in removing the offender, who was at the back of the bus, and removed from the back.

  10. Never fear, looks like the mask requirement joins the long list of offenses no longer being enforced.

    "SEPTA’s main concern is the health and safety of our customers and employees," it said in a statement. "To that end, on April 9 SEPTA started requiring customers to wear facial coverings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. That policy will no longer be enforced."

    SEPTA added, "While SEPTA urges riders to cover their faces, those who refuse will not be barred entry to the system."


    Gee, maybe I'll go for a ride.

  11. "I see NOTHING wrong with the way the officers conducted themselves."

    Of course you don't. You support Big Brother authoritarianism. I oppose it.

  12. Why isn't it "Big Brother authoritarianism" to require bus drivers, under pain of losing their jobs, and other riders (who may not have other transportation options) to be exposed to riders who aren't wearing a mask? At the time, at least, there was a rule requiring masks to be worn.

    People who want to endanger others are areal problem, but that doesn't rate so much as a mention. Why is that?

  13. "I see nothing that says or shows the bus driver was not wearing a mask. What is the basis for that claim?Z"

    The video of the unmasked driver ordering three people off the bus, one of whom had his face covered. Never let facts get in the way of your Big Brother mentality.


  14. "People who want to endanger others are areal problem, but that doesn't rate so much as a mention. Why is that?"

    Because it is unclear to me whether a mask makes that big of a difference. Also, bus drivers can themselves wear a mask. They also can refuse to work and wait several weeks as their claims are processed by bungling bureaucrats. This would create job openings for others who would be happy to work.

  15. "People who want to endanger others are areal problem, but that doesn't rate so much as a mention. "

    I believe that you, who supports Big Brother authoritarianism, have no qualms about endangering others who have been negatively impacted by a draconian shutdown. Look in a mirror.

  16. Let's just beat everybody up until they do as they're told. Just beat everyone.

  17. You do know that the authority of the government is ultimately backed by force, right? Fight with a copy and be ready for a fight.

  18. I now see that Bernie believes his judgment in matters of public safety to be more important than that of everyone else. Such arrogance!

  19. Thank goodness that Gov. Wolf has taken action to protect us. Pres. Happy Talk just wants to deflect responsibility.

  20. The unmasked man is a racist toward the dress code of the boys in blue.

  21. US Dept of Health advises that when confronted by an armed person(s) whether in uniform or not, it is best to follow instructions as given. Failure to do so puts you at risk of serious bodily injury and related medical expense.

  22. Bernie - I'm not sure what to make of your comment at 11:19. Wouldn't it be worth it if wearing a mask decreased the risk of transmission even a little bit? I wear a mask for the elderly who are responsible for our existence on this earth. That's my opinion and my right. As for the SEPTA driver, he belongs to the Transit Workers Union, who would just pull another member off the bench. Not much in the way of job creation.
    The guy picked the wrong time to argue his case. Arguing with the police usually has the same outcome, as this man discovered.

  23. I have deleted several comments from a troll who anonymously accuses me of making up details of my story, even though this appeared in multiple videos and news accounts. If you want to call me a liar, ID yourself or I will delete you. You just don't like the truth, and support authoritarianism and Big Brother government, so long as it comes from the left,. I oppose it, whether it is an unenforceable order to get off a bus, a Sunday drive, religious service, suppression of the press or denial of abortions.

  24. "US Dept of Health advises that when confronted by an armed person(s) whether in uniform or not, it is best to follow instructions as given. Failure to do so puts you at risk of serious bodily injury and related medical expense."

    Bullshit. First, there is no US Department of Health and no such instruction from HHS. Second, the order to dismount was illegal bc there was no order in place requiring a face mask. It was only a recommendation. Thus, the rider correctly defied the instructions. Third, this is still America, not Nazi Germany. When police give illegal orders, they may properly be told to go fuck themselves. If they use force, it is they who will face the consequences.

  25. Police are only human. Telling them to go fuck themselves, even in a polite way, may have consequences. We are in uncharted territory with the Wuhan virus and the "State" is infringing on our rights. Again we are only human and will make mistakes/oversteps. You fight the good fight by issuing a proper "go fuck yourself" and I'll comply and have my day in court, with clean hands. As this is not Nazi Germany, I'm still entitled to that right. Sometimes its just safer to play the long game. I can't take a punch like I used to.

  26. He's a saint, that guy.

  27. Bernie some cops have there heads up there asses and there for can't fuck themselves as there anal retention is broken. This is why in the inner city's there is shit all over the place.

  28. 4.41
    " this is still America, not Nazi Germany. When police give illegal orders, they may properly be told to go fuck themselves. If they use force, it is they who will face the consequences."
    WOW you truly live in the "white man's bubble" of reality.
    Black guy tells the po-po to fuck themselves he gets tazed if lucky if not shot dead.
    The guy has a beef with SEPTA.
    He can sue if he wants.
    The cops were told by the driver to get the person off the bus.
    The cops need an excuse well ----they thought the passenger was acting in a belligerent manner and was a threat to the safety of other people on the bus.

  29. Twitter has this link to the unmasked SEPTA driver, who even threw off a passenger who had a face covering bc it was not a surgical mask. https://twitter.com/phillyTRU/status/1248653656733495301?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1248653656733495301&amp%3Bref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdailycaller.com%2F2020%2F04%2F10%2Fwatch-philadelphia-police-man-bus-mask-video%2F

  30. Americans of Japanese descent in 1942 had all these wonderful right too...They must have been to polite to say "I have rights go fuck yourself "

    Unless you are terminal and/or prepared to make it your last stand, under no circumstances should you argue with police.

    If you want to be a rebel, get rid of your cell phone, or at a minimum leave it at home.

  31. "his is still America, not Nazi Germany."

    You said Nazi, you lose. Goodwin's Law, you lose. Goodwin's Law. You are nuitz, you lose the argument!!

  32. You also said Nazi. Does that make it a tie?

  33. Endangering the lives of others is not a "minor" matter. But they should hand out masks when you board the bus--if Trump had arranged for there to be any, of course.

  34. 12:58 - Better still, if WOLF had arranged for there to be masks.

  35. I bet he gets to it before Trump.


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