Local Government TV

Thursday, April 09, 2020

NorCo Jail Update - Four Covid-19 Cases; 23 Offenders Furloughed

Northampton County reported late yesterday afternoon that there are now four Covid-19 cases among staffers at the jail. They have all been quarantined. To datye, no inmate has contracted this contagious virus. But 23 non-violent offenders have been granted furloughs.

Most of these non-violent offenders are already in work-release, so being placed on furlough just means they can report home at the end of their shifts. They still must check in regularly with Department of Corrections officers.

The County, in conjunction with the District Attorney and Public Defender, is also examining the release of some Defendants unable to meet bail as well as those who have been picked up for probation violations.

As of yesterday, there were 583 inmates at the jail.


  1. Anyone with over, say, 25 felonies released?

  2. They should be testing all prisoners and staff now

  3. A momasita on the news crying about her good boy in the prison. How they hell did she get on TV?

  4. I hope they'll be this lenient with quarantine violators who dared to travel without fishing tackle.

  5. Let’s hope that they can all vote.

  6. Isn't getting a little too late for these measures? Agree with 4:22. Take that a step further. Anyone positive, remove them or isolate them. Otherwise, everyone stays at the inn.

  7. We don't have enough tests. We're having to prioritize their use. NBA teams and the lion at the Bronx Zoo got them first.

  8. are there no inmates testing positive because of lack of testing?

  9. 8:31 AM

    To supplement your Facebook research:


  10. are they being tested ??

  11. 2.1 million projected deaths
    1.5 million projected deaths
    240,000 projected deaths
    100,000 projected deaths
    81,000 projected deaths
    68,000 projected deaths

    The projections continue to lower to the levels of a bad flu season (i.e. 60,000 deaths). We've been had. Time to call it.

  12. Yes, the amount projected to die keeps going down, and may be at The flu deaths or slightly above! But if we would not have socially isolated, we might have met the projected higher death rates!
    Remember there is a vaccine and medicines for the flu, nothing yet for this!
    Everyone be safe, and continue to socially isolate!

  13. Don't isolate. Go fishing or run out to buy lottery tickets. These activities are perfectly fine. The state would have shut them down otherwise, right? Would death rates be lower if we curtailed these activities? Tom Wolf doesn't care.

  14. The 68,000 number is today's SWAG. By next week it'll have shrunk to the same levels as annual bathtub fall deaths. The only thing the numbers have proven with 100% accuracy, is that any numbers given have been 100% inaccurate.

  15. 2:02 - We must NOT discount the recent admission by Dr. Birx, all backed-up by REAL Health Department & Related Agencies documentation revealed by small, independent news investigators. The proof is out there.

    The coding of end of life events was CHANGED to include Death Certificates listing Coronavirus as the cause, even if it being ‘the’cause is only in some way ‘presumed’ to be a factor. Counting the total number of deaths during this period, IS NOT NECESSARILY ACCURATE. The primary, most demonstrable cause is being hidden.

    Some of the Instructions on how to Code direct using the term ‘Coronavirus,’ rather than COVID-19. Why? You decide. The common cold can be from one of many Coronavirus mutations, not this specific one.

    It is HIGHLY likely, the total deaths being attributed to this COVID-19 mutation is overstated, for effect.

    We ARE being deceived, in my opinion.

  16. 2.57
    So if only 20 thousand die folks should take a victory lap and cheer?
    As to accuracy no responsible person wastes a scarce test on dead people.
    And if the numbers are overstated what does that prove?

  17. 4:12 - No. If the numbers are much lower, and the actual reason for that decline explained, everyone should be very pleased. I am under the impression, every determination of death involves a blood sample, to rule out things like poison, etc. Everyone’s blood sample could include some FORM of Coronavirus. There are many forms of Coronavirus other than COVID-19.

    Another lesson could be PANIC and HYSTERIA, particularly if found to be unwarranted, can lead to unwise solutions.

  18. Wolf: The data is undeniable and supports these difficult decisions.

    Narrator: The data was tragically wrong. The economy was crippled.

  19. Yes, if I not afraid, and don’t believe, go out there, and don’t socially practicing social distancing! . I already know someone that died, and husband ill!
    Lots of medical experts in Northampton County, we could have a small, new hospital opening soon with these experts!

  20. Anonymous said...
    2.1 million projected deaths
    1.5 million projected deaths
    240,000 projected deaths
    100,000 projected deaths
    81,000 projected deaths
    68,000 projected deaths

    The projections continue to lower to the levels of a bad flu season (i.e. 60,000 deaths). We've been had. Time to call it.
    April 9, 2020 at 12:43 PM

    Learn how to read, why don't you?

  21. ....Read the charts on death versus new cases ....then go outside and play in traffic if you are so inclined

  22. Panic in the park.


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