Local Government TV

Friday, April 10, 2020

Lisa Pawlowski Seeks Isolation or Home Confinement For Her Husband

It's easy to kick someone when he's down, and a lot of people do that these days to former Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski. These include many of the same people who fawned all over him when he was high and mighty. You know who you are. Fellow blogger Michael Molovinsky and I have probably been his harshest critics, and were on to him early. I won't speak for Molovinsky. He can do that himself with no help from me. But as someone who believes Fed Ed committed numerous felonies and deserves the harsh sentence he received, I have nevertheless always been opposed to the death penalty.  The former Mayor's continued incarceration could kill him. You see, he's high-risk for this respiratory coronavirus because, as I pointed out last week, he has only one lung. He broke the law, but his transgressions were nonviolent. He also made no attempt to flee. In my view, justice demands that someone in his situation should be either isolated or released to home confinement until the crisis has passed.

Some of you agreed with my story last week. Some not. But I was a bit surprised when Lisa Pawlowski not only read my story, but posted a comment. She and I are not exactly friends. A few years ago, she told Facebook readers that the best way to get me is by boycotting my blog. During her husband's trial, she and I had a rather terse exchange in which I told her she should consider herself lucky that she herself escaped being charged. But she's got guts, and came here - right into the rattlesnake's den - to explain why her husband is entitled to consideration. I'll share what she said:

Greetings Everyone,

Lisa Pawlowski here. I wanted to respond to your comments.

It is true that Ed only has one lung. His closest friends know this. And he bears a 9" scar on his back. When he was a child his parents thought he had asthma. As he got older, the 'asthma' got worse. When in college at UW Whitewater, he got so bad that he was coughing 24 hours a day, and couldn't walk across the campus without being worn out. X-Rays didn't show anything, so they did exploratory surgery. There was a golf ball size tumor, and they removed the whole lung. He was 20 years old at the time. Ever since he has had to be very careful when getting the flu or bronchitis. The common cold knocks him out.

As for the prison situation, Danbury FCI, in Connecticut, has consistently been in the top 3 Federal prisons to have the highest case number of Covid 19 cases. Fairfield County, CT, is the hotspot of the outbreak in Connecticut. As of today there are 34 confirmed inmate cases, and 12 guards according to the BOP's official count. According to Ed, there are many more. Each unit is 70 guys. All together in one big room. They sleep in bunk beds, about 4' away from each other. He says people are coughing and in bed all through the unit. They have stopped separating people with symptoms because there is no where else to isolate them. That includes solitary confinement, and the medical ward. Only 3 days ago did they pass out masks and soap. Before that they were forbidden to wear makeshift masks, and inmates had to buy their own soap. They share the same 2 telephones, computer terminals, and bathrooms. I'm not saying this for sympathy that he is in prison. I'm saying there is no social isolation in there. The virus is in there, and it's just a matter of time before Ed gets it. The local hospital is small, and at capacity.

Attorney General Barr, on April 3rd, singled out Danbury, Oakdale, and Elkton as being the highest priority facilities that he wanted to see early release and home confinement due to their high numbers of the virus. They have been directed, by the Attorney General, to evaluate those at high risk according to the CDC, and try to get them out of there with early release (if they are close to an exit date anyway) or home confinement until the crisis is over and it is safe to go back. They eliminated those who are sex offenders, violent criminals, or flight risks. Ed is neither of these.

If you believe that a 54 year old man with one lung should be able to isolate in order to avoid getting this virus, then send an email to the Warden at Danbury FCI, and ask for consideration for isolation or home confinement for him. Just Google Danbury FCI. If you wish him dead, then that is some bad karma.

Although I have no email address for the warden, I do have an email address for the Executive Assistant. It's DAN/ExecAssistant@bop.gov. I will send an email with a link to this story.


  1. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Do the best to isolate him. Hope for the best. If they do release his ass, he goes back in a few months after this has passed. No get out of jail free card.

  2. I would sympathize more with Fed Ed if he showed some remorse for his criminal activity. His hubris got him into the situation he is in. He still believes he did nothing wrong. So maybe Lady P should apologize to the citizens of Allentown before expecting any of us to plead with the warden to let him out.

  3. Karma’s a bitch, no doubt about that.

  4. I see no reason whatsoever why Ed shouldn't be allowed to go home until the virus is no longer an issue. He's no flight risk. And, certainly not a violence risk like so many prisoners who have been released by state and local authorities.

    Besides, he has and will continue to pay his debt to society.

    Those who oppose some humanitarian remedy to Ed's situation make Shylock look like Man of the Year.

    What kind of society have we become?

  5. Unrepentant slug.
    She’s a sociopath like him.
    They have no remorse.
    They take no responsibility for pain they caused and the harm they’ve done.
    I do believe I’ll email the proper authorities.
    I’ll get on it first thing tomorrow.

  6. Lisa Pawlowski laying out the implications of Karma.
    When the memo went out to the pious Christian supporters,the true believers in the good Mayors innocence,there was no talk about esoteric eastern philosophy.
    No siree.
    It was all Jesus and nothing but Jesus.
    Jesus,the Redeemer,and at the apex of the liturgical calendar.
    Good Friday.
    He died for our sins.
    Atonement (well maybe not atonement).
    The perfect pitch!
    After considering her audience at Lehigh Valley Rambling she made the calculation that Karma would be a better pitch.
    It’s important to know your audience.
    She’s smarter,certainly more attractive,and colder than the old man.
    And way more calculating.
    More calculating by a long shot.
    She always wore the pants in the family.
    Ask any insider.
    Remember when she was suggesting lunch accommodations to the prospective jury pool in Philadelphia?
    This is a family of scam artists.
    Maybe she should serve out the rest of his term.
    It might not qualify as karma but it would certainly do as poetic justice.
    The scams will never end with these people.
    It’s time for Billy Joel to pen another little ditty about Allentown.
    Jesus saves.

  7. This is a matter for the Attorney General’s Office in Connecticut, it seems. Or maybe, an appeal to a Federal Judge in that region. Perhaps, even a large Mega Left leaning news outlet. There are plenty to choose from in that state. Better yet, contact CNN directly. This predicament is tailor-made for broadcast.

    How about a direct appeal to Senator Warner in Connecticut. He’s a rabble rouser.

    The one-lung matter would indicate a strong justification for a COVID-19 test. If shown to be positive, a trip to a hospital somewhere in Connecticut would be appropriate. If negative, then you are stuck with waiting.

  8. He'll be just fine. It's important to note his sentence was relatively light, considering his stunning hubris while committing his felonies. The public interest would be better served by lengthening his sentence; not shortening it. Sickness runs through prisons all the time. This request deserves a very quick and confident "no."

  9. Statistically, Ed is far more likely to die in an automobile accident on his way home from Connecticut. He's exponentially safer where he is. His wife's request is callous.

  10. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Do the best to isolate him"

    it's easier to repeat slogans than it is to think.


  11. So he commits crimes with one lung . Easier to test him, if he’s negative , clean up one cell block I mean every inch of cell with sodium hypochlorite. Give him his own room. Place curtains on both sides of cell door to creat dead space from air travel and he eats in cell. Let the guys go that have been there who were only tax cheats and been there longer than the Mayor.

  12. It certainly may be a death sentence. To date, it's taken twelve thousandths of one percent of Pennsylvanians. The percentage is greater than zero, and that means it's possible. Each death is tragic; yet we accept a host of other risks that we know cost more lives each year. By your logic and these figures, we should empty the entire prison. I don't think most would find that practical or safe.

    Curious if you also oppose abortion, given your strong stand on the death penalty. I don't know, except for your staunch support of radical pro-abortion candidates. I'm horrified by both abortion and the death penalty. But have always been puzzled by the unrepentant hypocrisy of each end of the political spectrum who choose to defend only some lives - and not others. Both seem to use the term barbarism a lot, too. A life is a life.

  13. "It's important to note his sentence was relatively light,"

    it was 15 yeas, FFS. That's roughly three times the sentences others received for similar offenses..

    God bless the smug, sanctimonious, self-righteous anonymous commentators
    (one of the lesser known beatitudes)

  14. Because of my mention in the introduction, I feel somewhat compelled to comment... Although as a layman, one lung does sound perilous, I do recall a championship high school wrestler with the same situation. Rather than email campaigns, hopefully such decisions will be made by medical professionals, informed about his immune system profile and age. Crime and punishment aside, I do wish him good health.

  15. Earlier, got my big mouth Resistance Senators confused. Connecticut would be Blumenthal, right? Best bet would be to go right to the top of big mouth Resistance Senators, Chuck Schumer. His home state has thousands of empty hospital bed, starting just a few miles from Connecticut.

    An Assistant Warden can be expected to be hiding under his desk at a time like this.

  16. Remember when the cases due to this were preceded with the words PRESUMED? That qualifier was quickly dropped. Now, everything is just considered ‘absolutely’ because of Coronavirus.

  17. Not a fan of Ed nor the Mrs by a long shot, but the need for compassion and mercy during this pandemic are paramount in this instance.

  18. I certainly hope there is a actual M.D. urging a different level of care for this individual. Using a real X-Ray with a statement showing the existing lung is being over-stressed. Again, transfer to modified hospital rooms nearby should be easy to create. Even the homeless are being housed in hotels and motels. Too BIG bureaucracy is standing in the way.

  19. Bernie
    Only because he has one lung and is certainly in a more dire situation to ever recover should he get the virus, yes, because we should be better individuals than he.

  20. Seems silly to consider things down to this level, but does Connecticut have enough ankle bracelets to issue, and would those even work in Pennsylvania? Also read in CTonline, the Federal prison release order applies only after a 14 day period of quarantine. That term length hasn’t arrived for many. Maybe this individual needs to be IN quarantine, before counting down yet another 14 days.

    Hard to trust anyone and anything these days.

  21. If Fed Ed would be released that is one more person in the Lehigh Valley that will be needing toilet paper at home and it’s hard enough to find it so as it is.... So I say leave him right where he is. At least he doesn’t have to worry about finding toilet paper in prison.

    Also, thank you 5:14am for the good laugh!

  22. This one is hard. The BOP should be doing a better job. Set up tents "in the yard" if need be to isolate those with or without COVID-19. Furloughing prisoners, especially ones no even a year into a 15 year sentence only provides hope. Remember, when in prison, hope can be a dangerous thing. Just as Ed is adjusting, to remove him from that environment and then send him back could be bad. His sentence does not fit the crime, however, that is a different topic.

  23. Lisa Pawlowski said:

    "Ever since he has had to be very careful when getting the flu or bronchitis. The common cold knocks him out."

    I could believe this if:

    - Ed would have avoided public gatherings (like fundraising events, campaign events, etc.) and close contact with others during cold and flu seasons.

    - Two decades ago Ed and his family had moved from Chicago to a healthy-air location (like Arizona) instead of the Lehigh Valley, which is known for its poor air quality.

    - Ed had chosen not to enter elected politics, which requires close contact with voters, constituents, campaign donors and in Ed's case, criminal co-conspirators.

    - Ed had realized the strain and danger that politics at the local level placed on his diminished lung capacity and chosen not to run for PA Governor or the US Senate.

    - Upon entering prison and realizing the dangers that the conditions in prison presented, Ed had tried to isolate himself from other inmates and not joined a band or volunteered to teach classes in government.

    Of course, many (if not most) of us heard nothing about Ed's one lung or the dangers it supposedly placed him in during his 15+ years in Allentown City Hall. He didn't move to safer climates or distance himself from crowds that carried diseases that could be dangerous to someone who was actually concerned about only having one lung.

    In short, his condition didn't hold him back from doing anything anyone else could have done when he was on the outside, so it shouldn't gain him any special treatment on the inside.

    We also know that Ed's crimes weren't seasonal - they were year round. And we all now know the story of Ed shaking down vendors for Eagles playoff tickets. Last I checked, NFL games were played during the HEIGHT of cold and flu season.

    But Ed and Lisa continue scheming, and they don't want to let a crisis (or a good opportunity) go to waste. I can only hope that the Warden, Assistant Warden, and US AG are smart enough to look into all the facts and realize they are being played.

  24. "Statistically, Ed is far more likely to die in an automobile accident on his way home from Connecticut. He's exponentially safer where he is. His wife's request is callous."

    Completely untrue. I have a story about what is statistically possible in the works, and he has a far greater chance of dying where he is right now. Just as many among us have over-reacted, you are among those who have downplayed this virus, which is deadly.

  25. Anon (9:09) said:

    "His sentence does not fit the crime, however, that is a different topic."

    Anon (5:52) said:

    "it was 15 yeas, FFS. That's roughly three times the sentences others received for similar offenses.."

    Let's clear up the lies/misinformation about his sentence.

    Ed was convicted of 47 counts of illegal activity and got slightly less that 15 years. That's less that 4 months per count and far below the sentences others received for even a single count.

    If anything, Ed should have received far more time than he did.

  26. Fed Ed is a scumbag, but he is a non-violent scumbag and should be let out on house arrest until this thing is over with. He is no danger to the community at large.

  27. Lisa Pawlowski said: I will send an email with a link to this story.

    I predict that this will only happen if:

    1) She directs Ed's sycophants to flood this blog with positive comments about Ed and asking for his compassionate release; or

    2) She e-mails a copy of your original post but without the many negative comments.

    She and Ed are not honest people and know how to stack a deck in their favor. She knows that many who know them best and oppose Ed's release will not send letters or e-mails to government officials, since any correspondence would be subject to open records laws and the senders could be identified and made public.

    Those openly opposing Ed's release would then be subject to the vicious, personal attacks from her and Ed's supporters, just like opponents were when Ed was in office.

  28. Look, in some way, this predicament is similar to the reason we can’t buy toilet paper. The SUPPLY CHAIN required to move the prison population was not already in place. Even THIS will take more time to figure out. Next time a different medically-induced panic hits, we’ll know better how to deal with it.

  29. Bernie O'Hare said:

    "I have a story about what is statistically possible in the works, and he has a far greater chance of dying where he is right now."

    Every year in the US, approximately 1,000,000 people get pneumonia and 50,000 die from it.

    That's a 5% death rate.

    Right now, the death rate from Covid19 is around 3%.

    Should Ed be released because of pneumonia concerns as well?

    Mrs. Pawlowski also mentions that 46 people (34 inmates/12 guards) at Danbury have Covid19.

    First, the total inmate and guard population isn't listed so we don't know if that even differs from what we see on the outside. Even on the outside we don't even know how many people are actually infected to get a true rate.

    But just focusing on those 46:

    How many have died?
    Are those infected receiving treatment?

    My guess is that none have died (0% death rate), and those infected are receiving treatment - which is the same course of action you'd have for any other type of contagious illness facing a prison.

    What we have here is a felon and his wife trying to take advantage of a situation and win a temporary release from their sentence. Don't fall for it.

  30. There is ample proof numbers of cases and numbers of reported deaths from this have been artificially boosted. It has now being admitted by the major players. Whether intentional, or unintentional, the level of scream is too high, and things really can be loosened up. Now, will our own Governor go along?

  31. Karma.
    There is not a more appropriate term.
    I don’t want mine attached to those peoples in any way shape or form.
    Never again.
    Never, ever, again.
    Their karma is going to play out with no involvement from me.
    I have nothing for them,
    Nothing. No ill will. No good will. No nothing.
    Nothing at all, and that is the most compassionate response I can offer.
    I’m at peace with that.

  32. Not once in this sordid long running affair have we heard a single solitary word of remorse regret or responsibility. Not one single time,anywhere.
    Again,and always,it’s about them.
    They are the victims here.
    These people are authentic sociopaths.

  33. "Let's clear up the lies/misinformation about his sentence.

    Ed was convicted of 47 counts of illegal activity and got slightly less that 15 years. That's less that 4 months per count and far below the sentences others received for even a single count.

    If anything, Ed should have received far more time than he did."

    Bullshit. The former Philadelphia DA pocketed money for throwing cases. he got considerably less time than Ed P.

  34. What ever the prison experience is providing him it
    has nothing to do with rehabilitation.

  35. 30,000 deaths claimed to be due to Coronavirus, out of an American population of 300 MILLION is NOT 3%. The actual percent we see now is .01 percent ! Of those 30,000, many are the elderly, the obese, and those with at least 2-3 additional failing internals. Then, 90 % of so-infected patients are easily cured from home.

    The time to open-up the Economy gradually is NOW. Face masks and distancing remaining, of course!

  36. Ed is a cold calculating nasty vindictive criminal who left untold pain despair and personal destruction in his fetid wake. Lisa was with the program every single step of the journey.
    His lust for power hardly requires commitment.
    He has Jesus on his team, as he so frequently reminds us.
    That should more than suffice in times of difficulty and strife.

  37. If he was working at an Amazon Fulfillment Center he’d be just another marginally productive employee.

  38. This is what happens when you don’t prosecute all the members of an active criminal family.

  39. or given special consideration during the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918? if prisoners were released at that time ,then why not consider it now?If they were not released then ,why do it now? While I don't believe that a convicted criminal should be allowed to go home before serving out their sentence ,I have no problem with him being placed in isolation at the correctional facility where he currently resides until such time as prison officials deem it medically safe for him to return to the general population.

  40. Send the serial criminal to one of the Federal facilities with support medical operations on site.
    I want to see him absolutely healthy so he can serve every single day of his sentence.

    1. Just like you or I would have to!

  41. I truly feel sorry for the innocent senior citizens who are confined to hospital/nursing homes. Most of the ones who have passed due to the Chinese virus never had a chance! Never had a chance to see a loved one. Never had a chance to hold onto a loved one while taking their last breath! I'm sure most were very hard working individuals, only to succumb to a biochemical weapon. As for individuals in jail or prison. I'm sure a ton of them are great individuals. But. That is where they chose to live!! It is and never was meant to be a hospital/nursing home. Although many of them are living much better while being locked up. Just my opinion.

  42. Anon 10:23 said:

    "Bullshit. The former Philadelphia DA pocketed money for throwing cases. he got considerably less time than Ed P."

    I hate to burst your bubble with the facts, but:

    On the 8th day of his trial, the Philadelphia DA PLED GUILTY to ONE count of the 29 counts of he was charged with, RESIGNED FROM HIS OFFICE, APOLOGIZED TO THE COURT AND THE PEOPLE WHO HE SERVED, and was immediately sent to jail for FIVE YEARS. The other counts were dismissed as part of the plea agreement.

    If you're keeping score, that's FIVE YEARS for ONE COUNT, along with THE ADMISSION OF GUILT, RESIGNATION, and an APOLOGY (for whatever that's worth).


  43. Nice of Bernie to profess compassion mercy towards Mayor Ed all the while deriding with the moniker and absurd photo shop portrait.

    Thankfully comrade Marius Mason has been Ed's rock at FCI Danbury schooling him the importance of our movement.


  44. I believe that Ed committed his crimes and deserves his punishment. But I also believe in a supreme creator and the concept of mercy on those who have sinned. Let him come home and be isolated on House arrest for the duration of the crisis. As long as he stays in his home and isn't out socializing, I say grant him the Mercy and compassion that we would want for ourselves. But if he starts wandering the block and making public statements, then back he goes.

  45. Chris Casey 12:52
    Pawlowski showed ZERO mercy to those he exploited, cheated, used and brutalized.
    He’s a piece of unrepentant shit.
    If I was him I’d STFU and do my time, but then I am not a criminal sociopath.

  46. It’s in Jesus hands.
    What more needs to be said?
    Pawlowski has his personal savior as he has constantly and consistently reminded us.
    End of story.

  47. "Of course, many (if not most) of us heard nothing about Ed's one lung or the dangers it supposedly placed him in during his 15+ years in Allentown City Hall."

    I knew about it but never wrote about it bc it was never particularly relevant. Now it is. If you look at photos or video, you'll notice he always leaned to one side. In fact, many of you referred to him as Penguin. Now you know why.

    1. What is all the fuss about a "rumpus room "?

  48. Odd how Judge Sanchez said during the sentencing phase that Pawlowskis only medical risk was “slightly elevated cholesterol”. It’s all in the court record.
    Perhaps the Judge wasn’t sharp enough to pick up on the missing lung?

  49. send him to the chair--the way it should be --one lung or not--he is a typical politician who got caught the majority get away with their corruptness and scandals---95 percent of the political class suck...

  50. I heard Lisa mention the one lung thing from time to time but I never took it particularly seriously.
    Like his Lieutenant Fran said in court, lying was just
    something he did, like breathing or walking.
    Lisa was cut from the same cloth.
    They are every bit a team.

  51. I can’t confirm or deny the one lung theory. Taking the word of just his wife will not be enough. In either case, this guy put himself where he is by risky behavioral choices.

  52. I hold no ill will toward the man. But... I have seen personally the results of his lies. He caused my friend to lose his home and the bulk of his life savings. He has endured considerable pain and anguish as has his family. He showed no mercy. He should stay where he is.

  53. I take some small comfort in the knowledge that the presiding judge is fully cognizant of the manipulations the Pawlowskis have routinely deployed and in the reality that the prison administration finds people like the former mayor particularly loathsome with his transparent and incessant hustling.
    You can bet the dumpy inmate has no friends among the professional staff anywhere in the Federal system.
    He’s just an innocuous con.

  54. I live in Fairfield County, CT, and read your blog because I grew up in Allentown, and visit family there often. We spoke on the phone once when you thought I was the one who shall not be named.

    We are in agreement that some special accommodation for FedEd is warranted.

    However, it's also worth noting that Lisa Pawlowski's comment contains some misleading and inaccurate statements.

    She states that the local hospital in Danbury is small and at capacity. This is false. There is a 25-bed mobile field hospital deployed at Danbury Hospital, which has yet to see its first patient. That's right, there is actually spare capacity. There are also 250 as-yet unused beds in a FEMA hospital at Western Connecticut State University. Moreover the owner of Danbury Hospital, Nuvance Health, owns seven hospitals in New York and Connecticut, and has spare capacity at others. For my source on this, see:


    She states that Fairfield County is the hotspot of infections in CT. This is true, but needs context regarding Danbury's location in the county. It's "the boonies" -- at least one hour north of the coastal cities with the most cases. Danbury has significant COVID-19 infections - it's #3 in the state - but it's well behind the coastal towns one hour or more to the south. Last, this area of CT shut itself down a week or so before PA did, and there are signs that it's helping. New hospitalizations are dropping. We are farther along than PA is in flattening the curve, because we started earlier.

    It's entirely possible she is unaware of the above. I'm not in a position to fact-check the rest of her comment, but given the history I'd urge caution in accepting all of it at face value. FedEd doesn't deserve a death sentence, but given the pain he inflicted on Allentown, he doesn't deserve a jail holiday with his family, either. Hopefully isolation is an option.

  55. 2:46 -

    Your comment makes a VERY important point. Just because a person, a news outlet, a public or private corporation says something, that DOES NOT MEAN THE STATEMENT IS WITHOUT FLAWS. Taking time to do some research on your own time definitely helps clarify many things.

  56. Being inclined towards mercy and often actively looking for reasons to be so, is perhaps a failing of mine.

    Canary makes valid points and has demonstrated the natural inclination of loved ones to support each other despite any failings.

    When I think of the most rotten politicians, I don't think of the ones that failed to keep themselves out of jail, the most rotten of all are those that succeed.

    The whole Election Virus reason being used is a $2.2 trillion or more scam perpetrated not just on America but the world. Worldwide 49,000 people died today and everyday from heart disease yet not a word on the news. In the US, 27,000 elderly people will die in slip and fall accidents this year, yet the flags are not at half-staff.



    What our politicians are engaged in right now will damage not just Allentown but the world economy, millions could die as a result, many will face bankruptcy, but in light of all this letting a one lunged inept grifter sit in jail is somehow virtuous. Here's where we take a stand against the bullshit and corruption?

    I guess you have to start somewhere, why not start with a titan.

    Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past.

  57. Both Pawlowskis are profligate liars.
    Everything they say has to be taken with a large grain of salt.
    Anyone who attended even a day of the disgraced mayor’s testimony is keenly aware of that established fact.
    A practiced liar mixes truth with half-truths and outright falsehoods, not to mention delusional flights of fancy.
    I for one am not buying what these sad con artists are selling even if it contains the occasional nugget
    of truth.

  58. “Golf ball sized tumor.”
    No specific on what caused said “golf ball sized tumor”. None.
    Relapse concerns?
    Apparently not.
    No one deserves private medical details
    but this is extremely sketchy background information coming out of the mouth of unrepentant serial convicted liars and flies in the face of an exhaustive pre-sentencing report.
    There is no reason to take anything the manipulative former “First Lady of Allentown” has to say at face value.
    Compassion aside, none, none whatsoever.

  59. His whole crew of criminals have gleaned one thing in turning the whole of Allentown PA into a jailhouse mentality! This being for mercy should have been done at the trial not on a public forum. Now if he were to wear a sign at 7th and Hamilton with the crimes he committed to be jumped in than maybe it should be considered.

  60. I have an idea since god was his right hand man in this he should be hung on a cross next to Jesus Christ.

  61. Don’t interrupt the virtue signaling. It’s a good fit for the blogs host, and who doesn’t appreciate a good redemption fable at this time of year.?

  62. "Lisa Pawlowski said: I will send an email with a link to this story."

    She did not say that. I did.

  63. Canary, I believe she was referring to the hospital at the FCI.

  64. It’s heartening to see that the majority of respondents see through the con(s) being perpetrated on this post.
    Stay well.
    Stay safe.
    Stay vigilant.

  65. This reminds me of Love Story,
    “Love is never having to say your sorry.”

  66. No fan of him but let him sit at home with an ankle monitor on with call ins until this is over with. He is zero risk to anyone and can go back to doing his time then.

  67. "I hate to burst your bubble with the facts, but"

    you don't burst my bubble. i am well aware of the facts. and i presume when you type in all caps, you're shouting.

    I am aware that Ed P went to trial, and the DA pled in the midst of trial. Ed P payed the trial tax. he had the audacity to force the government to prove their case at trial. The philly DA rolled and pled. The latter's underlying crimes, however, where much more severe,

    shout some more, now

  68. Ed is an unrepentant stone cold serial criminal liar.
    That’s the facts.

  69. By the time they get the process together, the danger will be largely past. It's just another thing our government failed to prepare for while they were conducting studies on lesbian obesity and banning plastic straws and wasting dough on a pile of profligate spending. The wheels of government turn slowly, and are not turning at all in many cases. Ed knows this drill. If only Ed could pay off someone to have this expedited .....

  70. Convicted criminal/47 felony counts.
    Liar. Cheat. Con man. Dirty politician.
    He has a sentence to serve.
    End of story.
    Let’s extend our compassion to our beloved senior citizens struggling in nursing homes and our young servicemen and women isolated on station.
    Jesus will look after his pious servant, Edwin Pawlowski.

  71. Lisa should trade places with Ed. She can be held at a women's prison until he returns
    to prison himself.

  72. Don’t forget thug.
    The way Pawlowski utilized buildings and codes in addition to other inspection services to harass, intimidate and terrify citizens most definitely qualifies the doughy slump as a thug.

  73. Amazingly the scum convict tries to paint himself the victim. Rot in jail and rot in hell Ed. I won't buy this nonsense. He is convicted and payment for his crimes comes now

  74. The Former first lady of Atown has spoken. Get out your toilet paper and wipe. Nothing comes out of her mouth has any more substance then my toilet bowl. She should be thank God she isn't in with him and if it wasn't for his kids. She would be in an orange jumpsuit to. Is she that deranged to think anyone cares when she dribbles her words from her trash mouth? I don't think so.

  75. the compassion in this place is overwhelming

  76. He could part the ground above his coffin for his second coming in keeping with Christ's rebirth after rolling the stone from the front of the cave.

  77. @12:53PM
    I bo believe Team Pawlowski is watching the law of karma playing out in real time.
    I now know Lisa Pawlowskis is into karma so she can’t be surprised.
    My compassion is going to my elderly neighbor, a WWII Vet who needs his groceries delivered and his dog walked and my grandchildren, doing schoolwork on Zoom.

  78. ED is probably in the prison shower right now carrying the soap for Big Bubba.

  79. Not surprisingly, Pawlowski doesn’t quite comprehend the concept of Karma.
    It’s pretty clear that things are going exactly by design.
    What we have here is a textbook example of Karma.

  80. Horrible reporting!

  81. Lets add "never admitted guilt, never showed any remorse and never apologized" as part of the litany of reasons for the rest of us not to feel bad that he can't get out and stay at home temporarily.


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