Local Government TV

Monday, April 20, 2020

Covid-19 Has Now Infected 11 at NorCo Jail

Northampton County reports that Covid-19 has now infected 11 people (six inmates and five staffers) at the jail. The afflicted inmates have been quarantined on the same tier and have been housed there since they first showed symptoms. One of the staffers is recovered and has returned to duty The county is following quidelines established by PrimeCare Medical, which has a contract with the county for medical services at the jail. This includes temperature monitoring.

Executive Lamont McClure has commended corrections officers and supervisors for "doing a terrific job during this outbreak. We appreciate their dedication to keeping the inmates, their fellow officers and the public safe.”

Volunteers, visitors and tours have been banned at the prison since March 10th. Inmates may still contact their loved ones via phone, tablets or mail.

The District Attorney’s office, the Courts and the Public Defender have been working on bail reductions and to furlough non-violent inmates from the prison. As of April 20th, at least forty-eight furloughs for non-violent inmates have been granted. There are currently 517 inmates in residence at NCP.


  1. Awesome! Maybe they can release more criminals! They can be out just in time to vote!

  2. Happy Monday, Bernie!

    Over the weekend, I watched the Northampton County Council meeting and two things really struck me -- one, I didn't really get the "snide" remarks that you mentioned were made by Heckman regarding the judges. Simply, he said he'd rather deal with the president judge than the others, which is probably more a chain of command thing than anything else.

    The biggest takeaway -- the county executive saying (around the 21:00 mark) that "cloth masks won't protect you from contracting the virus." Well then, don't we look like a bunch of dolts walking around with our security blankets wrapped around our faces?

  3. Well, I could write a story and use Heckman's exact words, and leave it to readers to draw their own conclusions. I don't think judges will see it that way. But my point was made in reaction to a reader who is upset that I pay too much attention to Cusick. It really is not worth a story, just as the comment about Cusick was bullshit.

    And yes, we do look like morons.

  4. If one is released from NCP as a safety precaution; then, is arrested for recreating at a county park, will that person be sent back to NCP?

  5. 12:28 PM

    Only if he drove there and didn't stop at a grocery store on the way.

  6. Thanks for the reply, Bernie! I took my stupid mask off the second I was leaving Giant and got an angry "hey" from some dolt who probably sleeps in hers. I've been socially distancing myself from people for years, but this mask stuff drives me nuts.

    As for Council -- I'm going to have to become a frequent observer because what annoyed me more than anything was Heckman's attempt to run a comedy club. He wanted everyone to see his mask, had his quips about feedback, etc. Put him on a poster for social distancing and people will comply.

  7. "The biggest takeaway -- the county executive saying (around the 21:00 mark) that "cloth masks won't protect you from contracting the virus." Well then, don't we look like a bunch of dolts walking around with our security blankets wrapped around our faces?"

    You obviously don't understand the purpose of covering your mouth. It isn't to protect YOU. It protects others.

    YOU are protected when the other person is also wearing a mask.

    Try reading about Covid-19 and how it is transmitted.

  8. Of all the inmates how many are NY or NJ transplants infecting the lehighvally with there infectious travels.

  9. Hope their spelling is better than yours.

  10. No All Star masks for Joe Murray !

  11. No shamrock on Sam Murray's mask=Lebanese Fraud !

  12. Release the Kraken!

  13. Based on all the chatter I watched the recording of the last council meeting. Thought it went well overall. Since the county IT department is bad, the fact that the president managed the remote meeting well was praiseworthy. Certainly one can always find things to criticize if you really want to. The "facemask" issue is a non-issue as McClure also showed his Eagle mask. People will always ignore what they want to ignore and pick at things they want to pick at. The meeting moved along in an orderly manner.
    Bernie likes McClure so the practiced somewhat insincere lawyer speech he gave is seen as wonderful whole others are seen AS BAD. Readers of this blog should expect that.

    This is a time when the big bosses, the Governors, Mayors and executives take the spotlight and the legislatures are more in the background. Happening at all levels.

  14. The county should dump the Home Rule Charter and go to the commissioner form of government. This is really just a mini-dictatorship. Go with County Commissioners with a hired Executive administrator. McClure has shown the danger of the strong executive form of county government.

  15. Protect free speech!
    End censorship!!!

  16. The incubation period is that long? If the prison has been shut the visitors and volunteers suits March 10th, how did they get infected? Isn't somebody check in the employees when they come in? At least taking their temperature? How else did these inmates get infected?

  17. LIES!! NCP's failed to medically isolate these confirmed COVID19 cases, and quarantine them for 14 days, separate from other populations, instead of placing them back where they were, housed in cell units, with no doors, just bars, and run the risk of contaminating the other 34 inmates housed on K Tier, which is reckless and irresponsible!

    And these officers don't need praises, they need hazardous duty pay!? Not just 20% raise for 2 wks!
    Administrators failure to implement ANY operational and communicational preparations for COVID19, even prior to presenting a confirmed case, is both an embarrassment and a reflection of the lack of leadership at NCP!

  18. Not sure why NCP is following the guidelines set forth by PrimeCare..while the whole world is following CDC guidelines...which btw, were offered to Prisons and Detentions Centers - STATEWIDE!

    Poor contact tracing and implementation of the 6 ft guidelines is what's making these officers sick. They're still congregating in pockets of the prison and the lobby area. Some officers are still at work, although, they're asymptomatic, exposing other officers. Just reckless. No wonder they have the sherrif's office on stand by..at this rate, it's just a matter of time before ALL of the officers at NCP are contaminated. Administration knows this and doesn't care. They don't want to pay these officers hazardous duty pay and are telling them that if they get sick they have to use their OWN time! These officers can't even get adequate representation from their union, they pay union dues to!



  19. CDC guidelines for establishments and agencies are easy to access! Google, CDC guidelines for prisons and detention centers and BOOM...it's there!

    Why hasn't NCP implemented, what they could, from these guidelines, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their officers and inmates?!!

    If I could upload a photo of the masks these officers were given, I would...these masks look like they were cut from a TShirt!!

  20. Anyone at NCP ever thought of the consequences of an officer becoming infected and them infecting their family member(s)...some who may have a chronic illness??..

    While administration plays Russian Roulette with officers lives and threaten, Union Presidents, with either being sent home or face the possibility of losing their job, for simply doing their job by approaching administration with the legitimate concerns these officers have!

    Hmmmm... Interesting! Then why are these officers paying union dues if they can't be adequately represented??!!!!

  21. 10:56, Hard to tell the truth when dealing with anonymous comments. I have reached out to the union and have heard nothing. One CO did talk to me, but lied and I caught this person.

  22. 11:12, I am certain that the admin is mindful of these concerns. If you are truly concerned, call off and go on FMLA. Have fun collecting. You can experience what the rest of us are going through. Hard to be sympathetic when so many have no work at all.

  23. I understand that it may be difficult for you to be sympathetic in this situation because many have no work at all, however, you can't blame those who do have to work, because they are essential employees.

    And if they are considered essential employees, then they should be treated as such. PROTECTED AND PAID! Also, unfortunately, FMLA isn't an option for most, these officers have bills to pay just like everyone else.

    Furthermore, in regards to the truth, one has to maintain anonymity bc of fear of reprisal, so, let's not play games here, Mr. O'Hare...you know how things work within the county... so unfortunately, anonymous, I'll remain. I'm sure you can understand why.

    Oh, and just because I have to maintain anonymity, doesn't mean I'm not telling the truth.
    You call and speak with people in the county, right? You see them and you know who they are, correct? If so and because so...does that mean that what THEY tell you is the truth?

    How would they know when they're not even there. They come in through the back door - UP and AROUND - and right back out the front door in an effort to minimize their risk to exposure and nothing else. So, please tell me...how would they know?...I'll wait!

  24. Yeah, I know how things work, both ways. I know a guard lied to me bc the guard admitted it when confronted. As for being entitled to hazard pay, I suggest you talk to your Congressperson. They are considering these things in Congress. Also, I did reach out to the union and heard no complaints.

  25. Actually, things only seem to work ONE way when it comes to county! We BOTH know this.

    And what is it with this "officer" you keep saying lied to you.....About what exactly? Since you feel the need to keep mentioning it? And I find it interesting how you're so convinced that this officer lied to you and no one else has...county's telling the truth, McClure's telling the truth, everyone in administration is telling the truth, the union's telling the truth...everyone's telling the truth except this officer...Hmmm...

    Nonetheless, what does that have to do with what I'm telling you here?

    And you spoke with the union and heard no complaints, lol. I would love to know who was you spoke with? But I bet you can't say.

    Next time you call, why don't you mention that another officer has tested positive for COVID19.

    Officers still have no hazardous pay.

    Officers were told that they'd receive N95 masks when the virus hit NCP, the virus hit the prison, yet these officers were given cheap masks.

    You're sending me to congress, but why can't administration go to congress on behalf of the officers, you would think they'd hold more weight than I do, no?

    City Council Woman Ferraro had to call someone, on behalf of loved who works at the prison, to get NCP to adhere to the social distancing guidelines, at a time when NCP was still allowing staff to use the gym...this was during the week of March 9th.. 2 weeks AFTER social distancing guidelines should have been implemented, but it wasn't.

    Currently, you still have officers congregating in pockets of the prison and the lobby area. Too bad, you even have to enforce this on adults, who should know better...unfortunately these officers hold a belief that this virus isn't as serious as the media is making it out to be..therefore, they hold no belief nor do they see the benefit of adhering to the guidelines, which is reckless for everyone...this issue isn't partisan issue..it's a public health issue and these guidelines should be enforced to the fullest, whenever possible!.

  26. whatever happened to that officer who was put on administrative leave for speaking up about the covid problems? i saw on the news that people can't be reprimanded for speaking up about concerns regarding the virus.

  27. He's still out. He had legitimate concerns regarding our safety (he is our lieutenant). I appreciate the fact he was trying to have our backs and I have the utmost respect for him. Unfortunately in the heat of the moment a few f-bombs bit him in the ass. We normally keep that in-house because that stuff happens in a stressful atmosphere like a prison. He was overheard by a fellow lieautenet, who promptly dimed him out. Respect for him? Not so much. To be out this long, and with pay, is ludicrous. But at least he is in a safer atmosphere given the circumstances. We need him back. He deserves better.


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