Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Bill Gates Predicted Pandemic in March 2015

This is a bi-partisan failure going back for decades. We're all guilty. He had these suggestions five years ago:

(1) Strengthen health systems in poorer countries. I know. America first and all that crap. This is in our own self-interest;

(2) Create a medical reserve corps ready to go;

(3) Pair this medical corps with the military because it can move fast;

(4) Conduct germ games so we can discover our weaknesses (The US did conduct a germ game in 2001, and the germs won);

(5) Step up research on vaccines and diagnostics.

Gates suggested that the budget for this would be "quite modest" in comparison to the potential harm. We now know how much it cost us to be unprepared. He actual;ly predicted a viral pandemic would cost the world $3 trillion. It is going to cost the US alone about $3 trillion.


  1. Maybe Trump won't gut the CDC again when this pandemic ends, and the next president won't wait a month before giving the next one the attention it needs.

  2. Trump's own quotes over the past few months betray his incompetence. This alone should get him unelected. The internet scientists and the emperor loyalists can scream all they want and insult those who find him a fool with their silly Koch produced memes. The facts are by
    Trumps own words he has betrayed not only ignorance but a dangerous level of incompetence as President.

    The reality show must end November. Our nations love affair with a psychotic break from reality has to end.

  3. BILL GATES is the last place I would go for information about liberty, freedom, and the dangers of too much government control over every aspect of human life.

    Bill Gates is huge funder of the World Health Organization and Globalist World Government. He believes in population management and suggests such things as micro chips inserted under the skin of citizens to monitor where they go and how they spend.

    But, if we are throwing out names of people who predicted ‘things to come,’ my nomination is Woody Allen, who years ago created and produced a film called. ‘Bananas.’ At least, we knew that was comedy!

  4. Stormy Daniels!!!

  5. Bill Gates and the WHO he supports are not credible players in this discussion.

  6. A real opportunity lost.


  7. We also have predictions that we may be hit with an asteroid, anything that we do to protect ourselves will likely be inadequate. Folks, life has risks, we buy insurance for fires and car wrecks, but we cannot perfectly prepare for all possible events.

    After this event, we will likely have a better system in place for the future. With that being said any future event will likely also be unique and impossible to perfectly plan for.

  8. Hmm, Fauci predicted is just before Trump was inaugurated. Coincidence??


  9. In Bill Gates’ Utopia, spending will be controlled by digital currency. Your permanent, personal micro-chip will determine who is in violation by walking on a Tuesday. Your $25 fine deducted automatically. Medical care and medications doled out by age, not need.

    Keep over-reaching government as the CHOICE of fools. There are many to find in California, particularly the herd who elected Mayor Garcetti.

  10. Fauci is an interesting bureaucrat with a very long history of questionable attachments. Same for Birx. The internet can be your friend, despite it’s many faults, but try using something other than Google to look around.

  11. I agree 7:07.
    I've found a wealth of information other than Google. I'm ordering some special crystals to keep the 5G microwaves from brainwashing me and drinking milk to increase mucus in my throat that prevents the virus from attaching.

  12. I by no means am exonerating Trump. He certainly paid his part in making matters worse. But as Gates observed five years ago, we were all ignoring this possibility, no matter what what our politics are.

    As for the anti-Globalists out there, pandemics do not stop at a border. Even with travel restrictions, those usually come too long after the horse has left the barn.

  13. Anti Gates posters are extremists to the extreme. The amount of good the Gates Foundation has accomplished is exceptional, Keep your globalist inputs within your local chapter of the FlatEarthSociety,

  14. The World Health Organization is a perfect example of Globalism gone wrong.

    There we have an unelected panel trying to set policy for every nation in the world. Globalism has NOTHING to do with selling/ purchasing goods across national barriers. It is The World Heath Organization who was working with China since November of last year. It was the World Health Organization that publicly stated in mid -January of this year words to the effect “There is no evidence of person-to-person transmission of COVID-19.”

    The World Health Organization already KNEW pandemics will spread across any border.

  15. Bernie you are wrong this is all about Trump and limited government. This is the perfect irony, for everyone who voted for TRUMP . WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? Now small businesses are getting crush and it will take decades to pay off this crisis.

    Maybe this is the wake up call that America needs to get back on track and start electing people who are competent in running our government. Like Obama’s administration.

  16. Good advice. DO NOT click on any links provided as proof. Find a way around directly following a link that is active, or even a suggested link. Scams are increasing by the hour. Do not download anything is the safest advice. Many downloads contain code to allow access to thing held on your computer.

  17. Why no mention of George "W", and his prophecy? OOOHH, because he's an "R"!

  18. 8:22 - You must realize, Trump’s entire candidacy was based on making government smaller. If you do nothing else, read his inaugural address. I am proud to have voted for Trump for this very reason, and will vote for him again.

    You must also educate yourself that Trump has insisted each STATE determine how it manages this situation. That’s laid out in our Constitution. Blame your damn Governor and if you can no longer stand living in your STATE, move to one of 49 other states. While you still have a CHOICE, by the way.

    Now, most readers do realize poster such as you are just being overly negative for political reasons. That’s another danger, in addition to a virus.

  19. An who was president when the virus actually hit but who didn't care?

  20. Small minds & smaller governments don’t solve problems. We have a federal government for management of international crisis, pandemics, threat of war & terrorism, regulation of our environment & resources, natural disaster management, interstate infrastructure and the like. Smaller government may be good if services can be made more efficient through technology etc. But this small government mantra of libertarians and anti-government regulation types, is a recipe for disaster just as having poor political leadership is. The belief and reinforcement of government even with some of it’s inherent flaws is the only way our democracy will survive. Bad, un-vetted leadership can and will lead to authoritarianism, the decline of our society, economy and eventually the loss of our liberty and rights. The problem is about of our population is so ill informed that they apparently can’t see the difference between good and bad leadership. In some ways it’s not their fault, because they don’t know their being manipulated. And our educational system has failed in teaching them the necessity of government in a Democracy.

  21. ... The problem is about (half) of our population...

  22. 10:17 - I certainly agree with most of your post. In times of war between nations, we NEED big government control. But, in matters like determining if our drinking straws are paper or plastic? Or, where and when we are permitted to walk, well . . . LESS is better.

    The key to remaining FREE lies in Federalism. First off, Federalism does not mean big Federal Government decides everything. On a bigger scale, constructs like the European Union and other Globalist groupings take individual citizen decision-making even FURTHER away. That’s a plan where any single nation, or small group of nations, can be rendered meaningless. A few anointed Elites, like a Bill Gates, lording over gigantic land areas.

  23. So how far do you want to take federalism? For example, should the Bill of Rights apply to the states?

  24. "So how far do you want to take federalism? For example, should the Bill of Rights apply to the states?"

    Not to butt in on the conversation, but I'm pretty sure people who believe in Federalism believe in the Constitution, and in the rights of states to amend it.

    I believe they particular like the Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

  25. "This is a bi-partisan failure going back for decades."

    No, this is not a failure, it is a success, this is how free market capitalism markets healthcare. It's a perfect profit driven system that accounts for 20% of GDP. We can anticipate large profits within the healthcare industry from government policies related to the virus.

    Don't worry though, monopolist Bill Gates cares about you.

  26. Simple civic lesson. We are a Republic, not a pure Democracy.All amendments to the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights had to be approved by 2/3 of STATES, not 2/3 of a popular vote. The Electoral College was designed to provide STATES with more influence in electing a president. In our form of government states have significant rights and responsibilities. One of which is the health and welfare of its citizens. The point is, the federal government only should need to step in when the state cannot handle its crisis. Even then, much is expected of the state in terms of preparedness and resources. New York and NYC were tone deaf when the crisis started. They encouraged citizens to eat out, and closed NYC schools after most other states and local governments. Maybe in their case, the federal government should have overruled state's rights.

  27. 2:23PM

    Does this republic allow NY citizens not satisfied with NY's governing to freely travel to Connecticut or Florida?

    If free travel is forcibly restricted then your Republic is false and is subservient to a higher authority. It is this higher authority that ultimately represents our form of government.

  28. 3:00 - the ‘higher authority’ you refer to is STRICTLY limited by our Constitution. This is eaxactly how it was intended to work. As a last resort, LAST resort, the President can take a position of power over the states. We are not there, yet. Not even close. For those who accuse this President as an authoritarian, dangerous dictator, I say NONSENSE. There is, and hasn’t been, any evidence of that.

    In many of the state travel check points, All are sent on their way with instructions how to prevent the spread of virus, and ENCOURAGED to self-quarantine.

    If YOUR state government is abusing your Rights, you can move to the state next door. As a frequent traveler to California, a beautiful state, I would NEVER choose to live there.

  29. Anonymous said...
    "So how far do you want to take federalism? For example, should the Bill of Rights apply to the states?"

    Not to butt in on the conversation, but I'm pretty sure people who believe in Federalism believe in the Constitution, and in the rights of states to amend it.

    I believe they particular like the Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
    April 8, 2020 at 1:47 PM

    No butting in, but this doesn't respond to the question, which is not whether the B of R does apply to the states (mostly, it does). Rather, the question is whether it SHOULD. After all, as originally written, it was not intended to do so. Application of the B of R to the states certainly expended federal power.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Simple civic lesson. We are a Republic, not a pure Democracy.All amendments to the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights had to be approved by 2/3 of STATES, not 2/3 of a popular vote. The Electoral College was designed to provide STATES with more influence in electing a president. In our form of government states have significant rights and responsibilities. One of which is the health and welfare of its citizens. The point is, the federal government only should need to step in when the state cannot handle its crisis. Even then, much is expected of the state in terms of preparedness and resources.
    April 8, 2020 at 2:43 PM

    Later amendments certainly were intended to, and did, strengthen federal authority, so you can't say that the idea only was to strengthen state power. And it's 3/4 of the states, not 2/3.

  31. Hey Johnny Rebs, your internet historian education of American history is worse than the ivory tower boys you scorn. How did your Civil War go for you all and Federalism? That ended the old quaint agrarian view of federalism. It exists, it works but we are a nation of over 360mollion plus.

    There was no law preventing the southern states from seceding but they did and that did not end well for them. Federal law has supremacy. Sorry. Now go back to your bunkers and hoist the battel flags.

  32. Education will only succeed with those who are willing to receive it.

  33. 3:16pm and alike

    The National Defense Authorization Act turned the Constitution your Bill of Rights into toilet paper.

    We live in a military dictatorship that masquerades as a Democratic Republic. They let us play Doctor, and Lawyer, and Indian chief, but when the chips are down, those with the guns and the gold ultimately make the rules, only children believe or hope for anything different.

  34. Shared - On April 7, 2020 Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, took to social media and shared a lengthy message about billionaire Bill Gates and his “obsession” with vaccines. Here’s what he said:

    “Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism. His obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

    Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

    In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

    In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.”

  35. Bill Gates is not someone I would praise. Then again, unlike many nations, organizations (WHO), and politicians, I don’t receive any of his bribes. His late father sounds even more evil.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Education will only succeed with those who are willing to receive it.
    April 9, 2020 at 5:48 AM

    Uh oh.

  37. 3.58
    the problem with polio eradication as you quote has tremendous holes in the article.
    For example part of the 1.2 billion came from the government of Switzerland.
    So the Swiss are demons as well?
    Another example is that India was polio free in 2011, so victims of polio before that have nothing to do with Gates.
    The claim
    "Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died."
    Yep India looked into that--one the seven fell into a well and drowned.
    The Indian government stated the seven deaths had nothing to do with HPV vaccine.
    BTW the foundation Kennedy is chairmen of believes fluoridation of water is harmful
    At least he does not think it is a commie plot as it once was.


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