Local Government TV

Thursday, March 26, 2020

PFA Offices Report No Spike in Domestic Violence ... Yet

Throughout the past week, Governor Tom Wolf has issued a number of directives aimed at combating the Covid-19 virus. They have also shut down Pennsylvania's economy. On March 16, he directed all nonessential businesses to close throughout the state. Then, on March 19, he issued an executive order closing all but life-saving businesses. He's issued a "stay at home" order that now includes both Northampton and Lehigh County. These edicts mean most of us are at home, day and night. Has this resulted in a sudden spike in domestic violence complaints? Not yet. But according to Turning Point Executive Director Lori Szywensky, it's only a matter of time.

Northampton County's Protection from Abuse office said business is "steady," but a little lighter than it was before the courthouse closed to the public. Lehigh County Court Administrator Kerry Turtzo agreed the number of complaints coming in are the same as they were before Wolf's orders. "There hasn't been a sudden spike," he said.

Lori Szywensky, Turning Point's Executive Director, however, warns that it's coming. She acknowledged her office is actually getting less calls than they were before the shutdowns. But she suggested that many victims are afraid or unable to call when stuck in the home with their abusers.

She said she and other domestic violence victim advocates have looked into what happened in China, South Korea and Italy. She indicated complaints initially drop off, and then there's a sudden surge.

She's ready, and her office is fully staffed.


  1. I buried mine 12' just in case...

  2. Wait until the full impact of the economic consequences hit.

  3. REAL news -

    Across the United Kingdom, THUGS are mugging Doctors, Nurses, and other people with medical employee IDs. They then use those stolen IDs to get priority access to FOOD in grocery stores and other outlets.

    Shutdowns that are too rigid WILL bring out the worst in people, too.

  4. Don’t know what the Hell 9:38 AM is, but DO NOT click on it. It’s probably a link to a different kind of virus.

  5. Auto-Spam
    Alot of it on blogspot. Most are seen as "Great post! I really loved it" and other praises. They think they get their site better SEO ranking (Google returns) if they can keep a link planted.

  6. Yes, 10:41. Unfortunately, as I’m sure you already know, even GOOGLE makes it’s own decisions about which sites will occupy the first page of search results! Virtually no one goes past the first page of Google. I don’t use Google.

    Again, this will be a period of Great Awakening.

  7. @10:58 - you are so so wrong in that Google dictates what sites / stories make the 1st page of search results. I know that this word: algorithm, is more than a 3 letter word for you to grasp and if you don't use Google (your choice), how do you even know what's on the 1st page? Time for your mid-morning cup of trump kool-aid. Have a nice nap! So ignorant!

  8. Algorithms are changed ALL THE TIME, in many other cases. I’ll keep my current level ignorance, thank you.

  9. To add to my 11:14 post, a quick search on Duck Duck Go (Google alternative). Gives a first page with reliable proof of algorithms being MANIPULATED for any result someone wants, just like political polling. Just change the PARAMETERS.

    Signed, your local idiot.

  10. 11:06

    Maybe you ought to think in terms of sentences and words rather than letters. That allows you to actually do a google search.

    You will find that complaints about google's search engine are far broader than your own super-biased mind can comprehend.


  11. 11:23 AM

    You are exactly right...I am also a local idiot.

  12. Well, you have to be proud of something.

  13. No one is really a ‘local idiot.’ They are just someone who needs to spend more time being educated.

  14. Earlier, someplace on the Blog, a poster thought this mortality rate was 35 times the mortality rate faced every year by a typical flu bug.

    NO, it is not 35 times more deadly. A number expressed as .01%, does not mean 1% !

  15. You didn't read very well. Someone said that the mortality rate for COVID-19 was 3.5%. I don't know who may have referred to either "1%" or ".01%", but I understood--without specifying--the mortality rate from seasonal flu to be .1% and thus indicated that a mortality rate of 3.5% would be 35 times greater.

    You seriously arguing with that math? Or maybe you just want to twist my words for some purpose.

  16. Didn't a women shot husband she suspected of cheating?

  17. Bad sign when gun shops are open and ammunition sales are up....while other business is shut down


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