Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Pa. Presidential Primary May Be Delayed Until June 2

On Thursday, at the request of Northampton County Voting Registrar Amy Cozze, County Council unanimously approved a motion to delay the Presidential Primary currently scheduled for April 28. Their request might very well be granted.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Governor Tom Wolf and legislative have reached a deal to delay the election until June 2. Assuming that rank-and-file legislators agree, the delay should be approved this week.

Seven states have already delayed the presidential primary.

This delay means you have amply time to request an application to vote online. You can file an application for a mail-in ballot up to a week before the election. You can either request an application with your county office or file online.

Once you receive a ballot, you have until 8 pm on election day to return it to the county elections office. It must be received by 8 pm or your vote will not be counted.

If you seek a mail-in or even an absentee ballot, and then decide you'd rather vote at your precinct, you will be unable to do so. This rule is in place to prevent people from double-voting.

If you distrust the voting machines, vote by mail.

If you are concerned about Covid-19, vote by mail.


  1. Your post mentions voting online. Did you mean to say, "registering online to vote by mail"? As far as I understand, there will not be any option to vote online any time soon.

  2. Just announce that the elections have been cancelled and Trump will remain in office until the next presidential election in 2024. There would be a cure for the virus by Friday.

  3. March 24, 2020 at 9:53 AM Anonymous said...
    Just announce that the elections have been cancelled and Trump will remain in office...

    Sorry but the law says he was only elected to serve 4 years. Anything beyond that term would likely then fall on the next in line... Speaker of The House- Nancy Pelosi. :-)

  4. LCVI - You are built too close to the ground. The fast ones go over your head.

  5. It does not matter--TRUMP will win by a mega landslide....

  6. DEMS--Pelosi, Schumer,Schiff, Nadler, Biden, a vote for this crew is a vote for a more hateful politics and a losing philosophy. MAKE AMERICA GREAT GO TRUMP Go VICTORYIN 2020

  7. Yes we can delay, and vote by mail, but access to, and enthusiasm for, the two populous candidates has already been severely compromised by the Election Virus, giving unfair immunity to an isolated unpopular corporate shill.

  8. Santiago vs. Schweyer.
    22nd District will be a very interesting race.
    She is a very formidable opponent.


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