Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

NorCo Exec Bans Ice Arrests at Courthouse Without Warrant Provided to Jail AND Sheriff

Yesterday, an out-of uniform ICE officer, clad in jeans and a "Pro God Pro Gun Protected" T-shirt, conducted a warrantless arrest of an undocumented immigrant inside the courthouse. It made no difference that this person was married to an American citizen, gainfully employed and a licensed driver who has paid his taxes for the past 10 years. It made no difference that he was just inches away from getting his green card. He was carted away in handcuffs, destination unknown.

In reaction to what happened, Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure has just issued an Executive Order banning ICE arrests of criminal defendants within Northampton County unless a warrant is first provided to the Sheriff and Jail. "“Executive Order 20-28 balances the legitimate needs of the Federal Government to enforce our national immigration laws while providing the basic protections of due process that all human beings are owed in the United States,” explained McClure.


  1. Is that what this executive order actually says? I understand that the order says the Sheriff/County will not detain an undocumented person unless presented with an ICE detainer. But the order doesn't actually ban ICE arrests like the one that just occurred, does it? The Sheriff can't detain a person without these criteria being met. But under this order, can't an ICE agent can still come in and make an arrest himself?

  2. This is a HUGE shift and has bigger implications that it initially seems. I'm interested in seeing how compliant the prison is.

    1. The prison has always been compliant with this.

  3. "But the order doesn't actually ban ICE arrests like the one that just occurred, does it?"

    I don't think they could do that.

  4. He has no creditable authority to ban any agency of the Federal Government from effecting and arrest. LOL McClure is an arrogant as Trump! Hey Lamont you stupid or what? You have NO authority to tell a law enforcement officer they cannot arrest someone on a warrant. BO you know better. Case In point- The state police or local cop stop a car and the radio operator tells them this guy is wanted out of where ever... there is no paper to hand the guy they arrest his butt right there and then based on information received.
    there is NO law that says "show me the warrant". McClure your watching to much TV. But great political ploy to try and get the latino vote for re-election. What a clown thinking he can tell ICE where and when they can effect an arrest. McClure your a joke

  5. Lamont better go back to law school. He thinks he can tell the Sheriff when and not to arrest someone or assist another law enforcement agency? Why don't you try that once Lamont I want to see them make you the poster boy for the democratic blunders. Even the local demo's and latino's do not want wanted people among their neighborhoods. Its actually comical that he thinks he has that power.

  6. Lamont your making a fool out of yourself again. Thank you for more pulp to be tossed at you next election you fool.

  7. 10:32, it absolutely bans an ICE agent from yanking someone out of a courtroom and hauling him away unless he first presents a warrant to both the Sheriff and jail. And yes, he does have “creditable” [sic] authority to tell ICE that, in this county, they won’t be hauling away criminal defendants without a warrant or detainer. And yes, he has the power to tell the Sheriff and jail not to surrender a criminal defiant without a warrant or detainer. They work for him.

  8. Very Interesting, Ice man cant serve a subpoena, on a respondent if the respondent is already in courthouse for some other case,. Ice man most likely went through scanner with those cuffs. So they knew he was in the building.

  9. Cut off all federal funds to counties with executives who refuse to follow the law. It's coming and will be supported in court. Lamont has made an expensive mistake. Authoritarians don't make good public administrators. What other laws would Lamont like to ignore at cost to taxpayers? If our local officials refuse to keep us safe from illegals who drive bombed and endanger us and our children, the feds must step in. Can't block the schoolhouse. Can't run a sanctuary for law breakers.

  10. BO, Lamont HAS NO authority to say when an arrest is effected with or without a paper warrant in hand. You say yes he can? Prove is under what law? The DA's office and every cop in the county is laughing at McClure. Why doesn't McClure tell the State Police the same? State what law gives the County Executive the power to tell ANY law Enforcement Officer they cannot effect an arrest inside the courthouse without a warrant. He has NO Legal power He is way over the line on this one and NO backbone. Political pandering is all this is. Lamont your embarrassing yourself AGAIN.

  11. This is a real gift to the GOP, stick it up all the dems dark place.

  12. Oh, stop your whiney bullsh*t. Trump issues Executive Orders all the time and not a peep out of you "Law and Order" types. This arrest has Morganelli written all over it and it is one of the reasons that why I voted for Susan Wild over him for Congress; that and his love for trump.


    1. You should try living some where else, like Canada. Leave if you dont like it here.

  13. The article should read, Sheriff McClure signs executive order. This is why the people need to elect the Sheriff. What has DA Houck said about this issue?

  14. Sandy McClure is the county exec's wife yes? If so, what do we have here is another Kelly Ann Conway and her husband George Conway? WTF...

  15. Guess we’ll find out how this works when the guy is released. Only to be taken into custody when he walks to his car! I also don’t believe the McClure letter has any weight whatsoever.

  16. McClure is simply following the law. If ICE has a detainer, a criminal defendant must be held for 48 hours. If they don't, the Defendant cannot be held. That's the law. This ICE cowboy actually ignored the policy of his own department.

  17. "This will make Northampton County a non-law obeying county. Bye - bye federal dollars moron. "

    Wrong. McClure is simply following existing law. The County will honor detainers and arrest warrants, but has to see them.

  18. what type of gainful employment pays cash under the table, inquiring minds want to know?

  19. Who tipped off Ms McClure?

  20. LEOs who are rightly horrified by the executive's flaunting of the law, should deposit future law-breakers on Mr. McClure's front lawn. I'm certain he'll provide sanctuary, since he's all about compassion and such.

  21. Illegal is illegal. Ten years is along time to not become legal. I have no sympathy for the individual. Even his wife should have known better. IRS should look at their federal income taxes because he is not a citizen.

  22. Guess this makes it a sanctuary courthouse!

  23. Hope the next guy this illegal drunk hits is someone Lamont loves. It's only fair. I'd never unleash a criminal on Lamont or wish anyone ill. But I'd admittedly feel some comfort in knowing Lamont had done so to himself. Playing politics with the safety of innocent county citizens deserves a strong and severe karma response.

  24. Doesn't this just mean Iceman could wait for his guy to get to his car outside the courthouse ?

    Is there some downside for ICE to do all this anyway? Does it leave room for people to tip off the defendant and they find a way to run ? I mean it seems like just something to let the local voters smell? Like it is really doing something?

  25. I think I’ve explained the downside of letting ICE agents romp thru the courthouse. It has nothing to do with whatever allusion you are attempting to make about voters. This kind of behavior interferes with the administration of criminal justice.

  26. Northampton county is run by left wing radical anti-America people--

  27. The young man looked calm and respectful and humble, and handled this incident very well. I would like to find out the real reason for the ICE arrest, because this just does not make any sense at all that all this pomp and circumstance would occur and take resources, time, planning ahead etc for a person who is not a danger to anyone, so what is the catch. Something is not adding up here at all

    Its Terry Houck's call and no one elses,, so it looks like he set up this nice gentleman to be captured and deported, now why would he do that? Reason???

  28. Yes, everyone in the county should be made aware of this fiasco. Just goes to show the delusional thinking prevalent in the democratic party of today.

  29. "Its Terry Houck's call and no one elses,, so it looks like he set up this nice gentleman to be captured and deported, now why would he do that? Reason???"

    Terry has denied he had anything to do with what happened, and I believe him. According to Att'y Fulmer, the prosecuting attorneys were blind-sided by what happened. If this was a sey-up, they would not be.

    But Det. Gerry Walsh knew what was happening. He was standing with the ICE agent, and more than likely let him into the building. Deputy sheriffs would have insisted he check his firearm, but I can see from the bulge in his T-shirt that he was carrying.

    Walsh set this up, either on is own or at the behest of someone else.

    "Yes, everyone in the county should be made aware of this fiasco. Just goes to show the delusional thinking prevalent in the democratic party of today"

    I completely agree, but if anyone is delusional, it is you and the rest of the xenophobes led by the Divider-in-Chief.

  30. walsh reports to Houck, so that makes no sense, something smells here

    if walsh blindsighted the attorneys and his own boss he would be fired right now so what really hapenned

  31. Everyone in the county should resign in the best interests of the county.

  32. How did he pay taxes as an illegal alien without proper ID?

  33. "Everyone in the county should resign in the best interests of the county."

    Finally,a common sense solution instead of taking potshots.

  34. So Northampton County Executive wants our County to be a sanctuary county.
    Your delusional. He never said for the entire county All he's saying don't use the courthouse.

    How did he pay taxes as an illegal alien without proper ID?
    God your dumb. Go look it up on Google.

  35. Ms McClure needs to resign immediately! Or be fired...

  36. So the county executive can tell ICE what it can do? How can he stop them from doing something in the courthouse, they are federal. They also don't need a warrant to make an arrest you know. This is going to get interesting.

  37. Bring back Brian Kunkle. He can give exams again.

  38. Too funny! McClure's wife is a top official with the DA. So does she tip off the ICE so they come for this guy. Then her husband can score a major political dem power move by issuing this pre-written meaningless proclamation thing. Things that make you go HMmmmm

  39. FYI, this order only states what the prison has been doing all along. Hold for 48 unless being held on other charges. If there are other charges, ICE has 48 hours after those charges are done. This changes nothing.

  40. "Too funny! McClure's wife is a top official with the DA. So does she tip off the ICE so they come for this guy. "

    Except she was not even working on Monday, and her question at arraignment occurred two years ago. She had nothing to do with the ICE agent.

  41. "So the county executive can tell ICE what it can do? How can he stop them from doing something in the courthouse, they are federal. They also don't need a warrant to make an arrest you know. This is going to get interesting."

    Fred, the county has an obligation to hold a defendant for 48 hours if there is a detainer. In all other cases, if they want to grab someone at the courthouse, they better have a warrant and provide it to the Sheriff and jail.

    ICE is not following its own guidelines.

    1. Actually the ICE agent can still take an illegal into custody inside the courthouse without a warrant. This executive order only restricts county employees/departments from detaining them without seeing a warrant.

  42. So you have been ordered to start deleting any comments that shine a light on the king. Why do you do that? You are better than that.

    So who makes the rules in the county, the executive or the council? Insiders have said that McClure mocks the council members. People say the council is the government part, so what good is McClure's order?

  43. March 3, 2020 at 9:32 PM Anonymous said...You should find other news sources
    I was responding to a prior post. I always use bold type for what someone else said. But I guess from now on I'll have to go the whole nine yards and respond with date, time and italics. BTW I meant to say "y'all is dumb". Sorry for any misunderstanding.

  44. I delete comments that use vulgarities or that anonymously attack other readers, at my discretion. And when it comes to county government, you have no idea what you're talking about.

  45. Facts are facts and the law is the law. McClure's so-called order is bullshot. He has no power to stop federal officers. The idea that he will order them to go the sheriff and the jail is laughable. His arrogance may impress you but the feds will laugh in his face.

  46. Did McClure ask the council before he did this. Don't they have to vote on this.

  47. Mclure doesnt respect his Council nor their real authority, nor do they understand that he has no right under the charter to speak or debate during discussion on votes that they are in discussion about, they just let him ramble on about how great everything is. Mclure believes he rules a kingdom and his subjects are to be kept in the dark on truths about Gracedale, Human Services, the Jail, the ElectionCommission, and appointees,, while he highlights self satisfying moments to enhance himself in the public eye. Much like Trump.

  48. Keep braying away and continue your campaign to identify yourself as a moron.

  49. ” Did McClure ask the council before he did this. Don't they have to vote on this.”

    No and no.

  50. "They work for him."

    So everyone works for McClure. The authoritarian of the county sure thinks so. In his world the feds, state and county council work for him. His arrogance knows no equal except for Dertinger. Birds of a feather. His order is paper and nothing more. You are his unofficial publicist and will claim it is lawful but no on else cares.

    Harboring illegal aliens is his legacy.

  51. The real President was told of this "executive order" and almost laughed his ass off!

  52. A meaningless op ed only meant to cast a bit of light upon McClueless and his shallow ability to understand the law.


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