Local Government TV

Monday, March 30, 2020

How One Gym Was Able to Stay Open

Let's say you own a gym. Well, when Governor Tom Wolf ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses to close their doors, that meant you. It mattered not whether the services you provide go a long way to improving the physical health, including immune system, of your customers. No consideration was given to precautions that could be taken to ensure a social distance between patrons and avoid any contagion. Most gyms closed their doors, but Allentown's Matryx Performance sought and obtained a waiver. Here's what this gym is doing:

- All surfaces and highly frequented areas will be regularly cleaned and sanitized
- All athletes will be required to remove their shoes (as always) and wash their hands before beginning training
- Training session sign-ups will be limited so that there are no more than 10 athletes in the main training area or wrestling room at a time
- Athletes will be required to wipe down and sanitize each piece of equipment after use
- All athletes will be guided through their training sessions to maintain proper social distancing
- We will not be providing any physical adjustments to athletes
- Please sign up using our online scheduler in our bio

Other gyms could easily follow suit, and simply require customers to schedule ahead.


  1. Even pre-Corona, I would never patronize one of these places.

  2. Then join that gym and you can put your pocket Constitution away.
    You get what you want which is the point.
    Anything else that you use should be open for you?
    just you that is.
    after all the little people can be inconvenienced to deal with a pandemic.

  3. The hoops they had to jump through to get the government's permission to conduct their business is disgusting. Meanwhile, some guy in a dress who couldn't run a yard is telling us what's good for us - and advising on mental health, too. It's like a very dark Monty Python skit.

  4. "Then join that gym and you can put your pocket Constitution away.
    You get what you want which is the point."

    This is not about me getting what I want. This is about all of us, and the Constitution is our rule book. You want people to put the Constitution away. That pretty much says all that need be said about you, right down the demeaning tone you use when you refer to it in a disparaging way.

  5. Well, Bernie, you are the King of Demeaning.

  6. The closure order doesn't mean shit. No enforcement by any government agency.

  7. Anyone who goes to a gym now more than ever is looking for trouble ... deep respiration will fill the air with the viruses.

  8. Haven't you heard? The governor is evil!

  9. Are you accusing this gym owner of getting preferential treatment? Did the other gym owners in the area apply for waivers and make a argument for how they would safely manage the place?

    Accusations are so easy to make.

  10. I am SO jealous. I'm going crazy not being able to go to the gym.

  11. I think a lot of us want to go to a gym, but I also think that my love for human life is more important than my physical appearance. That's the difference between a real business owner and a greedy business owner. This coming from a daily gym rat and owner. I took my clients overall health into consideration and not the bills I have to pay. I have plenty of home workouts to do and share with my clients without having to go to a gym that is not able to sanitize properly a protein virus in such a large space. In addition, all people have to do is watch youtube videos, go to Prime, etc and you will get the same thing that the gym will provide and to obtain mental and physical health. The only difference is an instructor who pushes you. You will still reap the benefits at home until you can go back to a gym safely. Good for them for practicing their rights but sad for a human being who is in it for the bottom line and not for the safety of their clients. Without your clients because they are sick, there is no gym. Say what you want Bernie.. again.. freedom of speech.

  12. You mean we can work out at home? This changes everything.

  13. I wonder if many businesses that stay open are exposing themselves to potential serious legal liability to customers who become infected, especially if it's shown that they didn't do everything within reason to make the premises safe--assuming it was safe to open at all.

  14. How could anyone sue a business that was just helping you to exercise your constitutional right to do what you want during an epidemic? It's not like lives are at stake.

  15. "Are you accusing this gym owner of getting preferential treatment? Did the other gym owners in the area apply for waivers and make a argument for how they would safely manage the place?Are you accusing this gym owner of getting preferential treatment? Did the other gym owners in the area apply for waivers and make a argument for how they would safely manage the place?"

    I made no accusation. I posted this to show an example of a waiver that other gyms could use if it fits their business model.

  16. Glad to see you supporting our rights. Where have you been all these years when politicians have been crapping on the second amendment?

  17. "I think a lot of us want to go to a gym, but I also think that my love for human life is more important than my physical appearance. "

    I agree, and if you you think a gym is just there for physical appearance,m I would not want to belong to your gym. A gym exists for fitness, which increases overall health and immune systems.

  18. I'm glad to hear a concession that at least one waiver in the state is legitimate. In fact, where's the proof that any of them are illegitimate?

  19. Politico:

    Mayor Bill de Blasio on Monday dismissed President Donald Trump's suggestion that New York medical workers are stealing face masks.

    “It’s insulting, it’s outrageous, it’s incredibly insensitive to people right now who are giving their all,” de Blasio said during an interview on NY1. “Our healthcare workers are suffering — they’re literally watching some of their own lost to this disease. They’re fighting with all they got.”

  20. 1.31
    "I posted this to show an example of a waiver that other gyms could use if it fits their business model."
    So your biggest problem is that your gym owner chose not to do that.
    Go to the gym that serves your needs.
    No one is forcing you to stay with your current gym.

  21. How stupid is the general public? God bless if you want to work out-but do you have to go to a gym? People are literally dying every minute-and lifting is "essential" ? People are being asked to stay in their homes,with the internet,food,heating,cooling and I would think a bed to sleep in and a chair to sit on to say the very least-not exactly a prison cell-and that's not acceptable? If we don't stop acting like rebellious ignorant children,we will never squash this virus. People are dying,but I guess that doesn't concern the knuckleheads of the world until it's their parent or sister or child that is gasping for breath. Sad sad times!

  22. Funny thing. After your announcement/sharing of their announcement that they had received a waiver-the post was deleted off their FB page. A waiver for a gym seems super high risk-could they have been fibbing?

  23. The waiver was rescinded. The company says it never needed one in the first place, but applied out of caution. The company has stayed open at all times.

  24. Wolf's former company, I meant. Not the gym.


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