Local Government TV

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Covid19: Suspend All Collection Actions

While I am dubious whether closing "nonessential" business will combat Covid-19, I am certain it is hurting a lot of people. Governor Tom Wolf issued his supposed order, which actually is not mandatory, without any regard for the people he was hurting. If he really cared, he could simultaneously suspend all collection action actions because people are going to start missing credit card, rent and mortgage payments.  Wolf does have that power, and should exercise it.

State lawmakers are currently drafting a measure to limit evictions, but this fails to go far enough.


  1. Luzerne County already has stopped all landlord-tenant proceedings for two weeks (probably to be extended). That apparently does not mean that deadlines, etc., still don't apply but, rather, that there will no hearings (which are pretty much hard to find on any sort of case) or, presumably, issuance or execution of a writ of possession.

  2. Why don't you reach out to Senator Boscola with your excellent recommendation.

  3. I think there's a distinction between allowing collection ACTIONS to proceed, such as filing and proving a case, as opposed to ENFORCEMENT, such as by issuing a writ of execution. There's no particular reason that the courts need to come to any more of a standstill than they already have.

  4. If it gets as bad as predictions indicate I expect there will eventually be a moratorium on mortgage payments for those who lost jobs related directly to the virus shutdown. Missed months to be added to the end of the term without late payment penalties.

    If not the housing market will be glutted with foreclosed properties.

  5. Does this also include the 2020 Real Estate tax collections?

  6. Just a thought if his main street barber shops will be closed so as to stop his pharmaceutical sales that make for cash cow campaign donations?

  7. How are landlords and those property owners out of work or with less hours expected to pay their Real Estate taxes on time?

    The checks from the federales are not expected until April or May, all penalties should be waved on all taxes due at least until the county is fully functional.

  8. Yesterday, the Penn. Supreme Court temporarily froze all filing deadlines in the state. We're just going to have to wait a couple of weeks for any movement forward. In the meantime, of course, we might all be required to stay home except to visit, say, the grocery store, pharmacy, or doctor.

  9. I believe the IRS already has extended the payment deadline for three months, although apparently has kept the 4/15 filing deadline.

  10. Wolf's not making any payments and his employees are enjoying a well paid vacation. They won't be missing any payments either. In our government's eyes, there is no problem because they're just fine. In fact, they're great.


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