Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Covid-19 v. 1918 "Spanish" Flu Pandemic

One of my readers loves to research. For reasons I'd rather not know, he has the death records spanning the last Pandemic of 1918. It's been called the Spanish Flu, although it may actually have started here in the good old USA. My reader also has the obituary data from the Easton Express covering this pandemic between October 1918 and March 1919. During that time period, there were an average of nine obits a day. That's roughly 810 deaths in Northampton County. On October 14, there were 93 obits reported by The Express in just one day! This was during a time when there was no medical infrastructure, no anti-viral drugs and no understanding that the flu is caused by a virus. The fatality rate of that pandemic may have been as high as 10%, according to Vox, although no one is really sure.

As of noon yesterday, there were seven deaths total in the entire state from Covid-19. We survived the Spanish Flu. We can make it through this pandemic, too.


  1. Some of us will survive, and some of us won't.

  2. Chill out Bernie - our feckless leader says he's going to restart the economy by Easter, and we can rest assured that means the all-important (for him) stock market will rebound, and in the process the cases of COVID-19 will just magically be reduced. I mean, that is just a logical progression of cause and effect - in his mind. Please vote in November, people. We need and deserve a real president, not a dumb ass.

  3. We don' need no stinking science!

  4. Since St Patrick's Day, there has been no legal way to obtain a bottle of alcoholic spirits anywhere in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Even the PLCB website is shut down "out of an abundance of caution." Ridiculous! Try to name another web retailer that has shut down.

    And, Herr Wolf says the shutdown is "indefinite."

    So, if you live in PA and want a bottle of booze, you'll have to travel out-of-state to get one. How stupid is that in terms of slowing the spread of the virus? Herr Wolf's logic is baffling. As the actor Paul Fix observed, "Some people get lost in thought because it's uncharted territory."

    Herr Wolf should, at the very least, open the website. However, I suspect he "fears" an onslaught of orders. The website didn't even fulfill many orders placed before the shutdown was announced.

    I know, because on Sunday, March 15 I placed an order online rather than stand in line for an hour trying to buy a bottle at a brick-and-mortar store. No good deed goes unpunished.

    A state-owned liquor system and an authoritarian governor. That's a toxic cocktail if there ever was one.

  5. Please stop feeding the tinfoil hat brigade. Scientists have already pointed out that due to the times the "Spanish Flu" was held back by the still less than global world. If we get lazy this virus in todays world could easily kill millions. That is the entire point in the mitigation and flattening of the curve of infection so as not to overpower our capacity to treat the ill.

    For Christ sake what is so difficult for you people to understand. Certainly social media has dumbed down America, we know that. However, continuing to play this political and fake news game of conspiracies will cost the lives of innocent people.

  6. 4:00 -

    Here’s what I find curious about your plea. We can no longer tell which people are wearing those tin foil hats you mention. Who are the conspiracy theory spreaders, really? I’m spotting this claim used everywhere.

  7. Yes we from Post9 frequent cemeteries during military funerals ,we often see whole families that died off weeks or days off each other. Evan the remote areas of Bradford County where wood harvesting was being done ,over grown cemetery plots ,dates of death still inscribed. The Spanish flu got tagged such because during the Great War ( war was not referred to as WW1). Spain was neutral and because of war time media restrictions of other countries they they were reporting it first. U.S. losses from the war were about 53,000 , the pandemic killed off about 630,000 some numbers were higher in the US.


  8. "Spanish" Flu Pandemic" that is racist!!!!!

  9. I'm with you. Perceived risk. Let's try this to reduce auto deaths. 11 kids die every day in the US in cell-phone related crashes. We've decided to accept their deaths in exchange for the peace and convenience cellphones provide parents/guardians. As Cuomo said, "If it saves one life ...". Really? Where's his cellphone ban?

  10. So is it "flatten the curve" or "lockdown to zero?"

  11. 6:45

    Where's the cell ban?

    Last time I checked, you aren't supposed to be using a cell phone while driving. Ignore that and you might get in an accident and get hurt or get killed.

    The whole social distancing and flattening the curve is meant to protect people. As long as we have people ignoring those rules, we're going to have people getting sick and possibly dying.

    Sounds like more than just perceived risk.

  12. How's comes it is we can call the Spanish flu what it was and for the wahun virus its racist?

  13. National Geographic posted an article that's available to the public and republished it in 2020 that's behind a paywall, but the general idea about the Spanish Flu is that it originated in China as Chinese migrants were used to support the Allied war effort in Canada, US and especially Europe. And there were waves of infection when after the first mass infection, the infection rates went down and then late in the summer the infection rate skyrocketed. Unlike the coronavirus now, the Spanish Flu attacked healthy people in their 20s and 30s. Quite awful.


  14. What people dont seem to realize is in the next two years, most everyone is going to get this virus. Many have had it and do not know it. The problem is to flatten the spike so the hospitals can keep up with care. This seems to be working everywhere, including California and Washington state, except New York. Now New Yorkers are fleeing to the rest of the country and i bet most could care less if they infect others. New York should be quarantined, no travel in or out, and then allow relaxation of other parts of the country, while keeping up the personal guidelines.

  15. Zero is unrealistic, will never happen, controlled herd immunity will prevail whether we like it or not.

  16. Prince Charles now has the COVID-19, Tom Hanks had and recovered. This COVID-19 will be around like Influenza -- which is pretty darn contagious. People die from that as well as other highly commuicable diseases which have cures. This will be something we all need to deal with. The hysteria plaguing our country is beyond belief. Yes the number of cases have increased. It will increase and there is nothing more we can do about it except to keep sick people at home, well people wash their hands, well people don't touch their faces, well people keep your distance from other people. All things we ought to be doing anyway. Time to move on and open up things up again. There is no way people can just stay home and not conduct business.

  17. Thankfully, the Relief Bill agreed to FINALLY, doesn’t appear to include any of the unnecessary junk Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats tried to cram-in. Taking political advantage due to a national health crisis must never be tolerated. I will remember this next Election!

  18. Piss off 8:25 - you'd rather have the white house behind closed doors handing out cash to businesses who donate to the trump campaign than to the hard working American Worker? Wake up.... If the average Joe doesn't have any spending money, why should businesses get relief? The relief bill was a total partisan bill from the beginning, thrown together without any discussion!

  19. 8:35 -

    Businesses, large and small, EMPLOY people. People get paid to be employed.

  20. "Please stop feeding the tinfoil hat brigade. Scientists have already pointed out that due to the times the "Spanish Flu" was held back by the still less than global world."

    Seriously, if you want to discuss tinfoil hats or conspiracy theories, it is time for you to start looking in a mirror. We learn from our past. My point in disclosing this information was to show that we've gone through this before, and in a much more deadly pandemic. If we could make it thru that devastation, I am sure we will make it thru this one.

    I realize the Chicken Littles like you like to pretend you are embracing science, but you are really embracing hysteria and just proved it. Go buy some toilet paper.

  21. Anonymous said...
    How's comes it is we can call the Spanish flu what it was and for the wahun virus its racist?
    March 25, 2020 at 7:49 AM

    When we refer to the Spanish flu, no one has an agenda of trying to make the Spanish look evil. (Maybe it was a century ago, but I doubt it.) But today there's an agenda to say bad things about China, so it's propaganda.

  22. Actually, the Spanish flu was resented very much by the Spanish, especially since it did not originate in Spain. At the time, many countries were downplaying the virus or outright censoring details because it might impede a war effort. Spain was neutral and was honestly reporting the pandemic. So when the second wave hit, everyone started calling it the Spanish flu and there was a bit of xenophobia attached to it just as there is now.

  23. " But today there's an agenda to say bad things about China, so it's propaganda."

    Talk about tin-foil hats.

    So YOU know what's in everyone else's mind.

  24. When someone makes a big point of making it "Chinese", yes, I think I do.

    And it's not pretty.

  25. I call it the "Trump Virus". Can you tell what I'm thinking?

  26. "Can you tell what I'm thinking?"

    "Thinking" seems too generous a term.

  27. More people need to understand how foolish it sounds to try and bring down this President. This is the single, most important American citizen in the effort to fix, or improve, this serious predicament.

    Hold back on the “Look over there for blame” crap until closer to the Election.

  28. He's bringing us down. People need to appreciate what's happening. But I can understand why you don't want to talk about that.

  29. Anonymous said...
    "Can you tell what I'm thinking?"

    "Thinking" seems too generous a term.
    March 25, 2020 at 9:36 AM

    Ah, so you can see what I'm thinking. It's just that you don't like it.

    Get used to disappointment.

  30. "Ah, so you can see what I'm thinking."

    Er...actually, no. I know it may be asking too much, but "think" again about what my comment means.

  31. Believe me, Forrest, you're not all that deep.

  32. In this case, we know with certainty that the first case of human-to-human was the wife of the guy who went to the wet market. He became sick on 12/1. She never went to the market and became sick on 12/6. Hospital staff who treated them also became infected. That's how this began. Spain absolutely caught a bad rap. China, especially due to its repeated lie for seven weeks (i.e. no human-to-human), deserves a worse rap than they're currently getting. They were aware on 12/6 and lied to the WHO until sheepishly admitting some problem on 1/20.

  33. Pa. house passes bill to guarantee school teachers and all public workers full pay, benefits and contributions to their pension plans. What is wrong with unemployment?, like everyone else. And they will still qualify for a large gift from the aid package. Bet they will be still demanding a pay increase this summer.

  34. Anonymous said...
    In this case, we know with certainty that the first case of human-to-human was the wife of the guy who went to the wet market. He became sick on 12/1. She never went to the market and became sick on 12/6. Hospital staff who treated them also became infected. That's how this began. Spain absolutely caught a bad rap. China, especially due to its repeated lie for seven weeks (i.e. no human-to-human), deserves a worse rap than they're currently getting. They were aware on 12/6 and lied to the WHO until sheepishly admitting some problem on 1/20.
    March 25, 2020 at 10:21 AM

    See, you admit that calling it the "China" virus is meant to punish China.

    Game over.

  35. So far this season, there have been 45 million flu illnesses, at least 300,000 hospitalizations, and up to 46,000 deaths from flu, of which more than 100 are pediatric--a higher total at this point of the year than any season in the past decade

  36. While the first reports of this virus were connected to this market, the first case was on Nov. 17, 2019, in Hubei province. This virus was circulating in China for some time before it popped up in the market area. It was likely to have been circulating in this country before our first reported cases on the west coast. these things were discovered by back-tracking.

    My son, who travels extensively was ill in late December with all the symptoms, including the pink eyes. He continued to work etc. although he stayed home for a few days while he was pretty sick. He continued to travel around eastern u.s. He assumed he had the flu. I would assume he is not the only one. His wife and children also were sick, but not very serious. Only way to know is for a test for anti-bodies, they are just beginning to do that now. I would bet that many people have had this and that it will eventually spread to most everyone. Eventually we will see statistics on how widespread this has been.

  37. "See, you admit that calling it the "China" virus is meant to punish China.
    Game over."

    Glad you're focused on some "game." JFC we're so lost.

  38. Viruses don't have zip codes and should not be named for fear of offending.

    Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and
    Lyme Disease

  39. Trump admits he called it the China virus, he has since stopped, because some authorities in china were insinuating that it was started by the U.S. military. It was just a little push-back. I don't think for a minute it would be the military. China has not benefited from this crisis. Rouge operators with an agenda, possibly from several sources, who Knows?

  40. Anonymous said...
    "See, you admit that calling it the "China" virus is meant to punish China.
    Game over."

    Glad you're focused on some "game." JFC we're so lost.
    March 25, 2020 at 11:20 AM

    Oh, please. Maybe this site is just a little too exciring for you.

  41. Just announced. The House of Representatives chose to be in session today for just 3 minutes. 3 minutes !

    Thus, NO vote on the agreed upon Relief Bill today. Critical help to people delayed, yet again. Not a good look for our politicians.

  42. "Rouge operators with an agenda"

    Obviously the Red Chinese.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Viruses don't have zip codes and should not be named for fear of offending.

    Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and
    Lyme Disease
    March 25, 2020 at 11:24 AM

    But no one's trying to denigrate the Rocky Mountains--which, in any case, don't have feelings. Nobody was trying to blame legionnaires with Legionnaires Disease. "China" virus is meant to cause trouble, and it's racist.

  44. No benefit to china, Environmentalist dream come true, everything shut down, less humans, less emissions, the radical environmentalists are the only ones who would look at themselves as winners.

  45. Anonymous said...
    So far this season, there have been 45 million flu illnesses, at least 300,000 hospitalizations, and up to 46,000 deaths from flu, of which more than 100 are pediatric--a higher total at this point of the year than any season in the past decade
    March 25, 2020 at 11:03 AM

    So, of course, we're to conclude that there's no problem. I'm so glad that you know so much more than the scientists. What were the rest of us thinking?

  46. Just stop the stupid racist labeling bullshit, it is a very overused and now ineffective political weapon.

  47. 11.34, just a relative fact,

  48. That's why I like "Trump virus". It tells a more important story.

  49. Why are State/Government workers and teachers/admins still being paid full wage during this epidemic? Especially since there are no services being offered for teachers and the majority of State/Govt workers.... Unless, of course, they are all "working from home" wink wink...

  50. "it's racist."

    identity politics is a lot like religion. if you believe hard enough, you'll see evidence of it everywhere

  51. Kung Fu Flu requires censorship.
    Censorship is cool.

  52. Anonymous said...
    "it's racist."

    identity politics is a lot like religion. if you believe hard enough, you'll see evidence of it everywhere
    March 25, 2020 at 12:28 PM

    What about "It's Chinese"?

  53. March 25, 2020 at 11:27 AM Anonymou said...
    Just announced. The House of Representatives chose to be in session today for just 3 minutes. 3 minutes !

    Thus, NO vote on the agreed upon Relief Bill today. Critical help to people delayed, yet again. Not a good look for our politicians. !

    One of the big reasons was because the difference between the House & Senate bills for New York state. As Gov Cuomo pointed out the Senate aide package for NY would be over $14B less then the previous House version. Other states would also be receiving less as well.

  54. The Election Virus of 2020.

    Monday, March 2, the media went into full blanket mode.

    The virus killed-

    Russia/ukraine gate
    Burisma corruption
    Bernie Sander's lead
    On and on, does anyone remember what the news was before Coronavirus?

    2 trillion dollar scam.

  55. What year an month was that impeachment thing, does anyone remember? What was congress doing when the virus was irrupting?

  56. Another reason given for the House short session was members didn't have a chance to read the senate bill passed just a few hours before. Rather then rush it through they will reconvene 11:00 AM Thursday (tomorrow)

  57. we need to pass it to know what is in it....

  58. Anonymous said...
    What year an month was that impeachment thing, does anyone remember? What was congress doing when the virus was irrupting?
    March 25, 2020 at 1:39 PM

    The experts who we hire work for the executive branch.

  59. I denegrate those lyin' dogface pony soldier rocky mountains every day. And Lyme is lame. There I said it. I'm racist. I also own fine China and nobody has a problem with that. Keep batting at the laser pointer. It's funny and we all need fun.

  60. You don't strike me as the sort of persons who eats off of plates.

  61. "Another reason given for the House short session was members didn't have a chance to read the senate bill passed just a few hours before. Rather then rush it through they will reconvene 11:00 AM Thursday (tomorrow)"

    Narrator: "They still didn't read it, and never intended to."

  62. Fighting Irish still fighting? Asking for a sensitive friend. Laser pointer...

  63. U.S. military didn’t start this Anon 11:24 . The Chinese Government warned this market place 2 years before this issue started. Here we are in Pennsylvania as remote from China as the moon almost. No reported cases yesterday in either Bradford or Sullivan County’s .Now were on lockdown ,not so bad , think about yourself and your families. Think about not spending everything you earn ,think about having reserved yourself a comfort zone . Store can food and ammunition. Listen,We all got it coming. The stupid will simply parish . I didn’t say uneducated. Like me, I learn by banging my gorg against the wall xsometimes ,I won’t win literature awards. But let me tell you this , after this dies down ,the smart people will get a plan to sustain. They will get place tups with canned food and learn to defend their families. The stupid will do what ever.. in 168 hrs (1 week)the U.S. has gin from 10,000 infected to 55,568 known . How far will this curve go ?

  64. It's all about what's in your heart, baby.

  65. Think positive...more are on the way.

    130 million babies will be born this year, each of whom will be extremely lucky if even two people give a shit.

  66. Peterjcochran said...
    U.S. military didn’t start this Anon 11:24 . The Chinese Government warned this market place 2 years before this issue started. Here we are in Pennsylvania as remote from China as the moon almost. No reported cases yesterday in either Bradford or Sullivan County’s .Now were on lockdown ,not so bad , think about yourself and your families. Think about not spending everything you earn ,think about having reserved yourself a comfort zone . Store can food and ammunition. Listen,We all got it coming. The stupid will simply parish . I didn’t say uneducated. Like me, I learn by banging my gorg against the wall xsometimes ,I won’t win literature awards. But let me tell you this , after this dies down ,the smart people will get a plan to sustain. They will get place tups with canned food and learn to defend their families. The stupid will do what ever.. in 168 hrs (1 week)the U.S. has gin from 10,000 infected to 55,568 known . How far will this curve go ?
    March 25, 2020 at 3:45 PM

    I'd say you're pretty much off of the curve, if you know what I mean.

  67. Same thing happened in Europe I think 1974 - 75 when they couldn’t drive on Sunday ,I was over there. Next was baby boom .Hhhaaaa babies should be loved before their born . True it’s going to happen ,baby boom will be “primate nature “. Does anyone here know how many types of primates there are known? I do.

  68. How many fingers am I holding up?

  69. "Primate Nature" What the hell pete. After a few days in and you are going all primate on us. How about some military stories

  70. We’re all part of the primate family. Ginganthopus , Neanderthal Man were all here. Now being uneducated , I still understand how these throwback effect human nature. Garrillis will kill offspring of another mate ,so do humans . I also know if anything threatens a family somebody’s going to get bit. So I knew ,servicing warrants that I had to get a feel first sometimes before I took a family member out of the house. Some warrant servers get killed because they fail to understand sertain human natures.

  71. 5;22 I’m not drinking at all . Fix your gauge door from the water back up . Outherwise how are you doing now that the bars are closed?

  72. Douglas was a worrier. He was in the Grear War (ww1)grade from West Point He commanded more taratory than Any other military officers in history of the world.

  73. If Pete attempts posting on the comments section after 1400 hours the cocktails have already kicked in, in other words its' too late. Primates, WW1 commanders, MRE's, I don't normally drink but I do in an attempt to find the message in his postings. In other words to get inside his mind which can be a scary place.


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