Local Government TV

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Covid-19 Hits NorCo

One Northampton County resident is now believed to have Covid-19, according to the latest update from the Pa. Department of Health. Statewide, 21 people are presumed or confirmed as having this virus, while 196 people are under investigation. Executive Lamont McClure recommends that we "continue good hygiene practices, and that we, as much as possible, limit interactions with vulnerable populations such as the elderly and people with compromised immune systems."

I'm an old fart, but people already stay away from me. Actually, people should frequently check in on those who are elderly or who have compromised immune systems. A phone call or text is one way to do this without exposing this person or yourself.


  1. County Exec is a joke! Says to self quarantine if you came into contact with sick person and then says nothing about the sick person. He must be a genius!

  2. Trump is still saying he's not concerned? WTF!!!

  3. If only there was a test that could let us know whether we have the virus!

    Oh, wait...

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. How long can the virus live on the touchscreen of a substandard voting machine? I'm reading four days.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. They recommend testing for those with symptoms and those who have been in contact with confirmed cases. do we really need 330 million people running to get tested?

  8. No, but we should have had at least 1’million test kits

  9. I deleted some misinformation posted anonymously by someone who really hates McClure.

  10. Guy from NBA team tests positive and the team is able to miraculously secure 58 test kits. It's nice to be wealthy and connected.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. City of Bethlehem resident here. I also have children in the school district. I am ABSOLUTELY flabbergasted what I just read on Lehigh valley live and Dr Roy’s response, logic and thinking about student safety during the current outbreak. Maybe I’m just over protective of MY children, but what parent isn’t? Dr Roy seems to think it would be more detrimental to close school bc kids wouldn’t get their free breakfast or lunch, and parents would have to pay for daycare... this is the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard. I’d rather miss work if I had to assure my children are home and away from the risk of infection than have a child contract the virus at school, bring the virus home and put the parents out of work ANYHOW. Hey dr ROY, how about you let the parents worry about meals and work schedules and you do YOUR JOB to assure the schools aren’t infected with the virus! Don’t overstep your bounds and make decisions for our children unless it involves the school!

  13. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

  14. So apparently he’s putting all children at risk over free meals... that’s nice of him. I’m willing to bet he doesn’t have children of his own in the school district he oversees...

  15. Only government action can save us.

  16. 4:42 — you have the option of exercising your rights as a parent and keep your children home.

  17. At 6:31. Not without recourse from the school. I have honor roll students, what do you think happens if I don’t send them... use your head.

  18. I just saw this on huffpost:
    As “social distancing” is urged to contain the coronavirus outbreak, home is exactly where the danger lies for some. Domestic violence alert!

  19. One of the reasons that we need a national emergency declaration is to make plans to deliver food to whoever needs it. Hunger won't go away just because we're staying home.

  20. 6:52: THANK YOU for sending your honor roll-earning children to school. How would the BASD function without them?

  21. Now that the true nature of the virus is evident, the Trump virus truthers are shocked. Their glorious leader was and still is spewing nonsense. Without anyone to blame for this they are lost.

    So how soon for the simple minded scapegoating game to create a new villain. The dems and the press did not make all this up, so now they need a new boogeyman to get through the night.

    On the bright side I have heard that wearing your MAGA ball caps protects you from the virus.

  22. "I just saw this on huffpost:"

    Please be leery with stories about Covid-19 coming from sites on both sides of the ideological spectrum. Rely on WHO, CDC and Pa DOH (links on left sidebar).

  23. How many test kits are available for our county’s needs and has there been discussion on setting up pandemic
    Disease Coordination teams ?

  24. "How long can the virus live on the touchscreen of a substandard voting machine? I'm reading four days."

    I don't know what ypu're reading bc you provide no link. Whatever voting machine you reference does not apply to NorCo bc the ExpressVote XL is superior.

    The CDC has provided guidance on this topic:


  25. Friday the thirteenth is tomorrow and a full moon will be in the sky the zombies will be swarming anyone buying toilet paper. Run fast if you see one of these big ass types eyeing you at the local Wal-Mart ads that's were it will all go down.

  26. Fair enough ..so what is the procedure As each voter touches the screen, poll books, etc? Do they clean after each voter? Do they wipe down screen each time voter votes? Tell us Mr Wizard....where is the plan?

  27. There is no reason to be insulting. Why not just come out and say what you really want to say - you don't want people to vote and are engaging in voter suppression. Rest assured, ALL elections workers have been scheduled for intensive training, and I am sure that includes proper disinfection and other actions spelled out in the link you choose to ignore. .

  28. I received a letter from Norco Voting office today. Explaining the benefits and procedures for voting by mail. That coupled with your post AND now this Corona Virus has convinced me to sign up. I guess my only regret will be the interaction with other voters.

  29. Common sense should rule the day. Many people are taking hysterical actions because of the virus. Toilet paper and bottled water non existent in area stores. Wash your hands, follow health official recommendations and we all may see an end to the virus. Lastly, do check on the elderly. they are the most at risk. Calm down.

  30. There are NO empty stores shelves seen in many states across America. Calm down!

  31. Voter suppression was initiated with the event of the troubled voting machines ..and we are lucky we can now
    Vote with no excuse..the question of safety for those who still wish to touch a machine is not anything but an honest health concern ...come outside and talk to real people

  32. Anonymous said...
    There are NO empty stores shelves seen in many states across America. Calm down!
    March 13, 2020 at 9:06 AM

    Yes, yes, the Republican mantra is calm down! POTUS is an abject failure who needs to defend his "Don't worry, be happy" approach, but calm down! so that we all can advance his pretense. Yes, your area stores are running short on certain supplies of importance, but calm down! because that not true--yet--everywhere. No, you can't get a test right now, but calm down! because the president's buddies will be taken care of, anyway, and you might even be able to get one yourself in a couple of weeks or so.

    And by the way, we're calm enough. We have the resolute calm of people who know that most leadership will come from them, not from our purported leader.

    So YOU calm down about us calming down, eh? We get the situation a lot better than you, my friend.

  33. "So YOU calm down about us calming down, eh? We get the situation a lot better than you, my friend."

    WOW! Two posters, both Anonymous. One poster writes an absolute truth and urges calm. The second poster offers only political attacks and insults. Hmmm . ..

  34. One poster wants to provide cover for Trump and the other does not. Call that what you will. I don't think it's gonna work for you.

  35. I'm calm, just not about how much we've been let down by the White House. See the difference?

  36. I was thinking of being hysterical but then I realized that Donald Trump is in charge.

    What possible could go wrong?

  37. Here’s some facts. The test kits originally provided were manufactured in China. They had a 48% rate of false negatives. In other words, they were 50/50 on reliability.

    The test kits already in hand from the Obama Administration were deemed by doctors involved NOW as not adequate for this situation. The test kits being manufactured NOW are able to contain SPECIFIC, biological and genetic, markers unique to THIS virus. More accurate.

  38. see wfmz for test locations you hysterical demo's

  39. Bernie should we have 1 million test kits for all the past deadly viruses such asEbola Virus. ...
    Marburg Virus. ...
    Hantavirus. ...
    Lassa Virus. ...
    Rabies Virus. ...
    Smallpox-Causing Variola Virus. ...
    Dengue Virus. ...


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.