Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Can I Maintain My Weight Now That Gym Has Closed?

As some of you know, I've been a yo-yo most of my adult life. If I can exercise, I tend to eat healthy and can lose weight and keep it off. But if get injured or sick, I gain it back in a hurry and then lose the motivation to exercise. When I started my most recent quest for fitness in July 2018, I relied mostly on walking as exercise. But after a few months, I heard a big pop in my hip one day while walking. I was in quite a bit of pain and thought my exercise would soon be replaced by binge eating. What saved me was the gym. I found I could do cardio on a machine called the Arc Trainer without any impact. In fact, my injury felt better when I tried it. After a few weeks, I began lifting weights as well. I was able to lose 128 pounds over 1/12 years. Though I have sometimes succumbed to unhealthy foods, the exercise helps me keep my focus on eating healthy. So when Governor Wolf recommended that people stop using a gym, I ignored him. Unfortunately, now I have no choice because my gym has closed in compliance with an "order" that may not even exist.

I understand the dangers posed by Covid-19. I also understand what happens if I am unable to exercise. Ironically, the gym has been as empty as I've seen it. Those of us who continued going had no problem staying 6' away from each other. Truth be told, most people stay more than 6' from me.

I loaded my bike into the car, figuring I would get it tuned up and try riding again like I did a few years ago. But I question whether the bike shop I frequent will be open.

So for the time being, my cardio will be a combination of brisk walking and a little bit of running. For strength, I can rely on some exercises learned in the army.

If any of you have suggestions on what I can do to stay fit and maintain my weight, I'm all ears.


  1. I just read today Amazon announced deep discounts on those home fitness machines. I am thinking Peletron<sp. Not sure though.

  2. Ya Bernie, easy- stay at 10 calories per ideal body weight based on surgeon general’s chart including what you drink per day.

  3. Walk to work and carry your typewriter with you

  4. Good self examination. Yo Yo fits perfectly.

  5. Just read Planet Fitness is streaming free classes on their Facebook and YouTube pages Monday through Friday. Don't have to be a member and nip equipment needed. Might be worth a try

  6. TDJ, Thanks. As I read this, it is raining so I'll give this a try.

  7. This blog has gotten boring lately. Just my opinion.

  8. Don't worry about your weight, you won't have any food to eat soon

  9. "This blog has gotten boring lately. Just my opinion."

    As someone told you yesterday, start your own.

    1. Wanted a great response and I got one! Have a great 14 days!!

  10. "Don't worry about your weight, you won't have any food to eat soon"

    Lol, One thing I know is I can go for days without food.

  11. youtube is great for different workouts. I stopped jogging a few years ago as my knee could not take it. Before i got an elliptical, i found all kinds of low impact workouts on there. just type in what you are looking for and there it is

  12. If you run/power walk, you may try the Jacobsburg Sobers Run Trail.

    It is a relatively flat stretch and will curtail the wear & tear on your joints. I use the soft track at Freedom for a few laps in the outside lane, but those circles make me buggy.


  13. The diet should be out the window and eat all you got today because tomorrow is not coming. This way one could store enough fat to burn out of this nightmare.

  14. "If you run/power walk, you may try the Jacobsburg Sobers Run Trail."

    Thanks. Have been there many times.

  15. Sunday I hiked at Jacobsburg Trail.You know the long one that takes you all through the park.There were a lot of families enjoying the weather. Hit the trails Bernie

  16. Husband going through this also as he is trying to train for marathons. But he was able to go into the basement and dig around for all his weights, tune up the treadmill and of course, still run outside on nice days.

  17. Thanks for the suggestions. Did core work, legs and just did an hour of brisk walking. Am still a good boy, lol.

  18. Bernie - I'm told by my wife's college roommates friends husband, who is thought of as a smart guy, was overhead thinking out loud. "Covid-19 has itty bitty legs, although small it can turn them over at dizzying speeds" A brisk walk and jumping to conclusions about the actual groundspeed of Covid-19 should keep the pounds off. Godspeed Bernie, and may the covid-19 eat your dust.

  19. Whose manning the glory hole? My gym is hiring immediately! You available?

  20. Eat ex-lax sandwiches!

  21. 1:25 your mouth does not belong on things that could carry the cornavirus so you had better stop working the glory hole. Stick to your job as media man and distract the publics attention away from this henious infection you and your type created.
    Bernie, if we all get the virus we will not need to worry about our health because the govment will be taking care of it for us?

  22. Bernie - I have a suggestion. I have been binge eating myself, and you know what keeps my weight and health in check? WALKING. Which is exactly what you said you plan to do.

    Stay away from the binge eating. If you do, feel guilty about it after a session, and try to make it at least a week until it happens again. And every day, walk for a minimum of 45 minutes. Voila - problem solved and no gym membership needed.

  23. Since I experienced something of the same nature as what you are going through, I too asked for advice. The greatest remedy suggested to me for losing twenty pounds of ugly fat was to cut off my head. I have great friends.


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