Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Amy Klobuchar on FDR

“There’s an old story of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and when he died, his body was put on a train and went up across America, and there was a guy standing by those tracks along with so many Americans, and he had his hat on his chest and he was sobbing, and a reporter said, ‘Sir, did you know the president?’ And the guy says, ‘No, I didn’t know the president, but he knew me. He knew me.’ I will tell you this, there is a complete lack of empathy in this guy in the White House right now. I will bring that to you.”


  1. I was very impressed by her. I started out disliking her, but I was colored by some negative publicity about her being abusive to her staff. In debates, she was smart and funny and I really love her FDR story. Plus, her campaign staff has been with her from the beginning, so I question whether someone tried to paint her negatively simply bc she was running for President. It is very obvious people in Minnesota like her. After she endorsed Biden, he won the state in an upset over Sanders.

    It would be wise for Biden to have a female VP candidate, if only as a matter of political calculus. But I am unsure whether Klobuchar is the best candidate bc, as the Republicans commenting here are snarking, she is not widely known.

  2. She is a better candidate than Biden, but the woman vp is likely already ready to go. she is more well known than Amy.

  3. Hillary is still hell bent on becoming president. She will do anything to get there.

  4. I thought Klobuchar represented herself very well. I was more of a Gabbard fan as she seemed to be more of the centrist i was hoping for.

    If Biden becomes the democratic nominee, i believe the bernie supporters stay home in the fall (like the did in 2016). Does Biden select a more left VP to try and rope those individuals in

  5. I doubt very much that woman is Hillary. That would be suicide for Democrats. Of course, that's what we do, lol.

  6. I liked Tulsi very much, but believe her views on foreign policy are misguided. We are not into regime change, as she seems to think. Her noninterventionist thinking is contrary to the American view that we have an obligation to promote freedom.

  7. "we have an obligation to promote freedom"

    on the contrary,, we have an obligation to promote american self-interest.

    This is not always co-extensive with promoting freedom.


    Hans Morgantheau
    (hans hasn't had a holler in a while)

  8. The dems are poison TRUMP does more good for the country in one day than they do in 3 years--that by way is peloso schumer Schiff and Nadler Biden is corrupt his family became rich because of his politics--Bernie is a communist-- TRUMP will win by a landslide

  9. We only engaged in regime change in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Israel, Libya, Venezuela and Ukraine in the last 20 years. Sorry if I missed any. People like to put blinders on and deny reality, Why is that?

  10. FDR really was a president with a lot of compassion, that is why he demanded under penalty of law that everyone turn in their U.S. legal currency of gold coins in exchange for $20. paper bills. As soon as he considered all was turned in that would be had, He raised the price of gold to $35.00 and oz. Thereby devaluing the peoples money by 58%. It is a fact that those that obeyed were mostly the poor and unsophisticated. The wealthy knew a scam when the saw it and profited greatly by not complying. The propaganda still goes on 80 years after the deal.

  11. The non-interventionist strategy is why i liked Gabbard. I believe in a strong military and i believe in taking care of our vets. What i dont believe in is sending them to die or come back broken from unwinnable wars in the middle east

  12. 10.28 or add being a police force for chaotic countries. Our youth deserve better.

  13. make Bernie the VP and be done with this whole mess

  14. FDR was a walking, talking piece of garbage. I like when FDR rounded up the "American Japs" and locked 'em up in prison camps. He's truly the Lion of the Left, even though he never joined the KKK like Bob Byrd, or left a girl for dead on Cape Cod like Saint Ted, or molested minors like Bob Menendez, or re-segregated the federal government like Woodrow Wilson. The only thing we have to fear is authoritarian Democrats who regularly imprison, rape, and kill people. These are your heros. FDR. LOL.

  15. "We are not into regime change"

    How can you promote freedom without changing the regime?

    Do you intend on killing your way to freedom?

    It would seem that our practice of regime change is the least violent way.

    Why not acknowledge the reality that we use our might to force regime change in order to mitigate suffering and promote freedom.

    At least then you don't look full of shit saying "we are not into regime change."

  16. I was amazed Klobuchar's tongue didn't turn to fire speaking on FDR, but then I realized she was a prosecutor and her tongue is use to the heat.

  17. "The dems are poison TRUMP does more good for the country in one day than they do in 3 years--that by way is peloso schumer Schiff and Nadler Biden is corrupt his family became rich because of his politics--Bernie is a communist-- TRUMP will win by a landslide "

    will if every missed comma equals one vote, you may be right

  18. Thoughts from old white guys ........ how neat.

  19. Amy Two-Face admittedly treats her Congressional staff like garbage. She's Midwest peaches and cream in public but a private Queen of Hearts. She was going to lose big time in her own state. She dropped out to save face. She would be a good VP pick for Dementia Joe, but don't count on her delivering Minnesota.

  20. ...and James Clyburn delivered South Carolina and perhaps the south...good luck with that in fall.

  21. Trumps fire side chat involve a porn star, pee pee tape, and a hush attorney.


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