Local Government TV

Friday, February 07, 2020

Washington Tp Cop Arraigned On Terroristic Threats Charges

Washington Township's cops are spending more time in court lately, not as arresting officers, but as criminal defendants.

On Tuesday, Northampton County DA Terry Houck filed two summary citations against Police Chief Scott E Miller for driving at an unsafe speed and failing to notify police of an accident. These charges were filed after an exhaustive investigation into a one-vehicle crash on January 6 at Michael Drosnock's home along Kessersville Rd in Plainfield Township. Houck had evidence that Miller had been drinking at a sports bar for eight hours before his mishap, but Slate Belt Regional Police (SBRP) failed to conduct even a rudimentary investigation, making DUI charges impossible.

In addition to Miller, Officer Mark Gwozdz was arraigned on Thursday on terroristic threats charges. Those relate to an October incident in which he allegedly threatened his third wife and expressed regret that he never put a bullet in the head of wife #1 or #2, or perhaps both. Gwozdz was initially placed on paid administrative leave, but his current girlfriend tells me it is now unpaid administrative leave.

Gwozdz is tentatively scheduled for trial in April.


  1. Washington Township sounds lovely. Their zoning officer issues a cease and desist for a township owned property, so they fire him. Then his wife, in protest, doesn't show up for meetings for over a year. Their police department is apparently staffed with lowlifes. Yeah, I want to move to Washington Township.

    1. Excuse me but our PD is proudly staffed by wine drinking alcoholic lowlifes to you mister taxpayer and we sip only the best local spirits when working here at Washington Township Police. Now can we help you? Red or white? Cheery Valley or Franky Hill....911 baby!

    2. A new meaning of to Protect and Serve. We serve red or white? Light or lager? As for protect? We protect our own.

    3. Our ex zoning officer was the only professional employee we HAD. The township is pretty much ran by the bitchy secretary and Miller. Hoping our supervisors are going to do the right thing on Wednesday.

  2. @12:15 AM Better than living in West Easton, with the constable who makes up stories about shooting at people.

  3. I would love to sit down with BO and let him know what I know about all of Northampton Cty The retaliation is what scares people away.

  4. Do you mean the Officer Gwozdz that used to brag about his marine corps career only to find out it was the reserves and he went AWOL and was tossed out dishonorably. That wife beating liar?

  5. Was he wearing that fancy Hawaiian shirt that he wore recently while vacationing in Hawaii? He is the new fashion police. What a stooge

  6. The old saying three strikes your out rule. Three wives beaten and abused and he is out. I commend the victim for standing up tó this creep and saying enough. This nut case is gonna kill somebody. Thank you DA Houck for seeing no other women are gonna be abused and beaten by this animal sociopath.

    1. John Morganelli put this case in motion. After the way Houck handled Miller's antics he probably wouldn't have seen anything wrong with Gwodz threatening his wife. I wish JM was still pur DA. I think things would have went differently with Miller.

    2. I kept saying you dont want Houck but people were like no he will be fine... The guy ran all over looking for a DA job it's all he cared about was being in power... He is very pompous person... arrogant is an understatement!!

  7. Hrmm maybe a commerative tattoo or a tramp stamp branding for the occasion? Maybe one across the now of the battleship Missouri from Bethlehem Township? Bethlehem Township PD must be so proud.

  8. Mark Gwozdz is a very sick man with very serious mental issues hidden by a sociopath trait pattern. It is beyond the anger management issue to much deeper in the tattoos of his victims being groomed and branded. He has all the traits of a path to being the Slate Belt regions remake of the Silence of the Lambs. I hope and pray that the DA is successful and this man is removed from a position of authority. Seeing more victims coming forward now in his personal and professional interaction would not surprise me. He needs a comprehensive evaluation before his behavior turns deadly. Now it's 3 victims what will happen to victim #4 who since December now has a tattoo sleeve on her arm she is proud of under the mind grooming and branding of the victim. He should not be left alone with children. He is very ill.

  9. A train wreck with a badge and gun. Yikes

  10. Please introduce former Officer Gwozdz to the West Easton Constable Mezzacoppa. What a team that would make. A hit reality show for sure.

  11. How desperate can you be to date and let this sleezebag around your own child. Ground zero with a punch-

  12. What will be the punishment for SBRPD officers who were clearly covering up? It's the most disturbing part of this story.

    1. Let's hope our DA rethinks his position and remembers he has the power to come down hard on them. According to his idiotic press conference he's letting everything up to what the department wants to do internally. He took the same position with what Washington Township is going to do with their "chief". According to Houck he's pretty much done with investigations. So it sounds like business as usual here in the Slate Belt. Sounds like Gwodz might get what's coming to him though . I guess we should be happy with that. One less sociopath with a gun.

  13. There is defiantly some criminal activities commited by boys in blue being covered up that needs a FBI look.

  14. And, while every one is onto the subject, perhaps someone should look into Acting Chief Hoadley’s “extra curricular” activities. You’d be shocked as to what you might find out. Oh, yes, he’s married.
    Besides his "extra curricular" activities, it is apparent that Hoadley IS NOT THE MAN FOR THE JOB- exemplified by the way he corruptly handled the Scott Miller. This incident is one of many shortcomings. He needs to be fired and someone who is competent, from outside, needs to be hired in order to restore integrity to this pathetic police force.

  15. How does someone fly across the road and hit a house late at night which is obviously an occupied home with the landscaping and charge with two traffic offenses is beyond imagination. The PA Vehicle Code clearly shows a crime for hitting an occupied structure. The facts.. well manicured property and a nice house... not some run down weeds in the yard shack and they try to say they did not know? They cannot prove he was drunk? Let a jury decide whether he was incapable of operating a vehicle. Why wasn't the PSP accident investigation unit brought in the assist the DA and reconstruct the accident and put that evidence along with his bar tab to show whether he was incapable of driving?
    Houck let this rogue cop get away with nothing but paying a traffic ticket. Look at the damage to the home! look at the damage to the Chief's truck and look at the mans home. This needs the FBI to immediately review the Northampton County District Attorney's Office or bring in the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. This mans property destroyed and a cover up with a traffic ticket with Houck's hands dirty all over it. This man has over 10 thousand dollars worth of damage to his home and its cover up from Houck, our incompetent DA to the goons in uniforms in the Township! Houck could have had experts look at this. The hitting an occupied structure- M3 is a slam dunk conviction... the DUI let the jury decide if he was capable to drive. You cannot fault the DA if he was doing the right thing and the but we sure can vote him out in 4 years for doing the wrong thing. What is involved in having recall of this mans office? He can charge this corrupt Chief of Police today if he wants to.

  16. "Let's hope our DA rethinks his position and remembers he has the power to come down hard on them."

    Our DA is a prosecutor, not a persecutor. He has no authority to hire or fire cops. As the person who first cast a public spotlight on Miller, I believe the DA acted appropriately. He charged what he could. It is not his fault that most of the evidence of a DUI is gone. He made very clear that SBRP botched their "investigation." But he has no authority to tell that department to discipline their officers.

  17. Gee I wonder it was a private citizen did exactly what Miller did if the same actions would have been taken. Miller laughingly said "nothing is gonna happen"....."I will remain Chief of this Department and in charge and that the Supervisors wont mess with him they know better". Sadly this is our law enforcement north of Easton. If you were a State Trooper and did this? A larger Police Department or anywhere other then in the Slate Belt bumpkinville? Sad for the Police period.

    1. Come on Washington Township Supervisors...call him out on this and GET RID OF HIM. How dare he say that nothing is going to be done and that "you know better"??? He needs to learn who should be running the township....THE 3 OF YOU!!!

  18. Has anyone heard or seen a Washington Township Supervisor? The use of the township car to go back to the scene is another big problem for the chief. When can you use a public own vehicle outside your township for personal use period? Is it true the tow operator has been told to keep quiet now? So corrupt! Between the accident and his actions afterward are reasons enough to terminate him with his storied history.

  19. Every township resident, if they care at all about their safety, must attend the next Supervisors Meeting on Wednesday February 12th @7 PM located at the Twsp. Bldg. on Rt. 191. We deserve better than this!

  20. Seems like the right fit for this guy. No way would he be able to be a chief in city or township. Cannot handle working where there is not even 24 hr coverage! And the other gigalo I mean officer as well. Pathetic

  21. Mark Gwozdz is on wife #4. Everyone forgets about wife #3 because something scared her off after only 2 months of marriage. Mark threatened to kill wife #4 and wife #2 (the mother of his only child). His is a narcissistic monster just like his older brother.
    His new girlfriend is young enough to be his own child!
    He shouldn't be allowed to carry a gun.

    1. Maybe you should be worrying about your OWN FAMILY!

    2. I am worried about my “OWN FAMILY”.
      Mark is an unstable cop making threats. How do I know my family members won’t be around when he finally snaps?

  22. One word sums it up- RESIGN.

  23. Resign? Grow a set and fire the scumbag!

  24. Mark, do not despair. This battle will "not" be fought on a local blog but in the Court of Common Pleas where evidence determines innocent or guilt. Within the next day or two LVR will move to another story and the misfits who create misinformation and rumors on this blog will move onto castigating some other poor bastard. Until that time keep your head up, chest out, and know you have support from others that would wish you the best moving forward.

    1. Not one person is looking to "battle" any one here. Facts are facts. Public figures should hold themselves to a much higher standard. These 2 (Dumb and Dumber) think their poop does not stink! PATHETIC

    2. Mark has no reason to worry. He’s a law abiding officer & respectable member of society. ��
      Who has a vasectomy weeks after finding out they knocked up the married skank they cheated on their wife with? Who doesn’t marry the mother of his only child for 4 years so they can play the system? Getting food stamps & assistances from the state to raise his child as well as her other 2!
      Mark Gwozdz is a disturbed man. He threatened someone who is strong enough to fight back. He shouldn’t be an officer or carry a gun.
      I hope wife to be #5 is ready to support his lazy lying ass. He’s a winner!!

  25. Hahaha! How many wives need to come forward to change your mind about this guy? If a guy said to me what he said to his soon to be ex #4 I would have done exactly what she did. He thinks he's above the law. Let's wait and find out.

  26. Oh Bernie please dont forget the other officer from Washington twsp. Police Daniel Dieter that went into the Plainfield auto body shop in rage because of a scratch on his pickup and had his firearm on his side and hand on holster he was also charged. Great cops we have in this area. To serve and protect my ass!!!!

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  29. These guys think they are so cool. Patrolling the suburbs and country side. Would never last in a city!

  30. Mark if your not worried because your a narcissistic sum of a biotch... you should be... you will cry like the pussy you are on your verdict day. Your days as a police officer are in the shitter along with your integrity, credibility and anyone thinking your a man. Be as cocky as you want now but you know your guilty and are lying to save your weasel ass.

  31. People remember these guys are paid not so good and you get what you pay for. They actually are State Trooper flunkies so they become local police. It's a shame not all of them but the good to poor ratio is pretty sad.

  32. @ Feb 13 @ 8:57pm
    My FAMILY is just fine! Nothing to worry about there.
    The good catholic boy, marine, mason, officer of the law (how many departments does he work for at the same time?) Mark Gwozdz on the other hand has a ton of skeletons in his closet. He believes he can continue to hide them with more bullshit, lies & threats.
    “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
    ― Aldous Huxley, Complete Essays 2, 1926-29
    “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
    ― Soren Kierkegaard


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