Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Presidential Medal of Freedom and Limbaugh

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is currently the supreme civilian decoration awarded by the President in the United States. It is bestowed on those who make "an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors". Recipients have included people like Mother Teresa and Shimon Peres. During his State of the Union Address, Donald Trump conferred this award on conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh, who is suffering from Stage Four lung cancer, merits our sympathy. But not our highest civilian award. According to Business Insider, here are some of his pearls of wisdom:
He argued that white people shouldn't be blamed for slavery. "It's preposterous that Caucasians are blamed for slavery when they've done more to end it than any other race," he said in 2013, adding that "if any race of people should not have guilt about slavery, it's Caucasians."

He called the Georgetown Law student Susan Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" in 2012 when she argued before Congress for contraceptive coverage under the Affordable Care Act. The comments earned a direct rebuke from President Barack Obama, who said that "all decent folks can agree" that the remarks "don't have any place in the public discourse."

He was forced to resign from ESPN in 2003 after he said the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb got undeserved praise because "the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well."

He mocked the actor Michael J. Fox, who has Parkinson's disease, in 2006. Commenting on a video Fox appeared in, Limbaugh said, "Either he didn't take his medication, or he's acting."

The Obamas were a favorite target. In 2008, Limbaugh infamously compared Barack Obama to a cartoon monkey, and he regularly commented on Michelle Obama's body, referring to her as "Moochelle Obama" and "Michelle, my butt."

In 1988 he called Amy Carter "the most unattractive presidential daughter in the history of the country," and in the early 1990s he called Chelsea Clinton the "White House dog."

He's repeatedly joked that Hillary Clinton castrates men and has a "testicle lockbox" and said in 2009 that she didn't become a US Marine because "they didn't have uniforms or boots big enough to fit that butt and those ankles."
In 2009, I posted some of his comments


Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?

Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.

The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.

They oughta change Black History Month to Black Progress Month and start measuring it.

They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?

Take that bone out of your nose and call me back (to an African American female caller).


We're not sexists, we're chauvinists — we're male chauvinist pigs, and we're happy to be because we think that's what men were destined to be. We think that's what women want.

John Edwards' Affair

It just seems to me that Edwards might be attracted to a woman whose mouth did something other than talk…


  1. Obama gave out these awards like candy during his eight years. Especially to to his Hollywood and entertainment industry pals. He loved being adored by those left wing phonies.

  2. I don't listen to him since the early 1990's. However there was a term he used that was mentioned on some show a few years back. FEMINAZI. I assume he meant this as a cut to women that have power. As a response to the first comment. I don't think there are left wing radio or tv hosts that can compare to the sheer volume of idiotic things this man has uttered over the years. If there is please enlighten me, it is a very low bar to attain. He has cheapened the award. Finally, I never wish illness or death on anyone. That said, I hope you beat this thing, asshole.

  3. Before Rush this type of bigotry was under cover. People like Roger Stone, Lee
    Atwater and Roger Ailes(Pre-fox news days), were there using this stuff but way behind the scenes. Rush opened up the conspiracy, deep=state hate and distrust dialogue He did it shrewdly. His early shows were humorous and actually poked fun at establishment types particularly dems and anti-Reagan Rhinos. He took mischievous shots at social programs. As his success grew he realized there was a huge goldmine of angry, disenfranchised people who needed a villain post USSR and he gave them one. The Leftist liberal élite. This of course snowballed into all the right wing angry and paranoid hate media of today. The genesis of Beck, Hannity et al.

    He made it OK to make fun of anyone and hate others not like you or even those who disagree with right wing polices. He to this writer can be considered the father of mainstream modern divisive hate media presented by a skilled entertainer who played himself as the outsider.

    Medal of Freedom hardly. A pioneer,most certainly. Well done sir. Not sur[rising one of your offspring Donald Trump came about and gave you this medal. If not for you, he probably would neve had been elected.

  4. To quote Mark Twain, "I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." I'll read Limbaugh's accordingly.

  5. I agree with everything he says

  6. He is a historical figure, in the fact that he moved talk radio up an notch and motivated millions to get involved in the political process. Whether you love or hate him he is a political figure in this country. He was the first to not succumb to political correctness. He blended politics, humor and entertainment for 3 hours a day for 30 years. There is no one at present capable of replacing him.

  7. He is a great man you are not

  8. Nicely done, 5:34 AM. I am not a regular listener but he really does impact citizen interest in their government more than anyone else in broadcast history. A massive reflection on America’s State of the Union every year. That’s the key.

    In other news, the National Council of Distinguished Psychiatrists reports there is still no cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome. However, progress continues to be made.

  9. Your comments are recorded too. One day they will all be played back to you and there will be no justification for them. Good luck.

  10. Your mouth is a sewer plant only you are not trying to treat the waste product to make it reusable again.

  11. The pro Rush comments above are disgraceful

  12. I agree with the former writer that Limbaugh is a pioneer and may deserve recognition for that factor. Yes, he has a daily audience of 25 Million sometimes reaching as high as 40 Million. That number is phenomenal considering that CNN only clocks 500,000 on its highest watched programming. People wonder how he draws that number. I don’t understand. He has a three hour show, never any guests and the wildest but plausible explanations for human behavior. He is recognized as the god of conservative talk radio which saved AM radio. His effect will certainly be more than a passing footnote. For those offended by the award, just think that Rush joins other recipients such as Bill Cosby. It’s really just one of those feel good moments given by the President. In this case, many will not feel so good. Many other past recipients raise equal questions of missing valor.

  13. His 30+ year producer who happens to be black, provides a strong response to this scurrilous narrative. These are typical charges from whites who tout their black friends or grandchildren like good virtue signalers. I'll go with the opinion of a black individual who's know him for decades. Now, be good little white bigots and call James Golden an Uncle Tom - and be sure to tell your progressive friends you did! You make me sick to my stomach.

  14. Does anyone remember Sanford and Son, Chico and the Man they were big comedy earners and racist. Now this political correct shit has gone way to far loved them shows back in the day.

  15. To give the "Medal of freedom" to Rush Limbaugh was an insult to all Americans. When Limbaugh dies, and I hope it isn't from his cancer, He should die from an "ingrown asshole" because that is what he is....a bigoted ASSHOLE.

  16. Obama gave Biden the Medal of Freedom. Talk about lowering the bar. He's been sucking at the trough his whole life and produced nothing other than questionable offspring.

    Rush spent hundreds of thousands of hours building a genre of public discourse. He got so many people interested in politics that had otherwise tuned out. I guess because his views were not of the liberal variety they were not worthy of being heard? Rush's producer Bo Snerdley is Black, even though I should not have to tell you that. Liberal talkers have come and gone by the hundreds and yet Rush soldiers on.

    So out of his 30+ years and the millions of lines spoken by Rush you have found a handful. WOW... And in what context were these lines even used? I guess we will never know because our press would never ask or investigate, because it's just to hard for them to have their views challenged. This is the reason why so many people have tuned out the main stream press. They just smear and run.

  17. Guess that is what McClure is hoping for with his S--Tshow.

  18. Liberals tend to just dismiss what they don’t like hearing as quickly as possible. They’ll just say the information is false, disproven, or done out of racial bias. Then comes the personal insults. Next, move on to the next dismissal. Won’t work anymore. Even with its many flaws, the internet can be used to break through most of the fog being rolled out.

  19. I see the haters, knuckle draggers and nose pickers are up early this morning.

  20. You think this is bad, Wait until, he starts pardoning people such as Paul Manafort and Roger Stone and others. Wait until his last day in office when I predict he will pardon hundreds if not thousands of people. As far as the presidential medal of freedom, why not give it to Donnie Junior and Eric? Perhaps Ivanka and Jared are deserving too in his eyes? This president is the most immature corrupt and disaster of a president this country has ever know.

  21. Roger Stone absolutely deserves a quick pardon. Maybe not Manafort who violated foreign lobbying reporting laws.

  22. He is no worst than the commentators on CNN and MSNBC. However to wish some to die a painful death is irresponsible.

  23. Agreed. At no time would I wish for a painful death for anyone and hope Limbaugh beats his cancer. Awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, however, is a disgrace. It's certainly true that Bill Cosby is undeserving, but his issues were unknown when he received the award in 2002, and there is no procedure for revoking the Medal.

  24. Dear Democrats:

    I know it's been a tough 8 days.

    First, you proved to the nation that you're not just bad at math when you propose ways to pay for wildly expensive one-size-fits-all government programs, but that you can't even accomplish the simple task of counting votes. Then you watched as your congressional leaders sat on their hands at the State of the Union address and couldn't applaud accomplishments that should have made ANY American proud. Next, your three-year phony attempt at impeachment ended where any sane person knew it was going to die its eventual death. Now you watch as your own voters have trouble choosing from your weak Presidential field, and must be slowly coming to the realization that one socialist or another will eventually win your party's nomination and lead to President Trump's re-election.

    So let go of the hate. Limbaugh isn't a racist, he just disagrees with you. Like all conservatives, he believes that America is the greatest country in the world and offers the best opportunity for success for ALL who embrace it. He believes that ALL Americans were created equally and ALL have the ability to succeed. He bristles at politicians who think that certain groups of people are incapable of success without government intervention.

    So let the hate go. Let it go now. Accept that people can disagree with you, even strongly, without needing to demonize that person because they don't agree with your viewpoint.

    If you can't do that, go seek the mental health treatment you so desperately need. You'll need it even more once Trump wins again in November.

    Stop worrying about who is given a medal. Stop hoping that the economy tanks just so your candidate has a chance. Embrace America and all it offers. Disavow socialism and the slavery it represents. You'll feel better and be happier. Try it. Today.

  25. Last time I heard anything about Rush was when he was convincing his listeners not to flee the hurricane that was about to hit his state because it was all just a big government conspiracy....and then hopped on his private jet and vamoosed hours before it hit. What a guy!

  26. Rush is one of the great men of the last CENTURY--HE knows exactly what the left stands for and he educates the people on the anti America democrats

  27. Time to send Limbaugh some congratulatory cigars.

  28. Biden was well known as a plagiarizing liar with slippery ethics and a long list of racist statements in his file. Awarding him anything is a disgrace. Limbaugh's medal means nothing because Biden reduced its value to nothing.

  29. You’re right, Cosby’s behavior was unknown at the time of his award. Just a funny guy who likes Jello. Take DeNiro as an alternative. His only redeeming social causes have been raising money for the orphans of whacked mobsters. He has raised political discourse to a new level-endless four letter expletives. Unbelievable creativity! “Life is just a f***ing act!” , on his tombstone.

  30. As a Republican, I wish Rush didn't get his nitwits interested in politics. This party turned into the infield at Pocono Raceway circa 2000. Thanks Rush!

  31. So our impeached president gave a medal to someone just like him.
    Rushbo evaded Vietnam due to a hairy wart on his ass.
    Rushbo lied whenever he wanted and was not man enough to admit it.
    He called Clinton's kid the White House dog and when some republicans called him on it blamed a technician instead of admitting he was wrong.
    Rushbo wanted to send drug addicts up the river with max penalties.until he had his pill problem. then everyone was supposed to give him a pass.
    Rushbo called a woman a slut but had no answer for his trip to Haiti with viagra under a different name.
    Rushbo crapped on anyone he wanted and thought it was funny to do so.
    you reap what you sow.Hopefully Rush will linger in pain for a good long time.
    God might forgive him for his deeds.Most people will not shed a tear
    When he is wormfood i will crack a beer and enjoy the fact that the world will be a little better

  32. Don't we all miss the good old days of Al Franken ruling the progressive radio signal from "Air America"? (sarc)

  33. Don't we all miss the good old days of the biggest scandal of President Obama was when he had mustard on a hamburger ?

  34. Don't forget their hissy fit over his unamerican tan suit and how the Rushbots claimed it was the end of decency of the president in the republic.

  35. "Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it"
    FYI there are white bloods and crips !!

  36. @6:20PM
    You totally misunderstand the "Alt Right" if you think any of them are concerned about Rush Limbaugh being called racist. Limbaugh is a establishment GOP shill, he's "racist" in the same crass way as the stereotypical "asshole uncle at thanksgiving". The Alt Right has way more sophisticated arguments based on genetics and cultural history, and rags on Limbaugh and the like for shying away from the "racist" accusation and trying to hide behind a black friend or employee.

  37. The guy is a pig. Trump is his kind of guy. Made is millions on fostering hate and anger. He has helped destroy America to line his own pockets.

  38. Trump 2020 so you babies can cry for another four years with a great economy and country on the rise.

  39. Reading the comments posted here it is easy to see the political left are the nasty haters. My observation is that they are for free speach when it is free speech they approve only. Limbaugh gave a voice to those who disagreed with liberal nonsense. God help us if Bernie bro commie gets elected.

  40. Limbaugh is pretty much a racist and intolerant, though I agree with him re Buttegieg.

  41. Decent people don't vote Democrat anymore...


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