Local Government TV

Friday, February 14, 2020

PolitcsPA on LV Congressional Finances

According to PoliticsPA, Lehigh Valley Congressperson Susan Wild raised $520,000 in the last quarter and is sitting on $1.06 million. Republican Lisa Scheller outpaced Wild with $550,000, though $300,000 was from a loan she gave herself. Her warchest stands at $430,000. Republican Dean Browning raised $55,000 and has $225,000. Republican Matt Connolly lent his campaign $5,000 and has about $4,260 cash on hand.

Wild's seat (technically, Pa.-7) has been targeted by the NRCC.


  1. The majority of wild's money comes from out of state sources, She will likely have a bottomless pit of money to spend on her re-election. She has done little for the people in the 7th. She basically is an arm of the Pelosi agenda for the nation. She is another Representative of Washington, not of the people here in Pa.

  2. Wild wins! Bigly. Trumpsters cry like dogs.

  3. 7:02 She does indeed represent the Valley very well. If you would go out and hear her at a town hall or speak with her personally, she is very personable and really listens unlike many pols I've seen in the past. She does not sit in DC, but makes sure to get out in her neighborhood to see and hear what issues are important here. Example, she heard about the toxic shit that B. BRAUN has been spewing around that neighborhood for years and visited B. Braun and contacted the CDC regarding pollutant level data they may have. Stop slinging old cliches about pols and go out and meet them instead.

  4. 7:53: Why would Republican Trump trolls bother to find out about the real Susan Wild? It's much easier to sling mud from afar. Most of them are, like their Coward President, Trump the Magnificent, a bunch of lazy, scared, old, white, male, misogynist, racists who can't handle the fact that their world is changing and they can't do anything about it except to rage.

  5. Yea 8:38 the world is changing and that is why so many of our people are on prescribed and non prescribed drugs. Look at your kids, is this really working ? How did so many of us end up hating men?

  6. The real Susan Wild is a radical abortion supporter - even partial birth - and takes tons of cash from a demonic organization that proudly trades in unborn body parts for profit. She is an unabashed supporter of an organization founded on the principal of thinning the herd, particularly blacks. Susan Wild is an evil racist. May God save her wretched soul. That's the real Susan Wild.

  7. Wow. if 7.53 represents Wild, It is all we need to know, I wonder if that post is from Wild herself.

  8. Why do all these Democrat women seem to hate white males? Do they all have problems with their fathers? Did they not even have fathers? Maybe there should be a study done on this severe problem affecting these women.

  9. Did some of that local money come from Friends of Ed Pawaloski for mayor? Than there are the same donors that have donated to that particular criminal without strongarm tactics.
    REmember you are who you hang out with and now she hangs with polosi?

  10. 12:09 All you need to know? Which is? That she's responsive to her electorate and available to them? And no...this is not Susan or any of her staff, etc. There are many in the Valley that support her which is why she won in 2018 remember?

  11. I agree that it's highly unlikely that Wild posted that comment. She and I are not on friendly terms, so I doubt she spends much time here.

  12. Thats the reason Wild's people are on this blog

  13. Just ask Morganelli-You can't trust Wild.

  14. Decent people don't vote Democrat anymore...


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