Local Government TV

Friday, February 21, 2020

Heckman Demands More Accessibility to Meeting Videos

At about this time last year, I was assured by Northampton County's IT department that all meetings would be uploaded to Youtube within a matter of months. In December, I was assured this would happen by February. But the county's IT vendor has been dragging its feet. Council President Ron Heckman has had enough, and voiced his displeasure at last night's meeting to Fiscal Affairs Director Steve Barron.

In order to watch a meeting video, you first have to be using a Windows system. It won't work on Apple systems. On Windows, you have to download a Microsoft program called Silverlight. But get this. Silverlight is incompatible with Microsoft Edge and Chrome. It does work with Internet Explorer. So to watch a meeting, you have to use two separate browsers.

Understandably, many members of the public refuse to jump through all these hoops, and several have complained to Heckman.

Barron began delivering a long-winded explanation of a problem that itself has existed for too long.

"Not everybody still has Commodore computers," complained Heckman. "It's not for you to explain how they (IT) can't do things. It's for them to explain how they're going to get the thing fixed so people can watch this stuff. I don't need the google-dee-doc about the whole Bill Gates discussion. Fix the thing so somebody can go on a computer and watch it. No more excuses."


  1. Hurray Hurray Hurray. I have always read about these meetings being taped and available for viewing by the public, but as much as I tried, I could never watch the council meetings. Thanks to all of the people involved to make this come to fruition. No thanks to Steve Barron. That man should not be in public service. He is an embarrassment to the county. Some day the people will wise up to him. I hope it is real soon.

  2. In fairness to Steven Barron it is the company the county hired to run this service that is screwing up. It read like Heckman was telling Barron not to fall on the sword for the company because they are responsible to do what they are paid for. I don't think Barron was being blamed for this. Is that correct Bernie?

  3. Contract a 14 year old consultant.

  4. Name the IT Company. List what areas of government use this company’s software and products. Hopefully, NOT the new elections process!

    I agree, bringing the ability to watch meetings (easily) from citizen Living Rooms is necessary. Either directly on a television, a ROKU or similar streaming device. Maybe even through both local cable companies. This is no longer a technical challenge.

  5. "Not everybody still has Commodore computers"

    heckman for the win

  6. County officials have purposely dragged anchor on easier access to meetings because they don't enjoy scrutiny. Populist outbursts, like Heckman's, are routine - and routinely ignored until the next populist outburst that also accomplishes nothing. And so on and so on. Our betters must first WANT to fix the problem. Please alert me when that actually happens. LOL.

  7. "In fairness to Steven Barron it is the company the county hired to run this service that is screwing up. It read like Heckman was telling Barron not to fall on the sword for the company because they are responsible to do what they are paid for. I don't think Barron was being blamed for this. Is that correct Bernie?"

    Pretty much. This is on the it company we hired, whose name is Vision Technologies. I have written about the poor job they are doing several times now. This company has NOTHING to do with the elections process. It provides neither the hardware nor the software for that function. If it did, I would be very leery.

    At the time we first started to film meetings, you had to install silverlight. That was under our previous company. But that was long ago, and should have changed long ago.

  8. Really appreciate the name and info on Vision Technologies! That step SHOULD spark immediate action. Again, good job, Bernie.

  9. How about not out-sourcing IT?

  10. Ask a middle-schooler how it is done and the next meeting will be up and running.

  11. Pretty sure the County has its own IT people on the payroll. Live streaming is done all the time on YouTube by high school students. Anyone working in IT for the County, and already receiving a paycheck for that kind of work, should know how to do this.

  12. The County does NOT have its own IT people on the payroll. It is outsourced. It probably should be in-house.

  13. Just ask Bethlehem! City Council meetings can be viewed on all platforms, just google Bethlehem City Council youtube and bingo! No app, just watch. You can watch live and subscribe. Give ‘em a ring, Steve.

  14. The thought just occurred to me. Why not turn responsibility for Council broadcasts over to Northampton Community College?

  15. And when they are not in session? The county IT should be able tohsndle this. It gets paid enough.

  16. If I'm correct part of the problem is they don't want people being able to download them. Maybe because they don't want people editing and re-posting them out of context somewhere else. Perhaps this is why they are formatted the way they are.

  17. Hey, the College has all the studio, editing, graphics equipment over there. They train students (NC Interns?) to do all of this through their course work. Hold the meetings over there!

  18. LVCI, That was originally the case, but there are now many programs enabling you to grab portions of a meeting video. I just used it myself.

  19. "Hey, the College has all the studio, editing, graphics equipment over there. They train students (NC Interns?) to do all of this through their course work. Hold the meetings over there!"

    I see no reason why the county cannot conduct a meeting there from time to time, or at PBS. They get enough $ from us.

  20. Heckman is now on the official shootist. He better watch his back. This administration does not like things like oversight.

  21. Doesn't work on Windows either. Have not had access in over a year. Redownload there so called system just for it to tell ne it's already loaded. IT DOES NOT WORK ! TAX $$$ IN ACTION

  22. I deleted a few comments from one troll and from another who just lies all the time.

    5:53, It works on Windows but you must use IE or Mozilla, not chrome or edge. You must also download silverlight.

  23. "Heckman is now on the official shootist. He better watch his back. This administration does not like things like oversight."

    No administration likes oversight, but the notion that McClure retaliates is nonsense. If that were the case, I would be dead by now. I disagree with him all the time when it comes to employee wages. I just slammed him over his attempt to present yet another lousy Gracedale survey as good news. Yet he gets things done, and I credit him for that. Heckman has asked lots of questions and has been critical at times, as has Cusick. In Heckman's case, he strongly believes the Council should flex its muscle more often. The picture you paint of McClure is a lie. But of course you know this.

  24. The current setup is a total pain in the ass and has been for years. Thanks for lighting a fire under them, Bernie, and glad to hear that Heckman is on this. What a bunglef**k having to download Silverlight is. Change the God D'd system to something at least 50% of people can use.

  25. Isn't this under the control of the Administration? Is it wise for the county council to involve itself in this mater if it is not their responsibility. The Executive runs the county.

  26. ".... but the notion that McClure retaliates is nonsense ..."

    funniest line of this comment thread

  27. "Isn't this under the control of the Administration? Is it wise for the county council to involve itself in this mater if it is not their responsibility. The Executive runs the county."

    He does, AND Council approves the funding and has a responsibility to provide oversight and ensure the $ is spent properly.

  28. 9:33 AM - McClure and Dertinger are bullies. Employees fear for their jobs if they disagree with them. Dertinger either runs the County or does McClure's dirty work. Get real Bernie. You are not an employee so why would he affect you.

  29. Bernie picture shows him wearing suit like McCure..Bernie’s bubble world as disgraced disbarred
    biased opinion laden Lamont lemming

  30. "Get real Bernie. You are not an employee so why would he affect you."

    Because I write a blog and am critical at times. You indicate both are bullies. Please provide specific examples of how employees have been bullied.

  31. ....how bout threatening the election board via a newspaper opinion piece if they didn’t reverse their vote?
    Ya don’t think that qualifies?

  32. Not at all. What did he threaten?he called on them to reverse themselves bc it would be impossible to conduct an election without epollbooks. That board was intent on making life miserable for the elections office, which incidentally consists of the county employees you claim he bullies. Looks to me like he was looking out for them. Once again, provide specific examples of how employees have been bullied.

  33. Heckman did what elected people should do and make sure things work like they are supposed to. The video is for people at home not the politicians. It is sad he is the only one that sees this as an issue. The others don't. If it is that hard to watch then they need to fix it. The idea that they have been working on it for a year is inexcusable. If someone can edit the video who cares. Stop excuses and fix it.

  34. Sorry,he was not looking out for the election team or the voters, but a public opinion piece that implies litigation against anyone is not the way to reason, it was an implied threat that if they didn’t change their mind he would sue them...please, give me a break

  35. The County does NOT have its own IT people on the payroll. It is outsourced. It probably should be in-house.

    This is crazy.

  36. 8:32, It's a runaway board that has actually impaired the conduct of elections in this county. That was no threat, but simply an exec doping his job and standing up for the employees who were being bullied by that board. That's a shitty example of bullying and threatening county employees. You come up with an incident in which he stood up for them.

  37. Wow.....labeling them runaway board because they democratically voted against your boy.....you are the one using bully tactics. Next name calling and asking for resignations...

  38. I'm sure NCC would be pleased to host meetings if the County would like. In fact, when I was on the Open Space Committee, we held our meetings at NCC. But, "they get enough $ from us ?"

  39. Helene, I will send Ron Heckman a text. I think it's a good idea for Council to go on the road at times. And Yes, NCC does get money from the county. I do not have exact figures but can get them.

  40. "Wow.....labeling them runaway board because they democratically voted against your boy."

    They did not vote against my boy, but against the people who work in the elections office and against the best interests of the county. That's a runaway board.


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