Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Gracedale Census Down, Costs Up

At last week's NorCo Human Services Committee meeting, a bean counter droned on forever about a new way the nursing home is being reimbursed, but glossed over two important details. He almost got away with it, too, but Council member John Cusick caught it.

First, census is down. The target is 670, and census is 628. The fewer residents there are, the less money the County is reimbursed.

Second, the nursing home spent $1 million more than it took in during December. Administrator Jennifer Stewart-King claimed the home is getting new furniture. Human Services Director Sue Wandalowski argued that employees cost money. That's true, except that the nursing home fired 12 people in December and only hired 3. Vacancies are an issue.

Stewart-King also boasted about the home's most recent survey, still unavailable online. She claimed the home had dropped from 11 deficiencies to 4. But under a privatized Administrator, the county went two years with zero.

"I'm proud of the team and everything they accomplished," said Stewart-King. In the meantime, the nursing home still maintains a two-star (below average) rating.

Maybe that has something to do with the census.


  1. Is there anyone other than two county council members that ever ask hard questions or do more than just sit and nod to the executive?

  2. Gracedale continues to slip on census numbers and deficit spending. Where is the 3 year or 5 year proposed plan to bring more dollars into Gracedale and why is Council not questioning the lack of improvement?

  3. How long before this administration admits they do not have the ability nor the leadership to manage the County nursing home?

  4. Most of Gracedale's residents are those who are unable to afford private nursing facilities. The private facilities will only take a handful of those unable to pay, thus the burden of caring for those with little financial income falls on the County. When the County had the opportunity to sell the facility the voters let them know in no uncertain terms that they wanted Gracedale to remain under the County and not some private enterprise. The hospitals (Easton, St. Lukes, etc.) do not recommend Gracedale when Medicare Medicaid runs out for elderly patients. I experienced that and saw that first hand. The County also has hidden expenses that private nursing homes don't have, like pensions and medical benefits for their union staffers and non-union staffers alike. Get used to the fact that the County nursing home will never make money. The state and Federal Government wants Public Nursing Facilities out of the business and will continue to cut financial aid to these facilities. They do not want the county to compete with the private sector unfairly and that is the major challenge for a facility like Gracedale. These are only some of the problems. There are many many more.

  5. McClure championed the cause for the County to have this financial burden. Now he should come up with the way to get this financial burden off our backs. I don't mind paying towards caring for the elderly who do not have the ability to care for themselves, but I do care about paying when there are other ways to deal with this problem.

  6. Truth be told, they have no plan for increasing budget dollars for Gracedale in any way, and if they lose the combined county governmental transfer dollars of 2 million
    They will be going back in time saving Gracedale again

  7. Sorry 7:11, but for each fiscal year 2016, 2017, and 2018 under the private management company Gracedale ran operating surpluses and regularly met the census targets. Since Mr. McClure terminated the contract in late 2018 and installed Ms. Stewart-King, the facility has run a $1.25 million operating deficit in 2019 and now there are 60 empty beds! Capacity is 688! The star rating has remained the same! It's time for this administration and its apologists to stop making excuses and quit giving big raises for inadequate performance.

  8. Lamont's Gracedale is a mess. Bad rating, growing number of empty beds, bleeding cash by the month. We hired an ambulance chasing lawyer, who rarely showed for his council gig, to run a nursing home. Who could have predicted this incompetence? Lots of us did. Try voting him out of office. But that election will be holy mess, too.

  9. A gentleman that I know's wife is at Gracedale and he said it was so bad the one day that they had 1 aide for a whole floor. He had to help with handing out meals so the residents could get fed and he can barely walk himself!

  10. Census should be cut to 500; stop competing with the private sector !

  11. Isn't there a committee to look into this? Sad this goes unchecked.

  12. Pay visit at lunch time and see the how the residents are treated.
    Residents who what their beautician to do their hair because of the wait for an appointment cannot use the beautician facility, but must use the slop sink in their room to get their hair washed. Disgusting treatment.
    Told by nurse because you are not personnel representative "None of your business" while discussing treatment of resident.

  13. Gracedale moral is in a downward spiral, It is fiscally paralyzed, Gracedale directors purposely withholding problems from council and public.The proposed marketing program for Gracedale has failed with no additional revenue generated for Gracedale budget. This administration is tone deaf and blind to the real needs

  14. anon 11:32, that would be Lori Hefner and she is all in on team McClure. Forget any oversight.

  15. Who, on council, besides Heffner ,has input or is accountable for Gracedale?

  16. Did you know there is a 12 word phrase you can communicate to your man... that will trigger deep emotions of love and instinctual attraction to you buried inside his chest?

    Because deep inside these 12 words is a "secret signal" that triggers a man's impulse to love, admire and guard you with all his heart...

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    This impulse is so hardwired into a man's mind that it will make him try better than ever before to to be the best lover he can be.

    In fact, fueling this powerful impulse is absolutely binding to achieving the best ever relationship with your man that the instance you send your man one of the "Secret Signals"...

    ...You will soon find him expose his heart and soul for you in such a way he haven't expressed before and he'll identify you as the one and only woman in the galaxy who has ever truly understood him.


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