Local Government TV

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Updated: Are We Ready For This in the White House?

Pete Buttigieg is a well-spoken and thoughtful moderate seeking the Democratic nomination to be our next President. Black voters have an issue with him, pundits say, because of his record on police brutality as Mayor of South Bend. That's bullshit. The problem black voters have with him is he's openly gay.

This was learned in focus groups by his own campaign with black voters: "Being gay was a barrier for these voters, particularly for the men who seemed deeply uncomfortable even discussing it. ... [T]heir preference is for his sexuality not be front and center."

Frankly, blacks are not the only ones who are deeply uncomfortable. So am I. I really want to be tolerant of all kinds of sexual orientations, but when I see two guys kissing, I just want to puke. I suspect many white men my age agree. We'd love to see two women kissing, but not guys. I think this is our internal biology.

So while Buttigieg did well in Iowa and New Hampshire, I expect to see him destroyed in upcoming primaries. I really like the guy, but am unable to get past the pictures. I recognize this is intolerance and wish I were better, but I need more time to adjust.

Buttigieg was elected Mayor in South Bend, but when he ran for State Treasurer in Indiana, he was clobbered. He ran in 2010, a bad year for Democrats, but still lost by 25%. Only one Democrat fared more poorly than he in Indiana. My conclusion? Many people have the same problem with him that I have.

Would I vote for him over Trump? Absolutely. But I would rather vote for someone who will win.

Blogger's Note: Updated from original story at midnight.


  1. Bernie, you are following in the footsteps of Rush Limbaugh, bringing up something everyone has been thinking, but were afraid to say. You can now expect to be called a homophobe, a racist, and I don't know what. The reality is that a lot of people do not yet know that he is gay.

    I've spent time in South Carolina, they have more churches than gas stations. It is also true that African-Americans and Hispanics have less tolerance for homosexuality than white women, who seem to be tolerant of most anything. So the question is, will the women's vote be able to overcome the lack of support by the minorities.

    Can Buttigieg become the establishment candidate to ward off Sanders?

    Oh, what a dilemma the Democrats are in.

    Is America ready for the first first Husband in the white house?

    Will foreign policy suffer, when Muslim and African countries have to have interaction with our president. Of course, if you are politically correct, your mere thoughts are suspect.

    This primary is going to be the most entertaining in history. Trump may very well be the lesser of two evils. Not unusual when voting for president.

  2. Seriously, this is just sad and pathetic. And by “this” I mean you.

  3. This is the first thing we agree on in 2020 !!!

  4. I like Mayor Pete. I haven't settled on a favorite candidate yet, but I find Buttigieg to be smart and accomplished. I'm sure all the candidates have some questionable remarks or votes or policies or something in their professional backgrounds.

    So many voters, though, will reject a candidate because of something the candidate can't change. If you like everything policy position the candidate takes, does it really matter if he's gay? Sadly, yes. Just as I believe many Americans will not vote for a woman president, I believe more Americans will not vote for a gay president. Too bad.

  5. It is something that only a parent understands. Tolerance is a virtue of American society. Tolerance does not and can never mean acceptance. The difference bares itself in religion. I can tolerate any religious belief. But, don’t force me to accept every belief. There are differences in concepts of God. Equally, I can tolerate sexual identities and those who seek lifetime partnerships with those of the same sex. But, I do have deep religious beliefs and cannot accept those choices as being proper. It’s a religious choice. It should be tolerated by everyone. I don’t expect everyone to accept it. Never conclude that it’s hate. At the end of the day my beliefs may not get in my way to vote for this particular candidate. I can make that separation. But, like many, preferences usually go with candidates sharing similar personal viewpoints. That ultimately is the problem for this candidate.

  6. Bernie, you are right

  7. Makes me sick, too. More importantly, he's a soul whom God loves intensely like each of us. He's simply horribly wrong on every major issue and his stand on abortion is demonic and racist. He has lots of racism charges to address, after his firings in Indianapolis. I'd like to hear Steve Colbert call him a cock holster for the mullahs. How would that go over now, just a couple years after calling Trump the same thing and being celebrated for it by the left?

  8. Klobuchar's turn. In the Democrat woke hierarchy, we've had a (sorta) black. There must be a woman before a homosexual. Pete is young will get his shot, although he may have to compete with an Hispanic for the next D woke slot.

    I'm curious how homosexuals are supposedly born this way - Lady Gaga and all that - but nobody's discovered the gay gene in 20+ years after we solved the genome riddle. Everybody's all science until it comes to this and fetal viability. Meanwhile we've discovered 30 "genders" and are still counting. Because .... science.

    1. America had it's first gay president 150 years before we had our first black one. And he was from right here in good ole Pennsyltucky. And a Republican no less. President James Buchanan. AKA Miss Fancy. We're long overdue for our first female president. Go Amy!

    2. Get your facts straight; Buchanan was a Democrat.

  9. The debate in the party now is about, how to stop Bernie sanders, there is not, nor will there be any debate about if a gay president is good for the country. There is more to this matter than just someones sexual reference engaged in their home. Political correctness will override any honest debate. This is were the country is, there cannot be any real debate about immigration, race, or any controversial subject without name calling and divisiveness. You better be careful or google will ban you from the internet.

  10. 5.59
    so i can tolerate a black policeman but i can choose not to accept him as an law officer?
    I can tolerate a woman boss but not accept her as a boss?
    and yes you could twist religion to say either of them does not fit the standard dogma.
    The Aztec religion has human sacrifices--so is it ok to say that religion is wrong in that aspect?
    If that is true than one could say a religious belief against homosexuality could be wrong as well.
    religion is often used as an justification to hate-something that tends to take away from the good that religion can bring to people and society.
    The military enlisted have a simple way of looking at say Mayor Pete.
    "don't ask---don't care" just do your job.

  11. I’m thinking many nations of the Middle East will refuse to speak with him, or worse.

  12. 6.43
    So where did they find the heterosexual gene?

  13. 6:53. You misunderstand my point. I am discussing the toleration of behavior. You have attempted to change that argument to a discussion of toleration of objects. Yes, I can tolerate a car painted blue, but I would never own one. My points are about behavior and how beliefs accept such behavior. You are right. Religion may be wrong in condemning homosexuality. But, that is my belief and I only ask that you tolerate it. It would be wrong for me to demand that you accept it. As it would be wrong for you to demand me to reject it.

  14. Best to focus on trump hatred, that is fully acceptable by all the ruling elite. Dont be surprised if you are not asked to resign from the Democrat party

  15. Bernie: EXTREMLY disappointed in your less than rational opinion. You and the hater @723 are playing a losing hand.

  16. The Democrats are expecting a brokered convention. The current group of candidates is just not working. So, someone new to the mix will be added at the last minute. Believe it, or not, someone similar to an Oprah Winfrey, or a combo team with Hillary Clinton as Vice President. The Democrat Party has a big problem on its hands winning in November.

    Oh, yes. The next Impeachment attempt is already being rolled out by some Democrats in the House.

  17. This is perhaps the most retarded article I have ever read on this blog...that's saying a lot...

  18. From the original post:

    "Pete Buttigieg is a well-spoken and thoughtful moderate..."

    Are you kidding me?

    Yes, he can masterfully recite meaningless platitudes without even thinking about it. That doesn't make him well spoken. Nor is he a moderate. He's fine with open borders and Medicare for all. No problem with the Green New Deal or late-term/post-birth abortions. His father was a Marx-loving professor who loved reading the Communist Manifesto. There's nothing there that's moderate.

    And please stop with the Democrat party talking point that quietly infers that Mayor Pete's sexual orientation is the reason African Americans won't vote for Mayor Pete. Their opposition to Mayor Pete is primarily due to Mayor Pete's lousy record on race relations and policing when he was mayor of South Bend.

    I realize the Democrat Party doesn't want to bring THAT up, since it would point out the racism of another former Mayor, Michael Bloomberg.

    Finally, it's great to read how tolerant democrats are of all sorts of things, when they are actually consumed by hate on a daily basis. I realize that those same people are incapable of recognizing that.

  19. wow, Bernie, I used to respect (maybe even like) you--those days are gone

  20. Love is love, Bernie. On this Valentine's Day Eve, I'm envious of anyone who is lucky enough to have a partner who offers both love and support. Pete's one of lucky ones.

  21. Surprising admission from someone quick to label others as some sort of bigot.

  22. I am admitting my intolerance. I am simply not ready to see a White House occupied by two guys who openly kiss each other. I wish I were but I am not. I am disgusted when I see it.

    1. Bernie, we had all ready seen this with Oboma and Micheal. A Joan Rivers quote, " everyone knows Michelle is a trans gender" that in itself tells us you like cross dressing men. This makes you and I not a bigot because we voted it into the Whitehouse both times.

  23. This is perhaps the most retarded article I have ever read on this blog...that's saying a lot...

    ...And this is perhaps why the Dems have slipped off the rails. If you have any thoughtful view other than what the party tells you, you are somehow told to sit down and shut up or you are to be ostracized. Telling people what they HAVE TO believe and say is as close to fascism and as far away from freedom as it gets. So much for the big tent...

    This is why Trump will be reelected.

  24. "Bernie: EXTREMLY disappointed in your less than rational opinion."

    Sorry to disappoint. I support the rights of those in the gay community to marry or be employed. I wish I were a better person and not revolted by the image above, but I am simply unable to accept it. Maybe in a few years. I do think heterosexual males are turned off by that sort of thing. I could probably accept it of it were a little more private or if I was given more time.

  25. The military enlisted have a simple way of looking at say Mayor Pete.
    "don't ask---don't care" just do your job."

    OK, I could handle it if the open displays of affection were absent. Don't ask, Don't tell, Don't shove it down by throat.

  26. You are right Bernie. Many people do not know that "PETE" is gay. His husband and he/she have been married for over a year now. Pete has had his last big Hurrah and now the tide is turning as more people become aware of his preference for marriage. I have been telling my wife the same thing privately that you stated publicly, America is not ready for an openly GAY PRESIDENT. I have friends and relatives that are openly gay, I am blessed with a huge family. I just haven't been able to accept their passionate kissing in public. I welcome them to my home like any other family member and even attended their wedding. I guess I need help???? but so does most of America.

  27. And him being gay has what exactly to do with his ability to lead a country? Nothing. This sounds exactly like 2008, when Barack Obama shouldn't have been president because of his skin color.

  28. Well the verdict is in. CNN just in the last few minutes had a discussion about this very subject. their conclusion is that anyone who has these thoughts is bigoted. and being concerned about the well being of the country is irrelevant.

  29. Trump stated, he thought it was great to see Mayor Pete kissing his partner on stage. No one asked for an explanation.

  30. His being gay has nothing to do with his ability to lead the US, except in those countries that have an aversion to gay people. I accept and will tolerate his sexual orientation, but am simply not ready for open displays of affection between two gay guys. I suspect there are a large number of people who share that view, enough to make it hard for him to get elected. I am sorry but need more time.

  31. We ALL harbor some form of bigotry within us. Humans discriminate and have done so since life’s very beginning. What I find so disappointing in people, particularly modern day Democrats, is HYPOCRISY.

  32. "CNN just in the last few minutes had a discussion about this very subject. their conclusion is that anyone who has these thoughts is bigoted."

    I agree. I wish I were more tolerant, and could accept it without the open displays. I like the guy and share many of his views.

  33. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=QutvGU8p&id=EAE3A605E5E1A506CC555909FA8D039186F5EA72&thid=OIP.QutvGU8pIWfm6DQKC5h0DAHaFa&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ih8trump.org%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2016%2f08%2fcartoon-constitution-question-635x464.jpg&exph=464&expw=635&q=trump+shitting+on+constitution+meme&simid=608053423101576962&selectedIndex=23&ajaxhist=0

    Were we ready for this?

  34. Wake up people!

    This is nothing more than a Michael Bloomberg supporter trying to spread the Bloomberg whispering campaign against Mayor Pete.

    Bloomberg can't attack Pete on most issues without losing the lunatic Left that controls the democrat party.

    Bloomberg certainly can't say that African-Americans won't vote for Mayor Pete because of Mayor Pete's record as South Bend's mayor, because that would cause scrutiny of Bloomberg's own racist policies as Mayor of NYC. So Bloomberg's going to try to damage Mayor Pete by MAKING SURE everyone knows that Mayor Pete is gay, and how that will make Mayor Pete unelectable come November.

    Now we get a whole post about this, along with Bernie's own admission that he just can't accept it but wishes that he could.

    If one were truly struggling with accepting it, and viewed accepting it as the ideal, I doubt they'd write a whole post about how they can't accept it and include a photo.

    This is politics, pure and simple.

  35. This has nothing to do with Bloomberg. I have never been a mouthpiece for anyone. I am not exactly proud of my inability to accept a white house in which there are open displays of gay behavior between the President and his husband. I am just being honest with my readers, some of whom are upset with me. Maybe in a few years.

  36. That’s a twist I had not considered, 10:08. Bloomberg IS damaged goods. His past will be used against him, but our major news media will do it’s best to hide this. They want his advertising dollars.

  37. No one cares what old white men want.

  38. "So where did they find the heterosexual gene?"

    Exactly. We're all born the same and behavior is developed/learned.

  39. It's going to be Klobuchar. She's gathering all the Democrat institutional money, now, and quickly putting together a national campaign. The party's money is horrified at the thought of running a homosexual with race problems, or a crazy old socialist with an ethically disastrous wife. Either one of those candidates will be Mondale to Reagan. Klobuchar raised a lot of eyebrows in NH, after being tied to DC during impeachment. She's the best shot at maybe winning in November. Although, anybody will be a longshot against Trump.

  40. On the theory that Mayor Pete wins the nomination, would Trump reference this to weaken his opponent? We all know the Donald will do whatever it takes to win. And at all costs. Would it be a subtle reference, or, as he is famous for, hit "below the belt?" If Mayor Pete is a true threat I wouldn't be surprised with the latter. If you're going to go after Rubio's dick size then why not attack homosexuality? It's not as if Trump depends on the gay vote and it sure might fire up his base. Political races get dirtier every year and I'm afraid we "ain't seen nothing yet." I'm not singling out Trump because it comes from both sides. It sickens me.

  41. Mayor Pete tickles my fancy as I grew up reading MAD magazine and always fancied doing naughty deeds to that impish little deviant Alfred E Neumann.

  42. 11:01 - it’s time to finally recognize, Trump fights back. He’s a counter-puncher. But, if any candidate, including Mayor Pete, throws an “illegal” punch at Trump FIRST, there will be a heavy response in return. I see this as a good thing and the reason Democrats are having such a hard time now. Their usual bullying ain’t working

  43. Pickle Pete will go down in defeat!

  44. Bernie, so often I agree with you but here I can't. My initial reaction to your post is something I've never said- "ok boomer."

    The next election will be decided by millennials. I think they are willing to go for the best, the most capable, not necessarily the most experienced, but the best prepared. Buttigieg served in Afghanistan while Trump was served in Mar a Largo. Buttigieg is prepared. Yes, Mr. Pussy Grabber will call Mayor Pete a "fag" early in the competition, and he'll get over it. Millennials don't buckle to bullying in the same manner as the majority of the US Senate.

    And while Trump's GOP is working on their next angry name calling session Buttigiege's advisors will be planning a cabinet of the best and the brightest, and the best prepared, not just the easy pickings 1% leadership of Excell Energy, Goldman-Sachs, Wells Fargo, Koch, and Amway.

    Ok Boomer, I don't think millennials will be disgusted as you are.

  45. Would society be more accepting of a women with wife. Is our present congresswoman open about her orientation?

  46. Pickles won't win even the gay community is not 100% behind him.

  47. Anon 10:38 said:



  48. I admire individuals who served in the military and those veterans should boast about their service. When we are talking about running for President, experience at a minimum as a field commander or ship captain may have some relative experience for the job. In this case, a resume of being a driver for a commanding officer does not. That statement should not denigrate the service or personal risks he assumed. He should be proud of his service and boast about it. This is the Presidency, not a used car lot.

  49. Hey Snowflake! Boomer here. We can't wait until Presdent Pete has sword fights with his hubbie in the Lincoln bedroom. Gotta love this country!

  50. Bernie is in the lead, but Mayor Pete knows how to cum from behind.

  51. If Mayor Pete is serious about pitching a big tent and wants to be inclusive then he should consider a credentialed log cabin R like Aaron Shock or Larry Craig as his VP.

    1. Or maybe a closeted homosexual like that bitch Lindsay Graham.

  52. If you explained to your kids how you support a man who: cheated on three wives, one with a porn star he paid off (while his wife was pregnant with his youngest son), endorsed a child molester, said his daughter is hot and he’d date her, bragged about grabbing women by the p****,...I could go on...

    …then you can handle explaining to your kids that Pete Buttigieg loves his husband.

  53. Obviously, we will no longer be able to allow are children to view anything to do with this new president. It does not compare to the present president using words like hell and bullshit. Nor can you compare to a conversation between 2 adults in private, obviously observing the nature of women in their relationships with wealthy, famous or powerful men.

  54. Not gay enough?


  55. There's a certain nihilism to homosexuality that bothers me about it and him. He can never fully comprehend the heterosexual experience of 97% of the country. That's disturbing. I don't care what anyone does and I don't really like anybody. But it's not wrong to feel uncomfortable and call weird, that which is certainly statistically weird. Live and let live. And let people call weird what they deem weird. Free country.

  56. "This town needs an enema!"

  57. i fantasied the Buttigieg entering my barking garage and redeeming his one hour charge with a free massage as I stroked da latest issue of DIY home improvement with my prostate finger

  58. Mayor Pete's sexual preference is his right in our free society. It is not a political plus n this country among the majority of its citizens. That is not an opinion, it is a fact that will be proven in the majority of upcoming primaries . He is in no way qualified to be president of the US solely based on being mayor of a small ( population smaller than Allentown) city in the Midwest . He is not a moderate but a "pretender" he was a left progressive mayor in a College town. That is how he got elected.. South Bend is not a "model" city in the American heirachery of cities. It is still recovering from population loss. It has some crime problems and suffers from typical one party fiscal mismanagement. It's primary employer is the Academic community, closely followed by government, and the health care service sector. This guy is not what this country needs ,he is a leftist media sweetheart because of his sexual preference, not because of any skill set he possesses. He is saying all the right things that appeal to moderates. That is his campaigns focus, because that is what their polling data tells them. I think the Democrat convention will pick a populist champion to face off against Trump. That "Champion" is none of the present contenders. We don't have to waste our time wondering what Mayor Pete's partner will be called in place of the present sobriquet used to describe the President's "significant other".

  59. Bernie, I’m with ya! There’s something absolutely disgusting about it. Luckily for us we can choose to vote against him if it comes to that.

  60. He makes it to the White House, the Oval Office will smell of ky and butthole.

  61. Can we all start picturing sexual position instead of just kissing as a revolting act.

  62. Ya but devout personal issues will also effectively infect other state issues. Every time I had to look for a missing rental car from an ?Local airport Rental in the 80s they were mostly homosexual .I had to deal with was dishonest people and overwhelmed and dis proportionally with this is group. They just don’t play straight cards. So- I got stories There was always person issues .

  63. Bernie, you are a deplorable homophobe. You need to be woke. You must repent by spending a week at the local Y dormitory. With extra slippery soap for the shower. You will be pole dancing before you know it.

  64. The " religious" will not vote for him. They will be out in numbers. I think he could have been another John Kennedy. It will happen - a gay or a woman will be president one day in the far future.

  65. Love all the gay bashing an apparently BO loves it too. However the pussy grabbing is way over the line on this blog. Hypocrite much?

  66. Just writing anything to make it 70 comments. It was weird seeing it stuck on 69.

  67. Most people are uncomfortable because most people understand in their heart of hearts that homosexuals are mentally ill. It doesn't mean we shouldn't love them, as we're called upon to do for all. But it does mean we know - perhaps subconsciously, even - that the guy is mentally ill, like all homosexuals. Amid the public acceptance, is a very strong and wide undercurrent that homosexuals are disgusting and insane. Doesn't mean we shouldn't love them.

  68. This whole Democrat culture of dividing people into groups and keeping them in conflict is harmful to our nation. Been going on for many decades. NOW is the time to thoroughly defeat Democrats at the polls. We regularly hear Democrats proclaiming “we are better than this.”

    Well, yes. Yes you are. Now show it!

  69. Bernie seeing as this is Valentine's Day just come out and I will publicly give you the wet sloppy tongue kiss you've been longing for all your life!

  70. I haven't visited this blog in a while. I hope you are well, Bernie! Recent photos of you suggest you're healthy and happy, and I am so glad to see it.

    Having read a small amount of the comments on this particular post, I am reminded as to why I stopped visiting this blog in the first place. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to moderate this blog - the volume of comments (and posts!) is monumental. However, I also cannot imagine owning a blog that hosts comments of this nature. It's hate speech, Bernie. Plain and simple. Take it down.

  71. I know I am wrong, but have to be honest. I just can't get past two guys publicly kissing each other. Nor do I think the a nation as a whole is ready. The post must stay.

  72. Bernie, I wouldn't think of asking you to take it down but I am deeply disappointed that you would write something that brings out so much ugliness. And then you repeat it in your response. I'm not sure you would have said (even though you might have thought it at the time) that you weren't ready for black president or a female president. Just wondering why you don't stop for a minute and think about it before you hit that send button. Sometimes it's best to keep ugly, wrongheaded stuff to yourself. It feels almost Trumpian. BTW, most studies show that most homophobes are men who are deeply insecure about their own masculinity, rather than "internal biology".


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.