Local Government TV

Monday, January 06, 2020

Why No Saturday Post?

On Saturday, one of my readers demanded I explain myself. "Bernie, with all the tweets of another dictator killed by drone attack no Saturday article?" Well, that's right. I think it's more or less ridiculous to weigh in on a US military action when I know nothing. Until Saturday, I had never heard of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani or Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. I suspect few have. I had never heard of the Quds force. I suspect few have. But according to at least one opinion piece in Al-Jazeera, which is certainly no US or Israel cheerleader, these guys were no anti-Imperialist heroes. I am certainly no authority when it comes to the President's war powers. But according to The Brookings Institution's Scott Anderson, who is such an authority, there appears to be legal authority for the military strike. While we live in an era of instant news, I prefer to be silent and thought a fool while talking heads, AOC and pundits remove all doubt.

It's no secret I detest Trump. I consider him a bad President and a bad man. But not as bad as Iran. He attacked no oil tankers or refineries.  He killed no US Servicemen or military contractors with incessant rocket attacks.

Politics should stop at the water's edge.


  1. Wasn't Qassem Soleimani the Octomom's husband?

  2. Wag the Dog, Baby!!!

  3. Impulsive, ill-conceived, ignorant move on Trump's part. There were other options he had that would have made the point, but he's all about the hyperbolic response. Works when you're a reality TV host, NOT a quality you want in anyone who wields real power.

  4. He did what he accused Obama of doing in 2012. I'm sure all those who attacked Obama will do likewise with Trump.

  5. Obama rightly killed bad guys. Trump is rightly killing bad guys. Enough tribal bickering. Both have carried forth a long American tradition of being slow to anger - but having a very long memory when it comes to murderous terrorists. It sucks we have to do this from time to time. But we do.

    1. Trump is slow to anger?!? That's funny. He's the the most quickly angered drama queen to ever occupy the White House!

  6. No doubt Iran’s leaders will continue to poke the bear. It’s all they know. Next time it happens they will get hit back even harder. Our kids only touch the hot stovetop once. Why? Because there are consequences that HURT. Children all over the world eventually learn in this manner. If our military is forced to inflict great damage on Iran to reach that teachable moment . . . so it will be.

  7. I'd poke the bear, too. Despite it's completely partisan roots, impeachment has weakened his international standing.

    Iran, ISIS, Islamic Jihad, Boko Haram, Hamas, al Qaeda and the Democratic National Committee have all condemned Soleimani's killing. They are mourning the loss of a revered friend.

  8. Bern, you write of the waters edge would that be a SWAMP puddle creek river lake or oceans edge? That said on seems to be working on keeping Americans safe while many others are pandering to help put Americans in harm's way!

    Now only time will tell if WW3 starts and is played out on American soil with new ones cutting tie with the nuclear worldwide rules? I know you prefer to stick to local issues but being a grandfather and a humanist of sorts it would be a great duty to report on word issues. This is because reading this article and knowing the one sidedness of media outlets a critical thinkers take would add to other critical thinkers thawts.

  9. Finally using the Isreali play book. Fight fire with fire. No backing down. 52 targets.

  10. You’ve never heard of the Quds force? Really?? Even if you don’t know exactly who they are, surely over the past 25 years at least you must’ve heard them referenced.

  11. In times like these, you put the health and welfare of your OWN nation above all other nations. Sorry to hurt any Democrat political gamings. But, here is where you and your family lives. Rally together and support defense of America. Could mean other nations get hurt. The choice of outcome is theirs.

  12. politics should stop at waters edge---but it does not--many democrats are anti America and should leave the country for their favorite socialistic country

  13. Any land that supplies help to terrorists should just be blown back to the stone age!!!! Terrorism today comes in many different forms not just bullets and explosives, the dynamic designs infect every day Life on American soil today and all venues must be halted for the future of America!!!!

  14. We see pro Iranian protests in many major american cities. We see Democrats salivating at any possible U.S. diplomatic failure. It seems there is an inevitable showdown with Iran. Better have it now, before they become a nuclear power. The Iranian people are not the enemies of the U.S. Their leaders are. The Democrats just cannot bring themselves to support anything, only interested in their quest for power.

  15. Trump said it all when he remarked after the attempted take over of our embassy in Iraq, “ this won’t be another Benghazi.” Pelosi’ s reaction today, “ we will pass a resolution blaming Trump for committing a war crime. ‘

  16. Classy retort by the patriotic democrat.

    1. Who says he has swore to protect and defend our nation's enemies.

  17. The Dems are pissed that the attack on our embassy in Baghdad didn't turn into another Benghazi. So, they wanted Americans to die because of their Trump Derangement Syndrome. Bunch of sickos.

  18. "I prefer to remain silent" until hearing from Kamala Harris.

  19. The "bern down the house crowd" seen the North Korean Christmas present head fake, and now waits with enthusiasm for the predictable return of the USS Liberty.

  20. Press says Iraq parliament wants our troops out ,well Kurdish and Sunni parliament members didn’t vote ,didn’t participate. The 26 th Marine Expadidinary Unit of the USMC as about to arrive in zone and the 82nd Airbore 507th was sent to theatre. We have F-35s that can engage multiple aircraft at one time .Iran has almost ,mostly obsolete aircraft. S300 Soviets sold them I’d their old stuff. Islamic State get to regroup right now and retire to gorillas Iran would like to control Iraq and are now likely to use the death of General Soleimami as a rally point to build network of other yahoo s only to represent IRAN. Attack in Kenya ,3Americans bite the dust probably unrelated ,but we will kill somebody related to al- Shabaab. Next up in 20 days Iran wants to negotiate. Trump says not ,start running.

  21. What does a 747 shot down (or bombed) -there not giving up the black box- and an earthquake in Iran have to do with each other? Let’s play analyst .


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