Local Government TV

Monday, December 09, 2019

My Sunday

Sunday is the day I begin developing most of my stories for the coming week. I owe some people some calls, but they will have to wait. I spent most of the day at an animal hospital with a very sick dog suffering from congestive heart failure. She's been supplied with some medications to help delay the inevitable. She has been having trouble breathing and collapsed yesterday. The vet said she has both a murmur and arrhythmia.

This is why I am starting the week with only one story.

Ironically, I have a murmur and arrhythmia myself, and since my 40s. As most of you know, we bottom-feeding bloggers have no need for useless appendages like a heart. But unlike me, this dog is a sweetie. I hope she's around for a few more years.


  1. you/re an idiot527

    so sorry for suki

  2. Hope wiki gets better sorry for your weekend at the vet

  3. Best Wishes for better health for your dog.

  4. Yo know as much as you bust balls and vice vera I know the love of a pet as we had one that lived 14 years and his sickness and death was devastating. I feel bad hearing this. I hope Suki recovers.

  5. Good luck Bernie, hope she is free of pain so that she and you can enjoy her time with you.

    The Banker

  6. I feel for Suki as for your black heart it must also pump crude through your veins!

  7. I am so sorry to hear about your dog - she looks extremely sweet. Enjoy every day, the best you can with her. Bless the beasts and the children.

  8. Bernie, we both have heart failure at our house...of course, we swallow the pills the doctors prescribe, but there are two herbs that can be helpful in heart failure-- one is Hawthorn, or crataegus oxycanthus, and the other is strophantes. We have used the Hawthorn, it comes in a liquid extract in a dropper bottle, for years. Can't hurt to try it, maybe half a dropper for the dog, a whole dropper for the human, in some water or juice. Best wishes for both of you. Cate


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