Local Government TV

Monday, November 11, 2019

Thank a Veteran, not Trump

There are 939,000 veterans in Pennsylvania, and nearly 700,000 of them served while we were at war. About 57,000 are WWII vets.

I was in the Army Reserves during the Persian Gulf war. I volunteered to go over, but was rejected after a very nice going-away party. My Sergeant Major told me at the time that they were keeping me as a secret weapon, but I think I was too old. My absence from that conflagration explains why we won so quickly.

Though he never spent a second in the military, Authoritarian Donald Trump will be at NYC today to speak at the 100th Veterans' Day Parade. Just last week, a federal judge ordered him to pay $2 million to settle a civil lawsuit alleging that his family raised money for veterans' organizations, and then diverted it to his Presidential campaign.

But there's no quid pro quo!


  1. How much time did Obama and Bill Clinton spend in uniform ?

  2. Or Hillary, and the majority of members of Congress?

    By the way, Trump served, but later in life. He’s served as Commander in Chief of every branch of the military.

  3. Trump hatred is a sickness, get help, Trump has been good to all the military, He has attempted to let the military do their job without being hindered by desk military in Washington. He is working on improving the VA. and he does sincerely want to not get us involved in unwinnable and pointless conflict. Of course some would rather think that Trump is a worthless individual to cover for their hatred.


  4. THe above statrements are so true Bernie you are an asshole.

  5. He's living rent free in your head Bernie... And he doesn't have to pay you a dime. Priceless!

  6. I am a veteran and all the veterans I know appreciate Trump's empathy for veterans, but of course people without any empathy could not appreciate that.

  7. Guess who SAVED the New York Veteran’s Day Parade from extinction in 1995, by funding the whole thing himself? (hint: DT)

  8. Enjoy your TDS this Veterans Day, Bernie. Thank you for your service.

  9. Typical DT tactics. Don't own up to what you did but deflect the blame somewhere else. Why don't you Bernie haters go find your own blog and commiserate with each other. None of you obviously like what is printed here (mainly the truth with a little sic humor tied in) so please leave here and go harass someone else. Bernie has won awards for his blog and for he stories he has on his blog. You on the other hand defend an asshole like Trump who is a proven liar, extortionist, and scum bag that would steal from veterans through a phony charity he established. I served in the Navy during the Cuban Missile Crisis and The Vietnam War. Trump is not a JFK or a Lyndon Johnson. He is twenty steps below a Richard Nixon.

  10. You can't even thank a vet for his/her service to America without spewing your anti-Trump bullshit out of your fuckin' yap. Thanks for YOUR quasi-service, after losing that weight we're sure you'll go down a lot easier when your type finally unleashes the civil war that's surely coming.

  11. This site provides a valuable local information service. It’s the national PROPAGANDA that deserves challenge. Lose the name-calling, 6:35. It doesn’t reflect well for you.

    This is a day to thank our veterans. So, for that, political leanings should have no place.

  12. Bernie you are typical democrat of our times you are not a real American you and people who think like you should leave this great country. You are your kind does not deserve to live here. You people are trying your best to rip this country apart but you and your kind will never succeed. TRUMP will win in 2020.

  13. Thank you to all my fellow veterans

  14. Way to politicize what should be bipartisan gratitude for our vets and active military. Your crudeness has no bounds O'Hate.

  15. “This is a day to thank our veterans. So, for that, political leanings should have no place. November 11, 2019 at 6:51 AM”

    How true. The constant need of so many - not just writers on this blog - who feel compelled to add comments to something as simple as a Veterans Day acknowledgement is so very frustrating. Yes, the First Amendment is wonderful and yes, so many who are among the honorees of today sacrificed greatly for that and our other freedoms - but really, can we not disengage from the other rhetoric for just a moment? Please place it in a different or additional forum topic or other resource.

    Thank you to all veterans and their families (who “served” and sacrificed right along with their service members).

  16. Empathy for veterans?? DT and his cronies are trying to privatize the VA. So far results have not been good. Also, read hear to see just how much captain bonespurs appreciates vets . https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/03/11/trump-backs-a-huge-increase-in-va-spending-but-his-budget-plan-still-may-upset-some-veterans/

  17. Why can't you leave politics out of your comments to recoginize Veterans. Oh, that's right all liberal remarks must include presidential bashing. So I guess you'll try to get that free breakfast at Dennyy's. As the recent facebook post stated. When you thank a Veteran try to be the American they hope you will be. Not as you are.

  18. Prayes for the Lehigh Valley Veterans and friends I lost in Vietnam

  19. Big thanks to my favorite "Hard R" the sharpshooting judicial bodyguard who has the courage to sign his name despite spelling at a 7th grade level. In these divisive times it's important to have folks who can comment on a Uber liberal leaning yellow "journalism" blog that bashes our G.O.A.T POTUS so frequently that the author could be tried for sedition.

  20. Most important to me on this day is my respect and gratitude to all who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. Also, for those who had their lives changed forever forward by the scars of war they brought home with them. My dad was not only a WW2 decorated hero for his service in Okinawa, but came home with many issues that led to an early passing.

    Thanks, Dad. You will always be on my mind.

  21. ASk the military what they think about PRESIDENT TRUMP---YHEY LOVE HIM BERNIE. you and your kind is dead wrong on this issue and you should be ashamed of yourself.

  22. No, he should be ashamed of himself. He is a disgrace to the office and is a disgrace as a human being. And the military loves him? Not anymore. Ask Mattis.

  23. We should all pray for our veterans, and also our president who while not a military veteran has taken more incoming than any president in history. the nation should be embarrassed and ashamed as to how all people associated with trump have been assaulted from cabinet members to supreme court nominees. This nation has disgraced itself in their hatred.

  24. "I am a veteran and all the veterans I know "

    You apparently do not know me. I am a vet, too. I do not like people who steal from me. I'm funny that way.

  25. As for Mattis, who is a respected general. He was willing to police every border on earth except the U.S. border, what is that all about?

  26. Trump is an asshole and a complete phony, pure and simple. Anybody who cannot see that is just kidding themselves.

  27. "Why can't you leave politics out of your comments to recoginize Veterans."

    This is not politics. The guy is an admitted thief,and from the very people he will pretend to admire tioday. He is a con artist and you are too brainwashed to realize it.

  28. You are a vet? What, a veteran alcoholic? Your venom for the President is disgraceful on Veterans Day. He is the commander in chief despite your hatred for him. Show just a tiny bit of respect. Even though you do not respect youself.

  29. How is Trump a thief? A thief of what? Taxpayers money? He doesn't even draw a salary! What did he steal? You and the venomous left-wing anti-Trump lunatics need to get a life. Our economy has never been better. Our military has never been so well funded. But obsess on Trump's personality. It is your psychotherapy.

  30. The left wing democrats and you Bernie should get out of this country--you people are worse than the Russians.

  31. Bernie you make jane fonda look good.

  32. God, you must be really dumb. Have you read anything at all about his admission? I have something on my story called a "link." I suggest you click on it and read for yourself. He is a thief.

  33. "The left wing democrats and you Bernie should get out of this country--you people are worse than the Russians."

    Yeah, you love the Russians. You and Trump, who held up military aid to a country at war with them.

  34. And today there was transit of Mercury. Trump had nothing to do with it.

    OrangeManBad. Thank Mercury, not OrangeMan!

  35. BTW-- For over 100 years five generations of Trumps never served in any military.

  36. Bernie and the rest of the Dems suffering from major "TDS". Regardless, if your speaking about Trump as President or Trump as a person you just couldn't leave it out and take a shot at him. Maybe just a simple saying of Thanks to all those who served or are currently serving. Maybe speak to the injustice of our Vietnam vets faced when they came home and how we owe them a big debt of gratitude or maybe speak to how the VA is struggling to take care of our Vets across the board or that the suicide rate for veterans is staggering. Nah, instead in typical Bernie fashion you went low....Spoke to your own service and then took a shot for not reason other than to make a stance about a guy you don't like politically or person.

  37. You apparently do not know how to read. I made no mention of my own service in my post. I pointed to Trump's hypocrisy in that he is honoring the very group from which he stole.

  38. "I was in the Army Reserves during the Persian Gulf war." I guess I misunderstood this sentence here about your service. Only you would care about Trump on a day such as today. Instead of just sitting back and allowing those who served to be honored you found a way to take your shot at Trump. Tomorrow is National French Dip Day, I'm sure you can find a way to speak to the atrocity that Trump did to the Roast Beef community as well, just to give you a head start.

  39. You ever spend any time on active duty Bernie? Any overseas duty ?

    Or are you just a weekend wartier ?

  40. My own service, which is hardly spectacular, is not the issue. Donald Trump's thievery from the very group he claims to support is the issue.

  41. Most adults I know have no respect for thieves and con artists, especially those who steal from charities.

  42. DJT thank you for saving this nation from the libtarded dems

    -real combat veteran

  43. Stole? Nonsense. His charity substally helped veteran groups. Indiscretion, not theft resulted in a settlement that is still money coming out of his pocket for good causes. You use that one incident to negate all the good that Trump has done for veterans. Like increase the Defence budget and provide choice for vets who had to spend months waiting for a VA medical appointment. He wholeheartedly supports the military but your blind hatred for the man will not allow you to acknowledge that. Instead of just honoring vets on this hallowed day, you had to sling mud on Trump. You are a sad, bitter man, O'Hate.

  44. Oh My! The Trumpkins are united today with something other than hate for the Constitution. They got a bone burr up their collectives asses because somebody pointed out the obvious about Der Furher.

  45. Bernie has attacked decorated combat veteran Tom Severson who earned a purple heart battling in the shit over there in Nam while Bernie lived a life of privilege and excess.

  46. There was no theft, I remember the whole event, It was held and got around 5$ million for wounded warriors, they used the foundation as a conduit for the money and it was all paid to the organization. the complaint from the NY state was that it was connected to his political campaign and that they found that to not be appropriate.

  47. TRUMP will go down as the greatest president in the history of our country.

  48. 12:58 - I agree with what you remember. All the money DID go to Wounded Warriors. There is no doubt, the SDNY is very much anti-Trump and has been since before he was elected.

  49. LVCA 9:48 said: "BTW-- For over 100 years five generations of Trumps never served in any military."

    Excellent point.

    But I guess you could say the same thing about the Obamas, in both the US and Kenyan armies.

  50. Boozing through Nam is stretching the definition of a vet. You've attacked lots of vets. Using vets to vent you Trump tantrum is vintage Bernie. Classless.

  51. Bernie would get his ass waxed by a real grunt who fought through the shit in Nam like Scissorhands or run away and cry to the Police like his old butt buddy and fellow draft Dodger who lives on million dollar highway.

  52. Must be out for the 1/2 price veterans dinner tonight, after hitting a couple of free breakfasts this AM.

  53. I know of one Kenyan army obamanation fought in, and that was the gorilla buttfu(k conflict. I am very sure it's wife Michelle also fought in that very same conflict as it and Oboma raped gorillas asses for a college project. Hence the AIDS epidemic hit America when it's graduated analcummlady?

    Great American soldiers!

  54. George Schaller please STFU and get back to the psych ward!

    Richard Cranium

  55. True, the money did go to vets ... eventually.

  56. “Oh, it’s just so damn cheap, so damn typical.” I said, “This used to be a day in honor of the dead of World War One, but the living couldn’t keep their grubby hands off of it, wanted the glory of the dead for themselves. So typical, so typical. Any time anything of real dignity appears in this country, it’s torn to shreds and thrown to the mob.”

    Kurt Vonnegut - Mother Night (1961)

  57. Memorial Day was for honoring the war's dead only. Not everyone. Veterans Day is for remembering the sacrifices of veterans of foreign wars. Now everyone wants to be honored, even guys who whored and gambled for four years.

    Enough already. Every other dray is some sort of Military day. Is the nation being conditioned to become a military authoritarian state with constant wars? You bet it is no money to be made in peacetime. You want to being sanity back? Reinstitute the draft. That will straighten out this shit real fast,

  58. 6:35 sounds like a threat to you Bernie.

  59. At least real Vets don't kill pet pigs.

  60. "6:35 sounds like a threat to you Bernie."

    I consider the source.

  61. Just the other day Bruce Springsteen and Sheryl Crow hold a "Stand Up for Hero's" concert and raise 5.7 millon for Veterans. Moreover, He has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for Vietnam Veterans since 1981. Bruce Springsteen's true philanthropy for Vietnam Veterans includes, but is not limited to, combating their homelessness, claims assistance, financial management, providing PTSD and Substance Abuse treatment, provides healthcare and assists incarcerated Veterans through Veteran Treatment Court and providing Alternative, Therapeutic Housing.

    Yet, Springsteen is often labeled as a Libtard Snowflake, while 45 is praised and cheered by clueless simpletons who somehow believe that 45 didn't steal money from his "charity" and ripped off Veterans. NOT ONLY DID TRUMP HAVE TO ADMIT IN WRITING THAT HE COMMITED FRAUD, BUT HIS CRIME-SYNDICATE CHILDREN MUST ATTEND COMPULSARY TRAINING to ensure this type of illegal activity never takes place again. That, my friends, is poetic justice.

  62. Just curious, since I'm too lazy to look it up: Was the 60K Trump portrait which he had displayed in one of his hotels paid for by the Vet charity or another one he ran?

  63. I have advocated ,that no one should be allowed to run for President without credible military service . I said it here.

  64. Yo Bernie,our POTUS has done more for Veterans than any other President in History! Period!

  65. Dear Vadimer 8:19 Am your drinking already.. I not a “sharpshooter “ that’s not my classification. In any of the Three Branches of Military I have been . Your garage door needs maintenance at the bottom from water runoff . Fix that before you give advice to any Judges. Mow your lawn too. Forget about it . Don’t get yourself in trouble. It is what it is.


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