Local Government TV

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Dauphin County to Defy State Order For New Voting Systems

A 2016 lawsuit filed by former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein called Pennsylvania's election system a "national disgrace" and the voting machines "vulnerable, hackable, antiquated technology." Tom Wolf, the Neville Chamberlain of governors, settled the case by ordering all counties, in February 2018 and through the Department of State, to replace existing systems with "new modern machines" that include a voter verifiable paper trail. They must be in place before the 2020 Presidential election. According to Acting Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, 46 of Pennsylvania;s 67 counties were ready to use these new systems in November's just-held election. Another six counties are taking steps to have them in place next year. But what about the rest? If you're in Dauphin County, the answer to the state in NUTS.

Dauphin County's Republican Board of Commissioners are defying the Department of State.

"There’s an old saying: ‘If it’s not broken, don’t fix it,’” Commissioner Mike Pries told the Carlisle Sentinel. “Our machines work, they’re fundamentally sound, we trust our machines, you cannot hack our machines.”

Since the state plans to decertify all the older systems on December 31, Dauphin is playing a dangerous game.


  1. "Dauphin is playing a dangerous game."

    So let me get this straight.

    In response to a lawsuit filed by a whacko presidential candidate, and to further a phony political narrative of Russian interference in our elections, the democrat Governor gives the counties an unfunded mandate to update their voting machines.

    This results in millions of dollars unnecessarily being spent, and leads to numerous problems WITH VOTING MACHINES across the state in our most recent election.

    Closer to home, Lehigh County voters have lost privacy; voting there now takes longer; and Lehigh voters now have no idea if the machines counting their ballot read their paper ballots correctly or at all. In Northampton County, their new machines resulted in tens of thousands of votes not being initially counted; the refusal of local election judges to verify their precinct totals; and a general loss of confidence in the voting system.

    And you say that Dauphin County is the one playing a dangerous game?

    I'd say the "dangerous game" ship sailed quite some time ago.

  2. How many more votes will be found uncounted? First it was Lower Saucon, now it's Wilson Borough! https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/northampton-county/2019/11/uncounted-votes-found-in-lower-saucon-wilson-borough-as-ballot-audit-nears.html

  3. "the Neville Chamberlain of governors"

    it's funny because it's true....

  4. These days, when humans are involved in gathering, counting, and recording ballots, we have great reason to be concerned. Doesn’t much matter what machines are used. Although, it is ESSENTIAL no vendor’s machines are connected to the internet.

    Bottom line, cheating and lying are a given. Seems like everyone does it!

  5. “Our machines work, they’re fundamentally sound, we trust our machines, you cannot hack our machines.”

    "Dauphin is playing a dangerous game."

    Yeah. Properly conducting elections seems very dangerous. Meanwhile, back in NorCo, a new system administered by an old hack undermined the last election. NorCo fielded the '62 Mets for their big game. That's dangerous.

    Can't anybody here play this game? - Casey Stengel

  6. Allentowns happenings has set the circus carnival stage for Voter Fraud. The goder on the hemrode topped with a cyst Allentowns new slogan at a cost of 80g's.

  7. This fiasco all started with Florida democrats cheating by punching multiple ballots at the same time. Paper ballots. This created the infamous hanging chad, a result of cheating with a bigger stack of ballots than they could force a hole through. Now the whole country is in chaos. Maybe more counties should have told the governor to take a hike. We had good machine, now we have no idea what the hell is going on. I am more disappointed in our government by the day. I looks like we will soon be back to a box with slot and weeks to determine an outcome. This will give them a lot more time to cheat.

  8. Wolf is a disaster. Maybe Shift and his minions ought to start a hearing in Pennsylvania after the nonsense going on in Washington now. This fiasco like the one in Washington is going to come back and bite the Democrats in the behind. Maybe the Clintons, Obamas and the Bidens can give us some of their monies. Whoops they still might need it for their defense in the future.

  9. That looks like Baba Booey in the picture!

  10. Hokie Joe says
    Why don't we have "TRUMP" ask Dauphin County to investigate Gov. Wolf and if they don't do it Trump can hold back their Federal funds for highway infra-structure etc. et.
    There you go. Problem solved. America......what a Country.


  12. At least the Courthouse is about a mile from our misdirected Governor. When the disputes start, let’s see who puts the mileage on his time card. Wolf ,might not win this one. Wolf might just move the Commonwealth Capital back to Philadelphia. This just costs taxpayers unnecessarily one again.

  13. All of our elections have been bogus? Until now...

    Counting votes is one thing, maintaining and securing the batteries and their technology is another...wait for it.

  14. Leave it to the liberals to cry foul, yet they are the ones that keep screwing up. Priceless. Just like home here !


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