Local Government TV

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bad Optics at McClure Fundraiser

Last night, Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure conduced his annual fundraiser at Bethlehem's swanky Edge Restaurant. Despite what they may tell you, few contributors write out $500 plus checks because they believe in good government. Unions, contractors, engineers and lawyers and county employees go to these things because they want something. It could be as simple as a paycheck or a major contract. Even when there is no quid pro quo, it is still a legalized form of bribery. Unfortunately, it's also an ugly necessity. Most public officials lack the personal resources to wage an effective campaign and have their message heard. Unless you want a government of oligarchs, you have to trust that candidates will do the right thing, which they usually do. Besides, after the election fiasco on November 5, McClure will almost certainly face opposition when he seeks re-election. He may even have a primary opponent. So it's understandable, as ugly as it is. But the bad optics of dunning county employees and vendors for money was made worse by two other things over which McClure has no control.

1) Municipal Vehicle Illegally Parked at McClure Fundraiser

Parked outside The Edge at an expired meter was the municipal vehicle you see above. It's not just any municipal vehicle, but hs been identified by my secret agent as a police car. He knows this because he happens to be a police officer himself. Is it a county or city car? My guess is Bethlehem City, and a top-ranking officer. It's too nice to belong to the County. The license plate number is MG0745L.

I understand it was cold and a little windy last night, but that's no excuse for acting as though you are above the law you should be enforcing. What's more, this public resource was being perverted for partisan political activity.  Actions like this lead to politicians like Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski.

It is my hope that Executive McClure and Mayor Bob Donchez both identify the person who was misusing this public resource and discipline that person.

2) Judge Morganelli Attends Partisan Fundraiser

After noting the illegally parked police car, my spy slipped into the fundraiser to see what was happening.  He was unaware that there was a fundraiser, but knew some sort of event was going on. He noticed several people ponied up at the bar. They included Chief Public Defender Nuria DiLuzio and District Attorney John Morganelli.

Now it's no crime to stop at a bar and hoist a few. But Morganelli is more than the County's District Attoney. He is a judge-elect, and as such, should not have been within 10 miles of a political and partisan fundraiser

Morganelli did more than sit at the bar. He actually attended the event, though he made no contribution.

According to Morganelli, he is neither a judge nor a candidate. He tells me he has sought an ethics opinion, and that Judge Edward Reibman has written one under which Morganelli can continue to raise money and make contributions until he is sworn in.

That sounds nice, but is contrary to Canon 7 of the Code of Judicial Ethics, which provides,
"Judges holding an office filled by public election between competing candidates, or a candidate for such office, may, only insofar as permitted by law, attend political gatherings, speak to such gatherings on their own behalf when they are a candidate for election or reelection, or speak on behalf of any judicial candidate for the same office, identify themselves as a member of a political party, and contribute to a political party or organization."
It also provides, "Judges should not engage in any other political activity except on behalf of measures to improve the law, the legal system, or the administration of justice."

The notion that Morganelli is free from the Canons simply because he is waiting to be sworn in is simply ridiculous. If a judge-elect is permitted to engage in partisan political activity, this undermines public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.

He should have stayed away.


  1. So if democrat does run against McClure, who do you think it will be??

  2. Morganelli and McClure are friends and that rises above any of your made up bull*&$#. Since when can’t friends show support for friends?

  3. Northampton County is corrupt. If you think McClueless and his cronies are on the up and up, you are delusional. His hiring and putting the clerical person in charge of the election machine has backfired. He just cemented his one term. He is the worst County Executive along with his appointees. Can't wait to vote him out. Feds should investigate the happenings at Northampton County.

  4. Fair story Bernie.

  5. This is why Morganelli was a bad idea. He's parsing an opinion from ..... whom? GTFO. What a sleaze. I don't want him presiding over my case. WTF.

  6. Makes ones question Morganelli's judgment.

  7. The police vehicle looks to be parked in a no parking zone, not an expired meter. Anyone can forget a meter or have it run out. However, a posted no parking zone is a conscious, self absorbed, lazy and entitled act. That person need to be dismissed from public service. We don’t need them. Please resign.

  8. Off topic here, but while we're on the subject of elected NorCo officials in sketchy situations, either Tara Zrinsky has a doppelganger in New England or I swear it was her whining to the camera about having to work four jobs to pay her health insurance at a get together at a home in Massachusetts or New Hampshire supporting presidential candidate Andrew Yang on last night's NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt. Anybody else see it? Was that really her??

  9. So if democrat does run against McClure, who do you think it will be??

    Ron Engle

  10. It isn't fair to single out Morganelli. Who else was there that shouldn't have been? How about the union mob? How about individuals that get money for private organizations? Lobbyist? Etc. etc.

  11. Cops at bars. Surprised the car wasn't splayed across the sidewalk. Our government betters are slimy lot. Outside their own fart circles, most people despise them. This is why.

  12. "It isn't fair to single out Morganelli. Who else was there that shouldn't have been? How about the union mob? How about individuals that get money for private organizations? Lobbyist? Etc. etc."

    Do you know how to read? I mentioned ALL these groups. These are ugly affairs but those groups have a right to be there. Morganelli, as a judge-elect, has given up that right. He should have stayed away. It created he appearance of impropriety. I will give him credit for seeking ethical advice, but I completely disagree with that guidance. Asa disbarred lawyer, I am an expert on ethics, lol.

  13. "Morganelli and McClure are friends and that rises above any of your made up bull*&$#. Since when can’t friends show support for friends?"

    When one of them is a judge.

  14. "Was that really her??"

    No, Zrinsky was at a council committee meeting at 5 pm.

    1. Bernie, it's Tara. It wasn't a live segment. Google up last night's NBC Nightly News broadcast with Yang and watch this brief segment. She actually said she needs to work 3 jobs to pay for health care...not 4.

  15. "So if democrat does run against McClure, who do you think it will be??"

    Could be Bob Werner, Deb Hunter or whomever Munsey can recruit.

  16. "The police vehicle looks to be parked in a no parking zone, not an expired meter. "

    You are correct.

  17. If correct, this high ranking police official should have been in the vehicle, assisting street cops trying to fight reported rampant crime just blocks from where it was parked while they sucked political ass. Cut the budget by getting rid of this bum and not replacing his/her open position.

  18. I wonder if the car belongs to the shakedown cops from Sunblest Holdings. Did Lamont pays those clowns yet?

  19. "I wonder if the car belongs to the shakedown cops from Sunblest Holdings. Did Lamont pays those clowns yet?"

    No, and I frankly think he should just walk away from these shakedown artists. No condemnation. No deal at all. The county needs the parking, but not that badly. They can turn the other home into a group home for recently released inmates or those who are mentally ill.

  20. Who the hell would give to a Mc Clown fundraiser?

    All of the political patronage job holders, lawyers and law firms looking for county work, unions, and entities doing business with the county.....

    Sad, but our county government has been turned back into a political patronage machine.

  21. I think Peter Melan or Ken Brown are going to run for County Exec.

  22. Bernie, was the brown water flowing from faucets in Nazareth because of a bowel issue you were having?

  23. Pete Melan is a Fool
    Bob Werner is a failure at Council
    Deb Hunter couldn't win a Dog catcher job after raising taxes whilst on Schoolboard

    ps. Matt Muncy is a train wreck as a party leader and the #1 problem with NORCO Dems

  24. It's Tara.
    (From her election website's Facebook feed) https://www.vote4zrinski.org/

    Tara Zrinski Northampton County Council Woman - At Large
    2 hours ago

    My brother, Frank Louis Zrinski Jr. posted this last night. I just want to put this scenario in context. There are many times in my life when I have found myself without healthcare. Maybe switching jobs, in a part-time job, contingent employment as an adjunct, working for a non-profit...there are numerous reasons.

    So maybe 2 years ago, I found myself between jobs, single mom in an apartment. The solar industry is pretty unstable at times. I was working part-time in a private...

  25. Tara must read your blog. She posted her explanation shortly after being called out on it here. Trying to get out ahead of it.

  26. All politicians are bad people -our system breed them only possible to clean up all levels of government 1 - term limits is a must 2- no money on any level very hard to keep out but we must or it will remain corrupt 3--Deep state or government workers cannot have jobs for life. I realize it will require big change but it can be done if we put our collective wills into it.

  27. The Edge? Obviously someone else was picking up the tab... I saw mccluless slithering into Ripper's pub last week...

  28. Tara Zrinsky on NBC last night:
    "I work three jobs. I work more than 40 hours a week and I still don't have any insurance."

    Tara Zrinsky on Facebook this morning:
    "At this particular time, I do have healthcare. I am grateful for that. I still work 3 jobs and I am always hustling to make ends meet. I’m a contingent employee as an adjunct. I get my healthcare from my all-commission solar job for which I get paid upon install. I work part-time as a Northampton County Councilwoman."

    One of these statements is bullshit, but BS is all natural and biodegradable, so all must be good.

  29. Was that her? She was at county council earlier in the evening.

  30. Probably pre-recorded by NBC days before.

  31. Bernie, I'm pretty sure Sunblest Holdings has been asking that from Day 1, so don't act like you came up with that all by yourself. Bernie you've actually advocated for more parking around the Courthouse.

  32. only possible to clean up all levels of government 1 - term limits is a must 2- no money on any level very hard to keep out but we must or it will remain corrupt 3--Deep state or government workers cannot have jobs for life. I realize it will require big change but it can be done if we put our collective wills into it.

    November 21, 2019 at 10:15 AM

    I think you should run for something, you seem to know everything about everything

  33. John, we know you fixed a dui charge against the son of dieter oil. We have written correspondence as evidence. It is also contained in the Bethlehem twp. Police files. This is a time you would not deal any dui charge and professed it as the office policy. Shame on you judge.

  34. 12:17..You are correct, johnny boy also dismissed a gun charge aginst the darling dieter boy who now lives in florida....also the cop car was non other than bethlehems top cop...

  35. 10:54 AM

    If that is indeed her on NBC, she said it with such stridency, hard to believe she simply misspoke.

    Guess she got carried away with the camera on.

  36. If an independent, investigative entity of integrity is empowered to openly investiate, I will come forward with information and evidence of criminal behavior by the office of the district attorney at the highest levels

  37. Ms. Zirinski is indeed everywhere but at the meetings she was elected to. She is kissing every single special left-wing radical ass for money. She has made her run against Marcia Hahn her fulltime job. She even blows off the position she was just elected to serve in.

    You do realize besides her weed resolution she wants county council; to vote for Medicare for all. Is he on weed?

    If she actually got a real job and stopped pretending to be everything she is not maybe people would take her seriously. Even dem women are tired of the poor single mother with no time routine. Word is the poor kid gets dragged everywhere for her political aspirations.

  38. One just needs to sit outside The Blue after a County Council meeting to see how much our elected officials and their appointees drink on a regular basis. Oh that is right. One got caught and still working. Another County employee would be fired.

  39. Tara's sad tale = 3 Pinnochios (mostly bullshit). :(

  40. 12:07 no I do not know everything but I do know our government breeds bad people I can not run for office I would make Trump look like a saint.

  41. ” Bernie you've actually advocated for more parking around the Courthouse.”

    Speculator DiLizio has persuaded me we don’t need that bldg for parking. We can knock down the adjoining building for handicapped parking or fix it up and make it a halfway house or group home. No need to condemn or buy.

    1. "We" BO your not part of the Admin, you are nothing but a joke in the county. Stop thinking the executive needs you to promote his agenda. You have not helped move any of our platform. Go hang out at municipal buildings stay out of the Courthouse

  42. Police, Muni and emergency vehicles are excluded from the crime which you are alleging.

  43. Isn't that the Chiefs car?

  44. "Police, Muni and emergency vehicles are excluded from the crime which you are alleging."

    Try again.

  45. Speculator DiLuzio, Of course, I am no member of any administration. I am promoting no one's agenda. Why did I use the word "WE"? Unlike you, I am a county resident and therefore am speaking as a county resident when I use the word "we." I am speaking of "We, the people." When you use the word "We," you are referring to your business partner in the shakedown and flipping business.


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