Local Government TV

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Jeff Warren A Bad Choice For Hanover Tp

Once upon a time, people who ran for local office would first spend years in their community doing volunteer work. They were true volunteers, and brought that spirit with them when they became public servants. They were involved in their community, and you could see and talk to them at Fall Festivals and National Nights Out. Two such people are John Diacogiannis and Steve Salvesen, who are seeking re-election to their seats in Hanover Township. Unfortunately, there's also a new breed of politician who have no sense of community. These people are driven by nothing more than raw political ambition. One such person is Jeff Warren. He's running against these true public servants.

Warren is a former legislative aide to State Senator Lisa Boscola. It appears that his specialty was drinking. In addition to being charged by Washington, D.C. police, he was cited again in 2010 after being stopped by Hellertown police with a 0.18 blood alcohol content. He was admitted into a special program for first offenders because his records at the U.S. Capital mysteriously vanished.

At the time of the Hellertown charges, Warren was a member of Easton City Council. When a police detective was charged with drunken driving, Warren argued public servants need to be held to a higher standard. He never applied that logic to himself.

Incidentally, he bought his seat on Easton City Council. When he ran in 2007, he raised more money than all other candidates, including even the mayoral hopefuls Sal Panto and Mike Fleck. Only $300 of the money he raised came from actual Easton residents. The rest was from developers and other special interests. He spent $14.90 per vote compared to 8 cents by Ken Brown.

When he left Easton City Council in 2014, he went to work for one of those special interests, Gilmore and Ass'ts Engineering. He lasted there for three years.

Now he's a political consultant and also does podcasts about Philly sports.

He's treating his race for Hanover Townshiip Supervisor as though he's running for Congress, getting endorsements from NorCo Exec Lamont McClure and, of course, the Lehigh Valley Labor Council.

He has complained about potholes in Hanover Township,which prompted Township Manager Jay Finnigan to ask where they are. He also wants lower taxes in a township that has held the line on tax increases for 13 years straight. He claims to be a long-time resident, but has only lived in the Township for five years.

He shot a video on primary day from inside the polling place at Asa Packer Elementary, which is illegal.

He is allied with a group interested in building several three-story apartment buildings in Hanover Tp.

Finally, after he announced, he was slapped with a municipal lien on March 28 for $642.50 by Hanover Tp. (2019-ML-2635). This was quickly paid off, but is yet another indication he cares little about the community he claims to want to serve.


  1. "the Lehigh Valley Labor Council" what do they want in return?

  2. How much to buy a Police Chief position?

  3. Our political system breeds this type person in one form or another- just look at every politician out there..

  4. 6:42 so true you are. the political class in this country is dangerous.

  5. Thanks Bernie, I was wondering who this guy was, with all his signs along Jacksonville road. Want to bet he does not take them down?

  6. Warren has never attended a Supervisor's meeting. And his platform is ridiculous. Does he know anything about the Township to run on issues of keeping taxes low and fixing pot holes?

  7. The way you pick and choose the drunks you'll defend, or not, is fascinating.

  8. He's a typical 2000's politician. He's running on issues that have nothing to do with Hanover. He floats issues on his website and when they bomb he removes them. An example was tampax in public bathrooms. He obviously didn't understand the legislation and immediately yanked it once challenged. His claim now if you read Facebook posts is he is the only candidate with kids. Does that mean Supervisor Lawless is also not fit to serve because she doesn't have kids. She must not have know that position before her endorsement.

    Hanover needs to say NO to Warren.

  9. Gee Wiz ,shot that plane down . Crash and burn. You want to be a politician,you deserve screw ton eeee.

  10. So much for you BO, Jeff Warren is sending out his Facebook streams touting his endorsement by Tara Zirinslki. Tara the most popular Northampton County Democrat office holder is quoted as saying he is the best candidate. You can't beat her endorsement Bernie.

    1. I would prefer an endorsement by Donald Trump. Tara needs to worry about the county and not Representative Hahn. Maybe Tara and Jeff have tipped a few togethee.

  11. Replies
    1. Let's hope.
      And let's hope the word gets out over the weekend.

  12. Bernie, any more information you can share about Warren being allied with the developer who wants to put apartment buildings in the township? This is a hot button issue right now and residents should hear about this. Thank you.

  13. What you have written says alot more about your character than Jeff's. How convenient for you to focus on a candidate's 1 mistake in the course of his career than all the positive impacts he has had on his community. Forget your pathetic write-up, there is no other candidate that is as dedicated, passionate & diverse as Jeff. Hanover Township - vote for Jeff Warren. You wont be disappointed.

    Shame on you Bernie, be a better writer & human.

    1. Thank you Mrs. Warren. I believe there were multiple discrettions.

    2. Yeah, Warren is SO dedicated and passionate to that municipality that he hasn't bothered to attend any Hanover Township Board of Supervisor meetings as an observer prior to, and/or since, the primaries.

      As someone who is seemingly interested in being involved in that township, you would think the number of times he's cared enough to show face would be higher than zero. Shows how much he really cares.

  14. @11:09 - reading comprehension a struggle for you?

  15. Hey 9:33 - Mr Warren does not need to go any meetings, why would he? He does not need to volunteer or participate in any Township events - why would he? He is running against incumbents that have led the township to be the best place in the valley. Obviously a change is needed because......shit. What the hell - oh nevermind.

    1. Agreed, change in Hanover Township is far from needed.

      Re-elect Salvesen and Diacogiannis.

  16. I guess your slant piece didn't work. Mr. Warren is a good man and will do wonderful things for the community.

  17. I guess your poorly written slant piece didn't work.
    Nice try though


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