Local Government TV

Friday, September 20, 2019

NorCo Council Spends 13 Minutes Discussing County Business

It was a short-handed Northampton County Council last night. Council President Ron Heckman, along with John Cusick and Bob Werner, were absent. Peg Ferraro participated by phone, so there was only a six-person quorum.

The first 15 minutes of the meeting were wasted by Tara Zrinski, who must want very badly to be a State Representative. First, she had yet another proclamation, and then paraded three people to promote a National Infrastructure Bank, which she claims is "everything we need." She also insisted on giving a speech to endorse it. Trade union reps Kevin Lott and Bill McGee also supported it. The resolution passed 5-1, with Peg Ferraro voting No.

Thankfully, there was no misinformation or fear-mongering about the Penn East Pipeline.

With 20 minutes totally wasted, Northampton County Council finally started to address county business.

It first adopted a proposal for the county to be able to hire through its own career service, as opposed to a state civil service system that has been unable to send names to fill crucial vacancies in departments like Children, Youth and Families. This was adopted 6-0,, and without the discussion that preceded a national infrastructure bank and proclamation.

Then it adopted an employee referral incentive policy for Gracedale. Employees who refer to vacant positions at Gracedale will get $250 for a RN and $100 for any other Gracedale hire. "Great idea," said Peg Ferraro, as this measure passed 6-0.

It updated by-laws for the Mental Health, Early Intervention and Developmental Programs Advisory Board.

It authorized several purchases of sensitive land.

Its final item of real business was the approval of four contracts.

County Council spent 13 minutes total on actual county business.

Then Council member Tara Zrinski wasted more time discussing what had happened at a committee meeting that had just been conducted.

Council member Matt Dietz had a legitimate county issue. He informed Council there have been some issues with the 911 transition in Bath, which sounds to me like a fairly significant county problem, especially during hurricane season.  This was discussed for a grand total of nine minutes before Zrinski switched the topic to the airport, where the escalators are fixed and more snacks are available. Liaison reports dragged on a few more minutes and the meeting mercifully ended.

This Council has misplaced its priorities.

No one attempted to kill the retroactive payraise for probation officers.


  1. The bonus for RN's should be $500, the LPN less, CNA $250.

  2. Tara Zrinski is an ally of the E.L.F who fought your PatroĊ„ Ron "Socks" Angle on his attempts to smear the slate belt with upcycled human excrement for that cardinal sin you will always find fault with her actions. Gaea needs you Tara keep fighting those who would sacrifice future generations access to clean air and water for more stuff today.


  3. Your snarky comments about the escalator repair and new Dunkin Donuts minimize their critical importance. DD is now offering a Zrinski latte, dispensed into customers' cupped hands, and leaving zero carbon footprint while they wait to board a fuel guzzling jet to an important tanning session in Punta Cana. Bernie, your Democratin' needs updating. This is the new new.

  4. If I'm not mistaken, doesn't the County's Career Service Regulations need to be approved by the State Civil Service Commission before hiring civil service employees under the career service umbrella? Do these people retain civil service status or do they become career service employees? just curious?
    When I worked there years ago, the County couldn't terminate civil service employees. ????

  5. There are issues with the 911 Center. It needs to be taken care of before something huge takes place. Pay attention people.

  6. Zrinski is a Rock Star.

  7. 8:07, you are correct and before the state can act, county council must ask. That is what happened. The entire process will take some time.

  8. JFC. With precious little time remaining until our self-inflicted extinction, aren't problems like a silly 911 system rather inconsequential? We're all about to die, sheeple! Granny falling and not getting up is the least of our frickin problems. Zrinski is the Mother Theresa of radical pro-abortion environmentalist birdbrains. If she checks her radioactive white privilege, she may go places.

  9. Tara Zrinski is the new pin cushion for unhinged Libertarians whose ostrich syndrome allows them to continue driving Ford F-350 diesel dualies up the street for a gallon of milk which they likely have double bagged instead of sending Jr. Or taking a bike they likely dont use or even own

    I know the comment about DDs offering a "Zrinski" latte was mocking her but she has has the same reusable thermos for several years and keeps her pantry stocked with free trade organic java purchased from the bulk bins at Natures way, haters look for a ways to undermine those they fear stay the course Tara Gaea needs you.


    1. Oh brother, are you off in Lala land.

  10. Last election Zrinski did not have any party affiliation on her yard signs and when asked claimed that she was an independent who was running as a Democrat.
    Tara Zrinski is a liar.

  11. Never shake hands with an environmentalists, as they use just one square to wipe and save water and paper by not washing their hands.

    I like her, though. I'm holding a fundraiser for her this weekend. It's a bonfire for hazardous waste, featuring diesel truck burnouts (plants love CO2) and free e-cigs for the kids. Suggested donation is $10, but we'll accept donations of reusable Kleenex and tampons. Remember, no handshakes. Just use the secret environmentalist high sign and we'll know you're a fellow traveler.

    1. 1:33. Get a life. Maybe if you used your ability to lay out the snark for something positive you'd make a difference in this world.

  12. In the "old days" one of the local papers would be doing multiple stories about the problems at the 911 center. But apparently no more. The Express Times is all but dead and I guess the Morning Call just doesn't care.

  13. "Sensitive Land??"

    Lol,yes. The land is not sensitive but is identified as environmentally sensitive because of the flora or fauna there.

  14. ummm and the prison!!! oh I forgot no one cares

  15. She cannot help herself she is addicted to attention. Why did Hefner not get the meeting back on track? Also why did they not spend more time on the e911 issue that is important??

  16. I will be addressing this issue in much more detail tomorrow. I consider it important.

    Heffner, to her credit ,did put Zrinski in her place when the latter attempted to make light of the situation

  17. Hefner is owned by McClure and the union guys, she does what she is told. They will make her the president of council. Tara is headed to bigger things. She is a political trailblazer and will one day be in Washington DC.

  18. Isn't that Bank thing they passed part of that goofy Laroche guy. They are all tinfoil people. Zirinski fits right in.

  19. No, but it has nothing to do with the county.


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