Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Jacko the Monkey Stars in NorCo DA Debate on PBS-39

PBS has stars like Big Bird and Kermit the Frog. As of Monday night, you can add Jacko the Monkey. He was featured prominently during the debate between Terry Houck and Tom Carroll for NorCo DA.

You can see it yourself on PBS' Facebook page.

Though Carroll was an Assistant DA in NorCo from 2005-2007, he had to resign after he had the brilliant idea of placing Jacko the Monkey on the desk of a black female assistant DA..

As you know, Jacko has posted his own op-ed here, denying any wrongdoing. In fact, he tells me he warned Carroll this would be taken the wrong way. Carroll didn't care, either because he's a bigot or an idiot.

It was funny watching him try to minimize what he did. He claimed he knew this would come up and called Sesame Street headquarters "the lion's den." Then, after some prodding, he claimed he had done it to cheer her up.

"Do you consider yourself astute and aware?" asked PBS host Monica Evans.

"At this point, you made your point," said a flustered Carroll. "I came here today to talk about the issues that are facing the District Attorney's Office ..."

Evans countered that a DA deals with a lot of different people. "If you don't understand the significance and how offensive putting a monkey on an African American's desk can be, I think that's a point to note."

Carroll then claimed, "This is an agenda driven by the left, like you do with everything else, to misdirect the issues."

At the time, Houck happened to be Carroll's boss.He said the black assistant was shaken to the core.He concluded that Carroll either displayed extraordinarily bad judgment or was a racist. Carroll was given two options - resign or be fired.

Sitting in the audience was Tom Carroll supporter Tricia Mezzacappa, who is facing trial for filing a false report with Pennsylvania State Police. She is accused of trying to frame a black male who lives across the street.

So he's got the bigot vote.


  1. Much liker with our President the monkey is a diversion. Real men like Tony S, a power Marine is behind Tommy all the way. They will be the new Northampton County power couple. Tom will go far since a rock hard Marine has his back. Side with a winner! He is the best the Tea Party ahs to offer! Vote America, vote the Tom

  2. Carrol is the best the Tea Party has to offer?
    That's a sad statement for the Tea Party.

  3. This connection between African Americans and monkeys is proof of the ingrained racism prevalent in humans. It is interesting that the non-racists dont connect monkeys and Africans. While even blacks seem to make the connection. This comment has nothing to do with Carroll, he may or may not have racist sentiment, but it is obvious that blacks and much of society sees some connection. Why?

  4. Sadly this is all the county has to offer..... both sides have put up disappointments for candidates- I wont vote for either.

  5. He's a sacrificial monkey. No Republican was going to win that seat. It's like Callahan a few years ago, and several others. You send up a dope to take one for the team. Meanwhile, Democrats are running the whitest white guy in political history. He's nearly a corpse, except for that spark of white privilege in his eye.

  6. The monkey thing is a product of the science of the 19th century. Darwin's theory of evolution espoused the idea that all things are evolving, the science of the time placed Africans a step below other races, concluding that they were a link in the evolution of man. This theory allowed for the acceptance of slavery. If they would have looked closer at the ideas of creation they would not have been led down this path that has led to much disharmony in the world.

  7. I'll be voting for Jacko.

  8. He is just like our County Executive. Hope we learned from voting him in.

  9. One of the best examples ever of having the voting option of "NONE OF THE ABOVE." This is the best the county has?

  10. What about the muppets called County Council.....

  11. I almost feel sorry for Carrol.
    He's trying to give a bullshit explanation about the monkey not being a bigoted act, and he has a known bigot, racist, and whack-job constable supporting him in public.

  12. He is a log cabin Republican. Look at Houck, the guy always comes o9ff as super angry. he can barely speak without comi8ng off as ready to explode. Tom Carroll I calm an d relaxes.

  13. Carroll looked and sounded like a whiny little 6th grader, and Houck was very mature and thoughtful in his comments. This was before the monkey line of questioning - when Carroll fell totally apart and stammered away for what felt like an eternity. That little brat with a rat for a hairpiece is perfect for Mezalooney to support. The choice here is very clear.


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