Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Retired FBI Agent: Pay to Play in LV Had Gone On For Years

"Pay to play in the Lehigh Valley had been going on for years." That's what retired FBI Agent Scott Curtis told Morning Call reporters in a podcast yesterday. "There's always going to corruption going on."

I'll say this. Lehigh Valley politicians are boy scouts compared to what you'll find in the coal regions. Scranton's Mayor entered into a deal yesterday to plead guilty to flat out old school bribery.

Nobody batted an eye.


  1. The point left unaddressed - criminals remain in Allentown City Hall.

    Why are they still protected?

    1. They aren’t. Like the child who covers his face as a cloak of invisibility they too will be seen and heard. It’s only a matter of time.

      Tick tock.

  2. check the bethlehem dced

  3. check the bethlehem township ppis and public works departments!

  4. And while you’re at it- check most of the 501c3s.

  5. People expect that public officials are likely corrupt and dishonest. Even the supposed good ones let us down, eventually. Public trust is non-existent. It makes it all the weirder when you hear one campaigning on ethics or trust, knowing full well they're compromised and crooked. We don't elect boy and girl scouts. We elect politicians. Big difference.

  6. Allentown government is full of people who aided and abetted Pawlowski criminality. The Lehigh County Bar is loaded with criminal enablers and liars. Loaded.
    Agent Scott knows all this is absolutely true.
    The FBI knows full well that the place is a sewer.

  7. Pawlowski could have faced 100 charges and his wife Lisa could have faced a couple of dozen.
    Criminals are on every floor of Cityhall and out in Codes, Parks and Building Maintenance.
    The head was cut off the snake.
    A long slithering body remains.
    Where are all the Pawlowski defenders who used to spout off on this site regularly?
    What say ye no, friends and neighbors,

    The rot remains, deeply entrenched.

  8. Rev. Edwards has an excellent plan to clean up Allentown. He will be the next mayor.

  9. Mayor Ed Pawlowski was railroaded.
    He didn’t do anything that they all don’t do.
    Mayor Ed did wonderful things for Allentown.
    You can see his many accomplishments on Wikipedia.
    Mayor Pawlowski saved Allentown.

  10. There are good people in government. The sad thing is the general distrust in all government. People should get off the TV and attend local government ,meetings. Talk to the elected official and become part of the solution.

  11. “There are good people in government.”
    Of course there are a few.
    Most good people stay away from a field so heavily populated with fraud, narcissist and sociopaths .
    In Allentown the “good people” have largely been pushed out, got out while they could or stopped participating out of fatigue and intimidation.
    A new generation of frauds representing a more diverse slice of sociopathology is moving to the fore.

  12. @4:44
    Did you miss the Democratic National Convention in 2016?

    “Talk to the elected officials and become part of the solution.”
    You’re delusional or dumber than a fecking stump.

  13. Talk to Pawjowski.
    Become part of the solution.
    Let us know what he said.

  14. hey Trumpster fire at anon 5:19., I said local officials not federal you nitwit. Try to read more than a bumper sticker. Local elected officials from both parties are for the most part hared working and caring individuals in our local offices. Allentown is what it is but there is more to the Lehigh Valley than Allentown.

  15. Allentown is the lynchpin of the Lehigh Valley and the third largest municipality in the Commonwealth.
    Rotten to the core.
    Then there’s the LVEDC and Joint Planning Commission l, working for the people.
    I was an alternate delegate at the Democratic National Convention. That would seem to be at odds with your accusations of “Trumpster fire”, but there’s no accounting for stupid is there?
    That’s a rhetorical question.

    Let us know if you get Pawlowski’s contract information.
    Thanks in advance.

  16. My wheelhouse is Allentown and the Lehigh County Democratic Party.
    It’s not been a good situation.

  17. I don’t see local politics attracting healthy, intelligent individuals.

  18. Lawyers have an outsized impact on local politics,
    lawyers and the state teachers unions.
    I rest my case.

  19. I blame AR15s and transphobia.

  20. This is what has happened and that is what President Trump is draining.
    Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas Liz and even Cryin Kamala have no chance against a true American patriot fighting for America's soul.


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