Local Government TV

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mueller Hearings a Waste of Time

I  listened to former special prosecutor Robert Mueller testify before Congress yesterday during trips to and from Allentown. Traffic was bad, so I wasted  at least an hour of my life listening to a circus in which no one sounded very good.

Let's start with Mueller himself. He was a reluctant witness who previously made clear he had no desire to testify because his two-volume report speaks for itself. He was hardly compelling. He actually seemed to be trying to forget everything.

Democrats used him as a prop to point out different facets of the report showing that Trump is a disgusting person. His tweets already make that clear. So what?

Republicans attempted to vilify Mueller, suggesting political motives from a career prosecutor who is a registered Republican. Right.

Both parties looked like idiots. If this was supposed to be the preface to impeachment proceedings, Democrats are overreaching. Not happening. It's a monumental waste of time better spent on issues that matter, like a broken healthcare system or our increasing income inequality.

The best way to rid ourselves of the Tweeter-in-Chief is to elect someone else. The hearings yesterday make that a little less likely. Both parties looked bad, but Democrats insisted on this nonsense.


  1. Mueller should investigate himself,like Alan Jennings and the Palmer Twp P.D.

  2. From Allentown to Washington D.C. it’s a rotting hulk where the people’s government should be.
    We need a revolution.
    Soon would be good.
    Very soon.
    The sooner the better.

  3. Mueller looked like a senile geezer who lost his bowl of soup. Shockingly embarrassing. The Dems looked foolish dragging his sorry was to this freak show. His testimony was useless. It proved he was totally disengaged from his own investigation. His Hillary partisan lawyers ran the show. The credibility of the Mueller report was trashed. Time to move on from the Mueller witch hunt.

  4. What about the Weapons of Mass Destruction?

  5. Problem is Trump not only welcomed the Russians and Wikileaks he still does. His obvious instances of obstruction of Justice are glaring. I do agree that nothing will cone of it. The nation is divvied. Even though Trump is an authoritarian and a liar and should be impeached, it won't happen.

    he has a solid 44% of people who have bought into his trains on time" platform and will look the other way on anything else.

    We are now officially and autocracy with corporate America providing the muscle.
    If you discover you are sick in America you better have a healthy bank account and a hoagie sale. No one in Washington cares.

  6. The best way to contain Trump is not the election, because holding him accountable is not just about him, it is also about all subsequent presidents. In order for the presidency to work as it is supposed to, there needs to be a credible threat of impeachment. Otherwise he can essentially do as he pleases, without any fear of being rebuked in a meaningful way. This is especially true in the context of increasing presidential power over the least century or so, at the expense of both of the other two branches.

  7. All legislative bodies are weak and suck ass!

  8. i Thought Mueller was going to do something useful like identify all the shooters when Kennedy got shot.

  9. the dems are complete failures except for more taxes more crime and killing babies if americans elect dems the economy will fail in no time sanctuary cities must be outlawed the dems love them ice must be given more power the dems hate them the dems are worse by a long shot than the Russians

  10. Those hearings proved Robert Mueller had very little to do with the investigation. He didn't even seem to understand his own Final Report. Probably written by someone else at the Lawfare Group.

    The entire investigation was based on a FALSE predicate from the start. He claimed not to know anything about that and did NO research into the work of Josef Mifsud who spread it all around at the request of Fusion GPS, a Democrat Party operation. He supposedly knew nothing about that either. Some investigation!

    This was a Democrat Party fueled scheme to overturn an American election. So far, it has failed. Indictments will be coming for several of the slimeballs who participated in the failed coup attempt.

    Do not watch any network news or have faith in what you read in The Morning Call. You'll learn nothing of value in understanding all of this.

  11. The democrats want to hang their impeachment effort on Trump telling Mcgahn to fire Mueller, first, only the president or the acting attorney general had the authority to fire Mueller. If Trump wanted to fire Mueller he could have. He may have wanted to, but didn't do it. I hope they go for impeachment, get it all going, then we will see the rest of the greatest scandal in U.S. history. This whole story is not finished. Some Democrats know the truth and fear when next shoe drops. the timing is not yet right. It looks like Trump is all but guaranteed 4 more years.

  12. I've not see such turmoil and hate since the 60's. Both parties are to blame. I have a six year old grandchild who acts better than our elected officials. I am ashamed of my country.

  13. Drumpf will land in jail eventually..only a matter of time as he can't hide in the Oval Office forever!

  14. TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you Dems.

  15. Agree 7:05. Trump should win a second term. First of all, the Democrat Presidential candidates are lousy. Then, Trump's accomplishments are very strong. In any case, why would anyone want to endorse this group of Democrat/Socialists after all that's been going on? Democrats don't deserve a vote this time.

  16. Mueller is not the old bumbler he appeared to be yesterday. He's a rotten SOB who's used the power of the federal government to ruin lives. He's left bankruptcies and suicides in his wake. He's cost US taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in false and malicious prosecution suits. He's a bread-in-bone piece of shit who exemplifies the horrors of abuse of power. That being said, it's pretty clear that until his report was read back to him, yesterday, he hadn't seen it before - even to the point where he perjured himself. That's what happens when career hacks leave their work to out of control, partisan lightweight staffers.

    Trump is absolutely a piece of shit. But Mueller is much worse and was the wrong person for this job.

  17. And save me his military record crap. Calley and Westmoreland had a military records, too.

  18. Donald Trump 2020
    Donald Trump Jr 2024 and 2028
    Ivanka Trump 2032 and 2036
    By then Baron Trump will be old enough for 2040 and 2044

  19. His wife communicates in the Queen's English better than you just demonstrated. She speaks six languages and you've yet to master one., William F Fuckly Jr.

  20. @731
    Trumps wife speaks five languages plus English.
    You must be a kind hearted social justice progressive type.
    Good on you.

  21. @7:56
    Where’s the indictment?

  22. Time to censor, Bernie. What does Trump's wife have to do with this?


  24. Open Message to Democrat voters:

    As Bernie points out, yesterday's hearings were a waste of time. The last 2+ years have also been wasted by your elected representatives.

    They have to keep you distracted from the fact that your party has been infiltrated and taken over by radical leftists. They cannot allow you to think about and examine the radical policies they are supporting. They need to keep you angry, and have repeatedly lied to you to do so.

    They are aided in their efforts by their allies in the media, who I'm sure will be working overtime today trying to convince you that what you saw with your own eyes yesterday was something different.

    Trump is not your enemy. Republicans are not your enemy. The leftists in your party are, and need to be voted out of office.

  25. I had no idea that Chief Witch Hunter Robert Mueller was such a dummy.

    No obstruction, no collusion.

    Trump 2020.

  26. The Democrat nonsense will no doubt continue even after this Mueller Report and Testimony disaster. The party has NOTHING ELSE to offer. They must do everything to distract our attention. What's hiding behind the curtain dealing with Obama/Clinton and rogue Justice Department holdovers is ugly.

    Was hoping someone would have asked Mueller about the role of Andrew Weismann in all of this.

  27. 2:25 Yes! Are we a country of laws or not? The hearings were enlightening as far as most people have not read the report and, therefore, heard exactly what was actually proven during the investigation. I listened because I didn't want someone else interpreting for me. Anyone who listened heard that the person sitting in the oval office obstructed justice several times, lied in his written testimony, tried to profit from a hostile foreign government well into his campaign, and continues to deny that there is any interference in our elections. At what point do we set precedent for acts that are unacceptable for a sitting president? Dont forget Trumpsters, some day there will be someone else leading this country. Do you think they should get away with the shit this guy has? The House Dems need to impeach even though it will go no where in the Senate to set the historic record straight. They should do it quickly, let McConnell kill it and then get on with putting out bills to show what their priorities will be for the country if they are in charge. Then let the people decide.

  28. The Russians want your car.

  29. The Russians want your mother in law.

  30. The Russians want your ice cold beer.


  31. democrats are anti America they should leave and go to one of their great socialist countries and I know that is a racist remark give me a break that's not racist that's joust reality they should get out if they hate the United States The far left liberals will ruin this country if we vote them in. sanctuary cities should be illegal in the states the dems are nothing more than baby killers look at their history all they do is tax and spend vote for them your taxes will go up on all levels of government from school taxes most unfair tax to income taxes

  32. I believe we will actually see a president charged, tried, and convicted of multiple crimes after he has left office. However, that president will be Obama, who no doubt had a hand in the soft coup, weaponizing many government agencies against his opponents in his quest to fundamentally change America.

  33. The Huntress said...
    Yes! Are we a country of laws or not?

    That's the line that Leftists use when trying to attack their political opponents.

    Not so much if you're crossing the border illegally.

  34. While this shitstorm was going on four are charged for a killing that took place over a bottle of hennessey?

  35. Good to see Trump is occupying so much space in there peoples heads-

  36. Both parties agree that Russia attempted to influence the election, as Mueller stated. This has been known for some time; yet, not a single recommendation has come forward to deal with the one - very significant - point of agreement. Wasn't that supposed to be the central point of all of this? Do your jobs.

  37. At 73 he should never have taken the position. He did however bring up the lack of cooperation between the three agencies that should be working together to keep the foreign actors from affecting our election efforts. Maybe Congress will come to it's senses and get these agencies to work together and share information, initiate voter id, remove deceased voters from the rolls, etc. Feel sad that this appearance is how he will be remembered.

  38. Anonymous 10:14 said...

    "Both parties agree that Russia attempted to influence the election, as Mueller stated. This has been known for some time; yet, not a single recommendation has come forward to deal with the one - very significant - point of agreement. Wasn't that supposed to be the central point of all of this? Do your jobs."

    The reality is that the Russian influence amounted to a few thousand dollars worth of FaceBook ads. It was not substantial, and it did not influence the election in any way.

    Russia (and other countries) attempting to undermine our elections is nothing new, and it is not surprising that a few ads got around the system.

    What is new is that one of the major political parties is using the inconsequential ads and their own phony opposition research as a pretext for attacking their political opponents and to willingly undermine the US election system, all for their own political gain.

    In short, they are giving Putin more of a return on his money than he could ever have dreamed of.

  39. It's pathetic that both sides would rather fight for their political parties over that of the #1 problem facing this country...election interference. After all wasn't this purpose for the investigation in the first place?

    There was overwhelmingly ample evidence in this report our election process is being screwed with. Instead of doing something about it we're making each other out to be the enemies within. Talk about freaking stupid!

    The only winners I see here are the nations wishing us harm. That and all the schemers both within and without who stand to profit and gain power while we're diverting our attention from them.

  40. 11:31 AM "they are giving Putin more of a return on his money than he could ever have dreamed of."
    I agree 100%

  41. Mueller said that Trump perhaps could be charged and arrested after he leaves office … A really corrupt man then would decide never to give up office even after his term or constitutional term limit legally expired .. Meaning he would find the way to remain in office … And of course, that would be bad for the nation … It would set off another crisis as if the present situation is all peachy without problems …

  42. LVCI -

    Election interference?

    I would say that's exactly what's been happening right HERE in America . . . beginning during the Obama administration. Obama's Justice Department is who cooked-up the phony Russia connections to Trump in the very early stages of Trump's campaign!

    The failed coup d'etat (that's what this hoax was) was a massive Democrat Party dirty tricks operation.

    It really IS time to "investigate the investigators." You actually know what's coming in a couple months, I'm sure.

  43. 1:37 PM-- Election interference?
    Who knows maybe Russia will back Biden the next time. Then who ya gonna blame?

  44. The Mueller squeal is just not as good as the first one where he sold us the Iraq war. That was a hoot.

  45. The poor partisan Democrats have gone from pathetic to desperate.

  46. Is Mueller a confused old man or did we just witness a great acting job?

  47. ANONYNOUS jULY 25 4.32 pm

    No it does not diminish me … I expect this President to peacefully relinquish his office if defeated by his opponent from the other side in January 2021 or if re-elected in January 2025 … I have not called Trump corrupt because I deal with important issues that need to be corrected and re-solved if we can, not red-herring issues , but obviously there are those who would call him corrupt whether their assessment in fact is correct or not-correct … And if in reality he is not corrupt then some of the agitation is simply political … … What should be appointed out is that I made comment about what is being discussed using my name … I did not withhold my name as my criticizer did in his or her judgment about me. Did you know that one democratic commissioner once said to me that he did not attempt to appoint me to the Lehigh County Commissioners when their was an opening because he said that the Republican Commissioner would not vote for me for that seat when they knew I was more qualified then the one they appointed at the time … It took them awhile to vote for someone but my name was never brought up for a vote … No my comment here did not diminish me .. It is they who essentially did me wrong are the one whom diminished themselves … My citizen involvement was motivated to do work for what was really the right position … not the politically conceived right position which not always was right

  48. Democratic Party has been hijacked thru carefully orchestrated group of anti Americans known as a Justice Democrats. Check out their backgrounds if you don’t believe this. Their mission is disruption & creating discontent to overthrough the America we love.

  49. The truth can be a powerful force. The Republicans used it effectively yesterday.

  50. The idea that Trump could stay in the White House longer than five minutes of constitutionally approved time is too ridiculous to address.
    We have entered the Loony Tune Zone.

  51. Both corporate parties serve the donor class.

  52. For decades the Republicans claimed that the Democrats were raising out national debt. Now the Republicans are doing that very same thing and have no problem with it. I am curious to see how Pat Toomey votes on the bill to raise the debt ceiling. I really hope the Trump supporters, in particular the ones from the local Tea Party or NRA have local rallies to support Trump. It will give me a chance to attend and spit in their faces.

    1. That is so loving and tolerant, it radiates the core of the unhinged: Orange Man Bad.

      If you are going to spit on someone pick a man in motorcycle leathers and please have someone video the outcome to post on YouTube.

  53. "The truth can be a powerful force. The Republicans used it effectively yesterday."

    The Republicans were just as idiotic as the Democrats. If the Teapublicans were such great believers in the truth, they would have distanced themselves from Trump along time ago.

    1. Bernie, truth be told both parties are dead! The thing is is Left first or Right, currently Right is tight and Left is loose.
      WE The People seem to be fighting a losing battle with the profiteers being the political parasites ruining this great nation of fighters. They have us arguing and bickering while we should stand together.

  54. "The truth can be a powerful force. The Republicans used it effectively yesterday."

    I agree.

    The truth is at it's apex of power when used to but forth a false narrative.

  55. "It will give me a chance to attend and spit in their faces."

    Today's Tolerant Democratic Party

  56. Russia interference is mostly bullshit, their ads mostly were to gauge public opinion, the charges against the Russian, so called hackers, actually had lawyers show up to have a trial,and Mueller pulled the plug, it is now a dead issue. It was a publicity stunt pure and simple. His investigation attempted and was successful at destroying anyone who supported Trump, starting with Flynn. Paul Manifort is still in solitary confinement. If this was anyone else there would be real outrage.

  57. I fear the Democrats are going to blow the 2020 election. What do they stand for, what is their current platform; open borders, legalization of drugs and prostitution? Once Trump starts running ads of Democratic Party Leadership (i.e. The Squad) telling America to be afraid of white men etc., I think the election will be over and for the second straight time the Democratic Party will have given us 4 years of Trump. Perhaps as demographics continue to shift, The Squad will be running the country in another 20-30 years, but all they are doing right now is helping Trump win.

  58. 8:01 is correct. The Democrat Party has been overrun by radical hard leftists. Their message is not a winning one in the eyes of most productive Americans. Now, add in the now exposed, failed coup attempt to undermine our system of government and justice.

    Hope you notice the Mueller Investigation totally ignored how it all started, who started it, and use of foreign operatives by the Democrat Party. Then, it's pretty obvious Mueller was used as a figurehead to legitimize the plan.

    Big question is, will anyone of these plotters be held accountable? Maybe not. At least, each voter can try to do their part.

  59. "From Allentown to Washington D.C. it’s a rotting hulk where the people’s government should be.
    We need a revolution.
    Soon would be good.
    Very soon.
    The sooner the better."

    July 25, 2019 at 12:30 AM

    All a revolution does it bring you back to where you started, "one revolution" It's not a change as much as a vicious cycle and usually re-starts with the intellectuals dead.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.