Local Government TV

Monday, July 01, 2019

McClure First Pa. Elected Official To Endorse Kamala Harris

NorCo Exec Lamont McClure has endorsed Kamala Harris for President. He did so on Friday, in the wake of a strong debate performance by Harris in Miami.

"Kamala Harris is best positioned to lead our country into the future without fear,” said McClure. “Kamala understands the fate of this great nation, relies upon a strong, vibrant, well funded universal public education system, and she's making it a top priority. Her time as an assistant district attorney, District Attorney and Attorney General of our largest state gives me the confidence that she has the executive experience to reclaim our global leadership, and her record as a Senator assures me she will not neglect the middle class.”

I believe she did a great job, but remain undecided at this juncture. My favorites are Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren (believe it or not) and Harris.

I will say this. Every single one of the candidates claimed to want to help working families. Yet every single one of them raised their hands when asked of health care should be available to everyone, including immigrants who sneak into this country. That's a recipe to re-elect Trump.


  1. Who knew McClure was a supporter o9f Wildman Willie Brown

  2. Yeah, I pay 10000 for my affordable care act plan with a 7500 deductible. But, an illegal immigrant will get an even better policy for nothing. Defeat the Democrats. Their position is absurd.

  3. 5.27
    " illegal immigrant will get an even better policy for nothing"
    kindly show that policy as it does seem to be on the Federal sites.
    When we toss kids into dog cages we get to supply healthcare that is the way the law works.Using a crowbar to end the coughing of the kid is not allowed.
    Besides we supply healthcare to the prisoners in Gitmo so on a moral level helping a kid get rid of the flu should be easy.

    As to your individual healthcare costs ask Comrade trump where his fantastic healthcare plan is.
    He had plenty of time and his party ran both the House and Senate yet he did not deliver.
    Comrade trump should show some leadership along with his so called "deal making" skills and have your cost problem solved riki-tik.

  4. she will ruin the country even worse than Obama did--she is so far left she is out of this country

  5. Comrade Trump kisses up to brutal murderous dictator who is his “dear friend” . Can the Trumpies explain that one ?

  6. the democrats want to give free medical to illegals that alone should be against the law the dems are baby killers and communist socialist they are anti america

  7. Isn't she the one who ....

    Yeah. She is. What a mess. Typical McClure.

  8. "when asked of health care should be available to everyone, including immigrants who sneak into this country"

    So when the illegal Irish kid shows up at the hospital with a burst appendix what do you want them to do.
    1)the kid is illegal so toss her ass into this specially maga red colored dumpster?
    2)treat the kid as morality and common decency is more important.

    Pretty much boils down to those two choices.
    As an added bonus how do you know whether the kid is illegal or not?
    planning on verifying citizenship before treatment?
    all brown folks are suspect?
    Wonder how many white illegal Irish kids are put into dog cages?
    Kinda doubt it happens after all those are White kids and if they were sobbing to see their Mom that would just not go over well on tv.


  9. I was impressed by her and think she would put Trump in his place. She's no nut, but is a tough prosecutor and you folks will spew lies and disinformation about her as she rises in the polls.

    I am undecided at this juncture. I still like Buden and Warren and am also impressed by Castro as well as Harris.

  10. 6.17
    you forgot controlled by demons and or lizard people along with something about a basement in a pizza shop.
    As to your beliefs please keep expressing those views as it allows moderates and Democrats to realize exactly who their opponents are.
    Your voice will make a difference

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Mr. McClure now thinks he is this important of his opinion. What a tool. He to will be a one termer.

  13. I have no obligation to allow lies or disinformation.

  14. " He to will be a one termer."

    ... says someone who does not know the difference between "to" and "too".

  15. Agree - McClueless is a one termer! Can't wait to see them packing and out the door.

  16. omg i can't believe that! she is nothing more than a fake that will say anything to get elected....lets take care of our own people who are homeless and those who go without healthcare right here in the U.S.A. give me freakin break!Besides the way she treated Judge Kavanaugh was enough for me to never ,ever vote DEMOCRAT again!

  17. 5:59 Trump was on his way to a guaranteed loss because of his failures to fix health care. Health care was the number one issue in 2016 and is the number one issue in 2020. But, the Democratic fix, to give everyone Medicare and extend healthcare to illegals, is not a fix. It’s la la land. Guarantees Trump’s re election. Something I don’t want, but stupid policy choices by the Dems will kill their chances. At this point I,who hates Trump, has no other choice but to vote for him.

  18. If you think O'bama set back race relations if Harris gets in we will go back to the 60's

  19. I think Obama was very positive for race relations. Young black men like my grandson grew up seeing a black man in the White House who was both eloquent and high-minded. That's what bothers you. You are afraid.

  20. Obama sent race relations back decades! Your grandson needs a better role model. All lives matter. Black, white, cop, blogger....

  21. I could see it myself. He has far more self-esteem than he would have had growing up with Donald Trump at the helm. I see this in his friends, too. So you are wrong.

  22. Obama divided the country after running as someone to bring people together. Harris treatment of Kavanaugh & typical arrogant lawyer attitude will do her in in the general election. Not to mention her communist agenda.

  23. The election of Obama hardened the racists that still exist, as I am sure you know. But he also inspired many young blacks, as I am sure you don't know. In the Kavanaugh hearing, she blew it, I agree. But she has no Communist or even socialist agenda. You are speaking nonsense borne out of ignorance of her positions.

  24. Barrack Obama built those “dog cages”.

    1. And Ronald Reagon opened up the borders.

  25. Uncle Joe has had so much plastic surgery his own mother wouldn’t recognize him.
    No doubt it will be helpful when it’s finally time to embalm the man.
    How low can it be?
    Warren is a politician who will promise anything to anyone for a vote, but you gotta admit that it would be cool to have an Indian in the White House.
    If you liked Hil you’re gonna love Kammy.
    Hillary 2.0.
    Then there’s Really Show Donny.
    What an absolutely farcical substitute for democracy.
    Feckin joke.

  26. Harris has the most to offer.
    What’s not to love about IDENTITY POLITICS?

  27. Democrats have a great platform that will make this country great again..

  28. This country is a joke.

  29. I am supporting Mayor Pete.
    A homosexual POTUS would make my gay nephew feel great.

  30. Way too early to endorse anyone. The fun has only begun! IMHO

  31. I'm hoping for a Harris/Warren ticket. Harris' debate performance really impressed me. I look forward to her debating Trump (unless he refuses to participate, which I can see happening).

  32. It's typical party politics. He's making a low-risk early bet. If she wins nationally and in NORCO (an key county in 2016), he gets a job in her administration. There's no other reason to endorse; certainly this early. NORCO Ds interested in supporting any alternative have just been shot in the ass. You have your marching orders. It's Harris.

  33. Harris is a neoliberal establishment Dem in the Clinton mold with some reasonably good debate skills and cross examination techniques.
    If you are a disappointed Hillary Clinton fan Harris should make you quite pleased.
    Trump/Clinton dark.
    This country is so f@%ked.

  34. Harris.
    I thought Trump was as low as the county could go.
    God save us.

  35. Harris has been the insider favorite all along. Political pimps run the country from the bottom to the top.

  36. Harris has been the party insider pick from the beginning. This race was over before it started. Bernie Sanders knows how that works. It'll be different this time, though. Harris will easily defeat Trump. She'll win the popular vote by more than Hillary did. Trump won't pull off the miraculous PA/MI/WI trifecta again, especially if midterms were any indication. He's going to be beaten soundly in the Electoral College this time. We are going to have our first female president. She's a fraud and her politics are left-wing crazy. Most know of her tawdry relationship with Willie Brown. It doesn't matter. She's going to win - easily.

  37. Until she's forced to talk about any CURRENT plans she has for school busing.

    Can you imagine how those limo liberals in Bucks and Montgomery county would react to their precious flowers being bused into Phily? Heck, how about all those folks with "Hate has no home here" signs in Parkland and East Penn being told their kids are being bused into Allentown.

  38. the democratic platform: no border health insurance for illegals get rid of ice sanctuary cities kill babies more and more taxes free everything the democratic controlled cities are good examples if Bernie deletes you know why he is ashamed of their platfoem

  39. The Democrats has no party platform for the 2020 election at this time, to suggest that they do is either to be misinformed or lying

  40. It’s really really difficult to say which political party has the dumbest partisans.

  41. Did mclure vow too wear a burka in his following off the cliff into the pits of hell?

  42. Harris’ personal life is irrelevant unless there is some other kind of ethical lapse.you Trump supporters should know better. Frankly, I find many of the attacks are sexist and would not be made if she were a he.

  43. 5.35
    "She was in bed with Willie Brown, literally"--so what?

    what she did then was carried out in the open and reported on at the time.
    smears like that accomplish nothing but show that some folks are scared of powerful women.

  44. With a field this wide and at this early stage, an assessment that Kamala Harris is the BEST solution for the democratic party, is premature at the very least. It serves more to pin points exactly the type of Democrat McClure is and it will certainly influence my vote.

    I commend McClure, certainly not for his decisions, but for his disclosure. It's helpful.

  45. 9:28 so you are a product of who you are based on the president during your formative years. I never heard you talk so stupid in your life. I , my persona, is not defined, shaped or influenced based on who is president. But you dumb ass liberals have to blame someone or something.

  46. "All lives matter. Black, white, cop, blogger...."

    July 1, 2019 at 9:21 AM"

    Somewhere during the Johnson administration I began to suspect, what was confirmed at least for me by the Nixon administration, that my life doesn't matter, least not to anyone who matters. I thought most people learn this going through puberty.

  47. Heaven forbid anyone discusses the real story of O'Hare's mancrush McClure's candidate Harris. Ole Willie Brown followers know the facts.

  48. Anonymous @ July 1, 2019 at 6:01 PM said...

    "... but show that some folks are scared of powerful women."

    No, it only shows the facts about KH and nothing about fear of powerful women. That assumption is you're own opinion and judgment. Why is it that when anyone mentions any factual data on any group (or any person associated with that group) considered "marginalized" in today's world they are thought of by some as "scared of powerful women", racist, homophobic, misogynistic, or many other "ists" and "ics"? It really is off-putting. I guess I am scared of powerful women too.

  49. Anonymous @ July 1, 2019 at 6:01 PM said...

    "... but show that some folks are scared of powerful women."

    No, it only shows the facts about KH and nothing about fear of powerful women. That assumption is your own opinion and judgment. Why is it that when anyone mentions any factual data on any group (or any person associated with that group) considered "marginalized" in today's world they are thought of by some as "scared of powerful women", racist, homophobic, misogynistic, or many other "ists" and "ics"? It really is off-putting. I guess I am scared of powerful women too.

  50. 10.30
    And the purpose for sharing this fact at this time serves what aim.?
    This "fact" helps in what way?
    The "fact" is an attempt to smear her.
    it may be off-putting to you to have your "fact" called a smear,reality often intrudes like that.

  51. July 2, 2019 at 4:45 PM

    I guess you were responding to me. I did use my name and was not anonymous.

    "what she did then was carried out in the open and reported on at the time."

    I suppose the "aim" of sharing that "fact" at this time may serve the same purpose as KH's sharing of JB's past did at the debate. I'm not sure why you have facts in quotes since you did not deny the truth of the claims. Perhaps it is debatable that such information is relevant, but it doesn't make them any less true. For some, her past, the fact she had an affair with a married man, no matter the justification, would be a dealbreaker. Just as KH believes that JB's past history regarding his busing voting record should be a dealbreaker. It may have nothing to do with being scared of a powerful woman. One good smear deserves another. Oh, and the fun has just begun!


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