Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

I'll Chime in on Democratic Debates Tomorrow

I missed the first hour of last night's debate among 10 Democratic Presidential contenders. I will catch that first hour today and tell you what I think of both debates tomorrow. From the hour I did see, I was very impressed. The moderators were much better, and so were most of the candidates. A passionate Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders pitted their views against John Delaney, who contrasted "real solutions" with "impossible promises."

Delaney, who said the wealthy should pay more and is worth $65 million himself, pointed out that raising the capital gains tax makes mores sense than Warren's wealth tax.


  1. I missed the first “debate”.
    I thought that the moderators were just terrible.
    I can’t imagine them being worse.

  2. No need to chime in. Trump's gonna wipe the floor with any one of these lunatics. They've all gone off the deep end.

  3. Williamson was right in everything she said. She does not have a chance but her words are true. The nation has to look at itself in the mirror of reality and not the fog of self-absorbed illusion. At this point in our history we are unable to do so.

  4. I liked her. They all impressed me. After the first debate, I did not think that would happen.

  5. Wait...Everyone loves their private insurance? Really? Just a matter of time until Republicans start calling people "squadies" because they are not praising the private, for profit insurance. Next, they will be calling you a Socialist because you don't pay homage to wall street speculators. America is tired of this LYING President and the silent enablers who fall in line. America is far better than what the Republican party is offering. GOP - Greedy Old Party.

  6. I saw test group tracking showing Independents recoiled at Bernie's racism charges against Trump. Time to shut that crap down. It's clearly a backfire issue with those who'll decide this election.

    And is anything that requires another's labor, toil, and sacrifice really a human right? I don't think so. Starting your argument from a false premise will get you nowhere and not lead to real solutions. Bernie is a very wealthy hack who's not offering anything realistic. He looked like a caricature of himself played by Larry David. I'm glad his moment has apparently passed - even in his own party.

  7. Our president is Still a Racist no matter how you slice it. Time to course correct this Historic Failure. Republicans only path to winning is a Divded American.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. A bad game show on a tasteless set with moderation from rude bobble headed dopes.
    Trial by T.V.
    This is what now passes for a “debate”?
    This is how the most powerful primate in the world is selected?

    God help us.

  10. According to those who viewed it, NO American Flag displayed on stage. But, there's hope. No one saw someone kneeling during the National Anthem.

  11. Funny. News sites, both liberal and Republican, as well as HOLLYWOOD, mocked and criticized the debates and moderators. But Bernie liked. Hmm? And I'm to believe him calling Trump supporters racists.

  12. &6:03AM/6:31AM
    Could you please just do one long comment, and thank you for your consistent presentations of party-line talking points.

  13. Has anyone seen Zaire Wheeler lately? Is this the constables son?

  14. Bad news, fellas.
    Don Lenon is engaged
    He’s off the market.
    Eat your heart out.

  15. Does anyone really take this seriously?

  16. I do, and was very impressed by the hour I did see.

  17. I don't see how any Democrat candidate who says they will take our income tax brackets back up to what they were before can win. At least not with those who receive earned income from an employer.

  18. 12:11
    Pleeeease. We got a few dollars more in our paychecks last year. Expect to get less back next year and you'll be paying much more at the end of Trump's tax revision. The ones that see an increase are the millionaires. Get your head out of the sand.

  19. Bernie, with all the memes out there would you show a few with your article please?

  20. Sit more people on the wagon then pushing it! It won't move. What else besides free college and health care can they offer? Free Free Free

  21. I hate to admit it because I benefit from it, but it is true that the very favorable capital gains tax first put in with GW Bush should be raised. It was re-upped under Obama, and then again under Trump. The wealthy benefit greatly from it - as Delaney said "it is insane to tax investment income less than wage income."

  22. This debate was way better than the ones last month. Hopefully tonight's will be too, and we can move this ship along and whittle the field down.

  23. 1:10 - EVERY tax bracket was lowered. Besides earned income, that includes savings on Social Security, 401k, and IRA withdrawals, plus on savings bank interest. Standard Deduction was doubled.

    MOST Americans realized a nice boost. Sorry you did not.

    In my case it was $3500 last year and at least that amount for each of the planned next 8 years. So, more than $25,000. I won't risk losing that relief by voting for any Democrat who wants to revert back.

  24. "it is insane to tax investment income less than wage income."

    Yeah, why encourage people to invest.

    Of course, I suppose such folks could complain about "double taxation", you know, like all those rich folks in blue states who lost their SALT deductions under the new tax law.

  25. "it is insane to tax investment income less than wage income."

    Then lower income taxes. It's insane to tax income and penalize the productive for actually ......... working. Just ask guys who were looking for days off at the end of last year to avoid getting whacked for Obamacare. A system that disincentivizes work is insane.

  26. Since when does a reporter actually have to get first hand information before they have an opinion about it? Come on, Bernie...

  27. Trumps fighting to free a black rapper. He's about to execute a white supremacist. Black unemployment is at historical lows. He's pushing criminal justice reform that most directly affects black families. Trump's rather shitty at being a racist.

  28. It was a clown show with moderation by rude witless morons.
    I would have supported any of the clowns that told the moderators to fuck off.

  29. The most powerful person in the world chosen by the 30 second sound bite.
    This is a workable system to address the critical issues that the world faces?

  30. Just when I feel down in the dumps about Trump's re-election chances, along comes the Democrat debate and things look suddenly brighter.


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