Local Government TV

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Rudiger Martinez: Baby Boomers Worst Generation in History of Mankind

NorCo employee employee Rudiger Lyle Martinez is back at work again. His latest suspension has something to do with clogged toilets, but he declines to say exactly what happened. He did tell me that we baby boomers are the worst generation in existence. "As you try to claw your way out of your graves, I will pour Scott's Turf Builder all over it to erase any evidence you ever existed."

Martinez has previously me that I'm a shitty blogger because no one has ever assassinated me.

I agree.

Now I suspect a large number of my readers are boomers. He says we all suck because we inherited the most secure and prosperous nation the world has ever seen, and all we have to show for it is Sean Hannity and Hillary.

He also complains that we spend all our money so we can live an extra six months.

He describes millennials as the grandchildren of our first wives.


  1. You know, this guy seems like a doofus, but he's not wrong.

  2. The new Whaaa generation of the easily offended by everything has to blame someone for their inability to get their shit together. Stop whining and move on.

  3. *beep beep*
    *beep beep*

    Either my lie detector is broken or I'm not finding any lies...

  4. He proves that even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  5. @3:47 If our generation is the "Whaaa" generation, you're the generation that taught us to be this way.

    In reality though I work with a lot of millenials, boomers, gen x, etc. The boomers are easily the laziest one. They like to complain about millenials more than actually doing any work. The irony and lack of cognitive dissonance is astounding.

  6. This kid listens to Chapo Trap House and just repeats it. 10 years ago it would have been the Daily Show feeding him his talking points. While his point is valid he is a idiot.

  7. I’m pretty sure Rudiger is conservative. I did not get into how he slammed us over abortion.

  8. Their parents were the Greatest Generation. The Boomers will eventually be known as the Greediest Generation. Complaining about how soft and lazy Millennials and Gen X are is rich coming from a crowd that was given so much by their parents, then when it was their turn to sacrifice and invest in the future just looked for ways to profit and benefit themselves.

  9. Sounds like a lot of folks here have mommy and daddy issues.

  10. Economically, Baby Boomers sold us down the river to the Military Industrial Complex that the Greatest Generation created before them. Every generation dines and dashes on the unsuspecting next one. The Greatest Generation sent 68,000 of its sons to die in a senseless war. We actually have building and museums and airports named after Kennedy and Johnson and Nixon. The Greatest Generation were a bunch of greedy heartless shits, as it turns out. The one they spawned is just taking their fill and repeating the lessons of its parents. Gen X and Millenials have doubled the debt in 10 years and are repeating history, as well. No generation is special. We all suck.

  11. Bernie these catch line phrases about different generations histerical, in all people there are the givers and takers! There is no in between just the different venues in there ways about acheiving there destiny good, bad and indifferent. Some early life takers become givers in later life as most people realize there tactiks were wrong and was only prepairing there place in the O circles and eventually hell, and than tere are those that like the idea of pitch forks shoved in there asses!
    Just redd

  12. @11:43

    Millennials aren't in power. Where are you getting the idea that they are in control? The government we have now is the government that boomers want and boomers built.

  13. No, millennials aren't in power yet, but the preliminary data is not encouraging...


  14. If young people gave a shit, they wouldn't have supported the team that shanghaied them on health insurance. Old people vote. Young people don't and get left the bill. It's a story as old as our democracy. Do unto others while they're napping.

  15. May 30, 2019 at 11:43 AM Anonymous said...No generation is special.

    That quote sums it up quite well. Each have some who make a effort and others pointing fingers why things are the way they are because it's somebody else's fault. Everything is the way it is because it represents a composite of all our age groups. A bunch of old farts in Congress don't get reelected year after year because of seniors alone. Neither do the young ideologues entering congress by the youth vote alone.

    Each decade presents new challenges for the next generation. The Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan wars, black and gay rights to name a few. Sitting around bitching about one generation or the other is a colossal waste of time.

  16. The first generation that calls bullshit on endless wars waged by the political class for the benefit of their donors, will write a new history for this country. The revolution will be live streamed.

  17. LVCI coming in with that big brain centrism.

  18. 3:16

    "The revolution will be live-streamed"

    Yeah, right after posting a picture of their lunch.

  19. Here UP county we have a saying- "If you want to act like a turd go lay in the yard." Find this turd a place out on the courthouse lawn-

  20. WE have always been a divided country since before the revolution. Generational tension is a fact of life. Go to bed old man, get a job young punk. It is all the same.

    Until people unite to see who or whom is really pulling the strings and playing us, we will continually play this game.

    Endless wars mean endless profits just as letting a few fight them means no real national resistance or outrage. Waving the flag for everything from fertilizer to wall street will always make some very rich and powerful and most nibbling on the crumbs fighting the mouse next to them.

  21. Live streamed.... too funny. Who is going to be doing the revolting if everyone is watching the live stream or doing the streaming. A few satellites gone and you clowns and your cellys will have no idea how to act or react.

  22. The revolution will be Snapchatted with cat face filters. Think Abraham LinkedIn.

  23. *throws tomato at 8:22*

  24. *Catches tomatoes and then starts making a sauce that smell delicious but I'm not going to let you have any*

  25. Boomers sucked and millennials currently suck. Gen X is the forgotten but least f-ed up generation. The generation currently coming to power ....

  26. The first generation that calls bullshit on endless wars waged by the political class for the benefit of their donors, will write a new history for this country. The revolution will be live streamed.

    Im on board with this sentiment however this guy was watching Barnie when the towers fell. They have no idea what they speak.

  27. He’s right, and I’m a baby boomer!


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