Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

NorCo's 2019 Primary: What the Campaign Finance Reports Tell Me

A week from today, Northampton County voters will elect candidates for various municipal offices, from school boards to county council. Pre-primary finance reports were due Friday. This is what they tell me.

District Attorney's Race. - Terry Houck ($68,685) has raised twice as much money as Nuria DiLuzio ($26,880). Houck has used his money to send out seven mailers to Democrats. DiLuzio has sent none. Both candidates are heavily financed by unions.

On the Republican side, Tom Carroll has already spent $11,000 even though he has no opponent. His campaign contributors include Tricia Mezzacappa, who defended mass murderer Rockne Newell as a victim of government oppression.

Easton Mayoral race. - Taiba Sultan is a day late and a few thousand dollars short. She's fighting an uphill battle against entrenched incumbent Sal Panto, and forgot to file her campaign finance report on time. The hurried one submitted on Monday is mathematically challenged. She claims to have raised $1,500, giving her a total of $6,506.72. She fails to state how much she had on hand before raising money. She did loan herself $5,000.

Sultan is making great use of Facebook, a cheap yet effective way to target voters.

Panto is keeping his race low budget. He raised $89,750, but spent only $1,488.

NorCo Council - With no opponent, Kevin Lott raised $31,725. Why? Because he can, I suppose. Most of his money comes from the trade unions, where Kevin spent his career as a carpenter. God, I wonder how much he could have raised if he had an opponent.


  1. Why would Lott raise over $30K for an unopposed election? He is not just unopposed, he is also unopposed because he is a big labor president, no dem would dare run against him. In Bethlehem, no republican can win. That is really sad. There are candidates who could use that money but the left labor leaders has found a new secret weapon. They will just have labor leaders themselves run for office and no democrat will dare run against them in the demo party. People will feel obligated to write big checks.

    In fairness to the guy, why does Panto, Donchez, Boscola and others constantly fund raise tons of cash for races they never have?

  2. Sultan promise an end to racism, transgenderphobia and world hunger. She supports World Peace and a $15 minimum wage.
    She is not an old white man.
    “I’m with Sultan.”

    1. Don't forget all the freebies! Free college! Free food! Get a check in the mail for not working! Free health care! Free housing! Please tell us who is gonna pay for it?

    2. Dont forget Nuria is going to rehab the drug addicts, counsel mentally I'll offenders, work on bail redorm, shes creating pilot programs, end the pipeline from school to prison whatever the hell that means, give tools to young offenders for whatever reason, shes going to bring the strength of other people with her into office...WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS IDIOT NURIA TALKING ABOUT. Now I know why they call Nuria Dillusional because she is and anyone who votes for he is just as Dillusional.

  3. Bernie, I say that Easton voters will only step up - 1,750 times in this primary. Students at the college are pack n their trash to hit the road shortly,so Evan with that ,3rd ward Easton will still (probably )produce most votes. Mayor is not sleeping here,he’s been ubiquitous in both his presence and on FB . There are still some unknowns ,

  4. A vote for Panto is a vote for the Caucasian patriarchy. The rules are set up to protect the good old white boys and keep women and people of color, out. "I'm with Sultana."

    Also, Sal is utterly unelectable outside of Easton, where he'll be mayor until he's shitting his Depends. He's like an unindicted Pawlowski. When the music finally stops, does he (or his heirs) get to keep all the donor loot he's amassed? He says he doesn't need money. But he sure acts like he needs the money. What's the law?

  5. Bethlehem Campaign Finance Reports are online. You can view them here: https://bethlehem-pa.gov/citycouncil/candidates/index.html

    A couple of observations:

    1. Elitist Doctor Van Wirt is self-funding. Seems hypocritical that she champions campaign finance reform, but since she has the ability to self-fund has no problem getting her signs and mailers out when non-elitists who run don't have that ability.

    2. Will Carpenter received 90% of his raised funds from the special interest known as Steve and Barbara Diamond. Carpenter is also an elitist and loaned his campaign significant money.

    3. Bob Donchez and Willie Reynolds buried the hatchet. $2,000 from Bob to Willie. Willie also raised a significant amount from the unions and some local landlords/building owners.

    4. Carol Ritter is getting broad support from business owners and even some developers.

    5. Bryan Callahan is trying to buy some love from the far-left with campaign donations.

    6. Bob Donchez is supporting some Rs with campaign donations in Lehigh County, and is Colon's single biggest contributor.

    7. Grace Crampsie Smith is mostly funded by friends and family, and some unions. A true grassroots campaign.

    8. Dave Saltzer could not be bothered to file a timely report with the City.

  6. someone does not like the war on opiods . Heard a recent FOIA request to the DEA turned up an eye popping number of narcotics prescribed by the Doc turned politico.

  7. Van Wirt and Will Carpenter are running together! Two Historic Bethlehem Elitist who didn't grow up here and finance their own campaigns while trying to limit everyone else from raising funds to compete against them. That sounds fair.........NOT!

  8. Bring in New Blood. Ritter and Crampsie-Smith are fresh faces with no predetermined agendas!

  9. Don't know for sure if it's true but I heard there is a guy who is Sultan's husband running against MDJ Daniel Carpora? I've seen signs on the south side of Easton.

  10. Most political parasites go in with no agenda designs, but than just like most lawyers corruption and greed incubates in there souls like a killer virus!

  11. Panto is greatly disliked on College Hill because of his unwavering support for Lafayette College and all the problems it causes for the local residents. The citizens of West Ward fear for their lives and South Side feels unforgotten and the residents downtown have to constantly worry about the brown-shirted thugs from the parking authority.

  12. Real estate values are up substantially in Easton . Look to see how many south side transfers. In April. . The citizens of West Ward that can obtain gun permits should apply. You people that live there can drive them out if you have hair on your balls. The city should make a commications line for tips better and when somebody moves in they should be vetted . This issue would not happen in my neighborhood because I’m retired ,nosy and a Marine that look over my neighbor in their Absents at work .The crud comes here they are on notice ASAP. So The Mayor is instigated with the issue too. I have personally driven some freeloaders out of my neighborhood in the past. You have to be assertive.

  13. Odd comments about weapons and ammo. This isn't the first time, it's all the time. What do they say, see something , say something.

  14. Sorry,I don’t mean anything assultive ,only as personal and household defense. Yes say something and the Easton Police Officer of the year has the right stuff.

  15. Armed vigilantes roaming the neighborhood? This is offensive to people of color. Who gives anyone the right to escort "the wrong people" out of the neighborhood. This is very provocative Most people with guns will generally shoot themselves trying to use them. Leave it to the trained an professional police.

  16. Nobody said armed vigilantes, .Is it not true that some folks in the West Ward fear for their lives? Well I’d be uncomfortable up there on Ferry street right now . Some people don’t have the luxury to pack out of their homes and move. They are stuck and some are afraid to call the police and “have no relationship with any police “ to reach out to them. Look At Baltimore right now ,it’s the people of color that are good hard working folks who are being restricted from protecting themselves and their family because of serious 2nd Admemdment infringements.And,your right on the money. Good day .

  17. Ritter and Crampsie-Smith are fresh faces? They certainly will be fresh to council, since you'd be hard pressed to find a meeting that one of them attended. They could have no predetermined agenda, or they could just be candidates that someone on council talked into running in order to secure to back their own votes. And speaking of campaign finance reports, why was Callahan spending $1000 on Celeste Dee in his January and nearly $1500 at the Lehigh Valley Print Center. He's not up for reelection this year. Is he funding someone else's campaign?

  18. 1:13 you must have a crystal ball. Take a look at Ritter’ s 24 hour late campaign report up on the Bethlehem webpage today. $4000 from Bryan Callahan- $500 from a Ronca- that in addition to the $1000 already given by developer Dennis Benner- now that’s a great way to set up a puppet!

  19. Sorry you readers I mean to postmyname every time Anon5: 19 was me. —Issue is that we need to protect our neighborhood s block by block.Our ability to submit “possible isssues” needs substantial improvements. The residents have to believe if they “tip the police “ that it will not return to them somehow. So- I beleave that most people will not turn in any information because they may not “trust the police department “ to keep it under the raps. So -they do nothing. Code violations are a big start with appentee Land Lords . , it’s stuff like ‘‘tis and and registering as a resident is how I have personally driven people out of my neighborhood for years. It’s not guns or intimidation it’s a tax bill.

  20. The sad thing about campaign contributions is the game that gets played. For example, public official A has a great name, great connections and gets a lot of money. Official A has no current race or opponent. Candidate B wants to get elected. A cuts a deal with B to make B their minion once in office. Official A transfers a lot of money from their account to candidate B's account and bang, you get mailers, buttons, etc.,. Legal yes, ethical you decide. People giving to public Official A, may not realize that you have created a funding machine and your money ends up with caudate B.

    You want examples of this? just look at the Bethlehem council races.

  21. Wondering if any Bethlehem co-op "investors" are having second thoughts now that it looks like their chief fundraiser Carol Ritter is a puppet for Callahan?

  22. Carol is the best candidate for council. She is real and honest. Bryan Callahan supports her because he knows she will be a good voice for Bethlehem because she is from Bethlehem. Unlike Van Wirt and Carpenter. They want to bring the New York elitistism to Bethlehem. Both were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. And Carpenter is taking some liberties regarding his work experience. Guy got fired from Aldi and never worked with developers.

  23. Oh yeah, that makes sense: if you never leave Bethlehem, you'll know what's best for it. Maybe if people who are from Bethlehem sometimes left Bethlehem, they'd learn something about how other places do things and bring back some real wisdom. This place is so insular and parochial, it's no wonder it can't figure how to effectively protect it cultural, community, and environmental capital without giving half of it away to developers. Good ole Pay-to-Play Carol has definitely indicated who she's going to stand with on development issues. We don't need a Callahan stooge on council. If Carol ever went to a meeting before deciding to run for Council she may have figured out that she's siding with someone who is stuck in the past and really should be running as a republican. I don't know anything about Carpenter's jobs, but I'm not sure why I would believe what you say about him. It sounds like the same kind of BS people tried to stir up about Van Wirt when she first ran. Is calling her an elitist the best you can do at this point. She does have a record, and one she's perfectly capable of defending. She's by far the clearest and most articulate person on council, and she consistently insists on transparency and thoughtfulness while most others just want everyone to take their word for it while their developer buddies make out like bandits and the blow up buildings to create hideous urban sprawl to compete with our actual historic district businesses. That's brilliant!

  24. 6:21 ...Carol Ritter was born and raised in Bethlehem. Van Wirt and Carpenter have no idea where and what Bethlehem has been through. This city was going under like many other rust belt cities and because of great leadership by Mayor Cunningham, Mayor Callahan and Mayor Donchez and many different City Council members.....this city not only survived, we thrived. Leadership is not stoking fear in it's residents...it's standing up for whats right,
    even when the majority at that time was not yet on board.

  25. 6:21 is Van Wirt! She and her husband fled Virginia Beach! Now they want to tell Bethlehem how messed up the City is! Why did she move here if its so bad?

  26. Van Wirt's problem is that she is out of touch with the average Bethlehem citizen---citizen, not voter. In a city of nearly 70,000 people, 3,500 people will vote on Tuesday (and that may be high). Because someone like Van Wirt may win, she and her supporters will believe that they have a mandate. But the fact is that most people in the City don't know or care who she is, or care about her issues. (And that goes for most of the council) Most people in Bethlehem are concerned with paying their rent and feeding their children, or they are living on a fixed income and wondering how to pay for the tax increases Van Wirt and her colleagues support each year without question. Van Wirt acts like a progressive champion, but in reality, could care less about progressive issues. She is concerned with protecting her supporters' concerns and the sanctity of the historic district. Whatever the problems of the average citizen in Bethlehem, I can tell you that Paige Van Wirt and Will Carpenter are not concerned with solving it.

  27. That all makes sense of you think that giveaways to developers is "what's right" and want to criticize someone with no actual data or record of decisions to back it up. Fiscal responsibility is the first step in dealing with the "average citizen's" concerns, yet Van Wirt is the one actually doing things to shed light on questionable use of city funds. If you think bringing in big development is the only way to grow the city's tax base, then you might think it makes sense to let developers do whatever they want and that her efforts are unnecessary. But I just think this gets back to the lack of creativity and insular nature of where we live. Other cities are simply doing it better because they have a different model of development. Van Wirt was a city planner and has lived other places. Based on her demonstrated capacity to get up to speed on issues quickly, she's also a voracious consumer of information. You can write her off as an elitist and claim she's out of touch because that's easier than dealing with the fact that she doesn't just blindly assume the way we've done things is the way we should always do things. Reynolds gets credit for demonstrated capacity to learn about and understand complicated issues. He and Van Wirt would be a great team and if she had been on council when he first was elected, I think this city would be in an entirely better spot. Incidentally, Van Wirt also has the support of a lot of "average citizens" on the south side, so I find the elitist claim entirely baseless. Historic preservation is not just about preserving pretty buildings. It's about preserving community and scale, and average citizens who live in historic districts appreciate that. We have an historic district on the south side too, filled with low income folks. They don't want developers destroying their community either. They support Van Wirt because she stands up to developers and understands small businesses, since she created and owns one. These are facts about her and they are demonstrated in her voting record.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.