Local Government TV

Friday, May 10, 2019

More About DiLuzio's Potential Conflict as DA

On Monday, I shared an advisory opinion written by one member of the Pa. Bar Association's Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee. It concludes that NorCo DA hopeful Nuria DiLuzio has a potential conflict of interest in prosecuting cases arising in Bethlehem, where her husband Mark is the police chief. What astonished me is that DiLuzio at a forum in Easton misrepresented that opinion. The Morning Call, which has since published its own story concerning this opinion, also hints that DiLuzio has been less than candid. As reporter Peter Hall observes, "DiLuzio did not make the ethics opinion public, nor did she mention its suggestion that she distance herself from prosecutions stemming from arrests by Bethlehem police by designating an assistant DA to handle them." That's what bothers me. I have my own problems with that opinion, but someone who wants to be a "minister of justice" has an obligation to be painfully honest. DiLuzio has failed in that category, both with the ethics opinion and in he numerous explanations about switching parties or her support for Donald Trump.

I originally thought very little of the opinion itself because the interests of prosecutor and police office are closely aligned. But I'm coming around.

Recently, Bethlehem police were called to visit a property in Bethlehem in response to a noise complaint. A woman answered the door, holding a bottle of booze in her hand. She assured officers that everyone at her house party were at least 21, and agreed to allow police to confirm that by going inside. They asked heto be r to step outside, and she did so.

After confirming that this woman had been truthful, Bethlehem police cited this party host for being on the sidewalk with an open container even though she was only complying with a police directive. It was a bullshit charge, deigned to harass this woman for having a loud party. The case never made it to a hearing, so far as I know, because DA John Morganelli directed that it be dismissed.

What would DA Nuria DiLuzio do? Would she dismiss a bad case or would she be concerned that it might embarrass her husband?

What about more serious matters? During his tenure as DA, John Morganelli has prosecuted about 40 police officers. He's referred about half as many to the state AG when he has known or worked with the officers. Would DiLuzio prosecute a bad Bethlehem cop if it embarrassed her husband or gave his department a bad eye?

Based on the dishonesty I've seen in her campaign, it's clear to me that she would misuse her office.


  1. Both candidates are playing some real hardball. It got ugly at the Easton Dem bash. Tense times.

  2. I think someone already said it.

  3. Anon 4:12 are you referring to last night at the Circle ? Dems need Harry S Truman type leadership before they dissolve like butter on a hot day. What I see is “other fractions “ infiltrate that party on the quize that they uphold Dem principals.

    1. Vote Republican, make Northampton County Great Again!

  4. "More About DiLuzio's Potential Conflict as DA"

    Wouldn't a better title have been "Dead horse, meet this blog"?

  5. Most have grown to accept these types of conflicts from their incestuous government. 71 million Americans work for government. Good luck trying to separate all the kissin' cousins. This is a big nothing burger in today's putrid political environment. It shouldn't be. But it is.

  6. WTF is going on with the Bethlehem and NorCo Democratic Party?

  7. Partisans here no shame.
    Any corrupt conflict can be launched off.

  8. "Based on the dishonesty I've seen in your blog, it's clear to me you would misuse it to smear those you disagree with".
    Fixed it for you.

  9. I have to laugh at Bernie's comment on Morganelli prosecuting cops. Yesterday he let a Palmer
    Township cop off the hook for his role in a fatal accident that killed another motorist. Morganelli won't say who had the green light so it's obvious the cop was wrong. How could it take seven months for an investigation? And why even have an investigation ? Morganelli should have turned this over to the State Attorney General for a neutral opinion. If Houck is elected the new D.A. is he also going to turn a blind eye to justice? My only hope now is that the victims family gets an award from Palmer Township so high that there isn't enough room on the check to fit all the zeros.

  10. In the Palmer case, it seems other cars stopped for the cruiser. It was probably the correct decision. But Morganelli should certainly have referred the case to the AG, let alone have been more forthright about the color of the traffic light. This was poor DA-ing.

  11. And this surprises you why, Bernie? Everyone that Lamont brought is above the law, including himself, he thinks. There will be more lawsuits while he reigns.

    One would think that a hospital has the utmost concern about getting patients healthier not sicker. In the same respect, one would think that when dealing with the courthouse, it is law abiding -- NOT! Can't wait to see McClure's/Dertinger's/Kelly's reign crumble. Ex: DUI, lies from DA hopeful, etc.

    No better than past County Executives.

  12. Hey, I see a conflict. Terry is posing here with his campaign handy man, woman abusing bum.


  13. why wouldn't the same conflict apply with her in the Public Defenders job. She is a member of the McClure Administration. This really speaks highly of his cabinet picks. You have a Dir. of Admin. who is trying to usurp the powers of the Election Board and goes out of his way to discredit anyone who disagrees with him, you have a Public Defender who is dishonest with the public and now wants to be DA, you have a finance Dir. who lobbies for unions and teaches on the side......etc etc. Get your head out of the sand Mr. Public.

  14. The State Police did the investigation of the Palmer cop who killed that man.

  15. When "conflicts" are the most talked about issue this year, where is the outrage on the biggest conflict of all, Morganelli donning a robe, and needing to recuse from the entire criminal docket? Protected mancrush hypocrisy.

  16. This is such a bad argument. This is like saying that if you are married to a nurse you would automatically assume that no mal-practice on the part of nursing staff. Or if you are married to a chef you would not critique their food fairly.

    What if we did what the ethics opinion says and screen her from Bethlehem cases when she gets elected. It's not hard and honestly would probably be more efficient.

  17. rain clouds in the sky "Could" rain today but may or may not. GUILTY!!!!!
    DEMOCRATS, Guilty until proven INNOCENT, RUSSIA!!!!

  18. Most professionals can keep their personal lives and professional lives separate. I think you might be projecting here a bit, Bernie.

  19. "Most professionals can keep their personal lives and professional lives separate."

    Underrated funniest comment on this thread.

  20. When it comes to crooked policing Chief Delusio doen"t need any help He is very good at covering up whatever He can just ask ask Dino Cantelmi....Under the orders of then Commisioner Miller NOE Chief Delusio made what could have been a very embarrasing accident go away so well when asked they all just laugh about and say what accident..considering that Mr. cantelmis girlfriend was injured and a Beth Police offer almost killed I'd say Chief Delusio can pretty much cover anything up without the help of His wife.......

    1. The corruption in NoCo is like an onion... just keep peeling back layers uncovering more... makes me sick... I hope the Feds are taking notes... cant wait to see all of them in handcuffs... time to launch a platform for victims of public corruption to compare evidence against these corrupt politicians... I for one have had enough!!!

  21. ”I have to laugh at Bernie's comment on Morganelli prosecuting cops.”

    Laugh away. He has prosecuted 40 cops in his career and referred half as many to the state AG. Yet uninformed assholes like you will insist the fix is in. I can only imagine that sentiment will grow far worse ifDiLuzio is elected.

  22. "DiLuzio should be Northampton County DA."
    -George Washington 1789

  23. I enjoy your take on things, as well as the research you seem to put into your posts, Bernie. I really wish, though, you were covering the Baptiste case because there seems to be a lot not being reported.

  24. Bernie. If it wasn't for your focus, initiative and doggedness, this race would be uncovered entirely. The only two articles from the MC have been pieces reacting to your investgative reporting. Perhaps the two papers are waiting till the race is over to offer anything to the public to use to exercise there informed right to vote.

  25. “So far as I know” — seems you know exactly what Houck wants you to know.
    Judges married to lawyers, no problem.
    Assistant District Attorneys married to police, no problem.
    District Attorneys unwillingly to call in the AG, no problem.
    Judges married to police chiefs, no problem.
    Only Nuria DiLuzio’s voice for change seems to upset your apple cart.

  26. Heard third hand that after the demo dinner a few of the voting machine fanatics went after a county council person.

  27. Oh my God! In response to 1:52:What change does Nuria offer? Is that code for she is a woman? As a lawyer who personally had cases dealing with Stacey Parks Miller( Google her) and Kathleen Kane( I hope you know who she his) the change a woman brings is not always desirable. Like any race, gender,sexual orientation of the individual candidate-it depends entirely on the competency of that individual. Anyone seeing this as a fresh faced, progressive,female candidate is as unfamiliar with Nuria Diluzio, as we're the unfortunate voters in Centre County and our Commonwealth when it elected the other two gender feel-good candidates.

  28. The corruption in NoCo is like an onion... just keep peeling back layers uncovering more... makes me sick... I hope the Feds are taking notes... cant wait to see all of them in handcuffs... time to launch a platform for victims of public corruption to compare evidence against these corrupt politicians... I for one have had enough!!!

  29. Whenever somebody disagrees with Bernie he automatically calls them an asshole. Face it Bernie, a Palmer cop was involved in a fatal on-duty accident. The NORCO DA interacts with the Palmer Township police from time to time. While the State Police did the investigation the final determination should have been done by a neutral party. And why did it take five to six months to make a determination? How long would it take if the average citizen was involved in a fatal accident ? The entire thing stinks.

  30. Bethlem Steelers Pig Roast is June 1, please do not attend with fake Irish Man Sam Murray Haddad !

  31. All I had to read was that she had a Trump sign in her yard. I refuse to vote for anybody associated in any way with Trump. She will not get my vote.

    1. I feel sorry for you. You sound like you've come down with a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    2. I feel sorry for you. You sound like you have lost all of your critical faculties and surrendered your will to the trump borg where thievery, ignorance, narcississism, xenophobia, racism and self dealing reign supreme.

  32. Soft-boiled Bernie changing his tune again. Is there any evidence she would uphold the charge of open container, or is it just a convenient assumption to prove your point? There is no basis in fact, only the meandering opinions of a blogger.

    Bernie O'HareJanuary 15, 2019 at 8:46 AM
    "Is it really a good idea to have a DA and police chief who are spouses? It seems like that could be a conflict of interest issue if there are problems in the police department."

    Since both DiLuzio and her husband would be in the business of prosecuting bad guys, there is no conflict. If one of those bad guys is a Bethlehem cop, the matter could be referred to the state AG, who has concurrent jurisdiction.

  33. John only pushed the slam dunk police prosecutions. He should have recused himself in the Palmer case. These cases dwarf the 40 mentioned. This was a terrible. He's feeling confident that he can do as he pleases. Civil law exists to protect citizens from incestuous DAs and get them some form of justice when the system's players fail in their responsibilities. I hope the settlement hurts. I expect it will.

  34. 11:56, I made clear in my story that view is that interests of da and cop are closely aligned. I still think that way but, upon further consideration, think that DuLuzio would be conflicted in cases tha have the potential to embarrass BPD or her husband. I gave an example.

  35. Bernie talks out both sides of his ass. He is against the wife of the Bethlehem police chief running for D.A. citing a possible conflict but at the same time he has no problem with the present D.A. clearing a Palmer Township cop in a fatal accident despite the fact that the D.A. sometimes works with officers of the same department. The decision should have been made by a neutral party. I really hope the Express Times writes an editorial on this.

  36. The car that pulled out in to this intersection was driven by a dude driver. He clearly was not paying attention and as result mixied inwith traffic and and Palmer Police Car. Police operator had emergency lights on and this operatiorr did not yeald. ,he must of driven into lane for passing after this cop had emergency lights on and the deceased made his right turn and after he turn right did not stay in his lane .That s how I see it.Unfortunate for both . But I observe lots of drivers and they are stupid. Example ,you can’t go thue ForksTown faster than 23 MPH going North all the way to Brandon Airport .pso don’t let the new people from Patterson ,N.J. Push you .Stay speed limit.

  37. hey, bob Ryan I reserved a seat for you at the pig roast

  38. Can't agree with that Pete. The cop is not automatically right.

  39. Yes:anon 4:50 I understand. Pa. Is a comparative negligence state. Police in emergency modes still have a standard of care to observe. Agreement on the cop is not automatically right. If you do the math over just one mile ,nobody really gets from point a.to point b.speeding evan emergency vehicle operators. At 60mph.one mile in 60 sec. (60mph x 1.47= 88.2 ft per sec ) 45 mph x1.47. = 66.15 ft per sec.and 80 sec. to cover distance . Lots of Safety and economic advantages in difference. The principal should be employed by school bus operators Evan though their speed is usually slower than 60 mph safe fuel ,brakes and gives everyone time to react. Good day for a duck .

  40. Read the article on the NorCo DA race on LVL's website today. At the end of the article, the run the background summary on the candidates. Education and Experience alone is a hands down pick. It is a no brainer.

  41. Bernie ,if you were not here on your blog , I can’t imagine what would be Nor Car politics. Like me or hate me , for example,you got to agree this web is first on stuff that matters here in Northampton County,Pa. 3days later you all get it on the local news.after they copy your report.
    So stay in shape to stay on blog . I’m going to drop a note at our mutual friend about something you My be interested in . And I sign my name without fearing anyone after buying 2,000 round s yeasterday for practice.

  42. hey Bob Ryan what do you want to eat at the pig roast?

  43. Oh yeah? What about the Lansdowne Inn?

  44. Doesn't matter. She's pro-Trump. Instantaneous and unequivocal no vote on her candidacy.

  45. Under that kind of logic, since her and her husband, the Chief of the Bethlehem Police, live in Bethlehem Township; her husband should not be the Chief of the BETHLEHEM Police Department because he doesn't live there.

  46. Anon 1:30, of course your logic is so bad it can't be discussed. The fact that most crime and about a third of county resident live in Bethlehem, it is a clear problem. You would essentially have to have two DA's. One for the county and one for Bethlehem. How long b3fore she comes to council asking for more staff.

    Of course there is too much conflict in the system. McClure pushed her candidacy, she would be his wife's boss and the Da would have a Bethlehem police chief as her husband.
    Enough with all the family connections. How could Donchez and Boscola pushed her knowing all this? Poor judgment. Bob, we are all disappointed. Many missteps with your directors and now this. Lisa sees herself as unbeatable for life.


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