Local Government TV

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Your Elected Officials in Action

It was tough to sit through yesterday's Committee meetings of Northampton County Council. In fact, after over two hours of nonsense, I got up and left. There were numerous questions about the Express Vote XL Voting machines recommended by a vast majority of election judges, the Elections Commission and the Lamont McClure administration. Most came from a point of absolute ignorance.

Council member Tara Zrinski, who walked in about an hour after the meeting had started, had baseless concerns that she said she read in some article she never identified.

But the most idiotic questions came from outgoing (thankfully) Council member Bob Werner. His wife is running to take his seat, though I've never seen her at a Council meeting.

What Werner did is mention another unidentified article about a voting machine that was purchased by some retiret member of Homeland Security or the KGB or something. According to Werner, this tecchie reverse engineered the machine and was able yo retrieve voting data.

His illogical argument is that if one voting machine is bad, it necessarily follows that they all are.

This is what we call a fallacy in logic class.

It was only toward the end of his questioning that Werner revealed that the machine in question is not the machine being considered by Council.

Council member Kevin Lott nearly fell out of his seat when Werner made that revelation.

In addition to faulty logic, Werner demanded that Administrator Charles Dertinger tell him whether the state could come along in the future and demand a different machine. He wanted a guarantee this would never happen.

How the hell can a county employee guarantee what the state will or won't do?

They were stupid questions about a good system that has been certified by the federal and state government. Werner at one point said the certification process was halted, but as it turns out, that was with a different system, too.

These are your elected representatives folks.


  1. Hey bernie, these are your people. You wanted them.

  2. Too many cold beverages for Werner/Weiner !

  3. Bernie you have to keep up with current affairs, Sandy dropped out of the race a along time ago.

  4. Bernie, I think Mrs.Werner is out . meaning withdrew from campaign. Also the cost of machines are enormous,unnecessary and unpredictable at purchase,seems absent baseline for comparison. Need Consumer Reports to do testing.

  5. Sandy Withdrew from race?

  6. this is an example of the politicians in this nation on all levels our system breeds this type of person who thinks they know how we should live when they are either corrupt or in over their heads.

  7. And Amy Cozze claims the ESS machine is infallible. That's quite a guarantee for the county to live up to.

  8. And in other news, relocated locals are enjoying there favorite flavored solid particulens in there water!

  9. What a disgraceful embarrassment. This is the dumbest council in county history. Seriously. They have no peers in this regard.

  10. Boeing 737MAX

    Does Boeing no about this logical fallacy thing?

  11. Tara Zrinski use to work at the UU Church and left as she was caught collecting a paycheck without actually working. Sounds like she is doing the same as council member as she is constantly showing up late. Taking money for doing nothing!

  12. Sam Murray fixed an All Star Vote for his Son Joseph !


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