Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Judge Zito to Resign June 1

Yesterday, I told you that I had just heard that Senior Judge Leonard Zito, a mainstay at the courthouse, was resigning on June 1 to return to private practice. Later that day, Judge Zito confirmed my report. He has also agreed to an interview concerning his years on the bench.

One reader took me to task. "Why not take the extra day to confirm the rumor?" this reader asks. "Isn't the truth more valuable than having your blog post scooped?"

Of course the truth is more valuable. That's why I reported I was unsure and would confirm this rumor as soon as possible. I decided to report the rumor, and as a rumor, for the following reasons:

First, I made clear that I would confirm the story, one way or the other.

Second, I know that reporting the rumor would be the quickest way of getting that truth. I have been blogging a long time, and have learned that it is often difficult to get answers without doing exactly what I did.

Third, I consider the matter significant. Judge Zito's absence is going to place a huge burden on the courts.


  1. You can't erase Jim Gregory and his story from history.

  2. @4:08
    History is something relevant and worth remembering.

  3. Judge Zito managed the criminal system with compassion,grace and a professional determination to move the system forward. His personality, attention to detail and his unwillingness to continue a case for years, reduced the prison population, brought rapid justice for victims, and reduced the criminal backlog the DA possessed.
    His efforts were recognized state wide!
    It will be interesting to see what jurist is assigned to fill his shoes. Mark his retirement and compare the statistics!
    Good luck Judge Zito! You will be a hard act to follow!

  4. BlackSox'sSam you really need to give it a rest. You are obviously jealous of Judge Murray and his son. How much longer are you going to make a fool of yourself on Bernie's blog. Did your son not make the team and that's why your jealous or do you just not like Judge Murray? Does your son know you continue to embarrass him?

  5. I am dismayed that Judge Zito has decided that he will be better off in the private sector than serving the people. However, the turn of the nation towards socialism is most likely a part of his decision. If I ever have need for legal services in the next ten or so years, he will rate far above on my list from the likes of Asteak, Lauer, et al. All should think about this when hiring an attorney.


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